Counting how many data that exist [SQL] - sql

im not sure about this question is already asked by anyone else or not yet because this is actually easy but my head is just still can't see the way out of this problem.
this is just like how many times that we do sampling at the material.
is it possible to create another column to show count of sample_tempt times?
i mean, if the tempt1 tempt2 data are exist, the column shows 2, when tempt2, tempt4 and tempt5 data are exist, the column show 3. and so on.
Thank you for helping me ^^
Sample :
Material no | Sample_Tempt1 | Sample_Tempt2 | Sample_Tempt3 | Sample_Tempt4 | Sample_Tempt5 |
PO1025 120 150 102
PO1026 122
For the PO1025, i want to create new column that generate "3" because the sample data that exist is only 3, for the PO1026 i want it generate "1" since the sample data that exist is only "1". quite simple right?

If "by exist" you mean "value is not NULL", then you can count the number of non-NULL values in each row as:
t1.Sample_Tempt1, t1.Sample_Tempt2, t1.Sample_Tempt3, t1.Sample_Tempt4, t1.Sample_Tempt5,
((case when t1.sample_temp1 is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when t1.sample_temp2 is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when t1.sample_temp3 is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when t1.sample_temp4 is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when t1.sample_temp5 is not null then 1 else 0 end)
) as NumTempts
Note that I introduced a table alias. This makes the query easier to write and to read.


Count number of + and - values based on another column

I am trying to get a simple count of all the negative and positive values of a specific column on my database. I want to be able to count these values based on another column. What would be the best way to go about handling this problem.
enter image description here
Something like this:
SUM(CASE WHEN column > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as count_positive,
SUM(CASE WHEN column < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as count_negative
You must put the column name, table name, and decide whether 0 is positive, negative or excluded (my choice)

Troubleshooting Errors with Two SUMs

I have a table, it's going to be used for a supplier scorecard, with eleven different fields that can be assigned a value of 1-5. Null values are allowed.
I need to write a query that will calculate the average of the fields that are filled out by each row. In other words, I might be dividing TOTAL by 11 in one row, and dividing TOTAL by 5 in another.
I'm working with this query:
case when cf$_environmental is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_inspections is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_invoice_process is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_ncr is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_on_time_delivery is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_qms is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_safety is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_schedule is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_scope_of_work is not null then 1 else 0 end +
case when cf$_turn_times is not null then 1 else 0 end) --as "average"
from supplier_scorecard_clv
group by cf$_vendor_no, cf$_party, cf$_environmental, cf$_inspections, cf$_invoice_process, cf$_ncr, cf$_on_time_delivery, cf$_qms, cf$_safety, cf$_schedule, cf$_scope_of_work, cf$_turn_times
And, it almost works.
The first SUM in my code will add the values in each row to give me a total. I get a total 25 for the first FARW002 row, I get 6 for the second, and 12 for the third.
The second SUM in my code works as well. I get a count of 6 for my first FARW002 row, 2 for my second, and 3 for my third.
However, when I try to combine these, like in the code snippet above, I get a "ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected" error and I'm not sure why.
So, this is stupid but here's what the problem ended up being:
When I changed the code to this - really I was just dicking around - it worked:
So, something about having the / and SUM separated from the rest of the query - which I only do to make the code more readable for me - was causing the issue.
Thanks for nothing Juan!

Dynamically setting Where condition in query

I am looking for a method where I need to have conditions on my WHERE clause change dynamically based on the data.
Please find the mock data for my scenario.
ConditionID ConditionName
1 N/A
2 Over
3 Under
ID Amount ThresholdAmount ConditionID
1 90 100 3
2 190 100 2
3 90 100 2
4 190 100 3
5 90 100 1
I need to compare the [Amount] against the [ThresholdAmount] based on the [ConditionID]. For example if the condition is 'Over' then the [Amount] should be over the [ThresholdAmount] and if not satisfied then the record should be filtered out.
NOTE: I am just looking if there is any better approach than mine.
My Approach:
1 = CASE
WHEN ConditionName = 'OVER' THEN
CASE WHEN ([Amount] >= [ThresholdAmount]) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
WHEN ConditionName = 'UNDER' THEN
CASE WHEN ([Amount] <= [ThresholdAmount]) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
WHEN ConditionName = 'N/A' THEN
I think you are using the word "Dynamically" wrong here, what you mean is not really dynamic. Search for dynamic sql to get a feel for the difference.
It's usually best to avoid case expressions in the where clause. Your where clause can be rewritten as:
WHERE (ConditionName = 'OVER' AND [Amount] >= [ThresholdAmount])
OR (ConditionName = 'UNDER' AND [Amount] <= [ThresholdAmount])
OR ConditionName = 'N/A'
By the way, you mention "if the condition is 'Over' then the [Amount] should be over the [ThresholdAmount]", but in your code you check whether Amount is 'over' or equal to ThresholdAmount. I followed what your code does.
I also extended your assumption that the database is case-insensitive.

Converting Column Headers to Row elements

I have 2 tables I am combining and that works but I think I designed the second table wrong as I have a column for each item of what really is a multiple choice question. The query is this:
select Count(n.ID) as MemCount, u.Pay1Click, u.PayMailCC, u.PayMailCheck, u.PayPhoneACH, u.PayPhoneCC, u.PayWuFoo
from name as n inner join
UD_Demo_ORG as u on n.ID = u.ID
where n.MEMBER_TYPE like 'ORG_%' and n.CATEGORY not like '%_2' and
(u.Pay1Click = '1' or u.PayMailCC = '1' or u.PayMailCheck = '1' or u.PayPhoneACH = '1' or u.PayPhoneCC = '1' or u.PayWuFoo = '1')
group by u.Pay1Click, u.PayMailCC, u.PayMailCheck, u.PayPhoneACH, u.PayPhoneCC, u.PayWuFoo
The results come up like this:
Count Pay1Click PayMailCC PayMailCheck PayPhoneACH PayPhoneCC PayWuFoo
8 0 0 0 0 0 1
25 0 0 0 0 1 0
8 0 0 0 1 0 0
99 0 0 1 0 0 0
11 0 1 0 0 0 0
So the question is, how can I get this to 2 columns, Count and then the headers of the next 6 headers so the results look like this:
Count PaymentType
8 PayWuFoo
25 PayPhoneCC
8 PayPhoneACH
99 PayMailCheck
11 PayMailCC
Try this one
Select Count,
CASE WHEN Pay1Click=1 THEN 'Pay1Click'
PayMailCC=1 THEN ' PayMailCC'
PayMailCheck=1 THEN 'PayMailCheck'
PayPhoneACH=1 THEN 'PayPhoneACH'
PayPhoneCC=1 THEN 'PayPhoneCC'
PayWuFoo=1 THEN 'PayWuFoo'
END as PaymentType
FROM ......
I think indeed you made a mistake in the structure of the second table. Instead of creating a row for each multiple choice question, i would suggest transforming all those columns to a 'answer' column, so you would have the actual name of the alternative as the record in that column.
But for this, you have to change the structure of your tables, and change the way the table is populated. you should get the name of the alternative checked and put it into your table.
More on this, you could care for repetitive data in your table, so writing over and over again the same string could make your table grow larger.
if there are other things implied to the answer, other informations in the UD_Demo_ORG table, then you can normalize the table, creating a payment_dimension table or something like this, give your alternatives an ID such as
ID PaymentType OtherInfo(description, etc)...
1 PayWuFoo ...
2 PayPhoneCC ...
3 PayPhoneACH ...
4 PayMailCheck ...
5 PayMailCC ...
This is called a dimension table, and then in your records, you would have the ID of the payment type, and not the information you don't need.
So instead of a big result set, maybe you could simplify by much your query and have just
Count PaymentId
8 1
25 2
8 3
99 4
11 5
as a result set. it would make the query faster too, and if you need other information, you can then join the table and get it.
BUT if the only field you would have is the name, perhaps you could use the paymentType as the "id" in this case... just consider it. It is scalable if you separate to a dimension table.
Some references for further reading: "Normalization in DBMS" "Differences between fact tables and dimensions tables"

SQL How to Count Number of Specific Values in a Row

Lets say I have a table that has 50 Fields. 20 of those fields can contain the Value "YES" "NO" or "N/A". How do I query the number of "YES"s for a given row?
You write a long statement that adds up the values:
select ((case when value1 = 'Yes' then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when value2 = 'Yes' then 1 else 0 end) +
. . .
(case when value50 = 'Yes' then 1 else 0 end)
) as NumYesses
This would be much easier if you normalized the data, so each value was in a separate row. You would do this by having a separate table, called a junction or association table.
Also, you can generate this code in a spreadsheet, such as Excel, by using formulas on the columns names (or by writing a query that uses metadata in your database).
Note: this is generic ANSI SQL, because you don't specify the database. There may be some shortcuts to writing the code in different databases.