Gradle project sync failed with no event log - intellij-idea

I have a libGDX project generated by the gdx-setup.jar tool, including core, android, desktop, and html modules. I hadn't touched any of the gradle files, and my build has worked fine for some weeks.
This morning when I opened IntelliJ IDEA (build 135.1230), it offered to update the Scala plugin, so I accepted and restarted, before trying to open the project. My libGDX project doesn't use Scala at all: I have the plugin for other work. When I tried to open the project, I got the infamous "Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (e.g. editing, debugging) will not work properly" message. Clicking "Try again" thinks for a bit before showing the same message. The Event Log window contains no output, and the Messages window says:
Error: (of class java.lang.String)
The Scala plugin isn't the only thing that might have changed: I've rebooted the (Ubuntu) machine since the project last worked, so it's possible that some package updates might have only just had an effect.
Following the advice of others, I've tried editing the root to change org.gradle.configureondemand to false, and that made no difference. I've tried performing "Build → Clean Project" and "Invalidate and Restart", with the same effect. I've also tried running git clean -X and reimporting the Gradle project into IDEA, but I just get a "Resolve error" dialog with the same message as above.
Running a build command like
./gradlew android:assemble
from a shell still works fine: only IntelliJ IDEA has a problem.
Even if you've never seen this particular problem, I'd appreciate any tips on where to start debugging it. The error message doesn't exactly give me a lot to go on.


Intellij - work-around for IDE not building module on Run/Debug

I have a pretty large project, of which the Selenium/Cucumber part is integrated, and belongs to me.
No, after upgrading to Intelij 2022, I find that things have changed to the worse. Since I only bother about the module containin cucumber/selenium tests, I have been used to just clicking Run or Debug on each Run/Debug configuration to get my changes built, and the Cucumber/Selenium tests run locally on my computer.
This doesn't work anymore, and absolutely 100% of all help/support I have found on the net is unhelpful. The problem is that when I make a change in the code and click Run or Debug, the module (cucumber, where all the Cucumber/selenium tests resides) is not built. So, it keeps running the previously built code when I'm working on debugging/fixing tests.
The solution has been to first build the module containing the tests, then run/debug the test(s). Even though the run/debug configuration DOES have "Build" before launch. But this is tiresome, and a total waste of time.
So, what I'm wondering is: Can I tailer a terminal command to do all this? That is, build a specified module, then Run or Debug a Cucumber test.
Any help/hints are appreciated. I'm experiencting the usual "me" problem, where it seems that everyone else in the world has something working, while the same solutions doesn't work for me.
I tried the solution offered below in the comments: Deleted the .idea folder, reimported all Maven modules and reconfigured the project. It seemed to work on the first run, but then it went back to not building before launch.
You can try to change Select Run/Debug configuration in idea. Change Build to Build Project. It worked for me.

Unable to load class 'kotlin.coroutines.Continuation'

This error keeps happening every once in a while in my Kotlin projects. I tried several Kotlin versions (1.3.41, 1.3.60, 1.3.72) but this seems to come up on any version and in various projects. Once it starts happening, I can't build any project.
Full error message:
Unable to load class 'kotlin.coroutines.Continuation'.
Possible causes for this unexpected error include:
Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)
Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)
The state of a Gradle build process (daemon) may be corrupt.
Stopping all Gradle daemons may solve this problem.
Stop Gradle build processes (requires restart)
Your project may be using a third-party plugin which is not compatible with the other plugins in the project or the version of Gradle requested by the project.
In the case of corrupt Gradle processes, you can also try closing the IDE and then killing all Java processes.
I have tried all the suggestions and none of it helped. When I click
"Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)", it says
Clicking "Stop Gradle build processes (requires restart)" restarts Intellij but doesn't help.
Closing Intellij and killing Java processes didn't help either.
While none of the linked suggestions in the error popup worked, running 'clean' gradle task manually did do the trick!
./gradlew clean
The error still comes up every once in a while but can be reliably fixed by running gradle clean.

IntelliJ IDEA: Unable to create a Gradle project

I'm facing difficulties in setting up a gradle project. During setting up of the Gradle settings in the wizard,
I am not able to use the default recommended gradle wrapper because it downloads the Gradle and the network connectivity is very bad. So I go with the local gradle distribution which I have installed in my Ubuntu. On refreshing of the gradle project after creation, I always get stuck to this error. When I run the gradle build command through the terminal on the empty project, It works fine.
I have also tried the troubleshooting solutions given by the IDE. But, that made no improvements. Need assistance to solve this problem.
Comment if any additional info required.
As no-one else has chipped in, an approach that should work is to use the Gradle Idea Plugin instead of relying on the build in support Gradle in Idea. In my experience the plugin supports a wider range of Gradle project structures than Ideasupports directly. So you would
Create a Gradle project outside Idea and confirm it all works on from the command line.
Add the Idea plugin to the project
Run 'gradle cleanIdea idea' to generate the Idea project files.
Open up the newly generated project files from Idea and off you go.

Grails application is not found after updating to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2016.2

I have updated my IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate to the 2016.2 version.
I had a Grails 3 project and now when I open the IDE I get the following error when trying to run my project:
Error running Grails: My_Project: Grails application is not found
I can still open the terminal and run the project manually, but it seems that IntelliJ IDEA no longer recognises my Grails application. When going to "Edit configurations...", in "Application" it says "[none]" and I can't select anything.
Grails Version: 3.1.9
Groovy Version: 2.4.7
JVM Version: 1.8.0_66
A Simple solution to this is to refresh the gradle projects.
You can do this by popping out the little gradle tab and hitting the "Refresh All Gradle Projects"
I run into the same problem always when i restart intellij. Running grails clean command from the terminal fixed it.
First, re-import the project into IntelliJ 2016.2. Choose the build.gradle file for the import. Use the gradle wrapper or a local gradle installation, where you have given IntelliJ the path to the locally installed Gradle. Let IntelliJ re-index everything. Wait until you see no further indexing on the bottom of the screen.
Second, run the application once, with no edit configuration. After this completes with error, you should be able to choose Run -> Edit Configuration / Application.
Third, you can go into the project pane to the grails-app/init/app-name/Application.groovy file and right-click on that and choose Run. After that, an edit configuration will be created.
Finally, you can try to invalidate cache and restart. (This has nothing to do with Edit Configuration, but sometimes the gradle and/or .idea caches get out of sync.)
I had the same problem after updating to IntelliJ Ultimate 2019.2.
It seems that the "little gradle tab" of the accepted answer no longer exists.
The reason in my case was that the Gradle Plugin had been disabled by the update process.
Resolution: Hit Help > Find Action > Type gradle. You should see a line "Gradle" and a ON-OFF switch at the end of that line.
Enable it and restart IntelliJ solved my problem.

IntelliJ Run Configuration Broken by an Incompatible Plugin I Can't Uninstall?

I had been developing an application on a trial version of IntelliJ 2016 Ultimate. Since the trial version ran out, I resumed work using the Community Edition. However, trying to launch my application yielded the following error:
Unknown run configuration type #com.intellij.j2ee.web.tomcat.TomcatRunConfigurationFactory
"No problem" I thought, just an incompatible plugin that was installed with Ultimate that I don't really need anyway. I opened the Plugins section of the Preferences menu, but I can't find the plugin in question. Below is a partial screenshot of the plugin list where I would expect to see the plugin listed in the error message.
The configuration can also not be edited from the Run/Debug Configurations menu, but lists the Run Configuration error as: "Broken configuration due to unavailable plugin or invalid configuration data."
Am I really unable to uninstall the Ultimate plugin preventing my run configuration from working from the Community Edition? What can I do to fix this if so?
It's have been a long time since this question was launched but it might be useful for new searches.
I got the same error with Dart and Flutter.
Just go to Menu >> File >> Settings. Then type plugins on the search box. Check if your plugins need to be updated (in my case Dart and Flutter). I the screenshot I had clicked in the "update" green button. So it turns into "Restart IDE" text. It should fix the problem once you restart the IDE.
To the best of my knowledge the community edition of IDEA will not load and run plugins that are not compatible with it. Moreover, by default, the community edition uses a different configuration directory than the Ultimate edition. So unless you modified the config directory to use, the community version should not be picking up the Ultimate Edition's plugins. Based on the error you show, I think the issue is you simply need to delete that Run configuration. The error is saying that that Run configuration wants to use a Plugin (The Tomcat Plugin) that is not available (i.e. not installed).
If you still want to confirm what plugins are installed, you can manually uninstall a plugin by removing it from the plugins directory. Note that some plugins are simply a standalone JAR, in the plugins directory, others are sub-directories within the plugins directory. Just delete the JAR or sub-directory.
That plugins directory is the idea config directory. See Directories used by the IDE to store settings, caches, plugins and logs for information on its location. On windows for example, by default it will be:
Ultimate: C:\Users\UserName\.IntelliJIdea2016\config\plugins
Community: C:\Users\UserName\..IdeaIC2016\config\plugins
I forgot to mention... bundled plugins are in ${idea-install-directory}/plugins. So for the ultimate edition, the Tomcat plugin is in ${idea-install-directory}/plugins/Tomcat. That is why, as you mentioned in your comment below, you are not seeing that plugin in the user installed plugin directory I mentioned above.
updating flutter and android studio worked in my
Simple upgrade Dart plugin..
Go to Settings/Plugins/Browse Repositories and search dart (Language) and upgrade
this will work.
I had a similar worded issue "Run Configuration Error: Broken configuration due to unavailable plugin or invalid configuration data."
In the bottom right part of the Rider IDE, you will see a popup that says
"Plugin supporting feature (Run Configuration[UNITY_ATTACH_AND_PLAY]) is currently disabled."
Click enable plugins, and restart when Rider asks you to do so.
If this does not work, remember that one possible reason is the issues with macOS indexing (my Macbook started to malfunction after its battery hit 0). A way to check is to try and search a file from the top right corner(). If you can not find existing files, this means macOS messed up with indexing.
To solve it, click Apple icon on top left side and go to System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Privacy Tab -> Add all folders to the "won't index" box -> Remove everything you have added so they get reindexed.
Lastly, go to Rider and hit File -> Invalidate Caches and Restart.