DataSource naming JBossEAP 6.2 vs Web Logic - weblogic

I am porting a suite of related applications from WebLogic to JBoss EAP v6.2.
I have set up a data source connection using the JBoss command line interface and hooked it to an oracle database. This database has a name of "mydatasource" and a JNDI name of
"java:jboss/datasources/mydatasource" as per JBoss standards. I can test and validate this database connection.
However, when I try to port the code and run it, the connection doesn't work. The code that worked in WebLogic was simply:
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext() ;
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup(dataSource) ;
with a value in dataSource of "mydatasource".
This worked in Web Logic but in JBoss it throws a NameNotFoundException
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: mydatasource-- service
Clearly there is a difference in how the InitialContext is set up between the two servers.
But this port involves a large number of small applications, all of which connect to the datasource via code like that above. I don't want to rewrite all that code.
Is there a way through configuration (InitialContextFactory, maybe) to define the initial context such that code like that above will work without rewriting, or perhaps is there another way of naming the datasource that JBoss will accept that would allow code like that above to work without rewriting?
Or must we bite the bullet and accept that this code needs a rewrite?
Update: Yes, I know that simply passing "java:jboss/datasources/mydatasource" to the InitialContext lookup solves the problem, but I am looking for a solution via configuration, rather than via coding if there is such a solution.

The way to do this correctly through configuration is to use
then use resource-ref in web.xml to map it to the declare datasource and use weblogic.xml or jboss-web.xml to actually map it to the real one
in weblogic admin console, when you define datasource it can be jdbc/realDataSource
JNDI path Tomcat vs. Jboss
For weblogic


H2-console in r2dbc-h2 driver

I am using R2DBC-H2 driver, and my UR.L is spring.r2dbc.url=r2dbc:h2:mem:///customer
Using this configuration, SpringBoot starts fine, however, I can not access the h2-console.
Does anybody know why, and how I can fix it?
If I understand the source code of H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration correctly, the h2 console auto configuration from spring boot does not work in a reactive environment.
#ConditionalOnWebApplication(type = Type.SERVLET)
public class H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration {
You can confirm this by yourself by changing the type of your web application to SERVLET (for example, by adding spring-boot-starter-web as a dependency) which will activate the route to the h2 console (if enabled in the application properties). The h2-console route endpoint will start working again.
As the whole code seems very servlet-specific, I don't know how to properly fix this problem.
H2 Console depends on traditional Jdbc drivers, not compatible with Spring WebFlux stack.
If you are developing a WebFlux application, you can use H2 as a standalone database, ane use H2 Console freely.
Following the official Getting Started guide to start H2 Database and H2 Console.
Set your spring.r2dbc.url to the database url you are running in the first step.
NOTE: Do not use a Memory DB here.

Embed Payara in Java SE

Context: Existing JavaSE application written in Swing which fires up an embedded server (so far it was Jetty) but we need to switch to Java EE, so we thought about bringing in an enterprise container (candidates are: Payara, Tomee, Wildfly).
The server should be able to run a web app based on dynamic input: web context, with its own web.xml, specific web resources which are not known at build time, so uber jar is not really an option for us.
We have successfully started a web app on Payara using code like the following (this is not working code, but it shows the steps we took for using Payara)
GlassFish glassfish;
WebContainer container;
GlassFishRuntime glassfishRuntime = = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap();
glassfish = glassfishRuntime.newGlassFish();
// Access WebContainer
container = glassfish.getService(WebContainer.class);
WebContainerConfig config = new WebContainerConfig();
Context context = container.createContext(contextPathLocation);
m_webAppContexts.put(p_contextName, context);
WebListener listener = container.createWebListener("listener-1", HttpListener.class);
container.addContext(context, myDynamicContextPath);
context.addServlet(myDynamicMapping, myServletName);
This is all working and a basic web application starts in Payara when invoked from our Java SE application.
We also have a fragment of web.xml declaring additional servlets that we want to bring in this dynamic deployment if given conditions are satisfied.
What is the best way to override the existing web.xml with fragments from another web.xml? We need pointers to documentation, directions from more experienced Payara users.
This is not possible with Payara or Wildfly, as they work very differently from how Jetty works.
However, it is possible with Tomee.

How to add a Datasource to embedded Weblogic 12

How can I add a datasource configuration file within a embedded Weblogic EJB Container?
As far as I know, this is only possible with a already installed and preconfigured weblogic, instance? Is this correct?
My configuration is the following:
Properties prop = new Properties();
EJBContainer container = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(prop);
Context initialContext = container.getContext();
I have not found a lot of documentation on this topic.
see if this helps, although I cant get stuff to run yet on my end
you are better of being in jpa land, and create a test persistence.xml that basically uses jdbc url/user/pass and not jndi

how to fix Javax. Naming.exception: nameNotFoundException <my_JNDI_name> not found

I got this exception while trying to deploy ejb-jar file on a glassfish 2.1 :
Javax. Naming.exception: nameNotFoundException not found.
This drive me to be crazy !!!
I don't know why i got this exception while when i launch the hole application (ear) using Netbeans 6.7.1 with integrated glassfish 2.1 it work like magic !
But when i try to deploy it manually under another glassfish in an other pc it does not work
And i am having this exception when i try to deploy it
So i think that the ejb module does not find out how to link to the database
So it must be something that the netbeans do and i am not, when deploying the ejb-jar
Any help ?
I realise this is a bit old, but having just worked through this, I thought I may as well document it here.
For me the issue was the database connection. In your project you should have a persistence.xml file (mine was in the EJB project), which details the database connection parameters. I was using a localhost URL, but when I ran the database project, I noticed in my Services tab under Glassfish that no database connection was being registered.
Here's what I did:
Create a new database connection (right click in Services, Java DB node)
In Services, right click Java DB connection, Properties, check that the pool it's registered to is in the Glassfish JDBC Connection Pools and is the correct one, if not, make sure your database connection is correct, update persistence.xml
Clean the project before running again
This worked for me, hope it's helpful for someone else.

How to address JNDI configuration when using mvn scala:console

I'm troubleshooting a Mapper problem and I'm running into an issue trying to use a Mapper class inside of the Scala/Lift console. Our MetaMappers have their datasource configured through a ConnectionIdentifier that points to a JDBC datasource configured in JNDI. This works great when bootstrapping through Jetty.
When loading the console and running (new bootstrap.liftweb.Boot).boot to initialize, Schemifier.schemify fails JNDI configuration is not available.
scala> (new bootstrap.liftweb.Boot).boot
java.lang.NullPointerException: Looking for Connection Identifier ConnectionIdentifier(jdbc/svcHub) but failed to find either a JNDI data source with the name jdbc/svcHub or a lift connection manager with the correct name
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$12.apply(DB.scala:141)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$12.apply(DB.scala:141)
at net.liftweb.common.EmptyBox.openOr(Box.scala:465)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$7.apply(DB.scala:140)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$7.apply(DB.scala:140)
at net.liftweb.common.EmptyBox.openOr(Box.scala:465)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.newConnection(DB.scala:134)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.getConnection(DB.scala:230)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.use(DB.scala:581)
at net.liftweb.mapper.Schemifier$.schemify(Sche...
Essentially, I'd like to have full MetaMapper functionality from within the console. My question is: What's the best way to bootstrap a Lift app from the console such that the JNDI-based dependencies can also be fulfilled outside of a JNDI-capable web container?
Under a application server it's likely that the server will provide a JNDI context for you. In a standalone application you must provide a JNDI Context your self. For that you can use a javax.naming.InitialContext.
There is a nice example using Apache's DBCP here: Of course, will you have to fix the Datasource objects to the implementation you are using.
This will be enough (not very elegant, though) for simple JNDI usage.