Make program accessible for multiple users and computers -

Can someone tell me how to make my program accessible by multiple users from different computers at a time. My program has forms that will take input and save in MySQL. If multiple users from different computers fill forms it should be saved into mysql.
I am using VS 2013.
Please give me an idea about how to make this.

As an idea, you could make two programs , 1 called Server found on your personal PC and the other is called Client on every other user's PC, when client makes a change it calls a function on servers PC using .Net Remoting technology, and the server makes the appropriate changes to the MySQL.
So every change would affect one Database over WAN , and you can add event to each change that will invoke all users to update information.
hope to help :)


Which software/framework to use to create App for Call Calibration for Quality Dept

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. If not, please direct me to the right place.
We used to have an application that was created using VB and Microsoft Access. It was an application to score calls from Agents and would then run a few calculations and grade those agents based on a few algorithms.
We replicated all that Access data onto SQL but for some reason, we were just not able to connect the VB application to the SQL Database instead. The application was also outdated and we needed a change.
Can anyone suggest software/framework that can be used to create a new application with an ability to connect to a SQL database?
EDIT: We have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription. I was thinking of using PowerApps. I've never used it before. Does anyone think this could help serve my purpose?
I have extensive experience of using PowerApps to create applications connected to SQL Server (in my case Azure SQL Database), and am mostly satisfied.
There are some constraints, but not major. Please see these posts for some further information.
I would suggest PowerApps if you have Office365.

Access by multiple users to access database

I am not very familiar with Access database till now i was only programming to SQL Server but now it's time to do so. I am building WinForms application which will be using Access database and i have some question related to that point if you don't mind. My application will be used by multiple users and there will be one access databsae. My questions as below:
Is there any problem with accessing access database in same time by many users or only one user can be connected?
If i develop my program to use access 2016 and some of my users will have diffrent windows version and also diffrent access version
will it works?
Should i know something else? :)
If your client want to have a file based database and this is a project constraint , MS Access is the best choice. If you want a more detailed advice, please let me know how many users will perform Read/Write or Read transactions, the size of the database and if the application will run in client-server mode in a LAN/WAN, Cloud or Remote Desktop environment.
Back to your questions:
Depending on these conditions you may range from 10 to 20/25 users. Remember that you can always try with MS Access and later upgrade to a MS SQL database in a couple of hours.
If your front-end application can link to a 2016 Access database, it will do that without installing MS Access to the clients that will run your App, i.e. the compiled App will install all needed drivers. If you develop your App within MS Access 2016 (Access Form and reports, some VBA) you can run it with the free runtime version of MS Access, but this only when no older version of Access is installed on the running workstation.
Please check with your client the real reasons for a file-based database...
To answer the questions as asked:
You might run into an issue with this, as access was really designed as a personal use database. Having anything more than a small handful of users hitting against it at once will in fact cause problems, as it's not really well designed for that purpose...
This should in theory be fine, as the application itself is interfacing with the database, not the end user...
It seems like you're taking a step backwards using access for this, and SQL might very well be better suited for this purpose. This isn't me trying to just bash access either, this comes from personal experience. Going with this sort of design is likely to cause you more headaches than good.

Users to fetch files remotely

I am using ADO to connect to an access database from an excel spreadsheet using code written in vb. The spreadsheet allows someone to retrieve files stored locally on my machine according to what they enter in certain cells and from interrogating the database. This has worked well which presents the frightening prospect of me now feeling encouraged!...
It is my wish to give a copy of my spreadsheet to people but retain the files and database on my own computer or a dedicated server. ( I do not want the users to be able to access anything other than a view onto the data or the files that I allow them to access). I totally appreciate their are a myriad of alternative technologies that I could and might need to achieve this. But I really am quite a simpleton and would like to be able to simply amend my connection string with something that uses an IP address and similarly with the files. Is this even possible? Can someone advise me where to even start looking for a solution if it is not? I've browsed through stuff on VPN's, application servers, ASP's etc. without even knowing if it is relevant and, as I say, I need the dumbsters solution. I'm happy to read - but what......should I look at
A VPN would allow a similar setup to what you have now in as much as your would need to modify the connection string and file paths (to network share paths) but has drawbacks:
Users/you would need to configure a VPN client
Your machine would be the host so would need to be always-on with sufficient bandwidth
Users would be logging on to your machine so you would need to manage access rights/security
This is difficult to scale and a pain in to manage, which is something that is also true of attempting to serve Access content over the internet.
A more standard way to do this would be to:
Get an ASP.NET hosting account with SQL Server support (or set this up on your machine)
Migrate the Access data to SQL Server (which unlike Access is specifically designed to support multiple users over a network)
Update your VBA connection string and make any required changes to your SQL
Create an ASP page that reads the files stored on the server and returns their content
Modify the code you have that loads files from disk to instead query this ASP page over HTTP and read its contents
Retaining Access; you could also create a ASP page that executes queries, reads the data and converts it to XML returned to your spreadsheet for processing.

access mysql database via

Im really confused as to whether what Im trying to achieve is possible and if there are better alternatives to it, so here it is:
Ive created web application for a business, it allows customers to view details etc, and most importantly make reservations.
These reservations are stored into a mysql database which all is provided by my web hosting service.
everything up to here is fine and without problems
The next thing im trying to achieve introduces complications:
So I am trying make a application which will run on only one machine, and its supposed to connect to that database and retrieve all those reservations.This is where Im trying to implement a Visual basic application.
The easiest way would off been to email the business reservation every time its made, however this complicates things for the end user.It would be much easier to have an application that retrieves the data, simply on their desktop or a local drive as oppose to email.
I did research into and Net Connectors, but then came across the problem of my host not allowing remote connections to the database.
And this where Im stuck at now, I have no idea how to achieve the task
Thanks in advance for any guides or help
If your web host will not allow a remote connection to the database then you wont be able make a WinForms application to sit on the customers desktop - as you've worked out.
The simpliest solution is have a restricted Admin.aspx WebPage in the
website. This webpage would show all the reservations, allow Searching by From
and To Dates and possibly even allow for approval or rejecting bookings. This is a very common approach - I'd also recommend you have a special CSS for mobile phone webbrowsers so that your customers can view the bookings from their phone.

Microsoft Access 2007 Integration with Microsoft Visual Source safe 6.0

I am attempting to integrate an access program into Microsoft visual source safe 6.0.
I have downloaded an extension which allows source control access in access.
Here is the site that I used to guide me in my project
I have imported the access program into source safe. But I am having trouble with access with multiple users on the network.
Any suggestions?
I think the problem referred to is that multiple developers (users) can't check out the code from VSS. I am having the same problem with an Access database and came across this when researching the problem. VSS will not let anyone except the user who created the project check it out.
Your app should be split into front end (forms/reports/etc.) and back end (data tables only). Only the front end needs to be in VSS, since only the front end has code in it. Also, each user should have an individual copy of the front end. It seems like you're trying to share a single front end. This will never work, and if you look at your app properly (the front end is the "program" -- you don't have multiple users running Word from a shared copy, so why would you share your Access "program"?), it will be obvious why you shouldn't be doing that.