SQL QUERY Return 0 Records but 2 records exist - sql

This code returns zero rows count but there are 2 rows in appointment table.
The msgbox I commented was to check if the date is correct and format is correct and shows date as 2014/08/09. The appointment date in database is 2014/08/09 for 2 records (the only 2 records). Record count variable shows 0.
Table name (copied directly cut and paste) is Appointments and column is AppointmentDate.
The connectDatabase sub routine connects to the database successfully as I use it whenever I connect to database so it's correct as I connect to other tables correctly before I run this code using same sub routine.
Command.text contains
SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE AppointmentDate = 2014/08/09
Don't know what other details to specify.
Private Sub frmAppointments_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'load appointments
End Sub
Public Sub LoadAppointments(whichdate As Date)
Dim sqlcmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
'set connection
With frmAppointments
'fetch records from database
sqlcmd.Connection = M_connDB
sqlcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE AppointmentDate = " & whichdate
.dataAdapterAppointments = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlcmd.CommandText, M_connDB)
'first clear data table to prevent duplicates
Dim rowindex As String
Dim iy As Long
Dim recordcount As Long
'check if any records exist
recordcount = .dataTableAppointments.Rows.Count
If Not recordcount = 0 Then
For iy = 0 To .dataTableAppointments.Rows.Count
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In .dtgrdAppointments.Rows
If row.Cells(0).Value = .dataTableAppointments.Rows(iy).Item(6) Then
rowindex = row.Index.ToString()
MsgBox(.dtgrdAppointments.Rows(rowindex).Cells(0).Value, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "MSG")
Exit For
End If
Next iy
MsgBox("No Appointments for selected date.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "No Appoinments")
End If
End With

Use sql-parameters instead of string-concatenation. This should work in MS Access:
sqlcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE AppointmentDate = ?"
sqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("AppointmentDate", whichdate)
This prevents you from conversion or localization issues and -even more important- sql-injection.

2014/08/09 doesn't have quotes around it, making it a math expression (2014 divided by 8 divided by 9). Of course, your table has no rows with a date matching the result of that expression. But don't put in the quotes. Instead, add a parameter.

I don't VB, so I write it in C#. My point of view is it's better to specify the datatype too:
sqlcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE AppointmentDate=#whichdate";
sqlcmd.Parameters.Add("#whichdate", SqlDbType.Date).Value = whichdate;


Return associated DataGridView row to it's corresponding Datatable row

Reformatting this question since nobody seemed to understand it. I have a datatable called dtCSV. I am searching through dtCSV for a specific value and I am able to find the row I need ( i dont need help with this part) . dtCSV is also bound to a datagridview. (this is what I need help with) How can I take my row that I found with the search and find it's corresponding row in the datagridview control so that I can highlight that entire row? Thanks
Function GetDebitorsString(ByVal Name As String, ByVal RowName As String) As String
Dim dt As New DataTable
If System.IO.File.Exists("data\debitors\debitors.xml") Then
MsgBox("File data\debitors\debitors.xml was not found.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Warning")
Return String.Empty
End If
Dim FoundRow() As DataRow = dt.Select("Name='" & Name & "'")
If FoundRow IsNot Nothing Then
Return FoundRow(0).Item(RowName).ToString
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
Private Sub btnScan_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnScan.Click
'looks through all the bills in the CSV and see's if they match with the inputted bills. If they match the cleared date is inputted into the cleared column and the row is turned green in the csv dgv
For Each row In dt.Rows 'loop through each of the bills listed looking for a matching bank statement with the same amount paid
If GetDebitorsString(row("Name").ToString, "Search") IsNot String.Empty Then 'find the search string for the debitor
Dim FoundRow() As DataRow = dtCSV.Select("Description Like '*" & GetDebitorsString(row("Name").ToString, "Search") & "*'") 'try to see if any bank statements match the search string
If FoundRow.Count >= 0 Then
'item was found
If row("Amount Paid").ToString IsNot String.Empty Then 'ignore bills with no amounts typed in
If Convert.ToDouble(row("Amount Paid")) = Convert.ToDouble(FoundRow(0).Item("Debit")) Then 'if the amount listed in the bill matches the amount in the bank statement
row("Cleared") = FoundRow(0).Item("Date").ToString 'set the date it cleared in the cleared cell
End If
End If
End If
End If
If you know the searchKey say Name and the column number of Name in DGV, just use a for loop.
Dim key = "Andrew"
Dim col_Name = 5
For Each r As DataGridViewRow In dgvCSV.Rows
If r.Cells(col_Name).Value = key Then
Return r.Index
End If

VB.NET - Unable to retrieve the first ID on a table using SELECT query

Good day everyone! After 3 years without using VB.NET I decided to use again for my project that not require web development.
this is my code (Reference: link)
cmdOLEDB.CommandText = "SELECT Price FROM tblPrice"
cmdOLEDB.Connection = cnnOLEDB
Dim rdrOLEDB As OleDbDataReader = cmdOLEDB.ExecuteReader
Dim priceList(18) As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
If rdrOLEDB.Read = True Then
While rdrOLEDB.Read()
priceList(i) = rdrOLEDB.GetValue(0)
i += 1
End While
txtPrice1.Text = priceList(0).ToString
MsgBox("Record not found.")
End If
when I put this code in a MsgBox
the result is "2" but I have 1 more data before that. It means the query retrieve the ID # 2 not the ID # 1. Here's the screenshot on my Access database
and when I use this code:
txtPrice1.Text = priceList(17).ToString
the result is 35.
You are skipping the first record because you call two times the Read method.
The first call reads the first record and returns true, then you enter the while loop extracting the info, but at this point you are on the second record.
If you want to check if there are rows then call HasRows
If rdrOLEDB.HasRows Then
While rdrOLEDB.Read()
priceList(i) = rdrOLEDB.GetValue(0)
i += 1
End While
txtPrice1.Text = priceList(0).ToString
MsgBox("Record not found.")
End If
Please check with If condition , replace rdrOLEDB.Read with rdrOLEDB.hasrows
If rdrOLEDB.Hasrows= True Then
and check it again.

Highlight DataGridViewRows based on value comparison with other rows

I have a Part class with the fields list in the code below. I have a DataGridView control, which I am filtering with the Advanced DGV (ADGV) DLL from NUGET. I must include the ADGV in my winform. I currently have a DataGridView, a search box on the form, and a button to run the following function. I need to go through all of the visible rows, collect a unique list of part numbers with their most recent revisions, and then color the rows in DataGridView which are out of date by checking the part number and rev on each row against the mostuptodate list. For 45,000 entries displayed in DataGridView, this take ~17 secs. For ~50 entries, it take ~1.2 seconds. This is extremely inefficient, but I can't see a way to cut the time down.
Sub highlightOutdatedParts()
'Purpose: use the results in the datagridview control, find the most recent revision of each part, and
' highlight all outdated parts relative to their respective most recent revisions
If resultsGrid.ColumnCount = 0 Or resultsGrid.RowCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim stopwatch As New Stopwatch
resultsGrid.Sort(resultsGrid.Columns("PartNumber"), ListSortDirection.Ascending)
Dim iBag As New ConcurrentBag(Of Part)
Dim sortedList As Generic.List(Of Part)
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In resultsGrid.Rows
If row.Visible = True Then
Dim iPart As New Part()
iPart.Row = row.Cells(0).Value
iPart.Workbook = CStr(row.Cells(1).Value)
iPart.Worksheet = CStr(row.Cells(2).Value)
iPart.Product = CStr(row.Cells(3).Value)
iPart.PartNumber = CStr(row.Cells(4).Value)
iPart.ItemNo = CStr(row.Cells(5).Value)
iPart.Rev = CStr(row.Cells(6).Value)
iPart.Description = CStr(row.Cells(7).Value)
iPart.Units = CStr(row.Cells(8).Value)
iPart.Type = CStr(row.Cells(9).Value)
iPart.PurchCtgy = CStr(row.Cells(10).Value)
iPart.Qty = CDbl(row.Cells(11).Value)
iPart.TtlPerProd = CDbl(row.Cells(12).Value)
iPart.Hierarchy = CStr(row.Cells(13).Value)
Catch ice As InvalidCastException
Catch nre As NullReferenceException
End Try
End If
sortedList = (From c In iBag Order By c.PartNumber, c.Rev).ToList() ' sort and convert to list
Dim mostUTDRevList As New Generic.List(Of Part) ' list of most up to date parts, by Rev letter
For sl As Integer = sortedList.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 'start at end of list and work to beginning
Dim query = From entry In mostUTDRevList ' check if part number already exists in most up to date list
Where entry.PartNumber = sortedList(sl).PartNumber
Select entry
If query.Count = 0 Then ' if this part does not already exist in the list, add.
End If
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In resultsGrid.Rows
' if that part with that Rev does not exist in the list, it must be out of date
Dim rowPN As String = CStr(row.Cells(4).Value).ToUpper ' get part number
Dim rowR As String = CStr(row.Cells(6).Value).ToUpper ' get Rev
Dim query = From entry In mostUTDRevList ' check if that part number with that Rev is in the list.
Where entry.PartNumber.ToUpper.Equals(rowPN) AndAlso
Select entry
If query.Count = 0 Then ' if the part is out of date highlight its' row
row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Chocolate
End If
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
Catch ice As InvalidCastException
End Try
If Not BackgroundWorker1.IsBusy() Then timertextbox.Text = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString & " secs"
MessageBox.Show("Highlighting completed successfully.")
End Sub
It is almost always faster to work with the data than the control. The control is simply the means to present a view of the data (in a grid) to the users. Working with the data from there requires too much converting to be effieicent. Then, use the DGV events to highlight the rows
Its hard to tell all the details of what you are doing, but it looks like you are comparing the data to itself (as opposed to some concrete table where the lastest revision codes are defined). Nor is it clear why the datasources are collections, ConcurrentBags etc. The key would be to use collections optimized for the job.
To demonstrate, I have a table with 75,000 rows; the product codes are randomly selected from a pool of 25,000 and a revision code is a random integer (1-9). After the DGV datasource is built (a DataTable) a LookUp is created from the ProductCode-Revision pair. This is done once and once only:
' form level declaration
Private PRCodes As ILookup(Of String, Int32)
' go thru table
' group by the product code
' create an anon Name-Value object for each,
' storing the code and highest rev number
' convert result to a LookUp
PRCodes = dtSample.AsEnumerable.
GroupBy(Function(g) g.Item("ProductCode"),
Function(key, values) New With {.Name = key.ToString(), .Value = values.
Max(Of Int32)(Function(j) j.Field(Of Int32)("RevCode"))
ToLookup(Of String, Int32)(Function(k) k.Name, Function(v) v.Value)
Elapsed time via stopwatch: 81 milliseconds to create the collection of 23731 items. The code uses an anonymous type to store a Max Revision code for each product code. A concrete class could also be used. If you're worried about mixed casing, use .ToLowerInvariant() when creating the LookUp (not ToUpper -- see What's Wrong With Turkey?) and again later when looking up the max rev.
Then rather than looping thru the DGV rows use the RowPrePaint event:
If e.RowIndex = -1 Then Return
If dgv1.Rows(e.RowIndex).IsNewRow Then Return
' .ToLowerInvariant() if the casing can vary row to row
Dim pc = dgv1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells("ProductCode").Value.ToString()
Dim rv = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells("RevCode").Value)
Dim item = PRCodes(pc)(0)
If item > rv Then
dgv1.Rows(e.RowIndex).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.MistyRose
End If
It takes some time to create the DataSource, but 75,000 rows is a lot to throw at a user
The time to create the LookUp is minimal - barely measurable
There is no noticeable wait in displaying them because a) the LookUp is made for this sort of thing, b) rows are done as needed when they are displayed. Row # 19,999 may never be processed if the user never scrolls that far.
This is all geared to just color a row. If you needed to save the Current/NotCurrent state for each row, add a Boolean column to the DataTable and loop on that. The column can be invisible if to hide it from the user.
The random data results in 47,000 out of date RevCodes. Processing 75k rows in the DataTable to set the flag takes 591 milliseconds. You would want to do this before you set the DataTable as the DataSource to prevent changes to the data resulting in various events in the control.
In general, the time to harvest the max RevCode flag and even tag the out of date rows is a trivial increment to creating the datasource.
The Result:
The data view is sorted by ProductCode so that the coloring of lower RevCodes is apparent.
We surely cant grok all the details and constraints of the system from a small snippet - even the data types and original datasource are a guess for us. However, this should provide some help with better look-up methods, and the concept of working with the data rather than the user's view.
One thing is the revision code - yours is treating them as a string. If this is alphanumeric, it may well not compare correctly - "9" sorts/compares higher than "834" or "1JW".
See also:
Lookup(Of TKey, TElement) Class
Anonymous Types
The solution was spurred in part by #Plutonix.
Sub highlightOutdatedParts()
If resultsGrid.ColumnCount = 0 Or resultsGrid.RowCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim stopwatch As New Stopwatch
resultsGrid.DataSource.DefaultView.Sort = "PartNumber ASC, Rev DESC"
Dim irow As Long = 0
Do While irow <= resultsGrid.RowCount - 2
' if that part with that Rev does not exist in the list, it must be out of date
Dim utdPN As String = resultsGrid.Rows(irow).Cells(4).Value.ToString().ToUpper()
Dim utdRev As String = resultsGrid.Rows(irow).Cells(6).Value.ToString().ToUpper()
Dim iirow As Long = irow + 1
'If iirow > resultsGrid.RowCount - 1 Then Exit Do
Dim activePN As String = Nothing
Dim activeRev As String = Nothing
activePN = resultsGrid.Rows(iirow).Cells(4).Value.ToString().ToUpper()
activeRev = resultsGrid.Rows(iirow).Cells(6).Value.ToString().ToUpper()
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
End Try
Do While activePN = utdPN
If iirow > resultsGrid.RowCount - 1 Then Exit Do
If activeRev <> utdRev Then
resultsGrid.Rows(iirow).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Chocolate
End If
iirow += 1
activePN = resultsGrid.Rows(iirow).Cells(4).Value.ToString().ToUpper()
activeRev = resultsGrid.Rows(iirow).Cells(6).Value.ToString().ToUpper()
Catch nre As NullReferenceException
Catch aoore As ArgumentOutOfRangeException
End Try
irow = iirow
If Not BackgroundWorker1.IsBusy() Then
timertextbox.Text = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString & " secs"
resultcounttextbox.Text = resultsGrid.RowCount - 1 & " results"
End If
MessageBox.Show("Highlighting completed successfully.")
End Sub

Referencing an entire data set instead of a single Cell

I am creating a login form for users to log into using a database. I was wondering if there is a way in which i could get the program to search the entire table instead of a certain item. Here is my code so far.
Dim UserInputtedUsername As String
Dim UserInputtedPassword As String
UserInputtedUsername = txtAdminUsername.Text
UserInputtedPassword = txtAdminPassword.Text
sqlrunnerQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblLogin"
daRunners = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlrunnerQuery, RunnerConnection)
daRunners.Fill(dsRunner, "Login")
If UserInputtedUsername = dsadminlogin.Tables("Login").Rows(0).Item(2) And UserInputtedPassword = dsadminlogin.Tables("Login").Rows(0).Item(3) Then
ElseIf MsgBox("You have entered incorrect details") Then
End If
End Sub
Instead if searching the (in-memory) DataSet for your user serach the database in the first place. Therefore you have to use a WHERE in the sql query(with guessed column names):
sqlrunnerQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblLogin WHERE UserName=#UserName AND PassWord=#PassWord"
Note that i've used sql-parameters to prevent sql-injection. You add them in this way:
daRunners = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlrunnerQuery, RunnerConnection)
daRunners.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UserName", txtAdminUsername.Text)
daRunners.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PassWord", txtAdminPassword.Text)
Now the table is empty if there is no such user.
If dsadminlogin.Tables("Login").Rows.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox("You have entered incorrect details")
End If
For the sake of completeteness, you can search a complete DataTable with DataTable.Select. But i prefer LINQ-To-DataSet. Here's a simple example:
Dim grishamBooks = From bookRow in tblBooks
Where bookRow.Field(Of String)("Author") = "John Grisham"
Dim weHaveGrisham = grishamBooks.Any()

code to display results in VBA

I have written the code and on Access 2007, which I would like to display the answer when I run it, but it is not displaying. I think there is a code that I have left out, please help to display.
Code is :
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandling
Dim rsAsset As Recordset
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT * FROM Asset WHERE Asset.Asset_Condition ='Repairs';"
Set rsAsset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
Dim Total As Integer
Total = 0
While (Not rsAsset.EOF)
Total = Total + rsAsset!Asset_Condition
Dim Ave As Double
Ave = Total / rsAsset.RecordCount
Debug.Print "Total Repairs= " & Total
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
I have filled the tables with data but do not know how to write a code that will display the answer.
At one point you do WHERE Asset.Asset_Condition ='Repairs', and at another point you threat "Asset_Condition" as if it was a numeric value (Total = Total + rsAsset!Asset_Condition).Now. Is "Asset_Condition" text or number?And, why not using SQL to do the math instead of going through records 1 by 1 from VBA? Try this guy here, assuming "Asset_RepairCost" is an existing, numeric field in your data table and "Asset_Condition" is text:SELECT SUM(Asset_RepairCost) AS 'TotalRepair', AVG(Asset_RepairCost) AS 'AverageOfTotalRepair' FROM Asset WHERE Asset.Asset_Condition ='Repairs'