using modal for each item in a list in yii framework - yii

There is a list of patient data using a "TbGridView" widget,
Now, I want to use modal widget for each one of the patient here, so, that
the patient id is passed to the modal for each patient with patient id.
I had tried this, but, I am being unable to pass each patient id to the modal form.
Any response related to this would be very helpful.
Thank you.

Actually there is no direct way of doing that I mean that you cant render dynamic data by passing an id. Modal is static.
You can use ajax call for that to retrieve data from database and render that data in your modal. Follow these steps
1. In your gridview use rowHtmlOptionsExpression to set id for specific row.
2. create an action in your controller to handle ajax call.
3. use jquery click event on TbGridView elements like
$('#mygrid table tbody tr td:not(:first-child)').on('click', function() {
var Url =<?php echo '"' . CController::createUrl('/user/default/viewMessageAjax') . '"'; ?>;
var id = $(this).parent().attr('id');
url: Url,
data: {id: id},
success: function(data) {
jQuery('#mygrid >table>tbody>tr:first-child').live('click', function() {
return false;
above code is just an example, you can change it according to ur needs.


Return value from a partial view loaded on a jquery dialog

I have a partialview "selectUser". On this partial view a user can search for other users. The user id will be stored in a hidden field or as a var on my view. I need to use this partial view in many places. Lets say I need to return the id of the selected user on the close event of my dialog. My question is, how do I make this partial view, loaded as a modal dialog with jquery ui, to retrun the selected value to its parent view? Is there a way to access the value directly from the parent view?
I think I follow what you are needing now. So on your button click you do an ajax call back to the server and include the destination field name in the call
url: "#(Url.Action("Action", "Controller"))",
type: "POST",
cache: false,
async: true,
data: { destination: 'fieldName' },
success: function (result) {
On your controller send that field to the partial view through your view model or viewbag and on the partial view put that field name in a hidden field. then in your button click you should be able to do something like this (untested)
function AttachScript(){
$('.btnSubmit').on('click', function(){
var data = $('.sharedField').val();
which will set the value of whatever field is named in your hidden field to the data. Hopefully this helps.

Pass data-attribute value of clicked element to ajax settings

For an implementation of Magnific Popup, I need to pass a post id to the ajax settings. The post id is stored in a data attribute of the element to which Magnific Popup is bound. I would like this to work:
html element:
<a data-id="412">Clicke me</a>
$('.element a').magnificPopup({
type: 'ajax',
ajax: {
settings: {
url: php_array.admin_ajax,
type: 'POST',
data: ({
id: postId
Where postId is read from the data attribute.
Thanks in advance.
$('.element a').magnificPopup({
callbacks: {
elementParse: function(item){
postData = {
action :'theme_post_example',
id : $(item.el[0]).attr('data-id')
var mp = $.magnificPopup.instance; = postData;
type: 'ajax',
ajax: {
settings: {
url: php_array.admin_ajax,
type: 'POST'
Here is how to do it:
<a class="modal" data-id="412" data-action="theme_post_example">Click me</a>
type: 'ajax',
ajax: {
settings: {
url : php_array.admin_ajax,
dataType : 'json'
callbacks: {
elementParse: function() { = {
action :'data-action'),
id :'data-id')
parseAjax: function( response )
{ =;
function theme_post_example()
$id = isset( $_GET['id'] ) ? $_GET['id'] : false;
$html = '<div class="white-popup mfp-with-anim">';
* generate your $html code here ...
$html .= '</div>';
echo json_encode( array( "html" => $html ) );
As this answer was the original question regarding inserting data into Magnific's ajax call, I'll post this here.
After many hours of trying to figure this out, you should know that if you're using a gallery with the ability to move between gallery items without closing the popup, using elementParse to set your AJAX data will fail when you visit an item after already viewing it (while the popup is still open).
This is because elementParse is wrapped up in a check that it makes detect if an item has already been 'parsed'. Here's a small explanation as to what happens:
Open gallery at item index 2.
Item has not been parsed yet, so it sets the parsed flag to true and runs the elementParse callback (in that order). Your callback sets the ajax options to fetch this item's data, all is well.
Move (right) to item index 3.
Same as above. The item has not been parsed, so it runs the callback. Your callback sets the data. It works.
Move (left) back to item index 2.
This time the item has been parsed. It skips re-parsing the item's element for assumed potential performance reasons.Your callback is not executed. Magnific's ajax data settings will remain the same as if it were item index 3.
The AJAX call is executed with the old settings, it returns with item index 3's data instead, which is rendered to the user. Magnific will believe it is on index 2, but it is rendering index 3's data.
To resolve this, you need to hook onto a callback which is always executed pre-ajax call, like beforeChange.
The main difference is that the current item isn't passed through into the callback. Fortunately, at this point, magnific has updated their pointers to the correct index. You need to fetch the current item's element by using:
var data = {}; // Your key-value data object for jQuery's $.ajax call.
// For non-closures, you can reference mfp's instance using
// $.magnificPopup.instance instead of 'this'.
// e.g.
// var mfp = $.magnificPopup.instance;
// var itemElement = mfp.items[mfp.index].el;
var itemElement = this.items[this.index].el;
// Set the ajax data settings directly.
if(typeof !== 'object') { = {};
} = data;
This answer can also be used as a suitable alternative to the currently highest voted, as it will work either way.
You may use open public method to open popup dynamically
postId = $(this).attr('data-id')
$(this) retrieve the current element (the link you clicked on), and attr the value of the specified attribute.

Dynamic filter bar using tag links in tumblr

I have 10 links to 10 TagPages, when clicked they take you to a page with all the posts with that tag.
That’s easy enough.
I’d like to know if its possible to stack more than one tagged post in a page. For example when all the “red” tagged posts are showing you can click and load in the “blue” tagged posts without leaving the page.
The 10 links then behave like a filtering system. You can then show any combination of tagged posts in one page… click once and load them in, click again to hide the posts.
I hope that all makes sense.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
You can load in posts by tag with Tumblr's API:
The call for each of your tags would look something like this (square brackets marking areas you'll need to change):
URL =[base-hostname]/posts?api_key=[key]&tag=[tagname]&jsonp=?
$.ajax(URL, {
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
// do something with your data
Updated with a more specific example:
You'd need to create a function for each click of your tag navigation. So let's say you built out your navigation in simple HTML, you'd want to create a function for each of those clicks.
<nav class="tag-nav>
$('.tag-nav a').on('click', function (e) {
// grab classname from the link that was just clicked
var tagName = $(this).attr('class');
// go get our tagged posts
var getTaggedPosts = function (tag) {
// this is where your AJAX call will go
// bonus points if you check to see if you've already made the AJAX call
// and stored the posts somewhere else on the page

Create custom command to expand client detail template in Kendo UI Grid (MVC)

I've got a nested grid within my grid, and it works perfectly, but the client doesn't like to use the arrow on the left and asked for a button to be added in order to show the child grid.
The example on the Kendo website shows how to automatically open the first row, I just want a way to expand the grid from a custom control in the same way that the left selector does it.
I've got the custom command working, and it executes the sample code, but I just need some help with the javascript required to make it work for the current row.
columns.Command(command =>
command.Custom("Manage Brands").Click("showBrandsForAgency");
And the js with the standard example of opening the first row:
function showBrandsForAgency(e) {
Please help by giving me the js required to expand the row clicked and not the first row?
* EDIT *
Modified the solution provided by Atanas Korchev in order to get it to work on only the button and not the whole row.
I'd prefer a solution that uses the function showBrandsForAgency instead of a custom funciton but this does the job:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#grid").on("click", "a", function (e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var row = $(this).parent().parent();
if (row.find(".k-icon").hasClass("k-minus")) {
} else {
You can try something like this:
$("#grid").on("click", "tr", function(e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
if ($(this).find(".k-icon").hasClass("k-minus")) {
} else {
When using jQuery on the function context (available via the this keyword) is the DOM element which fired the event. In this case this is the clicked table row.
Here is a live demo:
Same results just Simpler, faster, and more efficient:
$("#grid").on("click", "tr", function () {
$(this).find("td.k-hierarchy-cell .k-icon").click();

Simple store connected list for dojo

Is there a simpler list type than DataGrid that can be connected to a store for Dojo?
I would like the data abstraction of the store, but I don't need the header and cell stucture. I would like to be more flexible in the representation of the datalines, where maybe each line calls an function to get laid out...
You ask a really good question. I actually have a blog post that is still in draft form called "The DataGrid should not be your first option".
I have done a couple thing using the store to display data from a store in a repeated form.
I have manually built an html table using dom-construct and for each.
var table = dojo.create('table', {}, parentNode);
var tbody = dojo.create('tbody', {}, table); // a version of IE needs this or it won't render the table
store.fetch({ // this is a, but you cana dapt to the dojo.Store API
query: {},
onComplete: function(itms) {
dojo.forEach(itms, function(itm, idx) {
var tr = dojo.create('tr', {}, tbody);
// use idx to set odd/even css class
// create tds and the data that goes in them
I have also created a repeater, where I have an html template in a string form and use that to instantiate html for each row.
var htmlTemplate = '<div>${name}</div>'; // assumes name is in the data item
store.fetch({ // this is a, but you cana dapt to the dojo.Store API
query: {},
onComplete: function(itms) {
dojo.forEach(itms, function(itm, idx) {
var expandedHtml = dojo.replace(htmlTemplate, itm);
// use to put the html where you want it
You could also have a widget that you instantiate for each item.