How to calculate the percentage using date fields? - sql

I want to calculate the percentages using date fields in my SSRS report.
I have two date fields :
eg I have 3 columns in my matrix
monthly target,
monthly completed and
Due date field count 10
completed date count 5
percentage 50%
for example
however, this will not work for date fields.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance

The most straight-forward way to do this would be to add this field to your stored procedure (since it represents a column in your matrix) instead of trying to calculate it in SSRS.
Your SQL statement may look like this:
SELECT #CompletedDate, #DueDate, CAST(DateDiff(day, GetDate(), #CompletedDate) AS FLOAT)/CAST(DateDiff(day, GetDate(), #DueDate) AS FLOAT) * 100 AS INT) AS [Percentage]
The exact implementation will depend on how exactly you're using this value, but the point is that you can use the DateDiff() function to determine how many days apart two dates are, and with that information, you can find a percent difference. Once you've calculated this, you can assign it to a matrix column like you would any other value.


SQL sum amount that lies between two dates

I have the following table in SQL:
Start - End - Amount **per day**
06.07.2020 10.07.2020 10
08.07.2020 08.07.2020 5
08.07.2020 15.07.2020 20
02.07.2020 06.07.2020 3
Now I want to filter this table by the calendar week. Let's say "where [calendar week] = cw28". cw28 is from the 06th of july to the 12th of july.
With that I'd like to have the sum of the amount of the days that lie between those two dates. One single number.
I'm using MS SQL Server (SQL Express).
I can't figure out how to distinguish (and break down) if one day lays between the two date values or not. And if yes how much I need to sum up.
I tried to make a picture in excel to create a logic from this:
"Logic" in Excel
Can anyone help me with this? :)
Thx and Best!,
Not sure about your exact requirement. But below is the query to get the sum of values between two dates.
select sum(amount_of_days) from table where date_column between '06-JUL-2020' and '07-JUL-2010';
Change the column name and table name according to your requirement

How to calculate the avg time a tool stays on hold? oracle sql developer

Im trying to calculate the average time a tool stays on loan. The time a tool stays on loan is the number of days between loan_status_change_date and tool_out_date (table columns). the date type of these 2 columns is ex: 01-SEP-17
whats the best way to approach this?
We can do arithmetic with Oracle dates. It's not clear from the column names which one is the start of the loan and which the end; in the following example I've assumed loan_status_change is when the tool is returned.
select tool
, avg(loan_status_change - tool_out_date) as avg_loan_days
from your_table
group by tool
The AVG() function is an aggregate function, so it handles the /ns for us. The substraction is to calculate the length of a particular loan, which is the value you want to average. The result of that substraction already is a number of days, so no further transformation is necessary. If your columns have a time element then the result might not be an integer.

Average of DATE field in Teradata

I have a column of data in [DATE] format. It is a record of the first time an order was purchased. I am attempting to query the average date in this column. Meaning, I want to know what the average "first purchase" is.
I need something to show what the average purchase_dt is.
You can use a AVG on a DATE column, in fact it's using the same algorithm Tripp Kinetics mentioned. But it's probably using an INT as intermediate result, which soon results in a "numeric overflow"
For a larger number of rows you'll need to do the calculation manually like:
DATE '1900-01-01' + CAST(AVG(CAST(trans_date-DATE '1900-01-01'AS BIGINT)) AS INT)

Single aggregate column / running value sum on chart

We're currently porting some excel reports to SSRS. One of those reports has a graph where the last column is the MTD (Month to date) average for both series (Availability and Availability Goal) just like the example below:
I did some research about RunningValue() but whenever I did it it would add a second bar to my graph (the running value would have the same group).
Is it possible to have only one aggregate column (just like the screenshot) ?
Thanks in advance,
One way would be to force the average through the SQL query. For example, if your resulting table shows days of the month, and the Availability value, you could UNION a "dummy" day (max days of the month + 1) with the averaged value. You can either add an addition column to your SQL for the label names, i.e. the "dummy" day would show "Average", or in SSRS you can change the Label expression to replace the last value with a text.

Query to find a weekly average

I have an SQLite database with the following fields for example:
date (yyyymmdd fomrat)
total (0.00 format)
There is typically 2 months of records in the database. Does anyone know a SQL query to find a weekly average?
I could easily just execute:
SELECT COUNT(1) as total_records, SUM(total) as total FROM stats_adsense
Then just divide total by 7 but unless there is exactly x days that are divisible by 7 in the db I don't think it will be very accurate, especially if there is less than 7 days of records.
To get a daily summary it's obviously just total / total_records.
Can anyone help me out with this?
You could try something like this:
SELECT strftime('%W', thedate) theweek, avg(total) theaverage
FROM table GROUP BY strftime('%W', thedate)
I'm not sure how the syntax would work in SQLite, but one way would be to parse out the date parts of each [date] field, and then specifying which WEEK and DAY boundaries in your WHERE clause and then GROUP by the week. This will give you a true average regardless of whether there are rows or not.
Something like this (using T-SQL):
SELECT DATEPART(w, theDate), Avg(theAmount) as Average
FROM Table
This will return a row for every week. You could filter it in your WHERE clause to restrict it to a given date range.
Hope this helps.
Your weekly average is
daily * 7
Obviously this doesn't take in to account specific weeks, but you can get that by narrowing the result set in a date range.
You'll have to omit those records in the addition which don't belong to a full week. So, prior to summing up, you'll have to find the min and max of the dates, manipulate them such that they form "whole" weeks, and then run your original query with a WHERE that limits the date values according to the new range. Maybe you can even put all this into one query. I'll leave that up to you. ;-)
Those values which are "truncated" are not used then, obviously. If there's not enough values for a week at all, there's no result at all. But there's no solution to that, apparently.