I have following tables in APEX A and B.
A has columns:
B has columns:
I want to update the VALUE column in table A in rows where ID_A equals ID_A_FK in selected rows from table B where ID_C_FK equal x
For example: A has rows (
ID_A value
1 1
2 1
3 0
4 0
5 0
Table B has rows
8 4
9 4
9 5
I want to update VALUE in table A only for those rows that have ID_A in rows selected from B and condition to select rows from B is that ID_C_FK equals x = 9; and as a result, table A should end up having rows:
ID_A value
1 1
2 1
3 0
4 1
5 1
How to write such update in PL/SQL?
Thank you for considering my request.

I think this is what you want:
update a
set value = 1
where exists (select 1
from b
where b.id_a_fk = a.id_a and b.id_c_fk = 9


Duplicate rows with no primary key keep 1 row postgresql

What is THE way to remove completely identical rows from a table with 2 columns and keep 1 row? (DISTINCT only works on 1 column)
Var1 Var2
1 a
1 a
1 a
2 a
2 b
Desired output table
Var1 Var2
1 a
2 a
2 b
SELECT DISTINCT var1,var2 FROM tabel_name

sqlite delete all results where column a and column b is not in first n items

Lets say I have the following table
a b c
1 1 5
1 2 3
4 1 2
1 2 4
4 2 10
And I want to delete all rows where none of the first n rows has the same value in a and b as that row.
So for example the resulting tables for various n's would be
n = 1
a b c
1 1 5
// No row other than the first has a 1 in a, and a 1 in b
n = 2
a b c
1 1 5
1 2 3
1 2 4
// The fourth row has the same values in a and b as the second, so it is not deleted. The first 2 rows of course match themselves so are not deleted
n = 3
a b c
1 1 5
1 2 3
4 1 2
1 2 4
// The fourth row has the same values in a and b as the second, so it is not deleted. The first 3 rows of course match themselves so are not deleted
n = 4
a b c
1 1 5
1 2 3
4 1 2
1 2 4
// The first 4 rows of course match themselves so are not deleted. The fifth row does not have the same value in both a and b as any of the first 4 rows, so is deleted.
I've been trying to work out how to do this using a not in or a not exists, but since I'm interested in two columns matching not just 1 or the whole record, I'm struggling.
Since you are not defining a specific order, the result is not completely defined, but depends on arbitrary choices of implementation regarding which rows are computed first in the limit clause. A different SQLite version for example may give you a different result. With that being said, I believe that you want the following query:
select t1.* from table1 t1,
(select distinct t2.a, t2.b from table1 t2 limit N) tabledist
where t1.a=tabledist.a and t1.b=tabledist.b;
where you should replace N with the desired number of rows
EDIT: So, to delete directly from the existing table you need something like:
with toremove(a, b, c) as
(select * from table1 tt
EXCEPT select t1.* from table1 t1,
(select distinct t2.a, t2.b from table1 t2 limit N) tabledist
where t1.a=tabledist.a and t1.b=tabledist.b)
delete from table1 where exists
(select * from toremove
where table1.a=toremove.a and table1.b=toremove.b and table1.c=toremove.c);

SQL Inner Join and Partitioning To obtain RowNumbers when matching

I have 2 tables. The first table 'a' the second 'b'.
I am writing a query that grabs every row in table a (there is 33 rows defined) and inner joins table b where the EnclLocation or the BackPanLoc match the Workcell in table A.
I only want a row from table B where they match based off BackPan and EnclLocation but they are not the same records. table b has a few rows of data that is assigned to the same workcell as table a. I am just trying to retrieve those additional rows and partition it.
I attached table a and table b. I also attached the desired results for this query with respect to Workcell 10 only as an example... As you can see, table B has 4 records that has either the EnclLocation or the BackPanLoc = 10. But my results only show the same DelvNumber 4 times. any help is most appreicated.
Table a
Table b
Incorrect Results
Desired Results (showing only Workcell 10 as an example)
workcell DelvNumber RowNum
1 447910-02 1
2 445710-01 1
2 445710-01 2
3 444291-01 1
3 444291-01 2
4 447910-03 1
4 447910-03 2
5 648020-01 1
6 647800-02 1
7 646920-01 1
7 646920-01 2
8 644830-4-8 1
8 644830-4-8 2
9 443990-01 1
10 645960-01-03 1
10 445710-11 2
10 445710-02 3
10 445710-09 4
Code Used
partition BY a.workcell
ORDER BY a.workcell) AS rownum
FROM nwcurrent a
INNER JOIN nwdeliverables b
ON b.encllocation = a.workcell
OR b.backpanloc = a.workcell
WHERE ( b.status < 9
AND ( b.encllocation <> 0
OR b.backpanloc <> 0 )
OR a.delvnumber = '123' ))
copy and paste format
1 447910-02 1
2 445710-01 1
2 445710-01 2
3 444291-01 1
3 444291-01 2
4 447910-03 1
4 447910-03 2
5 648020-01 1
6 647800-02 1
7 646920-01 1
7 646920-01 2
8 644830-4-8 1
8 644830-4-8 2
9 443990-01 1
10 645960-01-03 1
10 445710-11 2
10 445710-02 3
10 445710-09 4
A new try...
SELECT a.workcell
,a.DelvNumber AS A_DelvNumber
,b.DelvNumber AS B_DelvNumber
,CASE WHEN a.DelvNumber<>b.DelvNumber THEN b.DelvNumber ELSE a.DelvNumber END AS DelvNumber_Resolved
,Row_number() OVER(partition BY a.workcell ORDER BY a.workcell) AS rownum
FROM NWCurrent a
INNER JOIN NWDeliverables AS b ON b.EnclLocation=a.WorkCell OR b.BackPanLoc=a.WorkCell
WHERE (b.status <9 AND (b.EnclLocation<>0 OR b.BackPanLoc<>0)OR a.DelvNumber='123')

How to update one table based on aggregate query form another table

Say I have two tables.
Table A
Table B
So for each id in B can have many records in A.
Now my question is, I need to set B_status to 1 when all child entries in Table A with same parent_id_B has A_status =1, else set B_status = 2
Table A:
id A_status parent_id_B
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 2
4 1 3
5 1 3
Table B:
id B_status
1 0
2 0
3 0
Expected result:
Table B:
id B_status
1 1
2 1
3 1
Now consider another scenario
Table A:
id A_status parent_id_B
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 2 2
4 2 3
5 1 3
Table B:
id B_status
1 0
2 0
3 0
Expected result:
Table B:
id B_status
1 1
2 2
3 2
I need this to work only on sqlite. Thanks
I believe this can be done like so:
SET B_Status =
(SELECT MAX(A_Status) FROM TableA WHERE TableA.Parent_ID_B = TableB.ID);
SqlFiddle with your second case here
In a more general case (without relying on direct mapping of A's status, you can also use a CASE ... WHEN in the mapping:
SET B_Status =
WHERE TableA.Parent_ID_B = TableB.ID) = 1
Edit (in the case where there are more than the original number of states):
I believe you'll need to determine 2 facts about each row, e.g.
Whether there is are any rows in table A with a status other than 1 for each B
And there must at least be one row for the same B
Or, whether the count of rows of A in state 1 = the count of all rows in A for the B.
Here's the first option:
SET B_Status =
WHERE TableA.Parent_ID_B = TableB.ID
AND TableA.A_Status <> 1)
WHERE TableA.Parent_ID_B = TableB.ID)
Updated Fiddle

How to find recursively self-joined records from a table

I've got a simple problem that really has me stumped.
I have a master table Table X
Table X
I have a join table for Table X that allows records to be self joined. Let's call this JoinTableX
RecordAID RecordBID
--------- --------
1 2 (So Record 1 from Table X has a link to Record 2 from Table X)
1 3
1 4
2 3
2 4
3 1
3 2
4 1
4 2
So how do I write a SQL query to show me all the records in JoinTableX that have a duplicate dependency on each other (example bove Table X Record 1 is linked to Table X Record 4 and Table X Record 4 is linked to Table X Record 1.
select *
from JoinTableX a
inner join JoinTableX b on a.RecordAID = b.RecordBID
and a.RecordBID = b.RecordAID
(SELECT RecordAID, RecordBID FROM JoinTableX)
(SELECT RecordBID, RecordAID FROM JoinTableX)