How to change camera focus in adobe air 14? - air

Is there any way to change the camera focus in Adobe Air 14 without a Native Extension?
I am trying to find a way to control the Camera's manual focus.

You need to find your camera DLL(if you developing this for Windows).
I know that Nikon D90 have own *.DLL's that provide full range of own API. So you need to develop ANE that will send calls to that dll and receive feedback.
Also same way you can do live preview (I done this 2 years ago).


Listbox that can 'snap'

I'm making a Windows Phone application that needs a listbox that can "snap" to positions as it scrolls (just like the one in the Media Hub that shows current/future songs).
I've spent awhile looking all over google and can't find anything. Is there a native control that does it, or a third party library that contains it.
There are no built in controls that do this.
The SlideView from the Telerik RadControls can do this.
It's $99 or free if you sign up for the Nokia Premium Developer Program rather than sign up with the App Hub directly.

Windows 8 store app development without touch screen

I've started doing Windows 8 Store app development for some projects at work, but I do not have a touch screen device of my own at home. If I write a personal app for submission to the store, I must use my own hardware since I can't use the work computers for personal projects. My concern is getting into a situation where I submit an app to the store, then have touch-screen users describing issues that I can't replicate on a non-touch-screen device.
Are there any functions or capabilities or interactions that behave differently in a Windows 8 store app when using touch vs. using only a mouse? Are there any scenarios I could encounter where I would be at a loss to reproduce or troubleshoot a user's problems if I do not have a touch screen?
As Konstantin suggested, a tablet is strongly recommended.
The next best thing is to use the device simulator in Visual Studio. It will let you change screen sizes, and allows you to simulate basic touch gestures with the mouse. This MSDN link has more info: Testing Windows 8 apps using Visual Studio 2012
Microsoft have introduced events that are pointer agnostic meaning that they should function the same way regardless of whether you are using a touchscreen, a mouse or a pen. Those are the MSPointer events. Here's some documentation. Using event handlers for these events mean that you should not be getting complaints from users about the touch friendliness of your application. However I still strongly suggest that you acquire a surface and test your application on it. Not just for the touch friendliness but also because of performance differences.

Use Built In Soft Keyboard in Win 8 DirectX Metro App

Part of my app requires the user to enter text (username/password & chat) and I'd prefer not have to create my own keyboard code.
Is there a way to use the built in software keyboard for DirectX Metro Apps? I just need a way for touch users to enter text.
If it is possible, how do I do it?
I'm not sure if DirectX itself has something built-in, but you can mix DirectX with XAML - e.g. you could use SwapChainBackgroundPanel where all your DirectX rendering would occur and overlay a XAML TextBox where you would capture your text input.

Screenshot into AIR application

Is there away to copy a screenshot directly into an Adobe Air (2) application?
Kinda like this: User presses the "print screen" button and the screenshot shows up in the app.
Also I'ld like to know if pasting via keyboard or right-click work for that?
I'm new too AIR.
Best, John
Yes, it can be done.
But no, not directly from Air, unless you wish to capture parts of your own AIR UI (which should be no problem as these are within the scope of the AIR Application)
To capture the whole screen you would need to use an ANE (Adobe Native Extension) which can be written
both for iOS and Android devices and used from within AIR via an API.
Introduction to ANE Development:
The following post discusses on the way by which an Air ANE can capture a screenshot (which is technical and relevant for developing such an ANE for Android)
How Native Extension take screenshot on Android device?
Other then this you might try a workaround, that is, instructing the user to capture using his own device's capture combination, then simply ask them to select the file from the Gallery, if indeed this is your intention...?

Can an Adobe AIR app that's running in the system tray pop up a window?

For example, if I were to write a calendar app on top of AIR, say with Flex, could this app pop up reminder windows for approaching appointments, just like Microsoft Outlook can?
Clarification: Can those windows be actual dialogs where I can enter and save information?
See Creating toast-style windows
Twhirl pops up "toast" notifications (similiar to most instant messengers), while it is running in the system tray.
So yes.
There are notification balloons tips but this method is going out of favor with systray icons in Windows 7 and it's not cross platform. Unfortunately, you can only call this in the Win32 API using Shell_NotifyIcon and there is no way to get to it from Air.
Stuck making your own toaster popups.
Your Flex AIR application can pop up windows, dialogs, toasters, whatever.
Have a look at this article on the Adobe Website, for creating your own Toast Style Popups.
(Credit for this goes to Duncan Smart, answering this question.)