I would like to convert a Prismatic Schema nested specs to flat SQL tables creation where when adding lines, schema gets validated.
(defn max-length [l] (s/pred (fn [x] (<= (count x) l))))
(defn min-length [l] (s/pred (fn [x] (>= (count x) l))))
(defn length [l] (s/pred (fn [x] (= (count x) l))))
(defn matches [r] (s/pred (fn [s] (re-matches r s))))
(defn linked-to-many [& keys] ???)
(defn schema->tables [coll] ???)
(defn add-line [t coll] ???)
(def schema
{:ideas {:id s/Uuid ; not sure about this type
:title (s/both s/String (max-length 50))
:tags (linked-to-many :tags :id) ; a list of tag ids
:votes (linked-to-many :users :id) ; a list of user ids
(s/optional :desc) (s/both s/String (max-length 300))}
:users {:id s/Uuid
:f-name (s/both s/String (min-length 2))
:l-name (s/both s/String (min-length 2))
:zip (s/both s/Int (length 5))
:email (s/both (min-length 5) (matches #".*#.*"))
(s/optional :no-spam) s/Bool}
:tags {:id
:name (s/both s/String (max-length 15))
:related (linked-to-many :tags :id) } ; similar tag ids
(schema->tables schema)
;=> sql tables...
(add-line :tags {:name "Too long tag name which will trigger prismatic error"
:related [1 23 8]})
;=> prismatic validation error
I suppose it should create 6 SQL tables adding :votes, :tags-ideas and :tags-tags tables...
How can I achieve this?
Are there any libraries that can help me with this project?
(Maybe I could use something like aggregate?)
I'm writing a macro that looks through the metadata on a given symbol and removes any entries that are not keywords, i.e. the key name doesn't start with a ":" e.g.
(meta (var X)) ;; Here's the metadata for testing...
{:line 1,
:column 1,
:file "C:\\Users\\Joe User\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\form-init11598934441516564808.clj",
:name X,
:ns #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x12ed80f6 "thic.core"],
OneHundred 100,
NinetyNine 99}
I want to remove entryes "OneHundred" and "NinetyNine" and leave the rest of the metadata untouched.
So I have a bit of code that works:
(let [Hold# (meta (var X))] ;;Make a copy of the metadata to search.
(map (fn [[kee valu]] ;;Loop through each metadata key/value.
(not= \: (first (str kee))) ;; If we find a non-keyword key,
(reset-meta! (var X) (dissoc (meta (var X)) kee)) ;; remove it from X's metadata.
Hold# ;;map through this copy of the metadata.
It works. The entries for "OneHundred" and "NinetyNine" are gone from X's metadata.
Then I code it up into a macro. God bless REPL's.
(defmacro DelMeta! [S]
`(let [Hold# (meta (var ~S))] ;; Hold onto a copy of S's metadata.
(map ;; Scan through the copy looking for keys that DON'T start with ":"
(fn [[kee valu]]
(if ;; If we find metadata whose keyname does not start with a ":"
(not= \: (first (str kee)))
(reset-meta! (var ~S) (dissoc (meta (var ~S)) kee)) ;; remove it from S's metadata.
Hold# ;; Loop through the copy of S's metadata so as to not confuse things.
Defining the macro with defmacro works without error.
macroexpand-1 on the macro, e.g.
(macroexpand-1 '(DelMeta! X))
expands into the proper code. Here:
(macroexpand-1 '(DelMeta! X))
[Hold__2135__auto__ (clojure.core/meta (var X))]
[[thic.core/kee thic.core/valu]]
(clojure.core/not= \: (clojure.core/first (clojure.core/str thic.core/kee)))
(clojure.core/reset-meta! (var X) (clojure.core/dissoc (clojure.core/meta (var X)) thic.core/kee))))
Actually invoking the macro at the REPL with a real parameter blatzes out the most incomprehensible error message:
(DelMeta! X) ;;Invoke DelMeta! macro with symbol X.
Syntax error macroexpanding clojure.core/fn at (C:\Users\Joe User\AppData\Local\Temp\form-init11598934441516564808.clj:1:1).
([thic.core/kee thic.core/valu]) - failed: Extra input at: [:fn-tail :arity-1 :params] spec: :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list
(thic.core/kee thic.core/valu) - failed: Extra input at: [:fn-tail :arity-n :params] spec: :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list
Oh, all-powerful and wise Clojuregods, I beseech thee upon thy mercy.
Whither is my sin?
You don't need a macro here. Also, you are misunderstanding the nature of a Clojure keyword, and the complications of a Clojure Var vs a local variable.
Keep it simple to start by using a local "variable" in a let block instead of a Var:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(let [x (with-meta [1 2 3] {:my "meta"})
x2 (vary-meta x assoc :your 25 'abc :def)
x3 (vary-meta x2 dissoc 'abc )]
(is= x [1 2 3])
(is= x2 [1 2 3])
(is= x3 [1 2 3])
(is= (meta x) {:my "meta"})
(is= (meta x2) {:my "meta", :your 25, 'abc :def})
(is= (meta x3) {:my "meta", :your 25}))
So we see the value of x, x2, and x3 is constant. That is the purpose of metadata. The 2nd set of tests shows the effects on the metadata of using vary-meta, which is the best way to change the value.
When we use a Var, it is not only a global value, but it is like a double-indirection of pointers in C. Please see this question:
When to use a Var instead of a function?
This answer also clarifies the difference between a string, a symbol, and a keyword. This is important.
Consider this code
(def ^{:my "meta"} data [1 2 3])
(spyx data)
(spyx-pretty (meta (var data)))
and the result:
data => [1 2 3]
(meta (var data)) =>
{:my "meta",
:line 19,
:column 5,
:file "tst/demo/core.cljc",
:name data,
:ns #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x4e4a2bb4 "tst.demo.core"]}
(is= data [1 2 3])
(is= (set (keys (meta (var data))))
#{:my :line :column :file :name :ns})
So we have added the key :my to the metadata as desired. How can we alter it? For a Var, use the function alter-meta!
(alter-meta! (var data) assoc :your 25 'abc :def)
(is= (set (keys (meta (var data))))
#{:ns :name :file 'abc :your :column :line :my})
So we have added 2 new entries to the metadata map. One has the keyword :your as key with value 25, the other has the symbol abc as key with value :def (a keyword).
We can also use alter-meta! to remote a key/val pair from the metadata map:
(alter-meta! (var data) dissoc 'abc )
(is= (set (keys (meta (var data))))
#{:ns :name :file :your :column :line :my})
Keyword vs Symbol vs String
A string literal in a source file has double quotes at each end, but they are not characters in the string. Similarly a keyword literal in a source file needs a leading colon to identify it as such. However, neither the double-quotes of the string nor the colon of the keyword are a part of the name of that value.
Thus, you can't identify a keyword by the colon. You should use these functions to identify different data types:
the above are from the Clojure CheatSheet. So, the code you really want is:
(defn remove-metadata-symbol-keys
(assert (var? var-obj)) ; verify it is a Var
(doseq [k (keys (meta var-obj))]
(when (not (keyword? k))
(alter-meta! var-obj dissoc k))))
with a sample:
(def ^{:some "stuff" 'other :things} myVar [1 2 3])
(newline) (spyx-pretty (meta (var myVar)))
(remove-metadata-symbol-keys (var myVar))
(newline) (spyx-pretty (meta (var myVar)))
and result:
(meta (var myVar)) =>
{:some "stuff",
other :things, ; *** to be removed ***
:line 42,
:column 5,
:file "tst/demo/core.cljc",
:name myVar,
:ns #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x9b9155f "tst.demo.core"]}
(meta (var myVar)) => ; *** after removing non-keyword keys ***
{:some "stuff",
:line 42,
:column 5,
:file "tst/demo/core.cljc",
:name myVar,
:ns #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x9b9155f "tst.demo.core"]}
The above code was all run using this template project.
Assum I hava some(more than 20) variables, I want to save them to a file. I don't want to repeat 20 times the same code.
I wrote a macro but it gave me an error.
my test case:
(defn processor [ some-parameters ]
(let [
;after some operation ,got these data:
date-str ["JN01","JN02","JN03","JN04"];length 8760
date-temperature (map #(str %2 "," %1) [3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6] date-str) ; all vector's length are 8760
date-ws (map #(str %2 "," %1) [0.2,0.1,0.3,0.4] date-str) ;
;... many variables such like date-relative-humidity,date-pressure, name starts with "date-",
; all same size
;(doseq [e date-temperature]
; (println e))
(spit "output-variable_a.TXT"
(doseq [e date-temperature]
(println e))))
;same 'spit' part will repeat many times
(processor 123)
; I NEED to output other variables(ws, wd, relative-humidity, ...)
; Output example:
what I want is a macro/function I can use this way:
(write-to-text temperature,ws,wd,pressure,theta-in-k,mixradio)
and this macro/function will do the work.
I don't know how to write such a macro/function.
My macro post here but it doesn't work:
(defmacro write-array [& rest-variables ]
`(doseq [ vname# '~rest-variables ]
;(println vname# vvalue#)
(println "the vname# is" (symbol vname#))
(println "resolve:" (resolve (symbol (str vname# "-lines"))))
(println "resolve2:" (resolve (symbol (str "ws-lines"))))
(let [ vvalue# 5] ;(var-get (resolve (symbol vname#)))]
;----------NOTE: commented out cause '(symbol vname#)' won't work.
;1(spit (str "OUT-" vname# ".TXT" )
;1 (with-out-str
;1 (doseq [ l (var-get (resolve (symbol (str vname# "-lines"))))]
;1 (println l))))
(println vname# vvalue#))))
I found that the problem is (symbol vname#) part, this method only works for a GLOBAL variable, cannot bound to date-temperature in the LET form,(symbol vname#) returns nil.
It looks like you want to write a file of delimited values using binding names and their values from inside a let. Macros transform code during compilation and so they cannot know the run-time values that the symbols you pass are bound to. You can use a macro to emit code that will be evaluated at run-time:
(defmacro to-rows [& args]
(let [names (mapv name args)]
`(cons ~names (map vector ~#args))))
(defn get-stuff []
(let [nums [1 2 3]
chars [\a \b \c]
bools [true false nil]]
(to-rows nums chars bools)))
=> (["nums" "chars" "bools"]
[1 \a true]
[2 \b false]
[3 \c nil])
Alternatively you could produce a hash map per row:
(defmacro to-rows [& args]
(let [names (mapv name args)]
`(map (fn [& vs#] (zipmap ~names vs#)) ~#args)))
=> ({"nums" 1, "chars" \a, "bools" true}
{"nums" 2, "chars" \b, "bools" false}
{"nums" 3, "chars" \c, "bools" nil})
You would then need to write that out to a file, either using data.csv or similar code.
To see what to-rows expands to, you can use macroexpand. This is the code being generated at compile-time that will be evaluated at run-time. It does the work of getting the symbol names at compile-time, but emits code that will work on their bound values at run-time.
(macroexpand '(to-rows x y z))
=> (clojure.core/cons ["x" "y" "z"] (clojure.core/map clojure.core/vector x y z))
As an aside, I'm assuming you aren't typing thousands of literal values into let bindings. I think this answers the question as asked but there could likely be a more direct approach than this.
I think you are looking for the function name. To demonstrate:
user=> (defmacro write-columns [& columns]
(let [names (map name columns)]
`(str ~#names)))
user=> (write-columns a b c)
You can first capture the variable names and their values into a map:
(defmacro name-map
[& xs]
(let [args-list# (cons 'list (map (juxt (comp keyword str) identity) xs))]
`(into {} ~args-list#)))
If you pass the var names to the macro,
(let [aa 11
bb 22
cc 33]
(name-map aa bb cc))
It gives you a map which you can then use for any further processing:
=> {:aa 11, :bb 22, :cc 33}
(def result *1)
(fn [[k v]] (println (str "spit file_" (name k) " value: " v)))
spit file_aa value: 11
spit file_bb value: 22
spit file_cc value: 33
Edit: Just noticed it's similar to Taylor's macro. The difference is this one works with primitive types as well, while Taylor's works for the original data (vars resolving to collections).
I am learning clojure at school and I have an exam coming up. I was just working on a few things to make sure I get the hang of it.
I am trying to read from a file line by line and as I do, I want to split the line whenever there is a ";".
Here is my code so far
(defn readFile []
(map (fn [line] (clojure.string/split line #";"))
(with-open [rdr (reader "C:/Users/Rohil/Documents/work.txt.txt")]
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
(clojure.string/split line #";")
(println line)))))
When I do this, I still get the output:
Am I missing something?
I'm not sure if you need this at school, but since Gary already gave an excellent answer, consider this as a bonus.
You can do elegant transformations on lines of text with transducers. The ingredient you need is something that allows you to treat the lines as a reducible collection and which closes the reader when you're done reducing:
(defn lines-reducible [^BufferedReader rdr]
(reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit
(reduce [this f init]
(loop [state init]
(if (reduced? state)
(if-let [line (.readLine rdr)]
(recur (f state line))
(.close rdr))))))
Now you're able to do the following, given input work.txt:
Count the length of each 'split'
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io])
(into []
(mapcat #(str/split % #";"))
(map count))
(lines-reducible (io/reader "/tmp/work.txt")))
;;=> [1 2 1 6 4 4 6]
Sum the length of all 'splits'
(mapcat #(str/split % #";"))
(map count))
(lines-reducible (io/reader "/tmp/work.txt")))
;;=> 24
Sum the length of all words until we find a word that is longer than 5
(mapcat #(str/split % #";"))
(map count))
([] 0)
([sum] sum)
([sum l]
(if (> l 5)
(reduced sum)
(+ sum l))))
(lines-reducible (io/reader "/tmp/work.txt")))
or with take-while:
(mapcat #(str/split % #";"))
(map count)
(take-while #(> 5 %)))
(lines-reducible (io/reader "/tmp/work.txt")))
Read https://tech.grammarly.com/blog/building-etl-pipelines-with-clojure for more details.
TL;DR embrace the REPL and embrace immutability
Your question was "what am I missing?" and to that I'd say you're missing one of the best features of Clojure, the REPL.
Edit: you might also be missing that Clojure uses immutable data structures so
consider this code snippet:
(doseq [x [1 2 3]]
(inc x)
(prn x))
This code does not print "2 3 4"
it prints "1 2 3" because x isn't a mutable variable.
During the first iteration (inc x) gets called, returns 2, and that gets thrown away because it wasn't passed to anything, then (prn x) prints the value of x which is still 1.
Now consider this code snippet:
(doseq [x [1 2 3]] (prn (inc x)))
During the first iteration the inc passes its return value to prn so you get 2
Long example:
I don't want to rob you of the opportunity to solve the problem yourself so I'll use a different problem as an example.
Given the file "birds.txt"
with the data "1chicken\n 2duck\n 3Larry"
you want to write a function that takes a file and returns a sequence of bird names
Lets break this problem down into smaller chunks:
first lets read the file and split it up into lines
(slurp "birds.txt") will give us the whole file a string
clojure.string/split-lines will give us a collection with each line as an element in the collection
(clojure.string/split-lines (slurp "birds.txt")) gets us ["1chicken" "2duck" "3Larry"]
At this point we could map some function over that collection to strip out the number like (map #(clojure.string/replace % #"\d" "") birds-collection)
or we could just move that step up the pipeline when the whole file is one string.
Now that we have all of our pieces we can put them together in a functional pipeline where the result of one piece feeds into the next
In Clojure there is a nice macro to make this more readable, the -> macro
It takes the result of one computation and injects it as the first argument to the next
so our pipeline looks like this:
(-> "C:/birds.txt"
(clojure.string/replace #"\d" "")
last note on style, for Clojure functions you want to stick to kebab case so readFile should be read-file
I would keep it simple, and code it like this:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.test)
(:require [tupelo.core :as t]
[clojure.string :as str] ))
(def text
(def tmp-file-name "/tmp/lines.txt")
(spit tmp-file-name text) ; write it to a tmp file
(let [lines (str/split-lines (slurp tmp-file-name))
result (for [line lines]
(for [word (str/split line #";")]
(str/trim word)))
result-flat (flatten result)]
(is= result
[["I" "am" "a" "line"]
["This" "is" "another" "one"]
["Followed" "by" "this"]])
Notice that result is a doubly-nested (2D) matrix of words. The simplest way to undo this is the flatten function to produce result-flat:
(is= result-flat
["I" "am" "a" "line" "This" "is" "another" "one" "Followed" "by" "this"])))
You could also use apply concat as in:
(is= (apply concat result) result-flat)
If you want to avoid building up a 2D matrix in the first place, you can use a generator function (a la Python) via lazy-gen and yield from the Tupelo library:
(spit tmp-file-name text) ; write it to a tmp file
(let [lines (str/split-lines (slurp tmp-file-name))
result (t/lazy-gen
(doseq [line lines]
(let [words (str/split line #";")]
(doseq [word words]
(t/yield (str/trim word))))))]
(is= result
["I" "am" "a" "line" "This" "is" "another" "one" "Followed" "by" "this"])))
In this case, lazy-gen creates the generator function.
Notice that for has been replaced with doseq, and the yield function places each word into the output lazy sequence.
I'm new to Clojure. I was wondering how I could optimize an algorithm to count the number of inversions in a list. From what I understand, Clojure doesn't do tail call optimization unless specifically asked to? How do you get it to do this?
This first attempt with a mutated variable has a runtime of about 3.5s. But my second attempt was a functional version and it takes about 1m15s! and both require growing the stack size quite a bit (like -Xss12m).
How would I go about getting better performance?
I'd prefer to not have mutable variables (like the functional one) if possible. You can create the array file by typing something like seq 100000 | sort -R > IntArray.txt.
The first attempt w/ mutable variable:
(use 'clojure.java.io)
(def inversions 0)
(defn merge_and_count' [left right left_len]
(if (empty? right) left
(if (empty? left) right
(if (<= (first left) (first right))
(cons (first left) (merge_and_count' (rest left) right (- left_len 1)))
(let [_ (def inversions (+ inversions left_len))]
(cons (first right) (merge_and_count' left (rest right) left_len)))
(defn inversion_count [list]
(if (or (empty? list) (nil? (next list))) list
(let [mid (quot (count list) 2)]
(merge_and_count' (inversion_count (take mid list))
(inversion_count (drop mid list)) mid)
(defn parse-int [s]
(Integer. (re-find #"\d+" s )))
(defn get-lines [fname]
(with-open [r (reader fname)]
(doall (map parse-int (line-seq r)))))
(let [list (get-lines "IntArray.txt")
_ (inversion_count list)]
(print inversions))
My second attempt to be purely functional (no mutability):
(use 'clojure.java.io)
(defn merge_and_count' [left right inversions]
(if (empty? right) (list left inversions)
(if (empty? left) (list right inversions)
(if (<= (first left) (first right))
(let [result (merge_and_count' (rest left) right inversions)]
(list (cons (first left) (first result)) (second result)))
(let [result (merge_and_count' left (rest right) (+ inversions (count left)))]
(list (cons (first right) (first result)) (second result)))
(defn inversion_count [list' list_len]
(if (or (empty? list') (nil? (next list'))) (list list' 0)
(let [mid (quot list_len 2)
left (inversion_count (take mid list') mid)
right (inversion_count (drop mid list') (- list_len mid))]
(merge_and_count' (first left) (first right) (+ (second left) (second right)))
(defn parse-int [s]
(Integer. (re-find #"\d+" s )))
(defn get-lines [fname]
(with-open [r (reader fname)]
(doall (map parse-int (line-seq r)))))
(let [list (get-lines "IntArray.txt")
result (inversion_count list 100000)]
(print (second result)))
The stack overflows due to the recursion in merge-and-count. I tried this approach, and for 100000 items, it came back instantly.
(defn merge_and_count [left right inversions]
(loop [l left r right inv inversions result []]
(cond (and (empty? r) (empty? l)) [result inv]
(empty? r) [(apply conj result l) inv]
(empty? l) [(apply conj result r) inv]
(<= (first l) (first r)) (recur (rest l) r inv (conj result (first l)))
:else (recur l (rest r) (+ inv (count l)) (conj result (first r))))))
You need to replace this code with code from your second approach.
Is there a nice way to print out differences in clojure data structures? In Perl for example there is Test::Differences which helps a lot.
Take a look at clojure.data/diff: http://clojure.github.io/clojure/clojure.data-api.html#clojure.data/diff
async-demo.core> (use 'clojure.data)
async-demo.core> (diff {:a 2 :b 4} {:a 2})
({:b 4} nil {:a 2})
async-demo.core> (diff [1 2 3 4] [1 2 6 7])
[[nil nil 3 4] [nil nil 6 7] [1 2]]
async-demo.core> (diff #{"one" "two" "three"} #{"one" "fourty-four"})
[#{"two" "three"} #{"fourty-four"} #{"one"}]
You can also visually diff two data structures using the gui-diff library.
(gui-diff {:a 1} {:a 2}) will shell out to an OS-appropriate gui diffing program to diff the two, potentially very large, data structures.
What I really searched for was difform. Using clojure.data/diff is nice but does not work well in a unit test where larger structures are compared. Here is an example where data/diff does not perform as well as difform in my opinion:
(defn example []
(let [data [{:foo 1} {:value [{:bar 2}]}]]
(diff data
[{:value [{:bar 2}]}])
(difform data
[{:value [{:bar 2}]}])))
;; => diff output
;; => [[{:foo 1} {:value [{:bar 2}]}] [{:value [{:bar 2}]}] nil]
;; => difform output
- foo 1} {:
value [{:bar 2}]}]
;; => nil
Differ is a recent library that seems to do a nice job:
(def person-map {:name "Robin"
:age 25
:sex :male
:phone {:home 99999999
:work 12121212})
(def person-diff (differ/diff person-map {:name "Robin Heggelund Hansen"
:age 26
:phone {:home 99999999})
;; person-diff will now be [{:name "Robin Heggelund Hansen"
;; :age 26}
;; {:sex 0
;; :phone {:work 0}]
EDITED: fix Differ repo URL that change from gitlab to GitHub
Fanciest diff what I saw is deep-diff
It produces nice colorful diff like this
There also mention of nice editscript lib whick produce diff as array of patches.