sql query is too complex - sql

Please help me to simplify this complex query statement because when I run the code it will always end up with "Query is too complex" error
SELECT tblTimeReport.DBIDTimeReport, tblTimeReport.DBIDHumanResource
, tblHumanResource.FullName, tblHumanResource.Title, tblTimeReport.DBIDProject
, tblProject.ProjectID, tblProject.ProjectName, tblTimeReport.DBIDActivity
, tblActivity.ActivityID, tblActivity.ActivityName, tblTimeReport.DateTR AS TRDate
, tblTimeReport.StartTime, tblTimeReport.Duration, tblTimeReport.HourlyRate
, Sum([Duration]*[HourlyRate]) AS Cost, tblTimeReport.Comments, tblTimeReport.Deleted
, tblTimeReport.InputBy, tblHumanResourceInput.[FullName] AS InputByFullName
, tblTimeReport.InputDate
FROM (((tblTimeReport
LEFT JOIN tblHumanResource
ON tblTimeReport.DBIDHumanResource = tblHumanResource.DBIDHumanResource)
LEFT JOIN tblHumanResource AS tblHumanResourceInput
ON tblTimeReport.InputBy = tblHumanResourceInput.DBIDHumanResource)
LEFT JOIN tblProject
ON tblTimeReport.DBIDProject = tblProject.DBIDProject)
LEFT JOIN tblActivity ON tblTimeReport.DBIDActivity = tblActivity.DBIDActivity
GROUP BY tblTimeReport.DBIDTimeReport, tblTimeReport.DBIDHumanResource
, tblHumanResource.FullName, tblHumanResource.Title, tblTimeReport.DBIDProject
, tblProject.ProjectID, tblProject.ProjectName, tblTimeReport.DBIDActivity
, tblActivity.ActivityID, tblActivity.ActivityName, tblTimeReport.DateTR
, tblTimeReport.StartTime, tblTimeReport.Duration, tblTimeReport.HourlyRate
, tblTimeReport.Comments, tblTimeReport.Deleted, tblTimeReport.InputBy
, tblHumanResourceInput.FullName, tblTimeReport.InputDate
Thanks in advance

If this is for a report, as the names of your columns imply, you my be experiencing this:
Reports create temporary queries for each section of the report,
including the report header, page header, group header, detail
section, group footer, page footer, and report footer. All of the
temporary queries for each report are combined into a segmented
virtual table (SVT). The final output must be compiled within the 64K
segment limit.
So even if your query is compiled within the limits, its size is multiplied by number of sections. The article implies newer versions of Access have increased dynamic limit, which might help.
You could try creating a view for the group by aggregation, and leave out all of the name columns, and only include the critical IDs. Then use a join against the view to pull in names. I'm not sure though if this would help because I don't know if the contents of the view get pulled in whenever Access compiles the query.


SQL report filtering, results stop after first item

and thanks in advance. I am a newbie, working on one of my first reports. I have orders, which have a terminal assigned them (a "DC"). The report is set up to return all open orders, the "DC", and a few other columns (driver #, city, etc). I made a drop down filter to use so I can look at one, several, or all of the DCs. My problem is, it stops looking after the first item that is checked in the drop down list. So if the first item in the list has 100 orders, but the rest of them have thousands more, it only shows me the 100 orders. Am I making any sense here? I am not sure what information from my report's setup would be pertinent here.
This is the query that the report is based on. Using SQL Report Builder.
t.TerminalName as 'OrderDC',
e.LastName as 'DrvLast',
e.FirstName as 'DrvFirst',
et.TerminalName as 'DriverDC'
FROM Orders o
FULL JOIN OrderDrivers od ON o.OrderTrackingID = od.OrderTrackingID
FULL JOIN Employees e ON od.DriverID = e.ID
FULL JOIN ClientMaster cm ON o.ClientID = cm.ClientID
FULL JOIN Terminals t ON o.TerminalID = t.TerminalID
FULL JOIN Terminals et ON e.TerminalID = et.TerminalID
WHERE o.Status = 'N'
Order By o.aTimeStamp ASC
(I am writing this as an answer even if it isn't an complete answer mostly because the comment field is kind of limited.)
In the SQL you posted the below stands out as wrong
FULL JOIN Terminals t ON o.TerminalID = t.TerminalID
FULL JOIN Terminals et ON e.TerminalID = et.TerminalID
You are joining the same table twice but the is nothing that separated the two joins and this is my guess why you are not getting any more orders in your report.
I don't now what the drop down list corresponds to but I assume it is some kind of identifier in the Terminals table.
From a pure SQL point of view I would expect something like this
FULL JOIN Terminals t ON o.TerminalID = t.TerminalID
WHERE t.someColumn IN (value1, value2)
where value1 and value2 comes from the drop down list.
I see in your select part that you include the same column from both of the Terminals JOIN you have and I expect those two columns to always have the same values. You should need that column only once in your select list.
Not a solution but maybe this can get you in the right direction.

Long Text Field over 255 Characters gets truncated

Not sure why my field in my query is getting truncated upon the return of the result. The value is being stored in the field, but gets truncated by access to help with "performance". I have reviewed multiple forums and SO posts to no avail.
Problems listed at link do not apply, Aggregation, Uniqueness, Union, Format Property, Row Source
What is wrong with my query? Instructions field in the Customer table is the one that is getting truncated.
Here is the raw query generated by access:
SELECT Task.ID, Task.TaskID, Task.TaskName, Task.TypeID, TaskType.TaskTypeName, Task.CustomerID, Customer.CustomerName, Customer.OnHold, Customer.Blacklisted, Customer.CustomerEngagementRecieved, Customer.AutoEmail, Customer.SpecialInstructions, Customer.Instructions, Task.QuoteRequired, Task.PriorityID, Priority.Priority, Task.Min, Task.Max, Task.Projected, Task.DeadlineDate, Task.ResourceID, Resource.ResourceName, Resource.Email, Resource.Extension, Task.Description, Task.StatusID, Status.Status, Task.DeveloperLog, Task.TaskPOCID, POC.Phone, POC.Email, Task.OtherPOC, Task.OtherPOCPhone, Task.OtherPOCEmail, Task.FolderPath, Task.StopBilling, Task.Premium, Task.EntryDate, Task.CompleteDate, Task.AssignedBy, Task.SettingsID, Settings.AutoEmail
FROM TaskType
INNER JOIN (Settings
INNER JOIN (Resource
INNER JOIN (Priority
INNER JOIN (Customer
ON Customer.CustID = Task.CustomerID)
ON Priority.PriorityID = Task.PriorityID)
ON Resource.ResourceID = Task.ResourceID)
ON Settings.SettingsID = Task.SettingsID)
ON Status.StatusID = Task.StatusID)
ON TaskType.TTID = Task.TypeID;
Have a close read of this - http://allenbrowne.com/ser-63.html something in your set up will causing the truncation.
If it's when you cut and paste the query results that can also be mis-leading. When you say a Long Text are these linked tables?
I'd also rename your Min and Max fields as they are reserved words and may cause access to think you are aggregating your data.
So from the sounds of it, Access just sometimes will ALWAYS truncate the field no matter what the settings. There is a way to force access to show the entire field though, by using the DLOOKUP() function instead of using a Control Source.
Here is the Answer to my current Issue for reference,
=DLOOKUP("Instructions", "Customer", "CustID=" & [CustomerID])

SQL - getting data twice from the same table

Good people of the internet, I need your help!
I'm trying to put together some SQL code to create a report. Basically, I'm needing to look at one table - tbl_Schedules - and fetch the maximum of the field SchedDone, which is a regular date field.
This is fair enough. I manage this using GROUP BY and MAX.
The same table also contains SchedFrom and SchedTo fields, and I need to get this from another record, but run alongside this.
Basically, I need a "LatestDate" field (which shows the max SchedDone), and then a "next scheduled" field (or fields), showing when it is next to be done, pulled from a row where the SchedDone is null.
My current code, displayed below (ignore everything but the tbl_Schedules stuff) is working to an extent. It shows the LatestDate as described above, but also shows the maximum of that Task's SchedFrom and SchedTo. These are all from different rows in the tbl_Schedules, which is what I want. I just need to know how to set up rules for the SchedFrom and SchedTo, preferably without involving any other tables or setting up multiple views.
I do have this working, but it's taking up several views and the speed involved is not good. I'd hope I can get it working in a single chunk of SQL code.
PS - tbl_PhysicalAssets is a one-to-many relationship with tbl_Operations (one row in tbl_PhysicalAssets to many in tbl_Operations), and tbl_Operations is a one-to-many relationship with tbl_Schedules (one row in tbl_Operations to many in tbl_Schedules).
Current code below (again, please ignore the other tables!) -
MAX(tbl_Schedules_1.SchedDone) AS LatestDate,
MAX(tbl_Schedules_1.SchedFrom) AS Expr1,
MAX(tbl_Schedules_1.SchedTo) AS Expr2
dbo.tbl_Schedules AS tbl_Schedules_1
dbo.tbl_Operations ON dbo.tbl_PhysicalAsset.PKID_PhysicalAsset = dbo.tbl_Operations.FKID_PhysicalAsset
dbo.tbl_OpList ON dbo.tbl_Operations.FKID_Operation = dbo.tbl_OpList.PKID_Op
dbo.tbl_Teams ON dbo.tbl_Operations.FKID_Team = dbo.tbl_Teams.PKID_Team ON tbl_Schedules_1.FKID_Operation = dbo.tbl_Operations.PKID_Operation
(dbo.tbl_PhysicalAsset.FKID_Contract = 6)
AND (dbo.tbl_PhysicalAsset.MyLevel = 3)
This is rough as we don't know the exact details of your table structure.
But basically you need to first write the queries that get the two separate bits of information, make sure they work in isolation. You can then just join them together.
So something like (I've assumed FKID_Operation is the 'common' piece of info):
, b.LatestDate
, c.NextToDate
, c.NextFromDate
from tbl_Schedules a
inner join
, Max(m.SchedDone) as LatestDate
from tbl_Schedules m
where SchedDone is not null
) b
on a.FKID_Operation = b.FKID_Operation
inner join
, n.SchedTo as NextToDate
, n.SchedFrom as NextFromDate
from tbl_Schedules n
where SchedDone is null
) c
on a.FKID_Operation = c.FKID_Operation
I'd also look into CTE's as they can make this kind of query much easier to understand.

Sugar crm suctom field sql select error

I've added few additional fields to Accounts module. Also added same fields to detailed search. One field is decimal, another text, filled from drop down menu. After running a test search everything looked fine. But not long time ago I needed to see all the items in the search. Search was made using my new added fields as parameters. As you may already know, search in sugar crm shows only first 20 items. So, after trying to access another 20 items i've got an empty list.
sugarcrm.log showed me sql query error:
11/12/12 00:09:33 [6300][ca4960aa-6cce-065a-be1d-4fa7b40db052][FATAL] Query Failed:SELECT TOP 21 * FROM
OVER (ORDER BY accounts.name) AS row_number,
accounts.id ,
accounts.name ,
accounts.billing_address_city ,
accounts.billing_address_country ,
accounts.phone_office ,
LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(jt0.first_name,'')+N' '+ISNULL(jt0.last_name,''))) assigned_user_name ,
jt0.created_by assigned_user_name_owner ,
N'Users' assigned_user_name_mod,
accounts.annual_revenue ,
accounts.account_type ,
**accounts_cstm.print_srv_prov_c** ,
FROM accounts
LEFT JOIN accounts_cstm ON accounts.id = accounts_cstm.id_c
LEFT JOIN users jt0 ON accounts.assigned_user_id=jt0.id AND jt0.deleted=0 AND jt0.deleted=0
where ((accounts.account_type in (N'potencial_client') ) AND ( accounts_cstm.print_srv_prov_c in (N'itel'))) AND accounts.deleted=0
) AS a
WHERE row_number > 20::: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]The column 'print_srv_prov_c' was specified multiple times for 'a'.
All fields were added using Studio tool, and source code has been intact.
sql error is happening, because column accounts_cstm.print_srv_prov_c is used two times. Why this is happening and how to fix it.
I am Using SugarCRM CE 6.4.4

Access query returns empty fields depending on how table is linked

I've got an Access MDB I use for reporting that has linked table views from SQL Server 2005. I built a query that retrieves information off of a PO table and categorizes the line item depending on information from another table. I'm relatively certain the query was fine until approximately a month ago when we shifted from compatibility mode 80 to 90 on the Server as required by our primary application (which creates the data). I can't say this with 100% certainty, but that is the only major change made in the past 90 days. We noticed that suddenly data was not showing up in the query making the reports look odd.
This is a copy of the failing query:
SELECT dbo_porel.jobnum, dbo_joboper.opcode, dbo_porel.jobseqtype,
dbo_porel.ponum, dbo_porel.poline, dbo_podetail.unitcost
FROM ((dbo_porel
LEFT JOIN dbo_joboper ON (dbo_porel.assemblyseq = dbo_joboper.assemblyseq)
AND (dbo_porel.jobseq = dbo_joboper.oprseq)
AND (dbo_porel.jobnum = dbo_joboper.jobnum))
LEFT JOIN dbo_opmaster ON dbo_joboper.opcode = dbo_opmaster.opcode)
LEFT JOIN dbo_podetail ON (dbo_porel.poline = dbo_podetail.poline)
AND (dbo_porel.ponum = dbo_podetail.ponum)
WHERE (dbo_porel.jobnum="367000003")
It returns the following:
jobnum opcode jobseqtype shortchar01 ponum poline unitcost
367000003 S 6624 2 15
The query normally should have displayed a value for opcode and shortchar01. If I remove the linked table dbo_podetail, it properly displays data for these fields (although I obviously don't have unitcost anymore). At first I thought it might be a data issue, but I found if I nested the query and then linked the table, it worked fine.
For example the following code works perfectly:
SELECT qryTest.*, dbo_podetail.unitcost
SELECT dbo_porel.jobnum, dbo_joboper.opcode, dbo_porel.jobseqtype,
dbo_opmaster.shortchar01, dbo_porel.ponum, dbo_porel.poline
FROM (dbo_porel
LEFT JOIN dbo_joboper ON (dbo_porel.jobnum=dbo_joboper.jobnum)
AND (dbo_porel.jobseq=dbo_joboper.oprseq)
AND (dbo_porel.assemblyseq=dbo_joboper.assemblyseq))
LEFT JOIN dbo_opmaster ON dbo_joboper.opcode=dbo_opmaster.opcode
WHERE (dbo_porel.jobnum="367000003")
) As qryTest
LEFT JOIN dbo_podetail ON (qryTest.poline = dbo_podetail.poline)
AND (qryTest.ponum = dbo_podetail.ponum)
I'm at a loss for why it works in the latter case and not in the first case. Worse yet, it seems to work intermittently for some records and not for others (it's consistent about the ones it does and does not work for).
Do any of you experts have any ideas?
You definitely need to use subqueries for multiple left/right joins in Access.
I think it's a limitation of the Jet optimizer that gets confused if you're just chaining left/right joins.
You can see that this is a recurrent problem that surfaces often.
I'm always confused by Access' use of brackets in joins. Try stripping out the extra brackets.
dbo_joboper ON (dbo_porel.assemblyseq = dbo_joboper.assemblyseq)
AND (dbo_porel.jobseq = dbo_joboper.oprseq)
AND (dbo_porel.jobnum = dbo_joboper.jobnum)
dbo_opmaster ON (dbo_joboper.opcode = dbo_opmaster.opcode)
dbo_podetail ON (dbo_porel.poline = dbo_podetail.poline)
AND (dbo_porel.ponum = dbo_podetail.ponum)
OK the above doesn't work - Sorry I give up