simple Issue with action script 2.0 about a button - actionscript-2

Could someone please help me make this code work.
(I want to put this code in a movieclip)
on roll over a button a movieclip keeps going to the right.
on roll out of the button the movieclip stops.
if (rollOver(_root.Rbutton)) {
_x += speed;
this is what i got so far.

The button and the movieClip are on the stage of your main timeline:
var xspeed:Number = 2;
function mcToMove():Void {
mc._x += xspeed;
myButton.onRollOver = function():Void {
onEnterFrame = mcToMove;
myButton.onRollOut = function():Void {
delete onEnterFrame;


Optimise Kotlin code for button clicked state

I want to change the button background when the button clicked, the function is work by using this code
bank1.setOnClickListener {
bank2.setOnClickListener {
bank3.setOnClickListener {
bank4.setOnClickListener {
But it kinda hardcoded, and make it to so many lines, any way to make the code shorter?
I would keep a variable that keeps track of the selected one like
private var selectedBank: View? = null
And then do
arrayOf(bank1, bank2, bank3, bank4).forEach {
it.setOnClickListener {
selectedBank = it
you only need to deselected the previous selected one

EaselJs shape hitTest unable to set alpha or visiblity

From the sample I created
I am unable to set the circle's alpha / visiblity when mousedown draw line. But I am able to console log it when its detect hitTest.. Is there advise in this?
Below is the block of codes:
var canvas, stage;
var drawingCanvas;
var oldPt;
var oldMidPt;
var title;
var color;
var stroke;
var colors;
var index;
var rect, circle1;
var currMidPt;
$(document).ready(function() {
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
index = 0;
colors = ["#828b20", "#b0ac31", "#cbc53d", "#fad779", "#f9e4ad", "#faf2db", "#563512", "#9b4a0b", "#d36600", "#fe8a00", "#f9a71f"];
//check to see if we are running in a browser with touch support
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
stage.autoClear = false;
createjs.Ticker.on("tick", tick);
drawingCanvas = new createjs.Shape();
stage.addEventListener("stagemousedown", handleMouseDown);
stage.addEventListener("stagemouseup", handleMouseUp);
title = new createjs.Text("Click and Drag to draw", "36px Arial", "#777777");
title.x = 300;
title.y = 200;
rect = new createjs.Shape();"#000").drawRect(0, 0, stage.canvas.width, stage.canvas.height);
var container = new createjs.Container();
container.x = 0;
container.y = 0;
stage.addChild(container, title);
circle1 = new createjs.Shape();"#990000").drawCircle(120,120,40);
function handleMouseDown(event) {
if (!event.primary) { return; }
if (stage.contains(title)) {
color = colors[(index++) % colors.length];
stroke = Math.random() * 30 + 10 | 0;
oldPt = new createjs.Point(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);
oldMidPt = oldPt.clone();
stage.addEventListener("stagemousemove", handleMouseMove);
function handleMouseMove(event) {
if (!event.primary) { return; }
var midPt = new createjs.Point(oldPt.x + stage.mouseX >> 1, oldPt.y + stage.mouseY >> 1);, 'round', 'round').beginStroke(color).moveTo(midPt.x, midPt.y).curveTo(oldPt.x, oldPt.y, oldMidPt.x, oldMidPt.y);
oldPt.x = stage.mouseX;
oldPt.y = stage.mouseY;
oldMidPt.x = midPt.x;
oldMidPt.y = midPt.y;
currMidPt = midPt;
if(circle1.hitTest(currMidPt.x, currMidPt.y)) {
circle1.alpha = 0.6;
circle1.visible = false;
function tick(event) {
// console.log(ndgmr.checkPixelCollision(drawingCanvas,circle1,0,false));
function handleMouseUp(event) {
if (!event.primary) { return; }
stage.removeEventListener("stagemousemove", handleMouseMove);
The main reason this doesn't work is because you are using a stage that never clears itself. This gives you the benefit of a "paint brush", since it just adds new curves as you draw, but the circle can never be removed, since it is painted on to the canvas. If you change the alpha, it just draws on top of the current circle. This is also why your circle gets all aliased, as it constantly draws on top of itself, multiplying the alpha.
Here is a quick edit that shows the circle moving its x position instead of adjusting the alpha. Any time you roll over the original position it will move 10 pixels to the right.
The hitTest code you have used is not correct though, since it always checks the x/y position of the pen against the local coordinates of the circle -- this means the position of the circle doesn't matter. To fix this, you need to find the local coordinates instead:
currMidPt = circle1.globalToLocal(midPt.x, midPt.y);
Here is an updated fiddle showing that behaviour:
However, to get the effect you are probably looking for, you have to take a different approach. Instead of using the stage auto-clear, use a cached Shape, and update the cache when you draw. This will provide the paint effect, but let the rest of the stage get updated as usual.
// Remove this!
stage.autoClear = false;
// Cache the drawingCanvas once after creating it
drawingCanvas = new createjs.Shape();
// After drawing, update the cache. This is at the end of the mousemove function.
// Use "source-over" to apply the new contents on top, instead of clearing the cache.
I also made a few other changes:
Removed the Ticker listener that updates the stage. Your mousemove already updates the stage when the contents change. If you want to reintroduce the ticker update for other content, then remove the stage.update() calls everywhere else, as they are redundant.
Moved the drawingCanvas below the circle/container. This just makes sure the circle is always visible for the demo
Here is a final demo with these changes:
Hope that helps!

How to add background-color to text navigation on image slider?

I have an image slider that is controlled by text navigation. The text is highlighted orange when it's relative slide is current in the gallery. I would like the other text to have an inactive state with a black background but cannot get this to work!
(In case that didn't make much sense! Basically, I want background-color orange when current, background-color black when inactive.) THANKS
if(e == 0){
$(this).attr('id', 'handle' + e);
$('.tabs li').each(function(e){
if(e == 0){
$(this).addClass('current'); //adds class current to 1st li
$(this).wrapInner('<a class="title"></a>'); //wraps list items in anchor tag
$(this).children('a').attr('href', '#handle' + e);//adds href to the anchors
t = $(this).children('a').text();
$('#handle' + e).append('<h2>' + t + '</h2>'); //adds h2 and text to big images
$('.tabs li a').click(function(){
c = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
showImage($(c), 20);
$('.tabs li').removeClass('current');
return false;
function showImage(img, duration){
"opacity" : 0.0,
"zIndex" : 2
img.animate({opacity:1.0}, duration, function(){
function rotateImages(){
var curPhoto = $("div.current");
var nxtPhoto =;
var curTab = $(".tabs li.current");
var nxtTab =;
if (nxtPhoto.length == 0) {
nxtPhoto = $('#featured div:first');
nxtTab = $('.tabs li:first-child');
showImage(nxtPhoto, 300);
function runRotateImages(){
xx = setInterval("rotateImages()", 5000);
I have added a jsfiddle -
However, on jsfiddle it does not seem to automatically cycle through the images, not sure why, have no problems in browser.
Try using not() method:
Basically, you need to create a new class disabled
Then, add the following line to your's each loop:
$(".tabs li").not(".current").addClass('disabled'); //add disabled class for non-current tabs
At last you need to remove disabled class in the rotateimage() function before assigning current and then disable non-current again. like this:
nxtTab.removeClass('disabled'); //remove diabled class
$(".tabs li").not(".current").addClass('disabled'); // disable non-current again
Working jsfiddle here:
This might not be the perfect solution but you will need to tweak it a little bit.
Hope this helps.

actionscript 2.0 input text box

So, here's what I'm trying to do, and I, frankly, believe it should be obvious, but I can't figure it out. I am creating a very simple Artificial Intelligence simulation. And in this simulation there's an input box at the bottom of the screen (called "input" exactly). "input" has a variable in its properties that is called "inbox" (exactly). Using a key listener the script calls up a function when the enter button is pressed. This function has 2 if statements and an else statement which dictate the responses of the AI (named "nistra"). The problem is this, When I type in what I want to say, and hit enter, it always uses the second response ("lockpick" in the code below). I have tried variations on the code but I still don't see the solution. I believe the problem is that the "typein" variable holds all the format information from the text box as well as the variable, but I could be wrong, that information is in here as well, underneath the code itself. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.
var typein = ""; //copies the text from inbox into here, this is what nistra responds to
var inbox = ""; //this is where the text from the input text box goes
var respond = ""; //nistra's responses go here
my_listener = new Object(); // key listener
my_listener.onKeyDown = function()
if(Key.isDown(13)) //enter button pressed
typein = inbox; // moves inbox into typein
nistraresponse(); // calles nistra's responses
//code = Key.getCode();
//trace ("Key pressed = " + code);
Key.addListener(my_listener); // key listener ends here
nistraresponse = function() // nistra's responses
trace(typein); // trace out what "typein" holds
if(typein = "Hello") // if you type in "Hello"
respond = "Hello, How are you?";
if(typein = "lockpick") // if you type in "lockpick"
respond = "Affirmative";
else // anything else
respond = "I do not understand the command, please rephrase";
cntxtID = setInterval(clearnistra, 5000); // calls the function that clears out nistra's response box so that her responses don't just sit there
clearnistra = function() // clears her respond box
respond = "";
// "typein" traces out the following
Since ActionScript is based on ECMAScript I'm pretty sure that you need to use == instead of = for equality comparison.
Right now your code works like this:
if(typein = "Hello") { // assign "Hello" to typein. always true.
respond = "Hello, How are you?";
if(typein = "lockpick") { // assign "lockpick" tot ypein. always true.
respond = "Affirmative";
// the else block is always false for obvious reasons
So you simply need to change the code like this:
if(typein == "Hello") {
respond = "Hello, How are you?";
else if(typein == "lockpick") {
respond = "Affirmative";
else {
respond = "I do not understand the command, please rephrase";

How to get a value from Dijit.Editor?

I have a dijit.editor on my page and when I click on a button I want the contents inside my editor. It should be fairly simple, but I've stumbled upon it for now.
Never mind, i solved it.
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
var editor = dijit.byId("myEditor");
var btn1 = dojo.byId("Button1");
editor.attr("value", "Hej igen");
editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(function() {
editor.atte("value", "<b>This is new content.</b>");
btn1.onclick = function() {
// alert(editor.domNode.innerHTML);
As marko has pointed out, you can get the value by: