Apache webserver rewrite all URL's excluding some - apache

I'm using apache httpd v2.2 server as a frontend proxy for our actual tomcat web server which hosts the Java web application.
I want to forward all urls received by apache webserver other than those having the prefix /product to tomcat.
I've tried the following set up in httpd.conf but it' doesn't seem to work
<VirtualHost *:6111>
ServerName localhost
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule !^(/product($|/)) http://localhost:1234/$1
Alias /product /opt/productdoc
I tried to follow Redirect site with .htaccess but exclude one folder but was not successful
Basically all http://localhost:6111/product urls should serve from hard drive (using alias)
Any other url should be forwarded to http://localhost:1234/<original-path>

You probably want to use something like mod_jk http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/webserver_howto/apache.html.
There are a ton of examples and tutorials and it should be pretty simple to setup and install. Now that you know the name of the connection technology, you should probably be able to find more information.
Using modjk also allows you to secure your tomcat server and keep the public off of it.


Domain Name cannot be changed in Apache on CentOS 7

I have set up a server with a wiki and Wordpress and Nextcloud on a new Domain, let's say it's testing.com. When I was finished, I wanted to change the Domain from testing.com to realdomain.com.
The server is running CentOS 7 with httpd (apache), so I changed the ServerName in /etc/httpd/conf/ to "realdomain.com". Then I changed the VirtualHosts in all the files in /etc/httpd/conf.d.
I added the new Domain to the trusted Domains of the Wordpress, Nextcloud and wiki. I restarted the httpd service and the server itself.
Yet, when I open realdomain.com in browser, it shows me my websites, but it puts testing.com in the address field.
I tried using mod_rewrite to change the URL, but then my webbrowser tells me that the site doesnt redirect correctly and that the redirects never stop.
I tried those rewrite rules in the .conf files and in the .htaccess (not simultaneously)- no success.
I removed all my files in conf.d and created a new DocumentRoot with a simple helloWorld.html - The Url still gets rewritten to testing.com.
Are there any other locations that could have rewrite rules? Did I miss anything?
Thank you so much in advance, this is killing me!

Apache Reverse Proxy 404 errors when resources loaded from root context path

Seeing an issue after configuring a reverse proxy in my Apache web server and having a tough time finding a solution, hoping one of you may be able to assist.
I am trying to configure a reverse proxy to map the backend application URL http://appserver/app/ to the URL https://webserver/app/ on my public domain.
I noticed that any resources located under the http://appserver/app/ path (such as /app/images) are being served properly when accessed via corresponding reverse proxy URL (https://webserver/app/images).
However, some html files are being served from the backend application server root context path (http://appserver/test.html) and the requests for these files are returning 404 errors when the application is accessed via the reverse proxy URL
When reviewing the chrome dev tools network trace, I see Apache is serving these resources from the root context of the reverse proxy URL (https://webserver/test.html), instead of the reverse proxy path (https://webserver/app/test.html), as intended.
I believe this is the expected behavior in Apache, but I am trying to find a way to rewrite the URLs to serve these resources via the reverse proxy context path https://webserver/app/ instead of the root.
Below is my current configuration and I am aware that it will not work as intended when configured this way, but I have tried just about every combination of RewriteRule and ProxyPassReverse directives I can think of, to no avail.
RewriteRule ^/app/(.*)$ http://appserver/app/$1 [P,L]
ProxyPassReverse /app/ http://appserver/app/
I have also tried the following, with no luck.
RewriteRule ^/app/(.*)$ http://appserver/$1 [P,L]
ProxyPassReverse /app/ http://appserver/
Outside of the basics, I am a bit of a noob when it comes to Apache, so I apologize if this is a dumb question, but I have looked all over to find a solution, and still haven't found one :(
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks a lot

Rewrite URL - Apache in front and jboss serving content

I have been trying to get this work for the last 2 days since I am relatively new to Apache server. This is what I am trying to do in my local machine.
I have installed Apache Server and it acts as a front gate for all requests and sends them to JBOSS server. This is through AJP method.
I have enabled the mod_rewrite in http.conf and I want to do a simple redirect in my localhost. Below is what I tried..
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^first.html$ second.html
This is not working as the log says it is looking the files in the document root C:\Apacheserver\Apache2\htdocs and i dont have any files in this location as the file comes from JBOSS(For ex: C:/jboss4.0/jboss-4.0.3SP1/server/MyApp/deploy/unisysv2.ear/web-app.war).
How do I make this redirect work under this condition.
You should configure "bridge" between Apache an JBoss. Use mod_jk module or mod_proxy for that purpose, which are implementation of ajp communication protocol between Apache and JBoss.

Apache .htaccess whitelist doesn't block Tomcat with Mod_jk

My problem is, that I recently set up a Tomcat7 application container with Apache2.2 Frontend. As the project is still under development I am controlling access by an IP whitelist set up in .htaccess for the domain.
I set up mod_jk via AJP13 to Tomcat, it works absolutely fine, except the fact that .htaccess doesn't block the forward for Tomcat. In other words if you enter www.mydomain.com from a "black" IP, you get forwarded to the error page but if you enter www.mydomain.com/AppContext you slip through Apache into Tomcat
I started messing with urlrewritefilter with Tomcat, but for some reason it didn't work.
I am wondering if there is any way to set up .htaccess or apache instead to block requests forwarded to Tomcat similarly to request for Apache?
Also noticed a dramatic speed decrease when using it like that, us that common when using Apache as a frontend?
.htaccess files will work only when Apache is using a <Directory> based configuration (in httpd.conf). In case of mod_jk, matching requests (as specified by JkMount directive) will simply be forwarded to the AJP connector.
Use <Location> to control access instead:
<Location "/AppContext">
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from .myCompany.local
See <Location> Directive> for details.
I faced the same problem and found a solution which may solve your case too.
Use a reverse proxy server like Nginx or Squid to redirect the traffic Apache Tomcat. Both of them can use htpassword for authentication and hence, will serve your need. If you want to use Apache as frontend then backend can be nginx which in turn will redirect to Tomcat after proper authentication. It may have a performance hit, though.

Multiple domains on apache server

First a quick disclaimer, I'm not a 'server guy' or a 'unix pro' or anything like that, I'm a web programmer who got stuck doing server works since I ran linux (ubuntu) on my netbook.
I'm trying to set up an apache server running on Debian to automagically serve multiple domains, each domain needs to have its own directory in /var/www.
Since this is the last thing I do for this company I really need it to be easy for my successor (who is even more a beginner at servers than I am), to create more domains without having to muck around with ssh or /etc/apache2/sites-available, so what I'm looking for is basically any magic mumbo-jumbo in default (or apt-get, or conf.d) that makes the server start serving any domain that has a matching folder in /var/www they will ofcourse have to initiate domain transfers the usual way.
I have no problem setting up domains individually.
Ick... hope the above makes sense to someone.
To serve multiple domains from Apache, you'll need Apache Virtual Hosts. You can start serving any domain that has a matching folder in /var/www" with Apache Virtual Hosts using mod_vhost_alias.
The following configuration will take the fully-qualified domain name (like www.example.org) and use it as the variable '%0'. So, to serve out 'www.example.org', you create a directory at /var/www/www.example.org/docs , and place your HTML content there. Your Cgi script will go in /var/www/www.example.org/cgi-bin/
# get the server name from the Host: header
UseCanonicalName Off
VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/%0/docs
VirtualScriptAlias /var/www/%0/cgi-bin
Then, point 'www.example.org' to '', and Apache will happily serve that Virtual Host.
Untested Code with flavor of Ubuntu
sudo a2enmod rewrite
vi /etc/apache/sites-enabled/000-default
NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /var/www/
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{HTTP_HOST}/$1
sudo /etc/inid.d/apache2 restart