error in long exposure time - camera

when taking a shot using a long shutter speed >15 seg an error message is returned instead of the result containing the pocture address.The error message is "error": [40403, "Long Shooting"] .
the camera is a nex-6 the api realease v = 1.6

Please use getAvailableShutterSpeed method to get current possible values.
Best Regards,
Prem, Developer World team

See the special note in the API documentation in the "actTakePicture" section. For very long exposure times it will return error code 40403 in which case you can poll the camera using the "awaitTakePicture" method. The camera will continue to return 40403 when queried with "awaitTakePicture" until it's finished capturing, and then it will return the address of the postview image.


BLE kotlin .discoverServices() doesn't find any service

I implemented two different solution to discover service on my BLE device. One use a handler then return what .discoverService have found, the other one is really similar but give the size of the service discovered list that is always 0. I tried it with my realme buds 2 as test and some other device publically visible. The result is always 0. What can the problem be?
Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post {
var temp = bluetoothGatt?.discoverServices()
addGlog("discordservice() returned ${temp.toString()}")
addGlog("handler discover service reached an end")
val gattServices: List<BluetoothGattService> = gatt.getServices()
addGlog("Services count: " + gattServices.size)
for (gattService in gattServices) {
val serviceUUID = gattService.uuid.toString()
addGlog("Service uuid $serviceUUID")
edit: AddGlog is a simple log function to print results
answer: The code is not wrong but it take some time to discover those services so i put this code in a button. In this way there is 3-4 second of time between connecting with the device and make a discoveryservice operation. So a button make the conneting operations and another one the service discovery operations. I am sorry if my answer is pretty lame but I am still a noob on this topic

Why is VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT an invalid choice for multisampling in Vulkan?

Hello people of StackOverflow,
I am currently working on a games engine using the Vulkan graphics API, in the past I was just setting anti-aliasing to the max it could be. However today I was trying to turn it off (to improve performance on weaker systems). To do this I tried to set the MSAA samples on my engine to VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT however this produced the validation error:
Validation Error: [ VUID-VkSubpassDescription-pResolveAttachments-00848 ] Object 0: handle = 0x55aaa6e32828, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0xfad6c3cb | ValidateCreateRenderPass(): Subpass 0 requests multisample resolve from attachment 0 which has VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT. The Vulkan spec states: If pResolveAttachments is not NULL, for each resolve attachment that is not VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED, the corresponding color attachment must not have a sample count of VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT (
I can work around this problem relatively easily so it isn't really an issue for me, however I was wondering why exactly this limit is put into place. If I want to set the MSAA samples to 1 why can't I?
A sample count of 1 means "not a multisampled image". And if you're doing multisample resolve, resolving from a non-multisampled image doesn't make sense. Which is also why you can't use such images for any other things that expect a multisampled image (you can't use an MS-style sampler or texture function on them).


i've been trying to develop a project taht uses gps and cell location with SIM5320A, i have successfully implement the GPS location, but when i try to use the AT commands related to the Cell location the SIM responses with an error message, for that reason i bougth a FONA 3g to make some tests with the cell location, but im algo getting error messages.
Hope you can help me with that
thank you
+STIN: 25
+STIN: 25
I've seen in some forums taht some AT doesnt work depending on the firmware version, mine is 1575B12SIM5320A , should i update to the last one?

Podio Create Item rate limit after 25 calls

I have to create items in podio using the api. When i let my program go full speed i noticed that after 5 - 6 items I get an error response from podio saying:
"error_description":"You have hit the rate limit. Please wait 300 seconds before trying again",
I tought the rate limit was 5000 calls/H and I get this error after 25 calls...
I added a thread.sleep in my code, and now it seems to be better, but even when I let the thread sleep for 10s I still get this error, I have now set the thread.sleep to 20 sec and it seems to work.
Is there a hidden rate limit to the number off calls per second ?
I think you are using Username password authentication here. The token request endpoint have lower limit from my experience. So the best way to solve this is to store and reuse the access tokens, instead of re-authenticating every time your program runs.
Podio API client libraries provide convenience methods to do this. See this links:
The rate limit is 1000 calls/H. so you can put sleep accordingly.

Apple iOS ASlog, polling for messages.. [code]

After reading these links:
Using Objective C to read log messages posted to the device console
I've successfully posted messages to the ASlog using
aslmsg m = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_MSG);
asl_log(NULL, m, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, result);
The problem is that when I go to query the log there is extreme lag in getting the results. It seems to be searching everything since I started printing with NSLog earlier today.
My current code to get the information is:
q = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_QUERY);
asl_set_query(q, ASL_KEY_SENDER, "db_poc", ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL);
asl_set_query(q, ASL_KEY_TIME, "1306768140", ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER);
I'm trying to get my app to send messages to the console (from javascript/UIWebview). I want to then watch the console for these messages so I can send data back to the UIWebviews javascript code..
I wonder are there any extra flags I can set on either send or receive side to speed up things? Also, is there a way to clear this ASlog?
Any ideas..?
Have you tried creating your own aslclient using ASL_OPT_NO_DELAY?