Rolling 6 Months - sql

I have 2 parameters in my report, Month and Year.
I also have a table which in one column has the count of rows for that particular month and another column which has the count of rows for that specific month and the next 5 months (Rolling 6 month).
Both of these columns have an expression which links to the parameters as shown below:
Month Expression:
6 Month Expression:
My parameters use specific values which i have put in (1 - 12) so when my rolling month adds 1 value each time as you can probably guess this wont work when I come near the latter months of the year as my expression does not roll over to next year and just stops at December.
Overview: Parameters are integer values 1 - 12 and I am not sure how to calculate a rolling 6 months which will carry over to the next year when selecting months late in the year. e.g. If I select November as my Month parameter, my rolling 6 months will only display the sum of rows for November and December, not going to the next year. I am assuming this is because my month values are integers and in my expression I add numbers to the integers for each month therefore my rolling 6 will be trying to add months 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 when obviously months only go to 12.

This is not an answer to your question, but looking at this, you may be able to find a solution with SQL itself.
See the query below. Consider this as your report source sql.
If you join the result with itself, some what like below, you will get the result in sql query itself, you need to only show it in report. See below.


I need a count of serial numbers (last 6 months) that are under warranty for a failure rate report

My table has the following columns:
I would like to get a monthly in warranty count looking back about 6 months. I know how to get a month by specifying in the where clause. Would like to have a query that generates the last 6 months with out having to specify the month in the where clause.
SELECT count(*)
FROM Supplemental_Warranty
WHERE WarrantyBeginDt <= '6-15-2022' AND WarrantyEndDt >= '6-15-2022'
How could I create a query that looks back 6 months from the current date?
UPDATED to add group by month for 6 months to get count by month.
This should give you 6 months worth of data using system date (subtract 6 months from today) and end date/time is now so you dont have to specify specific dates, just using date add functionality to subtract 6 months from stating date.
SELECT count(*), MONTH(WarrantyBeginDt) AS CountPerMonth
FROM Supplemental_Warranty
--if you have any flags or other logic to identify if it is underwarranty or not
AND IsUnderWarranty = 1
GROUP BY MONTH(WarrantyBeginDt)
NOTE: Not tested but this should do it depending on your SQL technology.

Select next value where it equals another value

I have a table of the fiscal year for 100 years. i.e.
I am wanting to do add a column which shows the fiscal year that each week_ending_date belongs to. So in the table above week number 1, and week_ending_date 2013-10-05 would belong to fiscal year ending 2014.
In short I simply want each value in the added column to be the year part of week_ending_date where the next week_number is 52.
Here would be the pseudo code of what I am trying to achieve.
(SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR Week_Ending_Date (***but as only year***) FROM Fiscal_Calendar WHERE FC.Week_Number = 52)
FROM Fiscal_Calendar AS FC
JOIN Shipped_Container AS SC
ON SC.Fiscal_Week_Ending = FC.Week_Ending_Date
Bare in mind this has 100 years in the table and so I can't select the last value and makes using WHERE difficult (for me).
One way you can do this is by subtracting 7 * week number, taking the year and adding 1:
select 1 + year(dateadd(day, -7 * week_number, week_ending_date))

Selecting sets of data and creating a new column in SQL Server

In SQL Server can you select the first set of values (i.e. week numbers 1 - 52) give them another value in a new column, then select the next lot of values.
The problem I am having is the data table I am working on has week numbers for each financial year, which starts the first Sunday after 1 October. So it simply iterates 1 - 52 for each financial year.
I am trying to make a column in a view that grabs the first 52 gives them the a financial year value of 1, then grabs the next 52 and gives them a financial year value of 2 etc (obviously with year 1 starting at the first record). I do have the Week Ending Date column to work with also.
Here is a snippet of the table:
Is this possible?
Leave the Sundays and Octobers. If I understand correctly, you only need to assign a rank to each occurrence of week number in order of the ending dates.
Please try this (but use copy of the table or transaction to check first; of course T is name of your table):
update T
set fiscal_year = YearNumbers.FiscalYear
from T
inner join
select WeekEndingDate, WeekNumber, DENSE_RANK() over (partition by WeekNumber order by WeekEndingDate) as FiscalYear
from T
) as YearNumbers
on T.WeekEndingDate = YearNumbers.WeekEndingDate and T.WeekNumber = YearNumbers.WeekNumber

Filter on date stored in integer fields without datetime

I've got two columns, one with a year (e.g. 2013, 2014) and one with a number of the month (e.g. 2, 3, 4).
Is there code that I could use to bring back the previous 12 months from my selected month? So if I selected my year as '2014' and my month as '9', I'd like to bring back the results going back to year '2013' and month '10'.
Is that possible without having a datetime field?
This should be possible. I would do this with "month" arithmetic. For instance, to get all dates since 2013-10, for selected month 2014-09:
select t.*
from table t
where year*12 + month >= 2014*12 + 9 - 12;

next business day of give date in oracle [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Alternate for decode function
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a task to find the next business day of particular given date. It should exclude the holidays that are listed in holiday table (mst_holiday). I have a procedure using decode function to find the next business day when there is continuous holiday or weekend. For example if today is 21-07-2013 Wednesday, if I need to find 5 days later it should display 26-07-2013, if it is a holiday, it should display the successive non holiday.
The sample decode function I have used is below. Please help me to write alternate sql query.
laps.holidaydate, DECODE
(ldate + 1,
laps.holidaydate + 1, DECODE
(ldate + 2,
laps.holidaydate + 2,ldate+3,ldate+2),ldate+1),ldate);`
Do this 3 steps:
1) Generate a range of dates you want to check for example:
select to_date(:start_date,'dd-mon-yyyy') + rownum -1
from all_objects
where rownum <= to_date(:end_date,'dd-mon-yyyy')-to_date(:start_date,'dd-mon-yyyy')+1
2) Select minus the table with the holidays table
3) Select ordered by date and get the first record
Put it all in one sql Select.