How to list the available Wifi access point in worklight - ibm-mobilefirst

I have to list the available wifi access point in my app by using worklight . How to do that using worklight.

For some sample code showing how to continually acquire all the access points for a set of SSIDs see:
Differentiating between indoor areas in the Knowledge Center.
You can use a wildcard (*) for the SSID and MAC in the access point filters.
If you just want a one-time acquisition use the WL.Device.Wifi.acquireVisibleAccessPoints API.
Note that on non-Android platforms, you are limited to information about the connected access point. See here for more on platform restrictions.


On Azure IOT Hub, Is it possible to create a device which acts an alias for an already deployed device?

For Azure IOT Hub - I am working on a project where I would like to create some scripts based around the device name of an IOT device in the field. The device name already has details related to the location and device number of the location (which is what the script will pull).
Example H4C1F5Device3, where H4C1F5 is the postal code, and device 3 refers to the 3rd device in this location.
However due to a mixup in deployment, some devices don't match this naming convention and make scripting a little broken.
So my question is there a way to create an "alias"/dummy device in IOT hub with the correct name which can point to the previously deployed device with the "incorrect" name?
So far I have only looked at solutions in the Portal (no CLI, Node.js, etc.). I have tried making changes in the "Device Twins" page, but it does not accept changes when attempting to save.
Would appreciate any help on this. The Azure documentation is quite good, but I'm having trouble finding the solution to this exact query.
There is no such feature in Azure IoT Hub. You could create the new device IDs and reprovision your device with the new credentials.
It's also good practice not to store this kind of information in the device ID. You could use tags on the device twin (or desired properties if the device needs to know), unlike the device ID they are mutable.

Tract People using mobile number

Is it possible Programmatically Track Mobile Caller Location in google map. For This need permission any Third party or using any code that have mobile service provider? Please guide me.
Actually Tracing Mobile Number is not possible at all.
Because it can be provided by Only Mobile Operators like Vodafone, Jio.
They will not provide you this details.
Tracking Using GPS is Possible for this you need the constant internet connection and GPS need to be Enabled on that Phone.

Android, Getting inconsistency in User Current Location.?

I am new in android and wanna get user current location using GPS_PROVIDER, but every time getting different-different location how can I use Google Play Services. and what is the best way to get accurate location in android.
Thanks you.
In general there are two different types of locations available through the Android API.
One is the GPS-Location which only works outdoors and which has an accuaracy between 5m and 50m.
The other kind of location is the so called Network-Location which is a loaction measure based on Wifi Networks in you surrounding and GSM-Base-Stations which have a accuracy between 100m and 1500m. This localization technique also works indoors, because it only requires you smartphone to have network access. The accuaracy gets better in urban areas where a lot of Wifi and GSM-Base-Stations are located. The more GSM-Base-Station / Wifi hotspos are available the better is the accurarcy of the loation measurement. It can also get down to 5m.
When requesting such an location Google does internally some magic to compute the position. This request requires a internet connection (you don't need to explicitly give the permission). Interanally Android sends a request to a Google server which contains fingerprints of the surrounding GSM-Base-Stations and afterwards computes your location (if you are curious you can find the code here).
With GPS-bases location the location accurarcy is the same all over the world without any internet connection, but works only outdoors.
With my applications I implemented a logic which detects if GPS is present or not and if not I switched to network localization, this works fine.

What is the best server side solution for a real-time GPS tracking system

Well, I tried to ask this question as a comment on this question, but I thought that maybe no one will notice it, so I decided to ask it as a separate one.
The question is about how to do real-time GPS tracking system things; if we have the following scenario:
Rather than connecting a GPS receiver to a PC, the user will have a mobile device with an integrated GPS receiver.
Location data will be sent over mobile network using GPRS data connection to a server side.
The data will be processed and a KML path file will be created and updated on time intervals and used to track the user using Google Earth.
The question is: what is the best method to accomplish this scenario for the server side; is it a web service, a web application, a windows service, a windows application or what exactly? Taking into account that the system will serve a number of users simultaneously, and that more users may use the system in the future(scalability issues).
Thank you in advance and I highly appreciate any help :)
What kind of device are you using exactly, something like this or something more sophisticated / configurable? If we assume that the device sends its data over TCP, I would consider the following approach with separate input/output processes:
Input: a process listening specific TCP port and storing incoming coordinates to database with a device id. Preferably, your listening loop must be able to handle simultaneous connections without them blocking each other.
Output: web application reading coordinates from database for a given device id and displaying them through the Google Earth API.
Use whatever programming language(s) you are familiar with.
For me there is a technical limitation/risk here -> the mobile device, and its connectivity.
1) What are your requirements? Do you need to support various mobile devices or will you focus on only one platform ?
2) More importantly, you have to understand that GPRS data connections differ from a PC connected to the Internet. There are various connection restrictions imposed by different mobile operators.
If I was to design such a system in order to minimise those risks I would go with a web server running on port 80 which the mobile devices would upload their Long/Lat through POST (or even GET to simplify things).
EDIT: Regarding scalability, it would be very easy to scale things up in the future using tried&tested load-balancing techniques.
EDIT2: Whichever technology you decide to use, i would HIGHLY recommend that the first thing you do is to mock up a prototype. Those connection restrictions could be show-stoppers. Ideally you need to explore them before you have made any serious investment.

J2ME location API (JSR 179) on non-GPS devices

The Java ME Location API says it supports:
Mobile Network based positioning.
Short Range Beacons
Quite a number of phones support this API (JSR179). However, some phones don't have an inbuilt GPS module, is it still possible to use this API to obtain the phone's current location?
Mobile Network based positioning.
The security settings will control if you can access this, the service provider may also make a charge.
From my very limited experience of J2ME, you can set the phone to not allow an app access to private data (such as location) and to charged for services (such as location) - you can also set it to popup a request for the user to authorize it.
J2ME is pretty well designed to gracefully fall back to whats available and hide a lot of the details.
Yes, some GPSless S60s (e.g. N70) give location through this API when used with an external GPS device attached via Bluetooth. Others may possibly give you approximate location using CellID.