Saving Warnings to a variable in powershell - variables

So what I'm trying to do is this
$corruptAccounts = Get-Mailbox | select-string -pattern WARNING
The intent is to fill the variable $corruptAccounts with the warnings from Get-Mailbox. What actually happens is it processes the Get-Mailbox command, displaying the warnings, and puts nothing into the variable.
I'm new to powershell so I'm still trying to learn some of the basics.

Try this:
Get-MailBox -WarningVariable wv
-WarningVariable is a common parameter available for all advanced functions and binary cmdlets.
Here is a generic example:
Function TestWarning {
param (
Write-Warning "This is a warning"
PS C:\> TestWarning -WarningVariable wv
WARNING: This is a warning
PS C:\> $wv
This is a warning

You can try this:
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$var = #();
Get-Mailbox -WarningVariable +var -ResultSize unlimited

$buf = Get-Mailbox 2>&1 | Out-String
Will add warnings to $buf at front


data refresh enable in cloudapp

Hi im trying to make a power shell script that can automate the enable for the data refresh schedule. can anyone help me with that?
$rs2010 = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "URL HERE" -Namespace
SSRS.ReportingService2010 -UseDefaultCredential;
$rs2010.Timeout = 3600000
$schedules = $rs2010.ListSchedules("URL HERE");
Write-Host "--- Disabled Schedules ---";
Write-Host "----------------------------------- ";
$schedules | WHERE { $_.ScheduleStatename -ne 'Ready' }
**strong text**
i have this that can output disabled schedules. i need help to make a powershell script that can enable the data refresh whenever its turn off.
so i got this code
$rs2010 = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri
"http://url here/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx"
-Namespace SSRS.ReportingService2010 -UseDefaultCredential;
$subscription = $rs2010.ListSubscriptions("http://url here/")
| Where-Object {$_.ScheduleStatename -ne "Ready" } ;
ForEach ($subscription in $subscriptions)
$subscription | select subscriptionid, report, path
but i get this error
Exception calling "EnableDataSource" with "1" argument(s): "The path of the item 'bda17ed4-81a5-40a6-bade-894ecde02373' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long;
other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidItemPathException:

DSC Script Resource - executes .exe, but doesn't wait until completion

How do I get a DSC script resource to wait until the code has completed before moving on?
(The code is invoke-expression "path\file.exe")
I am using powershell version 5
and am trying to get DSC setup to handle our sql server installations.
My manager has asked me to use the out of the box DSC components.
i.e. no downloading of custom modules which may help.
I have built up the config file that handles the base server build - everything is good.
The script resource that installs sql server is good.
It executes, and waits until it has installed completely, before moving on.
When I get up to the script resource that installs the sql server cumulative update, I have issues.
The executable gets called and it starts installing (it should take 10-15 minutes), but the dsc configuration doesn't wait until it has installed, and moves on after a second.
This means that the DependsOn for future steps, gets called, before the installation is complete.
How can I make the script resource wait until it has finished?
Have you tried the keyword "DependsOn" like that ?
Script MyNewSvc
GetScript = {
$SvcName = 'MyNewSvc'
$Results = #{}
$Results['svc'] = Get-Service $SvcName
SetScript = {
$SvcName = 'MyNewSvc'
setup.exe /param
while((Get-Service $SvcName).Status -ne "Running"){ Start-Sleep 10 }
TestScript = {
$SvcName = 'MyNewSvc'
$SvcLog = 'c:\svc.log'
If (condition) { #like a a running svc or a log file
Else {
WindowsFeature Feature
Name = "Web-Server"
Ensure = "Present"
DependsOn = "[Script]MyNewSvc"
Invoke-Expression doesn't seem to wait until the process has finished - try this in a generic PowerShell console and you'll see the command returns before you close notepad:
Invoke-Expression -Command "notepad.exe";
You can use Start-Process instead:
Start-Process -FilePath "notepad.exe" -Wait -NoNewWindow;
And if you want to check the exit code you can do this:
$process = Start-Process -FilePath "notepad.exe" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru;
$exitcode = $process.ExitCode;
if( $exitcode -ne 0 )
# handle errors here
Finally, to use command line arguments:
$process = Start-Process -FilePath "setup.exe" -ArgumentList #("/param1", "/param2") -Wait -PassThru;
$exitcode = $process.ExitCode;

Safe late variable expansion in Powershell

I found a very old thread here that seemed to answer the question, but when I tried to implement the code I am not getting the expected variable expansion. Based on this
$Arguments = '$foo (Notepad.exe) bar'
$foo = 'Foooooo'
$InitSB = {$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Applications.Clear(); $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Scripts.Clear(); Get-Command | %{$_.Visibility = 'Private'}}
$SafeStringEvalSB = {param($str) $str}
$job = Start-Job -Init $InitSB -ScriptBlock $SafeStringEvalSB -ArgumentList $Arguments
Wait-Job $job > $null
Receive-Job $job
I would expect to get back Foooooo (Notepad.exe) bar
What have I got wrong here? And is there any difference between v2 and later versions?
I do have this working using $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(), but that allows for arbitrary code to execute as well, which I am trying to avoid. Ultimately I have a large number of different strings stored in XML, with different permutations of variables interspersed in the strings, and the actual values of those different variables are assigned at run time. And I need to push those values into the specific string of many possible wherever they occur. Because there are so many potential strings and variables I can't easily use a simple format approach. So ultimately I need the functionality of $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString() but limited to actually just expanding variables, with no other code execution.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Alternatively you could just replace the text.
$Content = Get-Content C:\Path\To\file.xml
$Content -replace '\$var1', "$var1" -replace '\$var2', "$var2" -replace '\$var3', "$var3"
As you have it written you won't get what you expect purely because you have single quotes around your string that you are assigning to $Arguments, meaning $foo wouldn't be treated as a variable anyway.
EDIT: Still won't work even with double quotes. Must assign value to $foo before referencing it in $Arguments.
$foo = 'Foooooo'
$Arguments = "$foo (Notepad.exe) bar"
$InitSB = {$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Applications.Clear(); $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Scripts.Clear(); Get-Command | %{$_.Visibility = 'Private'}}
$SafeStringEvalSB = {param($str) $str}
$job = Start-Job -Init $InitSB -ScriptBlock $SafeStringEvalSB -ArgumentList $Arguments
Wait-Job $job > $null
Receive-Job $job

powershell v2 - how to get process ID

I have an Application, that runs multiple instances of itself. e.g
AppName.exe instance1
AppName.exe instance2
AppName.exe instance3
Using Powershell v2 I am trying to create a simple script that given an array of AppNames and instances, it loops through them, checks if they are running, and then shuts them down.
I figured the best way to do this would be check for each instance, if found capture it's processID, and pass that to the stop-process cmdlet.
BUT, I can't figure out how to get the process id.
So far I have:
$appName = "AppName.exe"
$instance = "instance1"
$filter = "name like '%"+$appName+"%'"
$result = Get-WmiObject win32_process -Filter $filter
foreach($process in $result )
$desc = $process.Description
$commArr = $process.CommandLine -split"( )"
$inst = $commArr[2]
if($inst -eq $instance)
Stop-Process $procID
Can anyone tell me where to get the process ID from please?
you can use the get-process cmdlet instead of using wmi :
$procid=get-process appname |select -expand id
$procid=(get-process appname).id
When using Get-WmiObject win32_process ..., the objects returned have an attribute named ProcessId.
So, in the question, where you have:
$procID = $process.ProcessId
You could also use that in the $filter assignment, e.g.
$filter = "ProcessId=1234"

How to create a dynamic variable in Powershell, sucha as date/time etc

Hi i am not exactly sure if my wording is right but i need a variable which contains current date/time whenever i write data to log ; how can i do that without initializing everytime.Currently everytime i need a update i use these both statements jointly.Is there an other way of doing this?
$DateTime = get-date | select datetime
Add-Content $LogFile -Value "$DateTime.DateTime: XXXXX"
please do let me know if any questions or clarifications regarding my question.
This script make the real Dynamic variable in Powershell ( Thanks to Lee Holmes and his Windows PowerShell Cookbook The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell, 3rd Edition)
## New-DynamicVariable
## From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly)
## by Lee Holmes (
Creates a variable that supports scripted actions for its getter and setter
PS > .\New-DynamicVariable GLOBAL:WindowTitle `
-Getter { $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle } `
-Setter { $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $args[0] }
PS > $windowTitle
Administrator: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
PS > $windowTitle = "Test"
PS > $windowTitle
## The name for the dynamic variable
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
## The scriptblock to invoke when getting the value of the variable
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ScriptBlock] $Getter,
## The scriptblock to invoke when setting the value of the variable
[ScriptBlock] $Setter
Set-StrictMode -Version 3
Add-Type #"
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Management.Automation;
namespace Lee.Holmes
public class DynamicVariable : PSVariable
public DynamicVariable(
string name,
ScriptBlock scriptGetter,
ScriptBlock scriptSetter)
: base(name, null, ScopedItemOptions.AllScope)
getter = scriptGetter;
setter = scriptSetter;
private ScriptBlock getter;
private ScriptBlock setter;
public override object Value
if(getter != null)
Collection<PSObject> results = getter.Invoke();
if(results.Count == 1)
return results[0];
PSObject[] returnResults =
new PSObject[results.Count];
results.CopyTo(returnResults, 0);
return returnResults;
else { return null; }
if(setter != null) { setter.Invoke(value); }
## If we've already defined the variable, remove it.
if(Test-Path variable:\$name)
Remove-Item variable:\$name -Force
## Set the new variable, along with its getter and setter.
(New-Object Lee.Holmes.DynamicVariable $name,$getter,$setter))
There's a Set-StrictMode -Version 3 but you can set it as -Version 2 if you can load framework 4.0 in your powershell V2.0 session as explained Here
The use for the OP is:
New-DynamicVariable -Name GLOBAL:now -Getter { (get-date).datetime }
Here the Lee Holmes's evaluation (where it is clear what is the real flaw) about the method I used in my other answer:
There are innovative solutions on the Internet that use PowerShell's debugging facilities to create a breakpoint that changes a variable's value whenever you attempt to read from it. While unique, this solution causes PowerShell to think that any scripts that rely on the variable are in debugging mode. This, unfortunately, prevents PowerShell from enabling some important performance optimizations in those scripts.
Why not use:
Add-Content $LogFile -Value "$((Get-Date).DateTime): XXXXX"
This gets the current datetime every time. Notice that it's inside $( ) which makes powershell run the expression(get the datetime) before inserting it into the string.
wrap your two commands in function so you will have just one call ?
function add-log{
(param $txt)
$DateTime = get-date | select -expand datetime
Add-Content $LogFile -Value "$DateTime: $txt"
Besides these other ways (which frankly I would probably use instead - except the breakpoint approach), you can create a custom object with a ScriptProperty that you can provide the implementation for:
$obj = new-object pscustomobject
$obj | Add-Member ScriptProperty Now -Value { Get-Date }
Using PsBreakPoint:
$act= #'
$global:now = (get-date).datetime
$global:sb = [scriptblock]::Create($act)
$now = Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable now -Mode Read -Action $global:sb
calling $now returns current updated datetime value
One liner:
$now = Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable now -Mode Read -Action { $global:now = (get-date).datetime }