How do I sort ElasticSearch when it's empty? - lucene

Sometimes, I have nothing in the index, sometimes, I have some documents. That's just the nature of my application. When the index does contain documents, I sort by "final_score" descending. My query looks like this:
GET /_search
"query": {
{ "final_score" : "desc" }
However, this query breaks when there are 0 documents in the index. I would have to remove the sort to make the query work.
How can I make this query work with any amount of documents (0, or more?)

If you don't have field and ask elasticsearch to sort by that field then there is problem,
So,Have mapping for final_score, so that it will not throw error (if nothing is indexed also).
POST http://localhost:9200/index/type/_mapping
"type": {
"properties": {
"final_score": {
"type": "integer"


Creating a couchdb view to index if item in an array exists

I have the following sample documents in my couchdb. The original table in production has about 2M records.
"_id": "someid|goes|here",
"collected": {
"tags": ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
"_id": "someid1|goes|here",
"collected": {
"tags": ["abc", "klm","pqr"]
"_id": "someid2|goes|here",
"collected": {
"tags": ["efg", "hij","klm"]
Based on my previous question here, how to search for values when the selector is an array,
I currently have an index added for the collected.tags field, but the search is still taking a long time. Here is the search query I have.
"selector": {
"collected.tags": {
"$elemMatch": {
"$regex": "abc"
There are about 300k records matching the above condition, there search seems to take a long time. So, I want to create a indexed view to retrieve and lookup faster instead of a find/search. I am new to couchdb and am not sure how to setup the map function to create the indexed view.
Figured the map function out myself. Now all the documents are indexed and retrievals are faster
function (doc) {
if(doc.collected.tags.indexOf('abc') > -1){
emit(doc._id, doc);

Elasticsearch make whole index or type not_analyzed

When I create an elasticsearch index I don't know what fields will be inserted with new docs. So I can't specify which fields are to be "index": "not_analyzed" at index creation time. Fortunately I want all fields to be not_analyzed so is there a way to have the entire index or type, meaning all created fields, not_analyzed?
As per documentation while creating index define analyzer default or default_index to be of type keyword.
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"default": {
"type": "keyword"
You can also scope the analyzer per type at the moment but looks like it will be deprecated in the future issue 8874.
However currently you can set default analyzer for a type in the mapping as follows :
put test/test_type/_mapping
"test_type" : {
"analyzer": "keyword"

Can Elasticsearch make suggestions for mapping?

Playing around with Elasticsearch I added a document to my index called "pets", that looks like this:
"name" : "Piper",
"type" : "dog"
Then I added a second document:
"name" : "Max",
"type" : "dog",
"breed": "Scottish Terrier"
Now, I understand that the mapping of my "pets" index is initially created based on my first document ( unless i define a mapping at some point ). However, I am curious to know if ES can suggest a mapping based on the existing data ( like MySQL's "Propose table structure" ) or maybe update the mapping automatically.
Yes, ElasticSearch will automatically update the mapping.
Sometimes the language in the ElasticSearch documentation makes it sound like once the mapping is set, it cannot be changed. This is only true for the existing fields. Any additional fields will be automatically assigned a type and added to the mapping.
Remember you can always check the mapping of an index with the get mapping API:
For example, with the example you have above, after your first "pet" document the mapping is:
"my_index": {
"mappings": {
"pet": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string"
And after the second "pet" document, your mapping is:
"my_index": {
"mappings": {
"pet": {
"properties": {
"breed": {
"type": "string"
"name": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string"
I'm not familiar with MySQL's propose table structure, so I can't comment on that...

elastic search query filter out ids by wildcard

I'm hoping to create a query where it will filter out IDs containing a wildcard. For instance, I would like to search for something everywhere except where the ID contains the word current. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible using Regex Filter/Regex Query. I could not figure a way to directly do it using the Complement option hence I've used bool must_not to solve your problem for the time being. I'll refine the answer later if possible.
POST <index name>/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must_not": [
"regexp": {
"ID": {
"value": ".*current.*"

elasticsearch exact match containing hash value

I am facing problem with elastic search, i am using query to search data from document. following is the query to search single data from document.
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "'.$lotnumber.'",
"fields": ["LotNumber"]
It is working fine for simple value but if $lotnumber contains any value with hash in between then it is showing all the data from document.any one here who can help me to resolve problem of searching exact value from document with hash value ??
The first things that I would think of in this case is make the field lotnumber not-analyzed in your mapping. That should do the trick.
In your mapping
"album": {
"type": "string",
"fields": {
"raw": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"