SQL Select - Fetching two different values from another table based on two different IDs - sql

I have two tables
Table 1 has five columns
Table 2 has two columns
How would I construct a select statement which will pull through the CarModelName to both the EmployeeCarModelName and the SpouseCarModelName based on their respective IDs? I'm not sure I can use a JOIN statement to do this as we are looking at two different id columns within the same table.

You need two joins to do this. I think you want:
select t1.EmployeeId, t1.EmployeeCarModelID, t2emp.CarModelName as EmployeeCarModelName,
t1.SpouseCarModelID, t2sp.CarModelName as SpouseCarModelName
from table1 t1 left join
table2 t2emp
on t1.EmployeeCarModelID = t2emp.CarModelId left join
table2 t2sp
on t1.SpouseCarModelId = t2sp.CarModelId;


Best way to combine two tables, remove duplicates, but keep all other non-duplicate values in SQL

I am looking for the best way to combine two tables in a way that will remove duplicate records based on email with a priority of replacing any duplicates with the values in "Table 2", I have considered full outer join and UNION ALL but Union all will be too large as each table has several 1000 columns. I want to create this combination table as my full reference table and save as a view so I can reference it without always adding a union or something to that effect in my already complex statements. From my understanding, a full outer join will not necessarily remove duplicates. I want to:
a. Create table with ALL columns from both tables (fields that don't apply to records in one table will just have null values)
b. Remove duplicate records from this master table based on email field but only remove the table 1 records and keep the table 2 duplicates as they have the information that I want
c. A left-join will not work as both tables have unique records that I want to retain and I would like all 1000+ columns to be retained from each table
I don't know how feasible this even is but thank you so much for any answers!
If I understand your question correctly you want to join two large tables with thousands of columns that (hopefully) are the same between the two tables using the email column as the join condition and replacing duplicate records between the two tables with the records from Table 2.
I had to do something similar a few days ago so maybe you can modify my query for your purposes:
WITH only_in_table_1 AS(
FROM table_1 A
(SELECT * FROM table_2 B WHERE B.email_field = A.email_field))
SELECT * FROM table_2
SELECT * FROM only_in_table_1
If the columns/fields aren't the same between tables you can use a full outer join on only_in_table_1 and table_2
try using a FULL OUTER JOIN between the two tables and then a COALESCE function on each resultset column to determine from which table/column the resultset column is populated

How to merge data from two tables with some common fields

So I have two tables that have similar data. There are columns in table A that match columns in table B, but with different naming conventions, there are also columns from each that have no equivalent in the other table, no rows should be merged, I need a view (I think) with all the rows from both tables, but with some columns merged so that data from table A.columnB and data from table B.columnF both end up in view C.columnD. There would be columns in the view that only had sources in one of the tables and would be null in rows from the other table. I can't change any of the existing table structure as the database is shared across multiple apps. I think I need to use a bunch of FULL OUTER JOIN statements in the view but I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around how to really go about it. If anyone can provide a generic example of how this should look I should be able to take it from there.
Here's an example of what doesn't work (there are a lot more columns on each side of the JOIN in the actual db, truncated for readability):
schedule_block.id as vid,
schedule_block.reason as vreason,
schedule_block.when_ts as vwhen,
schedule_block.duration as vduration,
schedule_block.note as vnote,
schedule_block.deleted_ts as vdeleted_when,
schedule_block.deleted_user_id as vdeleted_user_id,
schedule_block.lastmodified_ts as vlastmodified_ts,
schedule_block.lastmodified_user_id as vlastmodified_user_id
FROM schedule_block
FULL OUTER JOIN appointment.appt_when as vwhen ON 1 = 1
FULL OUTER JOIN appointment.patient_id as vpatient ON 1 = 1
FULL OUTER JOIN appointment.duration as vduration on 1 = 1
FULL OUTER JOIN appointment.deleted_when as vdeleted_when ON 1 = 1
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I can't use a UNION because there are different numbers of columns on each side
You could do something like:
Just make sure to match the datatypes.

How does JOIN work exactly in SQL

I know that joins work by combining two or more tables by their attributes, so if you have two tables that both have three columns and both have column INDEX, if you use table1 JOIN table2 you will get a new table with 5 columns, but what if you do not have a column that is shared by both table1 and table2? Can you still use JOIN or do you have to use TIMES?
Join is not a method for combining tables. It is a method to select records (and selected fields) from 2 or more tables where every table in the query must carry a field that can be matched to a field in another table in the query. The matched fields need not have the same name, but must carry the same type of data. Lacking this would be like trying to create meaning from joining a list of license plates of cars in NYC, with height data from lumberjacks in Washington state -- not meaningful.
Select h.name, h.home_address, h.home_phone, w.work_address,
from home h, work w
where h.employee_id = w.emp_id
As long as both columns: employee_id and emp_id carry the same information this query will work
In Microsoft Access, to get five rows from a three column table joined to a two column table, you'd use:
SELECT Table1.*, Table2.* FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Field1 = Table2.Field1;
You can query whatever you want, and join whatever you want, though.
If your one table is a list of people, and your other is a list of cars, and you want to see what people have names that are also models of cars, you can do:
SELECT Table1.Name, Table1.Age, Table2.Make, Table2.Year
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Name = Table2.Model;
Only when Name is the same as Model will it show a record.
This is the same idea for joining tables in any relational DBMS I've used.
You are right you can join two tables even if they do not have shared column.
Join uses primary to prevent mistakes on inserting or deleting when user trying to insert record that does not has a parent one or some thing like this.
join methods has many types you can view them here:
LEFT JOIN: select all records from first table, then selecting all records from second table that fulfilling the condition after ON clause.
you can't join the tables if they do not share a common column. If you can find a 3rd table that has common columns with table1 and table2 you can get them to join that way. so join table2 and tabl3 on a common column and than join table3 back to table1 on a common column.

Inner join between two tables with same count values

I have been working on this issue since 2 days now.
I have two tables created by using SQL Select statements
) Target
) Source
ON Join condition 1
AND Join condition 2
AND Join condition 3
AND Join condition 4
AND Join condition 5
The target table has count value of 10,000 records.
The source table has count value of 10,000 records.
but when I do an inner join between the two tables on the 5 join conditions
I get 9573 records.
I am basically trying to find a one to one match between source and target table. I feel every field from target matches every field in source.
Why does my inner join give less records even if there are same value of records in both tables?
If it is expected, how can I make sure I get the exact 10,000 records after the join condition?
1) An INNER JOIN only outputs the rows from the JOINING of two tables where their joining columns match. So in your case, Join Condition1 may not exist in rows in both tables and therefore some rows are filtering out.
2) As the other poster mentioned a left join is one way. You need to look which table source or target you want to use as your master i.e. start from and return all those rows. You then left join the remaining table based on your conditions to add all the columns where you join conditions match.
It's probably better if you give us the tables you are working on and the query\results you are trying to achieve.
There's some really good articles about the different joins out there. But it looks like you'd be interested in left joins. So if it exists in Target, but not in Source, it will not drop the record.
So, it would be:
SELECT(...) Target
SELECT(...) Source
ON cond1 and cond2 and cond3 and cond4 and cond5
Give that a shot and let me know how it goes!
Sometime you need to rely on logical analysis rather than feelings. Use this query to find the fields that do not match and then work out your next steps
) Target
) Source
ON Target.Col1=Source.Col1
AND Target.Col2=Source.Col2
AND Target.Col3=Source.Col3
Target.Col1 IS NULL
OR Source.Col1 IS NULL
OR Target.Col2 IS NULL
OR Source.Col2 IS NULL
OR Target.Col3 IS NULL
OR Source.Col3 IS NULL

SQL Join for cell content, not column name

I read up on SQL Join but as far as I understand it, you can only join tables which have a column name in common.
I have information in two different tables, but the column name is different in each. I need to pull information on something which is only in one of the tables, but also need information from the other. So was looking to join/merge them.
Here is what I mean..
The cell content 18599 in column from_pin_id also pertains to content in another table:
My question is how do I merge the two table details so that it recognizes 18599 is referring to the same thing, so that I can pull content on it from other columns in TABLE2?
I've looked through the codes on W3 but cannot find anything to what I need, as mentioned above, it seems to be just for joining tables with a common column:
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
JOIN table2
ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;
You can write as :
select * from table1
where from_pin_id in
select from_pin_id
from table1
select id
from table2
Intersect operator selects all elements that belong to both of the sets.
Change the table names and the columns that you select as needed.
SELECT table1.id, table1.owner_user_id, table1.from_pin_id, table2.board_id
FROM table1
JOIN table2 ON table1.from_pin_id = table2.id
GROUP BY id, owner_user_id, from_pin_id, board_id