Delete s from table - sql

I have a query as following (not the actual one):
table_expiration s INNER JOIN table_existance d
ON s.ssn = d.ssn AND
s.latest_date = d.latest_date
I don't have any data in those tables so I cannot actually test the query. Can someone explain to me what's the purpose of Delete s? (I always thought the Delete statement should just be Delete from table)

delete s tells the query to delete the rows from table_expiration which has the alias s. Replacing s with d would delete rows from table_existance.
It may be worth pointing out here that you cannot delete from both tables involved in the join directly by doing delete s,d in SQL Server (MySQL lets you do that I think).


SQL DELETE FROM several tables

I have the following tables:
dataset, links, files
dataset has a field called tiComplete, if it is 0 then the record is incomplete, links and files both have a field "biDataset" that references the record in the dataset table.
I'm trying to create a query that deletes all entries from dataset, links and files where tiComplete = 0, this is what I have:
`datasets` `d`
`links` `l`
`files` `f`
However when I try to save the procedure that contains this I get:
SQL Error(1109): Unknown table `datasets` in MULTI DELETE
I'm using MariaDB version 10 with HeidiSQL version
Your multiple table delete syntax is off. Use this version:
DELETE d, l, f
FROM datasets d
INNER JOIN links l ON l.biDataset = d.biPK
INNER JOIN files f ON f.biDataset = d.biPK
WHERE d.tiComplete = 0;
If you alias the tables, as you have done, then the aliases whose tables are intended for deletion should appear in the DELETE clause as a CSV list.
Note that I removed the ugly backticks everywhere, which weren't necessary and only obfuscate the code. Also, an alternative approach here would be to look into cascading deletion. Using that approach, deletion of a record in the parent table would automatically delete all records in linked children tables.

Why can't I do my SQL delete query do not work am deleting from multiple joined tables?

$sql ="DELETE FROM elimu_advance,elimu_astashahada,elimu_msingi,elimu_secondary,elimu_shahada,elimu_shahada_uzamili,maelezobinafsi,mahali_utokapo,matatizo,michezo_unayocheza,mkataba,mrithi,ujuzi_mwingine,walezi,wazazi,picha WHERE maelezobinafsi.Id=elimu_advance.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=elimu_msingi.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=elimu_astashahada.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=elimu_secondary.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=elimu_shahada.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=elimu_shahada_uzamili.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=mahali_utokapo.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=matatizo.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=michezo_unayocheza.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=mkataba.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=mrithi.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=ujuzi_mwingine.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=wazazi.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=walezi.Id and maelezobinafsi.Id=picha.Id and mkataba.Mkataba='KUJITOLEA' and maelezobinafsi.Id= ?";
In order to delete from multiple tables, you should join on the condition, for example :
DELETE elimu_advance, elimu_astashahada
FROM elimu_advance
INNER JOIN T2 ON elimu_advance.key = elimu_astashahada.key
WHERE condition;
Please note that this example works on MySQL (might not work in some other SQL versions, please state if you use a different one)

Deleting rows based on multiple Joins and where statements in SQL

I have this below SQL statement that I am running on an Oracle database that I'd ideally like to put inside a stored procedure to be called through Java statements. However, I'd like to get the query working first. I have a few tables which have data and my query should satisfy a few conditions through Inner Joins before executing the Delete statement. So, here's the first query I had constructed. I keep getting "SQL command not properly ended" error:
Delete from ur
from ATESTuser_roles ur
Inner Join ATESTresource_roles rr
on ur.role_id = rr.role_id
on rr.resource_id=r.RESOURCE_ID
and ur.user_id = '1401'
I also tried this version and it still dint work. I got a "ATESTRESOURCES"."RESOURCE_ID": invalid identifier error for this:
Delete from ATESTuser_roles
where ATESTuser_roles.role_id = ATESTresource_roles.role_id
and ATESTresource_roles.resource_id=ATESTRESOURCES.RESOURCE_ID
and ATESTuser_roles.user_id = '1401'
I have a feeling I am missing something small but significant, and that I am missing some syntax, so any help is much appreciated.
P.S: I don't know how else to describe the relationship between the tables than the conditions in the query. However, if it is not clear, I can add additional information (don't want to turn this too wordy).
Many thanks!
In Oracle, you can't join multiple tables in a delete like that. One option would be something like
Delete ATESTuser_roles ur
where exists( select 1
from ATESTresource_roles rr
on rr.resource_id=r.RESOURCE_ID
where ur.role_id = rr.role_id
and ur.user_id = '1401' )
An alternative solution would be to declare ON DELETE CASCADE in the ATESTuser_roles table. When this is done all you need to do is to run this query:
WHERE user_id = '1401'
Because of ON DELETE CASCADE the DB will remove any tuples in ATESTresource_roles where the foreign key (user_id) is equal 1401.

SQL, How to delete rows from related tables using a query?

I have the following tables
vehicle (veh_num(PK), veh_desc)
log (log_num(PK), veh_num(FK), log_date, log_complaint)
log_line (log_num(PK,FK), logline_num(PK), emp_id(FK), logline_date,logline_action)
part (part_code(PK), logline_num(FK), log_num(FK), part_desc)
signout (signout_num(PK), part_code(FK), emp_id(FK), log_num(FK), signout_date)
I want to run a query which will delete all the records in the vehicle table with for instance, veh_num = "EK458" and also delete rows which are related to the veh_num in the other tables.
I have started with the following query,
(select * from vehicle,log,log_line,part
vehicle.veh_num = 'EK458' AND
vehicle.veh_num = log.veh_num AND
log.log_num = log_line.log_num AND
log_line.log_num = part.log_num AND
part.part_code = signout.part_code);
This query deletes all the associated values of veh_num = "EK458" in the signout table, however, I want a query which will delete the rows from the all the tables which are related to veh_num.
Thanks in advance
I think what you want to do is having the delete cascade into other tables.
Take a look at this How do I use cascade delete with SQL Server?
Read this link
and have you tried join instead of subquery in query?

Avoiding join in MS Access delete query

I am trying to create a delete query to remove records from one table, based on whether or not one of the field exists in another master table. The situation is that I am importing new records into a database, but I want to remove the records that have already been imported, i.e. that already have an account in the master table. The field I need to join on, however is not equal: it is prefixed with a constant three letter code XYZ.
tbl_to_import.Account master_table.Account
123456 XYZ.123456
345678 XYZ.345678
To avoid using a join in the delete query I tried the following:
Delete tbl_to_import.*
From tbl_to_import
Where Exists( Select master_table.Account From master_table
Where master_table.Account = ("XYZ."& tbl_to_import.Account) ) = True;
However, the query gets hung up in Access. I'm not sure what I'm doing incorrectly. I don't get an error message, but the query runs without producing anything and I eventually stop it. In this situation, tbl_to_import has 2,700 records and master_table has 50,000 records. Additionally, I am connecting to the master_table via ODBC.
Originally, I constructed two queries using a join to perform the delete. tbl_to_import.Account has a primary key called ID. One query, qry_find_existing_accounts, located the ID numbers in tbl_to_import for which there exists a corresponding account in master_table.Account:
FROM tbl_to_import LEFT JOIN master_table
ON ("XYZ."& tbl_to_import.Account) = master_table.Account
WHERE ((("XYZ." & [Account])=[master_table].[Account]));
Then I used this query to construct the delete query:
DELETE DISTINCTROW tbl_to_import.*, tbl_to_import.ID
FROM tbl_to_import RIGHT JOIN qry_find_existing_accounts
ON tbl_to_import.ID =qry_find_existing_accounts.DELETEID
WHERE (((tbl_to_import.ID)=[qry_find_existing_accounts].[DELETEID]));
The query qry_find_existing_accounts worked fine; however, when I tried to run the second query to delete, I got the error: Could not delete from specified tables. Typically, when I get this error, it is because I have not selected unique records only, however, I used DISTINCTROW in both queries.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong and how I can accomplish what I need to do?
I'd go with a simpler nested SQL statement:
Delete tbl_to_import.*
From tbl_to_import
Where "XYZ." & tbl_to_import.Account In
(Select master_table.Account From master_table);
This should be fairly fast, especially if your Account fields are indexed.
I think you can simplify the query; delete based on the ID, where the IDs are in the query:
DELETE * FROM tbl_to_import
WHERE tbl_to_import.ID IN (
SELECT DISTINCT [DELETED] FROM qry_find_existing_accounts