Using Excel Formula in VBA - vba

Currently I have the following formula working perfectly when entered directly into the excel sheet.
However, when I attempt to exectue it in VBA it says there is a formatting error.
Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.AverageIfs(A:A,A:A,">="&10,A:A,"<="&11)
Is there any way to fix this?

You need to use Range() to define ranges in VBA:
Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.AverageIfs(Range("A:A"), Range("A:A"), ">=10", Range("A:A"), ">=11")


VBA formula inside cell

I need to put this formula inside a column subset range
I wrote this code:
XML.Range("V3:V411").Formula = "=VLookup(Substitute(M3, ""#"", """"), $AG$413:$AK$821, 5, False)"".Value = .Value"
but doesn't work and I get "Select method of range class failed" error
I recommend using the R1C1 format, more stable in macros.
Also, just use the macro recorder.
Don't pass .Value to Excel, it has no idea what that means. What was the plan with that?
.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(SUBSTITUTE(R[2]C[12],""#"",""""),R413C33:R821C37,5,FALSE)"
Or with .Formula:
.Formula = "=VLOOKUP(SUBSTITUTE(M3,""#"",""""),$AG$413:$AK$821,5,FALSE)"

Howto convert excel formula to work in VBA?

I have found this terrific tip:
However, the formula
works if entered in a cell but in VBA it gives a syntax error:
Set Rng = Range(Application.WorksheetFunction.Choose({1, 2}, colMax.Address, colId.Address))
Since this works althought it doesn't do what I want:
Set Rng = Range(Application.WorksheetFunction.Choose(1, colMax.Address, colId.Address))
it seems to be the {...} that is the problem. The problem with googling this is that I don't know what {...} is called (array, sequence list...???).
So the question is how to use this tip in VBA.
Just use the Evaluate function to evalute the formula in VBA. There is no need of "translating" it to VBA:
See this link

Setting cell formula which includes "text constants" in Excel cell by VBA

In actual cell formula I can manually set the following formula.
=IF(MONTH(A15)<7,"FY "&YEAR(A15)-1&"/"&RIGHT(YEAR(A15),2),"FY "&YEAR(A15)&"/"&RIGHT(YEAR(A15)+1,2))
I am trying to set this formula by vba using the following code.
ActiveCell.formulaR1C1 = "=IF(MONTH(A15)<7,"FY "&YEAR(A15)-1&"/"&RIGHT(YEAR(A15),2),"FY "&YEAR(A15)&"/"&RIGHT(YEAR(A15)+1,2))"
The VBA compiler displays a compile error: Expected: end of statement. This appears to have a problem with the exclamation marks.
Does anyone now how to include a text constant in a cell formula set by vba code?
You need to use double quotes within the string like so:
ActiveCell.formulaR1C1 = "=IF(MONTH(A15)<7,""FY ""&YEAR(A15)-1&""/""&RIGHT(YEAR(A15),2),""FY ""&YEAR(A15)&""/""&RIGHT(YEAR(A15)+1,2))"
You only use FormulaR1C1 if you pass a reference in R1C1 format, but you're using A1 format. You can also shorten that formula if you wish:
ActiveCell.Formula = "=""FY ""&YEAR(A15)-(MONTH(A15)<7)&""/""&RIGHT(YEAR(A15)+(MONTH(A15)>=7),2)"

How do I convert this Excel formula into VBA code?

'I am using this formula in an Excel worksheet, in cell A6. It is working fine.
=IF(O6="Hand","Manual Entry",IF(O6="JET",R6,IF(O6="COKE","Red Bull",IF(O6="Freight","Logistics",IF(O6="TAX","Tax",IF(O6="TRANSFER COST","Transfer Cost Transactions",IFERROR(IF(FIND("INV#",R6,1)>=1,MID(R6,FIND("INV#",R6,1),10),""),"")))))))
Now, my question is: how do I convert this to VBA? I have tried recording it, and the code is as follows:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(RC[14]=""Hand"",""Manual Entry JE"",IF(RC[14]=""JET"",RC[17],IF(RC[14]=""COKE"",""Red Bull"",IF(RC[14]=""FREIGHT"",""Logistics"",IF(RC[14]=""TAX"",""Tax"",IF(RC[14]=""TRANSFER COST"",""Transfer Cost Transactions"",IFERROR(IF(FIND(""INV#"",RC[17],1)>=1,MID(RC[17],FIND(""INV#"",RC[17]" & _
When I run this, I am receiving Run Time Error 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error.So I Changed this to something like this, this doing same as above formula except the find option, everything is running fine.
![VBA For Above formula][Any Help on the find?]
End sub.How do i get the fine option in the above VBA code.`
This works for me:
Range("L6").Formula = "=IF(O6=""Hand"",""Manual Entry"",IF(O6=""JET"",R6,IF(O6=""COKE"",""Red Bull"",IF(O6=""Freight"",""Logistics"",IF(O6=""TAX"",""Tax"",IF(O6=""TRANSFER COST"",""Transfer Cost Transactions"",IFERROR(IF(FIND(""INV#"",R6,1)>=1,MID(R6,FIND(""INV#"",R6,1),10),""""),"""")))))))"
This is just your original Excel formula, but with the " characters escaped as "".
You need to escape your quotes.
ActiveCell.Formula = "=IF(O6=""Hand"",""Manual Entry"",IF(O6=""JET"",R6,IF(O6=""COKE"",""Red Bull"",IF(O6=""Freight"",""Logistics"",IF(O6=""TAX"",""Tax"",IF(O6=""TRANSFER COST"",""Transfer Cost Transactions"",IFERROR(IF(FIND(""INV#"",R6,1)>=1,MID(R6,FIND(""INV#"",R6,1),10),""""),"""")))))))"
And use .Formula since you're using specific cell names that are not relative to the currently selected cell.

Add a cell formula in Excel via vba

I’m not an Excel or VBA expert but I want to insert this current excel formula into cell’s using VBA.
Current Excel formula:
VBA formula :
ActiveSheet.Range("a" & ActiveSheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(2, 12).Value = "=IF(OR(ISNUM(R[-3]C[-9])=FALSE;ISNUM(R[0]C[-9])=FALSE);'';IF(R[0]C[-10]='Total';R[0]C[-9]-R[-3]C[-9];''))"
It doesn’t work… Someone can help me please?
Try using .formula = instead of .value = in your VBA code.
Setting the .value of a cell simply copies in whatever value you specify. In this case, your formula is simply converted to a string value.
Using the .formula property, you are actually specifying the formula that gets used to compute the value, which is what you are looking for.
Can I first suggest a simplification of your formula, from:
=IF(AND(C573="Total"; ISNUM(D570); ISNUM(D573)); D573-D570; "")
Then, I'd set a cell (the active cell in the example below) to use that formula using the VBA code:
ActiveCell.Formula = "=IF(...)"