Groff "Page n of m" with mom - groff

We're using groff with the mom macros for generating reports, and we'd like to change the page numbering from the "- n -" format to "Page n of m". Looking through the mom documentation, I see several ways of formatting the page number, but nothing about including the total number of pages. Is it possible to override the mom page numbering and include the total page count?

I think you would need to do this as a multi-pass operation: first count the number of pages, then add the page count into the source.
You could get the page count from the \n[%] register after the whole document has been formatted (presuming you never adjusted the page count manually), so something like this (in a shell script) will get you the page count:
PAGE_COUNT=$(echo ".tm \n[%]" | groff -i -z -mom 2>&1)
Then on the next pass, set that count in a register, i.e.,
groff -rpages=$PAGE_COUNT -mom
and use mom's macros for setting the title. I'm not familiar with mom specifically, but it should be similar to the generic
.tl ''Page % of \n[pages]''


In MS Access VBA get Number of Processor Cores

I need to get the number of processor cores available on a computer programmatically from within MS Access. As an example, the computer I work from most frequently has one processor with 6 cores. I want to grab the number '6' through VBA.
Thus far, I have found two ways to find this information through CMD. (1) I can execute the line echo %NUMBER OF PROCESSORS% and the result is 6 (simple and clean, I like it). (2) I have also tried wmic cpu get numberorcores, but the result of that prompt is as follows:
I intend to pipe the output to and read from the clipboard. The reason I use the clipboard is to avoid creating, reading, and deleting little text files of data. Prompt (2) works, I can successfully pipe the output to the clipboard and read it into a variable in VBA, but it's messy and I would have to parse the result to get the information I need. I would much prefer using prompt (1), but it's not working and the problem seems to be echo. I have tried using shell() and CreateObject(WScript.Shell).Run without success. The strings I have used to try to execute the echo prompt are as follows:
str = "echo %NUMBER OF PROCESSORS% | clip"
str = "cmd ""echo %NUMBER OF PROCESSORS% | clip"""
So, is there a way to successfully send an echo prompt to CMD through VBA and get a result?
Alternatively, is there a different way in VBA to get the number of cores?
Why not keep it simple like this:
Dim result As Variant
result = Environ("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")
Debug.Print "Number of processors is " & result

Create a wordlist using hashcat?

Hashcat doesn't support the target application I'm trying to crack, but I'm wondering whether the mask function can be 'fed' the list of passwords and parsed through the rockyou rule to generate an effective wordlist for me?
If so, how can this be done as the documentation leaves lots to be desired.. !
Many thanks
I used HashCatRulesEngine:
You can chain all the HashCat rules together, it then union selects them, weeds out any duplicates and takes as input your sample password file.
It then generates all possible permutations.
For instance:
echo "password">foo
./hcre /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/Incisive-leetspeak.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/InsidePro-HashManager.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/InsidePro-PasswordsPro.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/T0XlC-insert_00-99_1950-2050_toprules_0_F.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/T0XlC-insert_space_and_special_0_F.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/T0XlC-insert_top_100_passwords_1_G.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/T0XlC.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/T0XlCv1.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/best64.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/combinator.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/d3ad0ne.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/dive.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/generated.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/generated2.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/hybrid /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/leetspeak.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/oscommerce.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/rockyou-30000.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/specific.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/toggles1.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/toggles2.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/toggles3.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/toggles4.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/toggles5.rule /Users/chris/Downloads/hashcat-4.0.0/rules/unix-ninja-leetspeak.rule < foo >passwordsx
1 password the word "password" was permutated a total of:
bash-3.2# wc -l passwordsx
227235 passwordsx
Times meaning that each word you feed into this generates 227235 possible combinations roughly giving you full coverage..
You can use hashcat itself as a candidate generator by adding the --stdout switch (then pipe to your file or program of choice). I haven't tried all the possibilities, but it should work with any of the supported hashcat modes.
Here's an example using a ruleset:

Reordering large PDF files using command line tools

I'm working with PDF files that have hundreds of forms within them. Each form is 2 pages long, so in most files pages 1-2 is the first form, pages 3-4 is the second form, and so on.
However, there are several PDF files where the page order of the forms are reversed. In these cases, page 1 is the second page of the first form and page 2 is the first page of the first form, page 3 is the second page of the second form and page 4 is the first page of the second form, and so on.
I want to reorder the page order in these files so that the pages are in this sequence: (2(1), 2(1)-2, 2(2), 2(2)-1, 2(3), 2(3)-1,...,2n,2n-1), where n= total number of pages/2.
I've been looking for a way to do this using command line tools such as cpdf, pdftk, etc., but to no avail. The files are quite large so I would like to do it by using command line tools.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
CIB pdf toolbox of CIB ( has a (non free) command line tool version, which supports all possibilities of PDF merging in one run.
Did you try poppler-utils?
i think with the command line tools pdfseparate and pdfunite utilities you can achieve all you want.
Would it matter to you if the order of the forms inside the PDF is changed? For example if instead of
your resulting file would look like
In this case you could just run PDFtk so that it completely reverses all the pages of the original file:
pdftk in.pdf cat r1-1 output reversed.pdf
(Prefixing a page number with the letter r references pages in reverse order. That means r1 is the last page...)
In case you are on an operating system which supports shell scripting (like Bash on Linux or macOS), you can achieve the output of your requested page numbers by something like this (assuming that your n==10):
for i in {1..10}; do
echo -n "$(( 2 * ${i} )) ";
echo -n "$(( 2 * ${i} -1 )) ";
This will output 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9. Now you could use this PDFtk command for re-ordering the pages as you want:
pdftk in.pdf cat $(for i in {1..10};do echo -n "$((2 * ${i})) ";echo -n "$((2*${i}-1 )) ";done) output out.pdf

while [[ condition ]] stalls on loop exit

I have a problem with ksh in that a while loop is failing to obey the "while" condition. I should add now that this is ksh88 on my client's Solaris box. (That's a separate problem that can't be addressed in this forum. ;) I have seen Lance's question and some similar but none that I have found seem to address this. (Disclaimer: NO I haven't looked at every ksh question in this forum)
Here's a very cut down piece of code that replicates the problem:
1 #!/usr/bin/ksh
2 #
3 go=1
4 set -x
5 tail -0f loop-test.txt | while [[ $go -eq 1 ]]
6 do
7 read lbuff
8 set $lbuff
9 nwords=$#
10 printf "Line has %d words <%s>\n" $nwords "${lbuff}"
11 if [[ "${lbuff}" = "0" ]]
12 then
13 printf "Line consists of %s; time to absquatulate\n" $lbuff
14 go=0 # Violate the WHILE condition to get out of loop
15 fi
16 done
17 printf "\nLooks like I've fallen out of the loop\n"
18 exit 0
The way I test this is:
Run in background mode
In a different window I run commands like "echo some nonsense >>loop_test.txt" (w/o the quotes, of course)
When I wish to exit, I type "echo 0 >>loop-test.txt"
What happens? It indeed sets go=0 and displays the line:
Line consists of 0; time to absquatulate
but does not exit the loop. To break out I append one more line to the txt file. The loop does NOT process that line and just falls out of the loop, issuing that "fallen out" message before exiting.
What's going on with this? I don't want to use "break" because in the actual script, the loop is monitoring the log of a database engine and the flag is set when it sees messages that the engine is shutting down. The actual script must still process those final lines before exiting.
Open to ideas, anyone?
Thanks much!
-- J.
OK, that flopped pretty quick. After reading a few other posts, I found an answer given by dogbane that sidesteps my entire pipe-to-while scheme. His is the second answer to a question (from 2013) where I see neeraj is using the same scheme I'm using.
What was wrong? The pipe-to-while has always worked for input that will end, like a file or a command with a distinct end to its output. However, from a tail command, there is no distinct EOF. Hence, the while-in-a-subshell doesn't know when to terminate.
Dogbane's solution: Don't use a pipe. Applying his logic to my situation, the basic loop is:
while read line
# put loop body here
done < <(tail -0f ${logfile})
No subshell, no problem.
Caveat about that syntax: There must be a space between the two < operators; otherwise it looks like a HEREIS document with bad syntax.
Er, one more catch: The syntax did not work in ksh, not even in the mksh (under cygwin) which emulates ksh93. But it did work in bash. So my boss is gonna have a good laugh at me, 'cause he knows I dislike bash.
So thanks MUCH, dogbane.
-- J
After articulating the problem and sleeping on it, the reason for the described behavior came to me: After setting go=0, the control flow of the loop still depends on another line of data coming in from STDIN via that pipe.
And now that I have realized the cause of the weirdness, I can speculate on an alternative way of reading from the stream. For the moment I am thinking of the following solution:
Open the input file as STDIN (Need to research the exec syntax for that)
When the condition occurs, close STDIN (Again, need to research the syntax for that)
It should then be safe to use the more intuitive:while read lbuffat the top of the loop.
I'll test this out today and post the result. I'd hope someone else benefit from the method (if it works).

Setting the photometric interpretation tag for a multi-page tiff

While trying to convert a multipage document from a tiff to a pdf, I encountered the following problem:
↪ tiff2pdf 0271.f1.tiff -o 0271.f1.pdf
tiff2pdf: No support for 0271.f1.tiff with no photometric interpretation tag.
tiff2pdf: An error occurred creating output PDF file.
Does anybody know what causes this and how to fix it?
This is caused because one or more of the pages in the multi-page tiff does not have the photometric interpretation tag set. This is a required tag, so that means your tiffs are technically invalid (though I bet they work fine anyway).
To fix this, you must identify the page (or pages) that does not have the photometric interpretation set and fix it.
To identify the page, you can simply run something like:
↪ tiffinfo your-file.tiff
This will spit out the info for every page of your tiff. For each good page, you'll see something like:
TIFF Directory at offset 0x105c0 (67008)
Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
Image Width: 1760 Image Length: 2639
Resolution: 300, 300 pixels/inch
Bits/Sample: 1
Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4
**Photometric Interpretation: min-is-white**
FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
Samples/Pixel: 1
Rows/Strip: 2639
Planar Configuration: single image plane
Software: ScanFix(TM) Enhanced ImageGear Version: 11.00.024
DateTime: Mon Oct 31 15:11:07 2005
Artist: 1996-2001 AccuSoft Co., All rights reserved
If you have a bad page, it'll lack the photometric interpretation section, and you can fix it with:
↪ tiffset -d $page-number -s 262 0 your-file.tiff
Note that the value of zero is the default for the photometric interpretation key, which is 262. You can see the other values for this key at the link above.
If your tiff has a lot of pages (like mine does), you may not be able to easily identify the bad page by eye. In that case, you can take a brute force approach, setting the photometric interpretation for all pages to the default value.
# First, split the tiff into many one-page files
↪ tiffsplit your-file.tiff
# Then, set the photometric interpretation to the default for all pages
↪ find . -name '*.tiff' -exec tiffset -s 262 0 '{}' \;
# Then rejoin the pages
↪ tiffcp *.tiff -o out-file.tiff
Lot of dummy work, but gets the job done.