What is the most appropriate GUI Testing Tool for MS Dynamix CRM hybrid application? [closed] - testing

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been recently assigned as a tester on a web app that integrates with Microsoft Dynamix CRM.
There are a lot of repetitive testing tasks that could be automated to accelarate the testing effort.
I proposed this to my boss and said that I can start hacking together some watir scripts. However, he wants me to do more research (he is happy to invest the cash if there is something out there that can save us time - he is heavily attached to the idea of there being some kind of record and playback tool out there that cranks out robust scripts but I am not convinced).
This is my tool experience so far:
webdriver (Python)
watir-webdriver (just a dabble for an interview)
TestComplete (small suite of tests for a webapp in 2011)
QTP (in 2009)
Can someone please recommend some tools for me? I don't really know where to start.
It sounds like
Selenium / Webdriver is widely used, widely supported and a good price (free :) )
"Telerik TestStudio" is quite popular but seems like overkill for what I want to do
"QTP" is unreliable and overpriced.
"TestComplete" has some scattered support.
Since I'm already handy with Ruby, I am leaning towards running with the Watir option. Does this seem like a reasonable course?

I would suggest to go with the Open Source solutions: either Watir or Selenium. Both should work, then it depends on your liking. Personally I use Robot Framework with its selenium Library and it works very well and has quite a dynamic community.
Note that you should also consider if you can do part of your testing bellow the UI. You could probably do some tests on the API offered by Dynamix and used by your web app. That would be quicker and more robust.

I would recommend selenium-webdriver. As you said it's widely used, widely supported and good price (free). As you aleady know Ruby you can write tests on ruby using selenium-webdriver.


"Record and play" tools or "Code/script based" tools? [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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I am new in test automation.
We are going to plan to start test automation for our platforms (iOS, Android and Web).
I should decide between "Record and Play" tools (eg. Ranorex) or "Code/script based" tools (eg. Selenium) with C# programming.
I have already tried both Ranorex and Selenium, but I cannot decide which tools should I choose.
I would be so grateful, if you could help me to choose the right tools.
Recored and play for e.g. SELENIUM IDE .
Disadvantage :
Works in Mozilla only.
No object orientation.
Advantage :
Record and play option.
Does not require server to start testing.
It has UI.
Core engine is Javascript based.
for this Code/script based we have Selenium webdriver.
Advantage :
Support for multi browser.
API's are entirely object oriented.
Interacts natively with browser applications.
Does not require server to start testing.
Disadvantage :
Does not support record and playback and has No UI.
Conclusion :
It depends on your team, budget, software, and there are n number of factors, but My preference has been code, since once you've the code written you can run that code on multiple browser and on multiple platform. so basically you have more coverage with mere changes.
Based on my own experience and the experience of all the professionals I worked with and spoken with it is much better to work with Code/script based tools like Selenium.
The most "problem" in this approach - you will need engineers with good coding skills to perform this job while to make automation with Record and Play tools you can do with less professional staff.
if you go for ranorex you'll get both:
Selenium WebDriver is built into the Ranorex core
Here you can find a list, comparing selenium vs. ranorex

What will be the best tool to automate a Single Page Application test cases [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I have a new website to test which is a Single page application (SPA) and I'm not sure which tool shall I use to automate it. I thought of Selenium and Protractor but Protractor would not be a good idea as my site has nothing to do with AngularJS and in that case is it like Selenium WebDriver is the only option or there are any other tool available in market?
If selenium is the only good option then what sort of challenge I can face?
I'd go for Watir-Webdriver and Ruby! Main benefits - easy to read and understand code, ruby flexibility, power and irb debugger, speed and reliability. As for challenges - one would be of integrating technologies (if your site uses C# as the backend - i would definitely go with C# and Selenium-Webdriver)
Yes you can go with selenium webdriver with a framework like POM(Page object Model).
Page object model gives flexibility and maintainability for you scripts.
Hope it will help you :)
In case of one page application its will be bad idea to use selenium.
add all the dll's to your project, run the webDriver in your code and so on ...
The best idea will be using (.Net webBrowser + MSHtml) [in case that your test will be on internet explorer web browser]
The Benefits:
Speed !
Build in Framework.

Automated UI testing for an Eclipse RCP application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What tools are available for record and play back type testing of an Eclipse RCP application?
I'm hoping for something that the end users will be able to pick up pretty easily and record their user acceptance tests with.
Have a look at this:
Robot framework is one of the easier testing tools for end users to pick up as it nicely separates code from tests.
WindowTester supports testing of SWT and Swing applications. It supports recording actions to Java tests. It was developed by Instantiations, which consistently delivered excellent products for Java development, integrated well within the Eclipse IDE. Google acquired Instantiations this year, and now offers WindowTester as free software.
Squish, by FrogLogic, supports many UI toolkits, including SWT. I toyed with the Qt version a few years back, and liked it. Squish supports recording to scripts that you can then edit, in Python, JavaScript, Perl or Tcl. Scripts are not dependent on screen coordinates. On the downside, Squish is exorbitantly priced, and it's licensed per UI platform.
Some other options are described in this previous question.
A comparision which includes most of the tools mentioned in the other answers (WindowTester, Squish, RCPTT, Jubula) can be found directly on the Eclipse website.
This question is quiet old and the answers outdated. RCPTT is a great if not the best solution to this problem. Free of charge and you are able to record user interactions
Eclipse foundation now has Jubula ptojext. See http://eclipse.org/jubula/ "Jubula"

Problem Steps Recorder tool to make tutorials [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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This weekend I installed Windows 7 (brilliant!) and there I found this genious tool called Problem Steps Recorder. Apparently a tool that came with the beta bug reporting tool thingy.
I am currently trying to document some application usages for other developers. (In this exact case, how to get Showplan XML Statistics in SQL Profiler and some basic usage of Database Engine Tuning Advisor). And I was thinking that a tool like that Problem Steps Recorder with be perfect for this! Only problem is that it is only in windows 7 (?) and the output is an mht file which also contains some general bug issue text etc...
Anyways, does anyone know if this tool is available in a more general version? Or if there are some free and smooth alternatives which does kind of the same thing for Vista (and other windows versions if possible)?
Maybe Wink is your answer.
I'm looking for a better capture tool for both user documentation and reporting bugs. The best "steps recorder" that I've seen is bundled with Testuff. Their Test Runner app lets you select a region to record (video). It captures every mouse click and logs every key press along side the video playback. Of course, it's designed only for reporting bugs to a development team.
I'm still using SnagIt (cheap, not free) for capturing screens and adding annotations. I also have Camtasia, but that's definitely not "free" as you requested :)
I just stumbled upon 'Imago recorder', available via various software / download sites. It's not pretty but it does the trick and it's free.
It's currentyl available here
Additional option you should definitely pay attention to is StepsToReproduce. There are several options for recording (screen/window/region) and nice powerful annotation tools. And it's also free!

iMacros is good but unreliable. Is there any alternative? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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iMacros is a very nice tool which allows to authomatically fill HTML forms and extract content, includes cycles and many other features. The problem is that it is quite tricky to make it extracting content properly. For example, I have failed to extract all London-to-Tokio flight prices for all the dates between 1/10/08 to 1/12/08 to find a cheapest one from expedia. Sometimes it just crashes. Does anyone know any good alternative?
Bah, I installed it but never really used it: I am happy enough with Greasemonkey.
Chickenfoot can make it more edible...
Searching for URLs, I found also DéjàClick and Selenium IDE but I don't really know them.
There are lot of other tools for Web automation, most of them professional (read "payware"...).
Alternatively, for just data extraction, I would use cURL or wget and a good HTML parser...
I have heard good things about Selenium IDE also and my limited testing indicates it is pretty capable, and works in Firefox and IE.
For most any macro based testing tool, you will need to do some programming if you need to support multiple, repeatable test cases.
That said, in your example you mention running an Expedia macro... presumably to scrape results. You will want to make sure that you don't hammer Expedia's servers, and/or expect to be booted once they discover you are (effectively) a bot.
I agree imacros is quite unreliable. They crash quite easily if you using complex algorithm or running it continously. The trick is to close it and open it again after loops. It will decrease the number of crash you will find, though not completely.