Create rule to restrict special characters in table in sql server - sql

I want to create a rule to restrict special characters to be entered into a column.
I have tried the following. But it didnt work.
CREATE RULE rule_spchar
#make LIKE '%[^[^*|\":<>[]{}`\( );#&$]+$]%'
I dont know what I am doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.

Your can create a Check Constraint on this column and only allow Numbersand Alphabets to be inserted in this column, see below:
Check Constraint to only Allow Numbers & Alphabets
ADD CONSTRAINT ck_No_Special_Characters
CHECK (Column_Name NOT LIKE '%[^A-Z0-9]%')
Check Constraint to only Allow Numbers
ADD CONSTRAINT ck_Only_Numbers
CHECK (Column_Name NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%')
Check Constraint to only Allow Alphabets
ADD CONSTRAINT ck_Only_Alphabets
CHECK (Column_Name NOT LIKE '%[^A-Z]%')

It's important to remember Microsoft's plans for the features you're using or intending to use. CREATE RULE is a deprecated feature that won't be around for long. Consider using CHECK CONSTRAINT instead.
Also, since the character exclusion class doesn't actually operate like a RegEx, trying to exclude brackets [] is impossible this way without multiple calls to LIKE. So collating to an accent-insensitive collation and using an alphanumeric inclusive filter will be more successful. More work required for non-latin alphabets.
M.Ali's NOT LIKE '%[^A-Z0-9 ]%' Should serve well.

M.Ali's answer represents the best practice for the solution you describe. That being said, I read your question differently(i.e What is wrong with they way you're implementing the like comparison.)
You are not properly escaping wildcard characters.
The expression 'AB' LIKE '%[AB]% is true. The expression 'ZB' LIKE '%[^AB]%' is also true, since that statement is the equivalent of 'Z' LIKE '[^AB]' OR 'A' LIKE '[^AB]' Instead, you should use 'YZ' NOT LIKE '%[^AB]%' which is the equivalent of 'Y' NOT LIKE '%[^AB]%' AND 'Z' NOT LIKE '%[^AB]%'
You didn't escape the single quote or invisible characters. Take a look at the the ASCII characters. You would be better served implementing a solution like M.Ali's and adding any characters you do not wish to exclude.
The following script demonstrates the formation of a complex wildcard statement that consists of special characters.
-- Create sample data
-- Experiment testing various characters
DECLARE #temp TABLE (id INT NOT NULL, string1 varchar(10) NOT NULL)
SELECT 1, '12]34'
SELECT 2, '12[34'
SELECT 3, '12_34'
SELECT 4, '12%34'
SELECT 5, '12]34'
DECLARE #SQL_Wildcard_Characters VARCHAR(512),
#Count_SQL_Wildcard_Characters INT,
#Other_Special_Characters VARCHAR(255),
#Character_Position INT,
#Escape_Character CHAR(1),
#Complete_Wildcard_Expression VARCHAR(1024)
SET #Character_Position = 1
-- Note these need to be escaped:
SET #SQL_Wildcard_Characters = '[]^%_'
-- Choose an escape character.
SET #Escape_Character = '~'
-- I added the single quote (') ASCII 39 and the space ( ) ASCII 32.
-- You could also add the actual characters, but this approach may make it easier to read.
SET #Other_Special_Characters = '*|\":<>{}`\();#&$' + CHAR(39) + CHAR(32)
-- Quick loop to escape the #SQL_Wildcard_Characters
SET #Count_SQL_Wildcard_Characters = LEN(#SQL_Wildcard_Characters)
WHILE #Character_Position < 2*#Count_SQL_Wildcard_Characters
SET #SQL_Wildcard_Characters = STUFF(#SQL_Wildcard_Characters,#Character_Position,0,#Escape_Character)
SET #Character_Position = #Character_Position + 2
-- Concatenate the respective strings
SET #Complete_Wildcard_Expression = #SQL_Wildcard_Characters+#Other_Special_Characters
-- Shows how the statment works for match
SELECT ID, string1, #Complete_Wildcard_Expression AS [expression]
FROM #temp
WHERE string1 LIKE '%['+#Complete_Wildcard_Expression+']%' ESCAPE #Escape_Character
-- Show how the statement works fo non-match
SELECT ID, string1, #Complete_Wildcard_Expression AS [expression]
FROM #temp
WHERE string1 NOT LIKE '%[^'+#Complete_Wildcard_Expression+']%' ESCAPE #Escape_Character

CREATE FUNCTION udf_checkspecial_characters(#String varchar(MAX))
SELECT #Result=(CASE WHEN #String COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN LIKE '%[(<~!#/#$%^&>)]%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END);
RETURN #Result;


How to replace all special characters in string

I have a table with the following columns:
- Id
- Name
- InfoCode
Now I need to update the above table's InfoCode as
Update dbo.SomeInfo
Set InfoCode= REPLACE(Replace(RTRIM(LOWER(Name)),' ','-'),':','')
This replaces all spaces with - & lowercase the name
When I do check the InfoCode, I see there are Names with some special characters like
Cathe Friedrich''s Low Impact
Jillian Michaels: Cardio
Then I am manually writing the update sql against this as
Update dbo.SomeInfo
SET InfoCode= 'cathe-friedrichs-low-impact'
where Name ='Cathe Friedrich''s Low Impact '
Now, this solution is not realistic for me. I checked the following links related to Regex & others around it.
UPDATE and REPLACE part of a string
But none of them is hitting the requirement.
What I need is if there is any character other [a-z0-9] replace it - & also there should not be continuous -- in InfoCode
The above Update sql has set some values of InfoCode as the-dancer's-workout®----starter-package
Some Names have value as
Sleek Technique™
The Dancer's-workout®
How can I write Update sql that could handle all such special characters?
Using NGrams8K you could split the string into characters and then rather than replacing every non-acceptable character, retain only certain ones:
SELECT (SELECT '' + CASE WHEN N.token COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN LIKE '[A-z0-9]'THEN token ELSE '-' END
FROM dbo.NGrams8k(V.S,1) N
ORDER BY position
FROM (VALUES('Sleek Technique™'),('The Dancer''s-workout®'))V(S);
I use COLLATE here as on my default collation in my instance the '™' is ignored, therefore I use a binary collation. You may want to use COLLATE to switch the string back to its original collation outside of the subquery.
This approach is fully inlinable:
First we need a mock-up table with some test data:
('Cathe Friedrich''s Low Impact')
,('Jillian Michaels: Cardio')
,('Sleek Technique™')
,('The Dancer''s-workout®');
--This is the query
SELECT 1 AS position
,LOWER(si.InfoCode) AS SourceText
,SUBSTRING(LOWER(si.InfoCode),1,1) AS OneChar
FROM #SomeInfo si
SELECT cte.position +1
,SUBSTRING(LOWER(cte.SourceText),cte.position+1,1) AS OneChar
FROM cte
WHERE position < DATALENGTH(SourceText)
,Cleaned AS
OR ASCII(cte2.OneChar) BETWEEN 97 AND 122--a-z
OR ASCII(cte2.OneChar) BETWEEN 48 AND 57 --0-9
--You can easily add more ranges
THEN cte2.OneChar ELSE '-'
--You can easily nest another CASE to deal with special characters like the single quote in your examples...
FROM cte AS cte2
WHERE cte2.Id=cte.Id
ORDER BY cte2.position
) AS normalised
FROM cte
,NoDoubleHyphens AS
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(normalised,'-','<>'),'><',''),'<>','-') AS normalised2
FROM Cleaned
SELECT CASE WHEN RIGHT(normalised2,1)='-' THEN SUBSTRING(normalised2,1,LEN(normalised2)-1) ELSE normalised2 END AS FinalResult
FROM NoDoubleHyphens;
The first CTE will recursively (well, rather iteratively) travers down the string, character by character and a return a very slim set with one row per character.
The second CTE will then GROUP the Ids. This allows for a correlated sub-query, where the actual check is performed using ASCII-ranges. FOR XML PATH('') is used to re-concatenate the string. With SQL-Server 2017+ I'd suggest to use STRING_AGG() instead.
The third CTE will use a well known trick to get rid of multiple occurances of a character. Take any two characters which will never occur in your string, I use < and >. A string like a--b---c will come back as a<><>b<><><>c. After replacing >< with nothing we get a<>b<>c. Well, that's it...
The final SELECT will cut away a trailing hyphen. If needed you can add similar logic to get rid of a leading hyphen. With v2017+ There was TRIM('-') to make this easier...
The result
You can create a User-Defined-Function for something like that.
Then use the UDF in the update.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].LowerDashString (#str varchar(255))
RETURNS varchar(255)
DECLARE #result varchar(255);
DECLARE #chr varchar(1);
DECLARE #pos int;
SET #result = '';
SET #pos = 1;
-- lowercase the input and remove the single-quotes
SET #str = REPLACE(LOWER(#str),'''','');
-- loop through the characters
-- while replacing anything that's not a letter to a dash
WHILE #pos <= LEN(#str)
SET #chr = SUBSTRING(#str, #pos, 1)
IF #chr LIKE '[a-z]' SET #result += #chr;
ELSE SET #result += '-';
SET #pos += 1;
-- SET #result = TRIM('-' FROM #result); -- SqlServer 2017 and beyond
-- multiple dashes to one dash
WHILE #result LIKE '%--%' SET #result = REPLACE(#result,'--','-');
RETURN #result;
Example snippet using the function:
-- using a table variable for demonstration purposes
declare #SomeInfo table (Id int primary key identity(1,1) not null, InfoCode varchar(100) not null);
-- sample data
insert into #SomeInfo (InfoCode) values
('Cathe Friedrich''s Low Impact'),
('Jillian Michaels: Cardio'),
('Sleek Technique™'),
('The Dancer''s-workout®');
update #SomeInfo
set InfoCode = dbo.LowerDashString(InfoCode)
where (InfoCode LIKE '%[^A-Z-]%' OR InfoCode != LOWER(InfoCode));
select *
from #SomeInfo;
Id InfoCode
-- -----------------------------
1 cathe-friedrichs-low-impact
2 coffeyfit-cardio-box-burn
3 jillian-michaels-cardio
4 sleek-technique-
5 the-dancers-workout-

� IN SQL Server database

in my database I have this char �. I want to locate them with a query
Select *
from Sometable
where somecolumn like '%�%'
this gets me no result.
I think it is ANSI encoding
use N like below
where col like N'%�%'
why do you think ,you need N prefix:
Prefix Unicode character string constants with the letter N. Without the N prefix, the string is converted to the default code page of the database. This default code page may not recognize certain characters.
Thanks to Martin Smith,Earlier i tested only with one character earlier and it worked,but as Martin pointed out, it returns all characters..
Below query works and returns only intended
select * from #demo where id like N'%�%'
COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN
create table #demo
id nvarchar(max)
insert into #demo
( N'�')
to know more about unicode,please see below links
This is the Unicode replacement character symbol.
It could match any of 2,048 invalid code points in the UCS-2 encoding (or the single character U+FFFD for the symbol itself).
You can use a range and a binary collate clause to match them all (demo).
FROM master..spt_values v1,
master..spt_values v2
WHERE N LIKE '%[' + NCHAR(65533) + NCHAR(55296) + '-' + NCHAR(57343) + ']%' COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN
You can use ASCII to find out the ascii code for that char
Select ascii('�')
And use CHAR to retrieve the char from that code and combine it in a LIKE expression
Select * from Sometable
where somecolumn like '%'+CHAR(63)+'%'
Note the collation you use can affect the result. Also it depends on the encoding used by your application to feed your data (UTF-8, UNICODE, etc). also how you store it VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR has a last say on what you see.
There's more here in this similar question
try this simple test:
create table sometable(somecolumn nvarchar(100) not null)
insert into sometable
select * from sometable
where somecolumn like '%'+CHAR(63)+'%'
This only means that character was stored win the as a "?" in this test.
When you see a � it means the app where you are seeing isn't quite sure what to print out.
It also mean OP probably needs to find out what char is that using a query.
Also note it means a string outputted like ��� can be 3 formed by different characters.
CHAR(63) was just an example, but you are right this in the ASCII table will be a standard interrogation.
Not with time right now to deep dig in it but the below test don't worked
Select ascii('�'), CHAR(ascii('�')), UNICODE(N'�'), CHAR(UNICODE(N'�'))
create table sometable(somecolumn nvarchar(100) not null)
insert into sometable
select * from sometable
where somecolumn like '%'+CHAR(63)+'%'
select * from sometable
where somecolumn like '%'+NCHAR(UNICODE(N'�'))+'%'

SQL Server 2012: Remove text from end of string

I'm new to SQL so please forgive me if I use incorrect terminology and my question sounds confused.
I've been tasked with writing a stored procedure which will be sent 3 variables as strings (varchar I think). I need to take two of the variables and remove text from the end of the variable and only from the end.
The strings/text I need to remove from the end of the variables are
For example this string
Global Widgets LLC
would become
Global Widgets
However it should only apply once so
Global Widgets Corporation LLC
Should become
Global Widgets Corporation
I then need to use the altered variables to do a SQL query.
This is to be used as a backup for an integration piece we have which makes a callout to another system. The other system takes the same variables and uses Regex to remove the strings from the end of variables.
I've tried different combinations of PATINDEX, SUBSTRING, REPLACE, STUFF but cannot seem to come up with something that will do the job.
Edit: I want to thank everyone for the answers provided so far, but I left out some information that I didn't think was important but judging by the answers seems like it would affect the processing.
My proc will start something like
ALTER PROC [dbo].[USP_MyDatabaseTable] #variableToBeAltered nvarchar(50)
I will then need to remove all , and . characters. I've already figured out how to do this. I will then need to do the processing on #variableToBeAltered (technically there will be two variables) to remove the strings I listed previously. I must then remove all spaces from #variableToBeAltered. (Again I figured that part out). Then finally I will use #variableToBeAltered in my SQL query something like
SELECT [field1] AS myField
,[field2] AS myOtherField
FROM [MyData].[dbo].[MyDatabaseTable]
WHERE [field1] = (#variableToBeAltered);
I hope this information is more useful.
I'd keep all of your suffixes in a table to make this a little easier. You can then perform code like this either within a query or against a variable.
DECLARE #company_name VARCHAR(50) = 'Global Widgets Corporation LLC'
DECLARE #Suffixes TABLE (suffix VARCHAR(20))
INSERT INTO #Suffixes (suffix) VALUES ('LLC'), ('CO'), ('CORP'), ('CORPORATION'), ('COMPANY'), ('LP'), ('LTD'), ('LIMITED')
SELECT #company_name = SUBSTRING(#company_name, 1, LEN(#company_name) - LEN(suffix))
FROM #Suffixes
WHERE #company_name LIKE '%' + suffix
SELECT #company_name
The keys here are that you are only matching with strings that end in the suffix and it uses SUBSTRING rather than REPLACE to avoid accidentally removing copies of any of the suffixes from the middle of the string.
The #Suffixes table is a table variable here, but it makes more sense for you to just create it and fill it as a permanent table.
The query will just find the one row (if any) that matches its suffix with the end of your string. If a match is found then the variable will be set to a substring with the length of the suffix removed from the end. There will usually be a trailing space, but for a VARCHAR that will just get dropped off.
There are still a couple of potential issues to be aware of though...
First, if you have a company name like "Watco" then the "co" would be a false positive here. I'm not sure what can be done about that other than maybe making your suffixes include a leading space.
Second, if one suffix ends with one of your other suffixes then the ordering that they get applied could be a problem. You could get around this by only applying the row with the greatest length for suffix, but it gets a little more complicated, so I've left that out for now.
Building on the answer given by Tom H, but applying across the entire table:
set nocount on;
declare #suffixes table(tag nvarchar(20));
insert into #suffixes values('co');
insert into #suffixes values('corp');
insert into #suffixes values('corporation');
insert into #suffixes values('company');
insert into #suffixes values('lp');
insert into #suffixes values('llc');
insert into #suffixes values('ltd');
insert into #suffixes values('limited');
declare #companynames table(entry nvarchar(100),processed bit default 0);
insert into #companynames values('somecompany llc',0);
insert into #companynames values('business2 co',0);
insert into #companynames values('business3',0);
insert into #companynames values('business4 lpx',0);
while exists(select * from #companynames where processed = 0)
declare #currentcompanyname nvarchar(100) = (select top 1 entry from #companynames where processed = 0);
update #companynames set processed = 1 where entry = #currentcompanyname;
update #companynames
set entry = SUBSTRING(entry, 1, LEN(entry) - LEN(tag))
from #suffixes
where entry like '%' + tag
select * from #companynames
You can use a query like below:
-- Assuming that you can maintain all patterns in a table or a temp table
CREATE TABLE tbl(pattern varchar(100))
INSERT INTO tbl values
--#a stores the string you need to manipulate, #lw & #b are variables to aid
DECLARE #a nvarchar(100), #b nvarchar(100), #lw varchar(100)
SET #a='alpha beta gamma'
SET #b=''
-- #t is a flag
DECLARE #t int
SET #t=0
-- Below is a loop
WHILE(#t=0 OR LEN(#a)=0 )
-- Store the current last word in the #lw variable
SET #lw=reverse(substring(reverse(#a),1, charindex(' ', reverse(#a)) -1))
-- check if the word is in pattern dictionary. If yes, then Voila!
SELECT #t=1 FROM tbl WHERE #lw like pattern
-- remove the last word from #a
SET #a=LEFT(#a,LEN(#a)-LEN(#lw))
IF (#t<>1)
-- all words which were not pattern are joined back onto this stack
SET #b=CONCAT(#lw,#b)
-- get back the remaining word
SET #a=CONCAT(#a,#b)
drop table tbl
Do note that this method overcomes Tom's problem of
if you have a company name like "Watco" then the "co" would be a false positive here. I'm not sure what can be done about that other than maybe making your suffixes include a leading space.
use the replace function in SQL 2012,
declare #var1 nvarchar(20) = 'ACME LLC'
declare #var2 nvarchar(20) = 'LLC'
WHEN ((PATINDEX('%'+#var2+'%',#var1) <= (LEN(#var1)-LEN(#var2)))
Or (SUBSTRING(#var1,PATINDEX('%'+#var2+'%',#var1)-1,1) <> SPACE(1)))
THEN #var1
Here is another way to overcome the 'Runco Co' situation.
declare #var1 nvarchar(20) = REVERSE('Runco Co')
declare #var2 nvarchar(20) = REVERSE('Co')
CASE WHEN(CHARINDEX(' ',#var1) > LEN(#var2)) THEN

SQL Server 2008 query to find rows containing non-alphanumeric characters in a column

I was actually asked this myself a few weeks ago, whereas I know exactly how to do this with a SP or UDF but I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of doing this without these methods. I'm assuming that there is and I just can't find it.
A point I need to make is that although we know what characters are allowed (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) we don't want to specify what is not allowed (##!$ etc...). Also, we want to pull the rows which have the illegal characters so that it can be listed to the user to fix (as we have no control over the input process we can't do anything at that point).
I have looked through SO and Google previously, but was unable to find anything that did what I wanted. I have seen many examples which can tell you if it contains alphanumeric characters, or doesn't, but something that is able to pull out an apostrophe in a sentence I have not found in query form.
Please note also that values can be null or '' (empty) in this varchar column.
Won't this do it?
use tempdb
create table mytable ( mycol varchar(40) NULL)
insert into mytable VALUES ('abcd')
insert into mytable VALUES ('ABCD')
insert into mytable VALUES ('1234')
insert into mytable VALUES ('efg%^&hji')
insert into mytable VALUES (NULL)
insert into mytable VALUES ('')
insert into mytable VALUES ('apostrophe '' in a sentence')
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mycol LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%'
drop table mytable
apostrophe ' in a sentence
Sql server has very limited Regex support. You can use PATINDEX with something like this
Have a look at PATINDEX (Transact-SQL)
and Pattern Matching in Search Conditions
I found this page with quite a neat solution. What makes it great is that you get an indication of what the character is and where it is. Then it gives a super simple way to fix it (which can be combined and built into a piece of driver code to scale up it's application).
DECLARE #tablename VARCHAR(1000) ='Schema.Table'
DECLARE #columnname VARCHAR(100)='ColumnName'
DECLARE #counter INT = 0
WHILE #counter <=255
SET #sql=
'SELECT TOP 10 '+#columnname+','+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+' as CharacterSet, CHARINDEX(CHAR('+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+'),'+#columnname+') as LocationOfChar
FROM '+#tablename+'
WHERE CHARINDEX(CHAR('+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+'),'+#columnname+') <> 0'
PRINT (#sql)
EXEC (#sql)
SET #counter = #counter + 1
and then...
UPDATE Schema.Table
SET ColumnName= REPLACE(Columnname,CHAR(13),'')
Credit to Ayman El-Ghazali.
SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE COL_NAME LIKE '%[^0-9a-zA-Z $#$.$-$''''$,]%'
This works best for me when I'm trying to find any special characters in a string

What is the easiest way using T-SQL / MS-SQL to append a string to existing table cells?

I have a table with a 'filename' column.
I recently performed an insert into this column but in my haste forgot to append the file extension to all the filenames entered. Fortunately they are all '.jpg' images.
How can I easily update the 'filename' column of these inserted fields (assuming I can select the recent rows based on known id values) to include the '.jpg' extension?
The solution is:
UPDATE tablename SET [filename] = RTRIM([filename]) + '.jpg' WHERE id > 50
RTRIM is required because otherwise the [filename] column in its entirety will be selected for the string concatenation i.e. if it is a varchar(20) column and filename is only 10 letters long then it will still select those 10 letters and then 10 spaces. This will in turn result in an error as you try to fit 20 + 3 characters into a 20 character long field.
MattMitchell's answer is correct if the column is a CHAR(20), but is not true if it was a VARCHAR(20) and the spaces hadn't been explicitly entered.
If you do try it on a CHAR field without the RTRIM function you will get a "String or binary data would be truncated" error.
Nice easy one I think.
update MyTable
set filename = filename + '.jpg'
where ...
Edit: Ooh +1 to #MattMitchell's answer for the rtrim suggestion.
If the original data came from a char column or variable (before being inserted into this table), then the original data had the spaces appended before becoming a varchar.
DECLARE #Name char(10), #Name2 varchar(10)
#Name = 'Bob',
#Name2 = 'Bob'
CASE WHEN #Name2 = #Name THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as Equal,
CASE WHEN #Name2 like #Name THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as Similiar
Life Lesson : never use char.
I wanted to adjust David B's "Life Lesson". I think it should be "never use char for variable length string values" -> There are valid uses for the char data type, just not as many as some people think :)
The answer to the mystery of the trailing spaces can be found in the ANSI_PADDING
For more information visit: SET ANSI_PADDING (Transact-SQL)
The default is ANSI_PADDIN ON. This will affect the column only when it is created but not to existing columns.
Before you run the update query, verify your data. It could have been compromised.
Run the following query to find compromised rows:
FROM tablename
WHERE LEN(RTRIM([filename])) > 46
-- The column size varchar(50) minus 4 chars
-- for the needed file extension '.jpg' is 46.
These rows either have lost some characters or there is not enough space for adding the file extension.