Display SQL database colums/rows in a vb textbox - sql

I am trying to use a VB generated textbox to display the values/names, that are within an SQL database. I started with VB and SQL last week; I tried to use a self-built method named GetUserInfo() to display the values, but it doesnt display anything.
This is the segment used for the Textbox in VB
Public Class user_selection_screen
Private SQL As SQLControl
Private Authuser As String
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles box_user_selection.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub
Public Sub GetUserInfo()
SQL.RunQuery("SELECT Name" & "FROM" ""User"")
For Each i As Object In SQL.SQLDS.Tables(0).Rows
box_user_selection.Text = i.Item("Name" & vbCrLf)
End Sub
I started learning VB and SQL last week, so please keep the explanations as simple as possible.

When you run SQL.RunQuery("SELECT Name" & "FROM" ""User"")
are you sure it fills the DS SQL.SQLDS.Tables(0).Rows?
If yes then,
Dim StrVal As String
For i = 0 To SQL.SQLDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
StrVal = StrVal & SQL.SQLDS.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("Name").ToString()
Next i
box_user_selection.Text = StrVal
To see if your SQLDS.Table really returns a row, Msgbox(SQL.SQLDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count)

Make sure your SQLDS Has value.
If your SQLDS is Dataset, Loop through your SQLDS table by datarow. see example
For Each dr As DataRow In SqlDs.Tables(0).Rows
box_user_selection.Text = Convert.ToString(dr("Name"))


Bound datatgridview not saving changes to tableadapter, and thus not to database

I have a datagridview bound to a table that seems to work fine, but will not save changes to the database. I am using the same code as I used in another project, which did save changes, so I am flummoxed. Also, I have debugged and the save code is being called, just not working. The code in the form calls a separate class with business logic.
Code in the form below:
Private Sub frmAdminAssign_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Below is generated by Visual Studio when I select my data source for my datagridview
Credit_adminTableAdapter.Fill(DataSet1.credit_admin) ' Foreign key relationship to table being updated (lookup table).
LoanTableAdapter.Fill(DataSet1.loan) ' Table being updated
admin_assign = New AdminAssign()
admin_assign.FilterUnassigned(dgvAssign, LoanTableAdapter)
End Sub
Private Sub dgvAssign_CellEndEdit(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvAssign.CellEndEdit
admin_assign.SaveAssignmentChanges(DataSet1, LoanTableAdapter)
End Sub
Below is code in business logic class called from above:
Public Sub SaveAssignmentChanges(ByRef data_set As DataSet1, ByRef loan_table_adapter As DataSet1TableAdapters.loanTableAdapter)
' Saves changes to DB.
Dim cmdBuilder As SqlCommandBuilder
cmdBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(loan_table_adapter.Adapter)
loan_table_adapter.Adapter.UpdateCommand = cmdBuilder.GetUpdateCommand(True)
Catch unknown_ex As Exception
Dim error_title As String = "Database Save Error"
Dim unknown_error As String = $"There was an error saving to the database.{vbNewLine}Error: {unknown_ex.ToString}"
MessageBox.Show(unknown_error, error_title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
End Try
End Sub
The data from the datagridview is not saving to the tableadapter, which I found out by adding the lines below in the start of the second procedure:
Dim x As String = loan_table_adapter.GetData()(0)("note_number") ' Unchanged, check was right row
Dim y As String = loan_table_adapter.GetData()(0)("credit_admin_id") ' Changed in datagridview but still null (get null error)
I figured it out, it was related to a filter routine that is not above where I passed a tableadapter byref when I should have passed a datatable byval. So, related to one of jmcilhinney's byref vs byval comments above. See problem code below:
Public Sub FilterUnassigned(ByRef dgv_assigned As DataGridView, loan_table_adapter As DataSet1TableAdapters.loanTableAdapter)
' Should have passed in DataSet1.loan DataTable ByVal and used it below:
Dim unassigned_loans As DataView = loan_table_adapter.GetData().DefaultView()
unassigned_loans.RowFilter = "request_date Is Not Null AND numerated_assigned_user Is Null"
dgv_assigned.DataSource = unassigned_loans
End Sub
Also, skipping the SQLCommandBuilder commands and my code still works. So, all I need is one line as per jmcilhinney instead of 4 (excl error handling) as per below:
Catch unknown_ex As Exception
Dim error_title As String = "Database Save Error"
Dim unknown_error As String = $"There was an error saving to the database. Please contact Kevin Strickler to resolve.{vbNewLine}Error: {unknown_ex.ToString}"
MessageBox.Show(unknown_error, error_title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
End Try

VB.NET DataSet table data empty

I'm trying to use the dataset for a report, but the data is gone when I try to use it. Here is my code for the most part:
Dim ResultsDataView As DataView
Dim ResultsDataSet As New DataSet
Dim ResultsTable As New DataTable
Dim SQLQuery As String
This is where a datagrid is populated in the main view. The data shows up perfectly.
Private Sub Search(Optional ByVal Bind As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal SearchType As String = "", Optional ByVal SearchButton As String = "")
Dim SQLQuery As String
Dim ResultsDataSet
Dim LabelText As String
Dim MultiBudgetCenter As Integer = 0
SQLQuery = "A long and detailed SQL query that grabs N rows with 7 columns"
ResultsDataSet = RunQuery(SQLQuery)
ResultsTable = ResultsDataSet.Tables(0)
For Each row As DataRow In ResultsTable.Rows
For Each item In row.ItemArray
sb.Append(item.ToString + ","c)
Response.Write(item.ToString + "\n")
sb.Append(vbCr & vbLf)
If Bind Then
End If
End Sub
Binding Data:
I think this is a cause in the issue.
Private Sub BindData(ByVal InputDataSet As DataSet)
ResultsDataView = InputDataSet.Tables("Results").DefaultView
ResultsDataView.Sort = ViewState("SortExpression").ToString()
ResultsGridView.DataSource = ResultsDataView
End Sub
Reporting action:
This is where I am trying to use the table data. But it is showing as nothing.
Protected Sub ReportButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ReportButton.Click
For Each row As DataRow In ResultsTable.Rows
For Each item In row.ItemArray
End Sub
The reason I'm trying to loop through this data is to both display the data in a gridview on the main view as well as export the data to CSV. If there is a different way to export a SQL query to CSV, I'm open to any suggestions.
There has to be something I can do to get the data from the SQL query to persist through the ReportButton_Click method. I've tried copying the datatable, I've tried global variables, I've tried different methods of looping through the dataset. What am I missing?!
Thank you all in advance.
Here is the Page_Load:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Page.IsPostBack Then
'set focus to postback control
Dim x As String = GetPostBackControlName(Page)
If Len(x) > 0 Then
x = x.Replace("$", "_")
End If
End If
If Not IsPostBack Then
ResultsGridView.AllowPaging = False
'Enable Gridview sorting
ResultsGridView.AllowSorting = True
'Initialize the sorting expression
ViewState("SortExpression") = "ID DESC"
'Populate the Gridview
End If
End Sub
In your search function add this line after the ResultsTable setting
ResultsTable = ResultsDataSet.Tables(0)
Session("LastSearch") = ResultsTable
Then in your report click event handler recover your data from the Session variable
Protected Sub ReportButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ReportButton.Click
ResultsTable = DirectCast(Session("LastSearch"), DataTable)
For Each row As DataRow In ResultsTable.Rows
For Each item In row.ItemArray
End Sub
You need to read about ASP.NET Life Cycle and understand that every time ASP.NET calls your methods it creates a new instance of your Page class. Of course this means that global page variables in ASP.NET are not very useful.
Also consider to read about that Session object and not misuse it.
What is the difference between SessionState and ViewState?

Reading to a file line by line multiple choice quiz vb.net

I'm trying to create a multi choice quiz that will read questions and answers from a text file and if the RadioButton selected by the user contains text the same as the answer then the mark will increment by 2. I have tried every single loops and techniques but it either reads the last line only (for loop) or doesn't read the text file at all (do until / do while / while). I need help.
This is what I have done so far
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form5
Dim easy As Boolean
Dim medium As Boolean
Dim difficult As Boolean
Dim easytest As New System.IO.StreamReader("he.txt")
Dim lineseasy() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("he.txt")
Dim mediumtest As New System.IO.StreamReader("hm.txt")
Dim linesmedium() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("hm.txt")
Dim difficulttest As New System.IO.StreamReader("hd.txt")
Dim fulldata As String
Dim mark As Integer = 0
Private Sub Form5_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Label2.Text = Form3.ComboBox1.Text
Label3.Text = Form3.ComboBox2.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim answer As String
While (easytest.Peek() <> -1)
Dim items() As String = lineseasy(1).Split(",")
Label4.Text = items(0)
RadioButton1.Text = items(1)
RadioButton2.Text = items(2)
answer = Str(3)
End While
End Sub
End Class
Why do you want a textfile where if u use Access database or sql database, it will be very simple .
For example, you create a db in either sql or access, create a table in it, create 3 columns, 1st column for question id,2nd column for question and the last one for the answer.Now add your question id(any random alpha-numeric/any string value),questions and answers in specific cells one by one. Now in you vb.net app,add a label(make it invisible) that will contain the question id, add reference to System.Data.SqlClient(for sql database) or System.Data.OleDb(for access). Now use the following code to check if the answer is correct or not ..
'add this code to all 4 radio buttons
Private Sub RadioBtn1_CheckedChanged
'create your connection string
Dim cmd as new SqlCommand("Select * from [table name from database-remove brackets if required] where [question id]=#quid and [answer]=#ans",connectionstring) 'use OleDbCommand of access db
cmd.parametres.add("#quid",sqldbtype.varchar).value=label1.text 'use oledbtype for access db
cmd.parametres.add("#ans",sqldbtype.varcha).value=radiobutton1.text 'when adding this code to radio button2, chage radiobutton1.text with radiobutton2.text , when using it in radio button 3 do the same
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) ' use oledbdataadapter for access
Dim table As New DataTable
If table.Rows.Count() <= 0 Then
msgbox("WRONG ANSWER")
marktext.text = mark.text+2 ' to increase point by 2
'what ever you want to do when the answer is correct
end if
Now, i hope u know how to load the question/question id(i mean the data) from the database...if you don't that please leave a reply and i'll add them

Writeline to textbox?

Stupid question here, but here is my code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dt As DataTable
dt = CType(dgrGrid.DataSource, DataTable).Copy
Dim drs() As DataRow = dt.Select("CustomerID = 222")
For Each row As DataRow In drs
For Each item As Object In row.ItemArray
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", item)
End Sub
I can see in the debug window all my values.
Now if I need to spit out this value to a textbox, I am not sure how to do it.
The goal is to keep using itemArray to get the value.
You can use something like this:
Dim rows = dt.Select() ' Or select using a criteria like you did
Me.TextBox1.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _
rows.Select(Function(r) String.Join(",", r.ItemArray)))
The TextBox1 should be MultiLine to show Environment.NewLine.
Also if you are looking for something like AppendLine, use:
Me.TextBox1.AppendText("something" & Environment.NewLine)
In addition to Reza's answer, and if you're lazy like me and don't want to write Environment.NewLine everywhere, you can create an extension method for adding new lines:
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module Extensions
<Extension()> _
Public Sub AppendLine(ByVal TargetTextBox As TextBox, ByVal Text As String)
TargetTextBox.AppendText(Text & Environment.NewLine)
End Sub
End Module
For Each item As Object In row.ItemArray

get ID from datagridview and show the data to another form in textboxes

Im kind of new in vb.net. I have a datagridview that shows the Delivery Number, Date and supplier. Now, I want the Admin to view the details of every delivery to another form. I just want to know how will I get the id of the selected row and then will be able to display the equivalent data of that selected ID. Thanks.
Here's my code for the Deliveries Form.
Private Sub dgvDeliveryReport_CellContentDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvDeliveryReport.CellContentDoubleClick
If e.RowIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim id As Int32 = dgvDeliveryReport.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value
Dim viewDelivery As New frmDeliveryFormReport
End Sub
In your frmDeliveryFormReport class add a new field to store current row:
private _currentDeliveryReportRow as DataGridViewRow
Look for the constructor:
Public Sub New frmDeliveryFormReport()
End Sub
(If you cannot find it just proceed with the next step).
Change/Add the constructor so it takes the DataGridViewRow parameter and store the given row:
Public Sub New frmDeliveryFormReport(deliveryReportRow as DataGridViewRow)
_currentDeliveryReportRow = deliveryReportRow
End Sub
Adapt your existing dgvDeliveryReport_CellContentDoubleClick to call the new constructor:
Private Sub dgvDeliveryReport_CellContentDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvDeliveryReport.CellContentDoubleClick
If e.RowIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim viewDelivery As New frmDeliveryFormReport(dgvDeliveryReport.CurrentRow)
End Sub
You can then access all columns of the DeliveryReportRow in the frmDeliveryFormReport via
Additional information about this topic:
Passing variables between windows forms in VS 2010
VB.Net Passing values to another form
Dim newFrmName as new yourForm
For each row as DataGridViewRow in SampleGrid
if row.selected = true then
Dim whatValueYouWant as string = row.cells("ID").value.toString()
if newFrmName.NameOfTextBoxInForm.Text <> vbEmpty Then
'NameOfTextBoxInForm is textbox that existing in yourform
newFrmName.NameOfTextBoxInForm.text = ", " & whatValueYouWant
newFrmName.NameOfTextBoxInForm.text = whatValueYouWant
End If
End IF