Installing Omnipay - Windows 8 / EasyPHP / CodeIgniter - omnipay

I'm having trouble installing Omnipay
I'm running EasyPHP 13.1 on Windows 8 - this works fine - I develop websites in CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony and Cake - that is all fine
One of the websites I'm building needs PayPal, but might switch to another payment solution later. Omnipay looks ideal as will allow an easy switch later. But I can't get the Omnipay code via Composer.
Omnipay should be installed via Composer. That means installing cURL in Windows to install Composer to install Omnipay so that I can get the source code for a couple of files. If I'm going to install cURL, maybe I should install GNUBash? And now I'm going round in circles for the sake of a couple of files.
Is there an easier way?


How to install mod_auth_openidc on RHEL 7

I've been to the Releases site for mod_auth_openidc and brought down the rpm. And attempting to install requires cjose but attempting to find and install that poses a problem as it seems to incorrectly test the version of jansson (e.g., 2.10 is though to be less than 2.3). Most of the documentation I find is years old. Trying to use yum brings in a very outdated version of the mod_auth_openidc (1.8.8) that fails to allow apache httpd to load if you have an OIDCDirectURL coded.
I'm trying to configure Apache HTTPD to call out to an OAUTH2 Server I've created but I can't get the old mod to work and I'd love to know where I can get the piece parts to allow the latest version to install. There are some old downloads on the Releases site if you page back to 2.0 but the libcjose0 is not an rpm.
Do I need to retrieve the dependencies from their github and build them? If someone has done this already and posted the assets I'm happy to retrieve them. I'm surprised RHEL 7 repos don't have the latest (or newer) versions of the mod_auth_openidc.
The version issue reported when trying to install cjose is a red herring. Based on this site I found I needed to install jansson-devel to get past the errant warning about versions.
Going here allowed me to retrieve a fairly recent version of cjose-0.5.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm which installed without complaints once jansson-devel was installed.
I was then able to install mod_auth_openidc-2.4.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm from the github repo releases
I am now able to start apache httpd with the OIDCRedirectURI entry in httpd.conf

Is analytics available with the MobileFirst Platform CLI developer edition?

I have installed the MobileFirst Platform CLI developer edition from
I am trying to investigate the analytics of the application, but this doesn't seem to be properly installed from here.
I am able to create a MFP server, start it and access the console. It doesn't have a link to the analytics in the top-right of the console as it does in the developer edition provided by Eclipse. Is this behaviour as expected or is there something missing?
I have tried installing this package twice. I am running on OSX 10.10
In the Liberty servers directory, /Users//.ibm/mobilefirst/6.3.0/server/wlp/usr/servers, I can see the Worklight folder. It has an _analytics.war file in it (which is different from my Eclipse install which has a worklight-analytics.war and worklight-analytics-service.war)
And in the messages.log file, I am getting messages saying that the web application _analytics is available.
But I then a number of messages with target server response code: 404
Going directly to http://localhost:10080/_analytics responds with an "Authorization failed" message.
Update - Got it working
I uninstalled the dev edition CLI and downloaded the CLI from Passport Advantage and installed it from there. The analytics feature now seems to work. Although the link to it is still not available in the top right of the console.
I don't know if it's a different install package, or an issue on my Mac that I inadvertently resolved, but the analytics feature is now working
The issue here was that the version you originally downloaded was not up-to-date.
This will be corrected soon.
Proper mechanisms will be put in place so that this will not happen again.
Yesterday I downloaded and installed the publically available MobileFirst Platform 6.3 CLI from I created a simple app which connects to the MFP server.
Result: Analytics works without any problem.
So you do not have to buy the product just to use the CLI with analytics.

windows phone 8 sdk certificates expired

I have tried to install wp8 sdk on my windows 8 laptop, but everytime I try to do so, the installation stops with an error saying that some of the certificates expired. Then the installation crashes and I need to start it again. I have already tried multiple ways of reinstalling SDK even following Microsoft's advice to install and run the following files from the download folder:
Download the Win8SharedSDKTools.msi package and install it.
Download the Windows_SDK/ package
Download the Windows_SDK/ package
Download the Windows_SDK/ package
But this issue with certificates continues to come up.
Is there any way of overcoming this problem?
What is wrong with these certificates and what these certificates stand for?
Is there a problem with my laptop?
The only workaround I know so far is changing the date of your computer back to June before launching the installation. Once the SDK is installed, you can switch your system back to the current date.
yes. Change the date August 1 and install the windows SDK. once you successfully installed the vs you can change your date. this is the only problem.

Trying to use ffi and typhoeus gems on windows but I need libcurl

I'm pretty new to rails and I'm trying to get an application working. It's currently using ffi and typhoeus which need a version of libcurl. How can I install a version of libcurl for Windows 7.
There's one option I implemented but couldn't install only libcurl packages. Cygwin provides lots of the packages and libraries used for development in Linux for being installed on Windows (included curl, libcurl, libcurl-dev, etc).
It worked for me in windows 7 64 bit OS.
Here's another solution for that specific gem
Answer that worked for me was:
Download cURL from the following URL: (I chose 64bit because that's the system I'm using)
Go into the archive and browse to /bin
Locate libcurl_x64.dll (it may be just libcurl.dll)
Extract to your local drive
Rename it to libcurl.dll if it has the _x64 suffix
Cut + paste the file into the /bin directory of your Ruby installatio
It should work after this

Install mod_mono on Mac OSX

I just started to develop website with mvc2 on mac osx but I am quite new to mono and mac.
I have got things working from MonoDevelop. My website is running ok with XSP when I run it from MonoDevelop.
Now, I am trying to test it from Apache server, but I don’t know how to set things up. Some instruction I can found are all very old or incomplete. I tried a few of them, but none worked.
Could anyone please help me out?
The best way to install mod_mono on OS X is from source. To do this there are a couple steps.
First, make sure you've installed XCode (which can be found on the DVD or the 2nd CD that came with the machine or the App Store) which will provide you with gcc and the rest of the standard toolchain.
Most of the normal in-between steps can be skipped, assuming you've already installed Mono and MonoDevelop from their stable release packages. If you encounter an error later on, you'll want to install updated versions of XSP and Mono and try again.
Next, download the latest stable release of mod_mono, extract the contents of the archive (by double clicking on the icon) and follow steps 1, 2 & 3 in the INSTALL file, and you should be good to go. This entire process took about ~5 minutes to get up and running :)
I am a novice with mono but followed some instructions. I downloaded and installed everything from here:
To get Apache to work with I downloaded source from this page:
You have to compile it. I went into the unpacked directory and wrote this in termminal:
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
This puts the in correct Apache dir and the mod_mono.conf file. To include it you must add this to your httpd.conf (I put it at the end of the file):
# mod_mono_configuration
Include /etc/apache2/mod_mono.conf
MonoServerPath /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mod-mono-server2