Resolve an instance of type 'B' for each instance of type 'A' - ioc-container

I have an interface called specification:
public interface ISpecification { ... }
Many implementations of this can exist within my application and I also have a processor which requires a specification:
public interface IProcessor { ... }
public class Processor : IProcessor
public Processor (ISpecification specification) { ... }
I am using Autofac (version 3.5.2) as my IOC container, what I would like is to be able to call:
var processors = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<IProcessor>>();
And have one IProcessor returned for each registered ISpecification, is this possible?

This sounds like Autofac's Adapters:
Autofac provides built-in adapter registration so you can register a
set of services and have them each automatically adapted to a
different interface.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Register the services to be adapted
.WithMetadata("Name", "Save File");
.WithMetadata("Name", "Open File");
// Then register the adapter. In this case, the ICommand
// registrations are using some metadata, so we're
// adapting Meta<ICommand> instead of plain ICommand.
builder.RegisterAdapter<Meta<ICommand>, ToolbarButton>(
cmd =>
new ToolbarButton(cmd.Value, (string)cmd.Metadata["Name"]));
var container = builder.Build();
// The resolved set of buttons will have two buttons
// in it - one button adapted for each of the registered
// ICommand instances.
var buttons = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<ToolbarButton>>();


Which design pattern to use for using different subclasses based on input [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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There is an interface called Processor, which has two implementations SimpleProcessor and ComplexProcessor.
Now I have a process, which consumes an input, and then using that input decides whether it should use SimpleProcessor or ComplexProcessor.
Current solution : I was thinking to use Abstract Factory, which will generate the instance on the basis of the input.
But the issue is that I don't want new instances. I want to use already instantiated objects. That is, I want to re-use the instances.
That means, Abstract factory is absolutely the wrong pattern to use here, as it is for generating objects on the basis of type.
Another thing, that our team normally does is to create a map from input to the corresponding processor instance. And at runtime, we can use that map to get the correct instance on the basis of input.
This feels like a adhoc solution.
I want this to be extendable : new input types can be mapped to new processor types.
Is there some standard way to solve this?
You can use a variation of the Chain of Responsibility pattern.
It will scale far better than using a Map (or hash table in general).
This variation will support dependency injection and is very easy to extend (without breaking any code or violating the Open-Closed principle).
Opposed to the classic version, handlers do not need to be explicitly chained. The classic version scales very bad.
The pattern uses polymorphism to enable extensibility and is therefore targeting an object oriented language.
The pattern is as follows:
The client API is a container class, that manages a collection of input handlers (for example SimnpleProcessor and ComplexProcessor).
Each handler is only known to the container by a common interface and unknown to the client.
The collection of handlers is passed to the container via the constructor (to enable optional dependency injection).
The container accepts the predicate (input) and passes it on to the anonymous handlers by iterating over the handler collection.
Each handler now decides based on the input if it can handle it (return true) or not (return false).
If a handler returns true (to signal that the input was successfully handled), the container will break further input processing by other handlers (alternatively, use a different criteria e.g., to allow multiple handlers to handle the input).
In the following very basic example implementation, the order of handler execution is simply defined by their position in their container (collection).
If this isn't sufficient, you can simply implement a priority algorithm.
Implementation (C#)
Below is the container. It manages the individual handler implementation using polymorphism. Since handler implementation are only known by their common interface, the container scales extremely well: simply add/inject an additional handler implementation.
The container is actually used directly by the client (whereas the handlers are hidden from the client, while anonymous to the container).
interface IInputProcessor
void Process(object input);
class InputProcessor : IInputProcessor
private IEnumerable<IInputHandler> InputHandlers { get; }
// Constructor.
// Optionally use an IoC container to inject the dependency (a collection of input handlers).
public InputProcessor(IEnumerable<IInputHandler> inputHandlers)
this.InputHandlers = inputHandlers;
// Method to handle the input.
// The input is then delegated to the input handlers.
public void Process(object input)
foreach (IInputHandler inputHandler in this.InputHandlers)
if (inputHandler.TryHandle(input))
Below are the input handlers.
To add new handlers i.e. to extend input handling, simply implement the IInputHandler interface and add it to a collection which is passed/injected to the container (IInputProcessor):
interface IInputHandler
bool TryHandle(object input);
class SimpleProcessor : IInputHandler
public bool TryHandle(object input)
if (input == 1)
//TODO::Handle input
return true;
return false;
class ComplexProcessor : IInputHandler
public bool TryHandle(object input)
if (input == 3)
//TODO::Handle input
return true;
return false;
Usage Example
public class Program
public static void Main()
/* Setup Chain of Responsibility.
/* Preferably configure an IoC container. */
var inputHandlers = new List<IInputHandlers>
new SimpleProcessor(),
new ComplexProcessor()
IInputProcessor inputProcessor = new InputProcessor(inputHandlers);
/* Use the handler chain */
int input = 3;
inputProcessor.Pocess(input); // Will execute the ComplexProcessor
input = 1;
inputProcessor.Pocess(input); // Will execute the SimpleProcessor
It is possible to use Strategy pattern with combination of Factory pattern. Factory objects can be cached to have reusable objects without recreating them when objects are necessary.
As an alternative to caching, it is possible to use singleton pattern. In ASP.NET Core it is pretty simple. And if you have DI container, just make sure that you've set settings of creation instance to singleton
Let's start with the first example. We need some enum of ProcessorType:
public enum ProcessorType
Simple, Complex
Then this is our abstraction of processors:
public interface IProcessor
DateTime DateCreated { get; }
And its concrete implemetations:
public class SimpleProcessor : IProcessor
public DateTime DateCreated { get; } = DateTime.Now;
public class ComplexProcessor : IProcessor
public DateTime DateCreated { get; } = DateTime.Now;
Then we need a factory with cached values:
public class ProcessorFactory
private static readonly IDictionary<ProcessorType, IProcessor> _cache
= new Dictionary<ProcessorType, IProcessor>()
{ ProcessorType.Simple, new SimpleProcessor() },
{ ProcessorType.Complex, new ComplexProcessor() }
public IProcessor GetInstance(ProcessorType processorType)
return _cache[processorType];
And code can be run like this:
ProcessorFactory processorFactory = new ProcessorFactory();
var simpleProcessor = processorFactory.GetInstance(ProcessorType.Simple);
Console.WriteLine(simpleProcessor.DateCreated); // OUTPUT: 2022-07-07 8:00:01
ProcessorFactory processorFactory_1 = new ProcessorFactory();
var complexProcessor = processorFactory_1.GetInstance(ProcessorType.Complex);
Console.WriteLine(complexProcessor.DateCreated); // OUTPUT: 2022-07-07 8:00:01
The second way
The second way is to use DI container. So we need to modify our factory to get instances from dependency injection container:
public class ProcessorFactoryByDI
private readonly IDictionary<ProcessorType, IProcessor> _cache;
public ProcessorFactoryByDI(
SimpleProcessor simpleProcessor,
ComplexProcessor complexProcessor)
_cache = new Dictionary<ProcessorType, IProcessor>()
{ ProcessorType.Simple, simpleProcessor },
{ ProcessorType.Complex, complexProcessor }
public IProcessor GetInstance(ProcessorType processorType)
return _cache[processorType];
And if you use ASP.NET Core, then you can declare your objects as singleton like this:
Read more about lifetime of an object

Is it possible to add completion items to a Microsoft Language Server in runtime?

I am trying to develop a IntelliJ plugin which provides a Language Server with help of lsp4intellij by ballerina.
Thing is, i've got a special condition: The list of completion items should be editable in runtime.
But I've not found any way to communicate new completionItems to the LanguageServer process once its running.
My current idea is to add an action to the plugin which builds a new jar and then restarts the server with the new jar, using the Java Compiler API.
The problem with that is, i need to get the source code from the plugin project including the gradle dependencies accessable from the running plugin... any ideas?
If your requirement is to modify the completion items (coming from the language server) before displaying them in the IntelliJ UI, you can do that by implementing the LSP4IntelliJ's
LSPExtensionManager in your plugin.
Currently, we do not have proper documentation for the LSP4IntelliJ's extension points but you can refer to our Ballerina IntelliJ plugin as a reference implementation, where it has implemented Ballerina LSP Extension manager to override/modify completion items at the client runtime in here.
For those who might stumble upon this - it is indeed possible to change the amount of CompletionItems the LanguageServer can provide during runtime.
I simply edited the (the library I used is LSP4J).
It works like this:
The main function of the LanguageServer needs to be started with an additional argument, which is the path to the config file in which you define the CompletionItems.
Being called from LSP4IntelliJ it would look like this:
String[] command = new String[]{"java", "-jar",
"path\\to\\LangServer.jar", "path\\to\\config.json"};
IntellijLanguageClient.addServerDefinition(new RawCommandServerDefinition("md,java", command));
The path String will then be passed through to the Constructor of your, which will parse the config.json in a new Timer thread.
An Example:
public class CustomTextDocumentService implements TextDocumentService {
private List<CompletionItem> providedItems;
private String pathToConfig;
public CustomTextDocumentService(String pathToConfig) {
this.pathToConfig = pathToConfig;
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new ReloadCompletionItemsTask(), 0, 10000);
public CompletableFuture<Either<List<CompletionItem>, CompletionList>> completion(CompletionParams completionParams) {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
List<CompletionItem> completionItems;
completionItems = this.providedItems;
// Return the list of completion items.
return Either.forLeft(completionItems);
public void didOpen(DidOpenTextDocumentParams didOpenTextDocumentParams) {
public void didChange(DidChangeTextDocumentParams didChangeTextDocumentParams) {
public void didClose(DidCloseTextDocumentParams didCloseTextDocumentParams) {
public void didSave(DidSaveTextDocumentParams didSaveTextDocumentParams) {
private void loadCompletionItems() {
providedItems = new ArrayList<>();
CustomParser = new CustomParser(pathToConfig);
ArrayList<String> variables = customParser.getTheParsedItems();
for(String variable : variables) {
String itemTxt = "$" + variable + "$";
CompletionItem completionItem = new CompletionItem();
class ReloadCompletionItemsTask extends TimerTask {
public void run() {

How do I bind an Interface to automapper using Ninject

I want to use DI whenever I call automapper so that I can uncouple some of my layers. Instead of calling automapper like this:
public class MyController : Controller
public ActionResult MyAction(MyModel model)
var newModel= Mapper.Map<MyModel, NewModel>(model);
return View(model);
I want to do this:
public class MyController : Controller
IMappingEngine _mappingEngine;
public MyController(IMappingEngine mappingEngine)
_mappingEngine = mappingEngine;
public ActionResult MyAction(MyModel model)
var newModel= _mappingEngine.Map<MyModel, NewModel>(model);
return View(model);
I am using Ninject as my IOC. How do I bind an interface to it though?
I also need to mention that I am using Profiles and already have:
var profileType = typeof(Profile);
// Get an instance of each Profile in the executing assembly.
var profiles = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
.Where(t => profileType.IsAssignableFrom(t)
&& t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null)
// Initialize AutoMapper with each instance of the profiles found.
Mapper.Initialize(a => profiles.ForEach(a.AddProfile));
I know that the step I am missing involves binding to the kernal:
kernel.Bind<IMappingEngine>.To<>(); //I do not know what
//to bind it to here so that when I call IMappingEngine;
//It will trigger my maps from my automapper profiles.
I can't seem to find IMappingService in the AutoMapper repository ( However, there is a IMappingEngine.
All you've got to do is
IBindingRoot.Bind<IMappingEngine>().ToMethod(x => Mapper.Engine);
IBindingRoot.Bind<IConfigurationProvider>().ToMethod(x => Mapper.Engine.ConfigurationProvider);
and you're good to go.
Remember, however, that the first access to Mapper.Engine or Mapper.ConfigurationProvider will initialize AutoMapper.
So without the binding, AutoMapper get's initialized the first time you do something like Mapper.Map<,>. With the binding it will get initialized the first time an object is constructed which gets IMappingEngine injected.
If you want to retain the previous initialization behavior there are a few choices:.
a) Instead of injecting IMappingEngine inject Lazy<IMappingEngine> instead (i think this requires the ninject.extensions.factory extension)
b) bind IMappingEngine to a proxy (without target). The proxy should access the Mapper.Engine only when .Intercept(...)ing a method. Also it should forward the method calls.
c) write your own LazyInitializedMappingEngine : IMappingEngine implementation which does nothing than forward every method to Mapper.Engine.
i would probably go with c), the others are too much work. c) will require code adaption whenever the interface of IMappingEngine changes. b) would not but is more complicated and slower. a) is bleeding through to all consumers of the interface and easily to get wrong once in a while, breaking stuff and a bit hard to trace back, so i would refrain from it, too.
public class LazyInitializedMappingEngine : IMappingEngine
public IConfigurationProvider ConfigurationProvider { get { return Mapper.Engine.ConfigurationProvider; } }
public TDestination Map<TDestination>(object source)
return Mapper.Map<TDestination>(source);
public TDestination Map<TDestination>(object source, Action<IMappingOperationOptions> opts)
return Mapper.Map<TDestination>(source, opts);
public TDestination Map<TSource, TDestination>(TSource source)
return Mapper.Map<TSource, TDestination>(source);
//... and so on ...

composing MEF parts in C# like a simple Funq container

In Funq and probably most other IoC containers I can simply do this to configure a type:
container.Register<ISomeThing>(c => new SomeThing());
How could I quickly extend MEF (or use existing MEF functionality) to do the same without using attributes.
Here is how I thought I could do it:
var container = new CompositionContainer();
var batch = new CompositionBatch();
batch.AddExport<ISomeThing>(() => new SomeThing());
With this extension method for CompositionBatch:
public static ComposablePart AddExport<TKey>(this CompositionBatch batch, Func<object> func)
var typeString = typeof(TKey).ToString();
return batch.AddExport(
new Export(
new ExportDefinition(
new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "ExportTypeIdentity", typeString } }),
If I later do:
var a = container.GetExport<ISomeThing>().Value;
var b = container.GetExport<ISomeThing>().Value;
Both instance are the same. How can I force (configure) them to be different instances?
If this is not the way to go, how would I do this in MEF?
I would imagine the key is to add the delegate to the container, e.g.:
container.AddExportedValue<Func<ISomething>>(() => new Something());
That way you can grab the delegate and execute it:
var factory = container.GetExport<Func<ISomething>>();
ISomething something = factory();
Of course, MEF (Silverlight) does provide a native ExportFactory<T> (and ExportFactory<T,TMetadata> type that supports the creation of new instances for each call to import. You can add support for this by downloading Glen Block's ExportFactory for .NET 4.0 (Desktop) library.
If you don't want to use attributes, you can use this trick (based on Mark Seemann's blogpost).
First, create a generic class like this:
public class MefAdapter<T> where T : new()
private readonly T export;
public MefAdapter()
this.export = new T();
public virtual T Export
get { return this.export; }
Now you can register any class you want in the container, like this:
var registeredTypesCatalog = new TypeCatalog(
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
Alternatively, you could implement your own export provider derived from ExportProvider, which allows you to pretty much duplicate Funq's way of working:
var provider = new FunqyExportProvider();
provider.Register<IFoo>(context => new Foo());
var container = new CompositionContainer(provider);
Both instance are the same. How can I force (configure) them to be different instances?
Simply mark the SomeThing class like this:
public class SomeThing : ISomeThing
And then you will get different instances wherever you import ISomeThing.
Alternatively, you can also set a required creation policy on an import:
public class Foo : IFoo
RequiredCreationPolicy = CreationPolicy.NonShared)]
public ISomething SomeThing { private get; set; }
In Glen Block's Skydrive directory linked to in Matthew Abbott's answer I found something that seems simple and lightweight: A FuncCatalog. Download it here: FuncCatalogExtension.
Using the few little classes from that project I could now do this:
var funcCatalog = new FuncCatalog();
funcCatalog.AddPart<ISomeThing>(ep => new SomeThing());
var container = new CompositionContainer(funcCatalog);
var batch = new CompositionBatch();
var a = container.GetExportedObject<ISomeThing>();
var b = container.GetExportedObject<ISomeThing>();

Popup window in Silverlight 4 and Prism

In Silverlight and PRISM, what is the good way to open a popup child window which is in one Module by passing a parameter from a ViewModel in different Module.
Create a common interface/class known to both module, called IChildWindowService, register the IChildWindowServe/ChildWindowService in the bootstrapper.
//Highly simplified version
//Can be improved by window reuse, parameter options, stronger eventing
public class ChildWindowService : IChildWindowService
public ChildWindowService(IServiceLocator container)
_container = container;
public void Show<TViewModel>(TViewModel viewModel = null, Action<TViewModel, bool?> callBack = null) where TViewModel is IViewModel
var viewName = typeof(TViewModel).Name.Replace("Model", string.Empty);
// In bootstrapper register all instances of IView or register each view one by one
var view = _container.GetInstance<IView>(viewName);
viewModel = viewModel ?? _container.GetInstance<TViewModel>();
view.DataContext = viewModel;
var window = new ChildWindow();
window.Content = view;
var handler = (s,e) => { window.Close(); }
viewModel.RequestClose += handler;
view.Closed += (s,e) => { viewModel.RequestClose -= handler; }
// In silverlight all windows show as Modal, if you are using a third party you can make a decision here
Create a common CompositePresentationEvent, this event will pass the parameters from point a to point b
public class OpenChildWindowWithParameters : CompositePresentationEvent<ParamEventArgs>{}
The ViewModel in Module A raises the Event.
The Controller in Module B registers and reacts to the Event.
The Controller in Module B takes the child window service as a dependency.
When the event is raised the Controller will create the VM in Module B and pass the parameters to it, from the event, it will also use the Service to display a ChildWindow.