Logging errors with liquibase update command - liquibase

I am running liquibase update from command line.
When there is an error, I would like to log the error into a text file.
I tried the --logFile option with update command but it didn't work.
How do I write the liquibase errors into a file?

Normally you can just use the redirect > shell command. Like liquibase update > log.txt


Beeline CLI create txt file command?

I recently have started to use Beelines CLI to interface with a hive server.
The problem is that create file command is failing for me.
I have tried the following:
add FILE[S] 'example.txt';
Which returns this error:
Error: Error while processing statement: null (state=,code=1)
You should remove the quotes from the path. i.e.
beeline> add file example.txt;
Also be sure that you are only adding files to the server hive is running on.

How to run a karate script using power-shell command prompt

In power-shell window command prompt how to run a karate script. can you briefly explain the process on this.
Download the standalone JAR file: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-netty#standalone-jar
Assuming you have the JAR and feature file in the same directory, you can trigger the script from the command prompt using the following command:
> karate.jar testscript.feature
Since you are new to stack overflow, please do read the following to best get help:

Need a basic understanding of the sqlplus command

sqlplus -s £ORA_LOGIN/£ORA_PASSWORD #./sql/getsess.sql £FEED > £FEED.lst
This is the command in a shell script. Can anyone please tell me what is this doing? because i have no knowledge about the sqlplus command
This command runs the script ./sql/getsess.sql providing the value £FEED as parameter and using the credentials £ORA_LOGIN/£ORA_PASSWORD to login. It will store the output from the call to SQLPlus in the file named £FEED.lst.
Note that SQLPlus is invoked in silent mode (parameter -S), so most of the output will not be seen in the output file.

Can you write sql commands using a .bat file?

I'm designing a process to create a list of fuzzy duplicates for my colleagues. I have automated most of the process and have used a .bat file to open sqlite. However, I can now find no other way to read the code other than to manually type:
.read file_name.sql
Into command prompt. Is there a way I could type open and read the file from notepad with the commands prewritten, like a .bat file. For example:
cd sqlite -- enter directory with sqlite3 inside of it. DOS command
sqlite3 --to open the sqlite3 application DOS command
.read file_name.sql -- SQLite command
Thanks in advance, sorry if the question is trivial.
You can give a command as parameter to the sqlite3 tool:
sqlite3 mydatabasefile ".read file_name.sql"
You can find information on what you're looking to do with the SQLCMD tool. It allows SQL to be run from the command line.

logging in ant script for running .sql

I have a .sql file which contain create script for 20 tables.I am running this through ant.
the Ant Script is
<target name="CompleteDBRollCreate" >
<sql classpath="D:\lib\ojdbc14.jar" driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
userid="scott" password="tiger"
src="D:\dropalltables.sql" />
but there is no logging in ant so I can't know if the SQL file was executed correctly. Can any one please suggest how to do logging into a separate localfile/on the ant console. I just want to know where I need to change the .sql file or the ant script.
There is logging in ant. Check out Running Apache Ant - Command Line:
-logfile use given file for log
-logfile will give you jdbc jdbc exceptions and all the noise around that, which can be useful, but I would also recommend spooling in the sql file as well as it looks like you are going to have multiple statements in the script. So I'd say you should use the -logfile option and also alter your script to spool any ORA errors you might encounter if you have multiple statements.
spool test.out
create table foo (testCol varchar2(2));
drop table foo;
spool off