Having issues with my map that I put on my webpage. When I view the code and site on my local machine, I see it with no issue. Once I upload it to the server it comes back with:
The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key.
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCZQwKWv_dRfa94F8mxRiOU7D6LAnYfUoE&q=346+E+Church+Rd,+King+of+Prussia,+PA+19406" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0"></iframe>
In google's API authorization area "credentials" I have the referrer set to .domainname.com/
Not sure what the issue is...any thoughts?
Have you enabled the service Static Maps API?
I have implemented the Sign in with google option in my web app. (JSP page, Tomcat server, localhost:8080)
Google sign-in works fine while running it in localhost, but the sign-in option is not working while running the web app using IP address, it results in "Access blocked: Sign in with google’s request is invalid". Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch.
So I thought I need to add the IP address in the developer google cloud console as an authorized origin, But it won't allow IP as an authorized javascript origin.
How can I add my IP address(172.22....) as an authorised javascript origin, So that sign-in with google option works?
clich here to more details
Basically, I'm trying http://172.22.... instead of http://localhost:8080
Using private IPs is not allowed.
See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/policies#secure-response-handling and the host section of https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/web-server#uri-validation.
I'm building a webapp with the Google Script engine. Te application uses the Sign in With Google button to log in, so I need a project with a Credential in the Google Cloud Platform which asks me to introduce a domain in the Authorized JavaScript Origin field. Domains of the kind xxx.googleusercontent.com used to work but now they appear to be forbidden.
Google Cloud Platform Credentials
Since the app is hosted by Google Script platform, I've tried the URI https://script.google.com, but it does not work. It keeps on saying:
Not a valid origin for the client: https://n-lvkfgw4qjsttvut5eeun3inieub2bbse7ukpiti-0lu-script.googleusercontent.com has not been registered for client ID 577491057122-qlfn0853m85t0u7gsd4rr69rulghts54.apps.googleusercontent.com. Please go to https://console.developers.google.com/ and register this origin for your project's client ID."
error: "idpiframe_initialization_failed"
Does anybody know anything about this issue?
There was a discussion about this on a bug reported on Google's Issue Tracker - this has become disallowed due to security concerns. There is, therefore, no current way to use an Apps Script Web App as a JavaScript origin at all.
More Information:
The bug report in question:
Fail to Add *.googleusercontent.com into Authorized JavaScript origins
An investigation was conducted as there was seemingly no public information about the change. On March 31st 2021, a Googler eventually responded, explaining the reason for the change and closed the issue as intended behaviour:
Current policies for use of OAuth 2.0 require apps to use secure JavaScript origins and redirects on domains that you own. While the use of certain shared domains is allowed (e.g. Firebase apps running on *.web.app), the use of *.googleusercontent.com as OAuth origins or redirect URIs is blocked in order to ensure the security and privacy of user accounts.
Documentation has been updated at Redirect URI validation rules and JavaScript origin validation rules has been updated in order to reflect this:
Host domains cannot be “googleusercontent.com”.
I just started to learn about Google Analytics Embed API from "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/embed/v1/getting-started"
I followed their example, and deployed my HTML file onto local Tomcat server hosting at port 8080. I've added everything they mentioned including the whitelists for the host origin etc, provided my OAuth 2.0 key
when I hit my HTML page and logged in with google, I keep on getting 403 error when requesting for "https://content.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accountSummaries?max-results=0&_src=embed-api%3Av1"
Anybody has any suggestions where I might have gone wrong?
p.s. the only thing I see on my page after login with Google is "You are logged in as: ***********#gmail.com"
Upon checking your link, I can see that the error code is 401. Regarding that error, you can check this SO thread.
I think you need to set up a service account as advised in answer.
By setting up a service account in Google apis console it will
allow you to access your own data with out needing to login and
autenticate the code all the time.
I am using a custom local URL for development of a project that authenticates with both Google and Adwords using OAuth2.
The entry in my /etc/hosts file looks like: sub.example.dev:3001
In the Google Cloud Platform console I have an OAuth 2.0 client ID setup with:
type: Web Application
Authorized JavaScript origin: http://sub.example.dev:3001
Authorized redirect URIs:
I authenticate with with both Google and Adwords separately. Previously I was using localhost:3001 instead of the custom URL which was working for both Google and Adwords. After switching to the custom local URL the Google auth still works, but when I try to authenticate with Adwords I get a redirect_uri_mismatch error.
The error page tells me that "The redirect URI in the request, sub.example.dev:3001/auth/adwords/callback, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client." The URI reported here is exactly the same as what I have as an authorized redirect URI (minus the protocol).
Why does this work with Google OAuth, but not Adwords? How can I get a custom local redirect URL to work with Adwords OAuth?
I found the issue, and there was a hint in the question itself. The redirect URL that I pass during the OAuth flow needs to contain the protocol and I had missed that in my config.
The redirect URL I was passing in the OAuth flow was sub.example.dev:3001/auth/adwords/callback
I changed it to http://sub.example.dev:3001/auth/adwords/callback and now it works! :D
I am trying to access YouTube API using ASP.net MVC 4.
Should I use :
Client ID for web application or Client ID for native application?
I tried both:
Using Client ID for web application will give me this error: The redirect URI in the request: http://localhost:55193/authorize/ did not match a registered redirect URI
Using Client ID for native application will redirect me to this page with a token: http://localhost:55318/authorize/?code=4/ufFRXOfT7GS28wg_eqA9pQ9wVtFN.cgyV3VCJtGkXdJfo-QBMszsijcV9jQI
I am confused of google limited documentation.
If you're building a WebApp, you should use the client ID for web application. The error messages you're seeing indicate that your app is configured to, after authorizing, redirect to the URLs you see there, but you haven't set, in the console, the permissions to let those URLs handle callbacks.
Visit the developer console (https://console.developers.google.com/) and find your project, then choose the "credentials" link under the APIs & Auth section. Look for the client ID that you're using, and edit it; there will be a field to put in your allowed redirect URIs (in other words, the permissible places that your oAuth calls can redirect to after visiting google's auth endpoints).