Yodlee daily refresh - yodlee

Let's say I want to do a daily pull in of transactions on all my user accounts.
Do I need to manually trigger refreshes every day with startSiteRefresh or will Yodlee anyway do daily refreshes and all I need to use is executeUserSearchRequest alone?

Yodlee refreshes the user accounts everyday and recommend you not to refresh the user's accounts as a back end service(when user is not logged in), while you can refresh user's account when user log in to your application and want to see refreshed/latest data.
Using executeUserSearchReqeust will pull the transactions from Yodlee data base to your application and won't trigger any refresh.


A good way to check if the payment form was left off in between

We use PayPal to accept donations on our website. The problem we're facing is usually this happens that a user clicks on the pay button on our website but then for some reason drops from PayPal.
Is there a way through the PayPal API we could check that the user for some reason left off the transaction or maybe his transaction was denied.
No there is not; keep track of that drop off yourself if they don't come back or you don't get a resulting transaction.
If you are not using an API to accept the donations, then to be notified of resulting transactions you can use Webhooks. A parameter you can use for reconciliation is custom, which can be set at the moment the user clicks 'Pay' and you redirect them to PayPal.
(But if you are using an API, then the API is your notification already)

Yodlee get_accounts sometimes returns zero result / empty response

Here is the scenario:
User logins to the bank successfully (via Fastlink)
Right after user logs in, I get user's provider_accounts (via /providerAccounts API)
Then when I call to get the accounts, (via /accounts) I sometimes get empty response (zero accounts found?)
When I try later (seconds or minutes after) I get some accounts information back.
Is this because Yodlee is still trying to gather account information when I'm making /accounts api call?
This is because the accounts are still being added/linked.
Using the requestId and providerAccountId provided by FastLink callback, you need to poll continuously to know the refresh status of the account linking process and once it's done, you can call the get accounts.
Read more about the refresh status in the "Add/Update Account Process Status" section.
Yodlee makes things easier now with webhooks. Read more here:
Using Webhooks with the Yodlee Core API
TL/DR: You need to wait for the add/link completion before retrieving the accounts.

PayPal Sandbox transactions are not showing for seller

I've used my live PayPal account to login to developer.paypal.com where I created 2 new accounts buyer# (personal) and seller# (business). I've implemented a PayPal plugin for a shop (CubeCart + PayPal Standard Payment Gateway plugin https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/payment-gateways/paypal-standard). When I complete an order (sandbox testing) I sign using buyer# email and password and complete the order. I can then click to view account and it shows "payment to", "unclaimed" and the amount I've paid. When I logout of this account and login as my buyer#, I see no transactions. If I log back into developer.paypal.com and go to transactions under "Sandbox" section and select any of the email addresses I see the same statement for all of them "You don't have any transactions".
If I login to sandbox.paypal.com using james-facilitator# account (business) there are no transactions here either.
If I login to sanbox.paypal.com using james-buyer# account (personal) there is only the one initial transaction here for the initial 9,999 funds
I've obviously missed something but I can't think what, I'm not sure how a sandbox account knows who it's seller should be but I've checked both sandbox seller accounts. I find it strange that the buyer account I used has registered the transaction but it seems like it's orphaned as there isn't any other record of it any where else including the developer.paypal.com sandbox transaction. I've tried this several times to see if I could get it working and I've also allowed for 24 hours just in case there was a delay somewhere.
I just want to be able to test transactions before going live.
Any help/advice?
Much appreciated :)
Solved - silly really now I know but it was simply the email address I used to test the API. I used my main live account and I should have used the fake email address in my API call. Since my live controls the test accounts I assumed that this should have been used.

Please explain the refresh process that yodlee employs..

Please explain the refresh process that is employed when refreshing transaction data, answering the following questions:
1) How often does this refresh happen?
2) What time does it happen?
3) Does it happen at different times for different institutions?
4) IF a refresh fails for a particular account for one user, how is that handled?
5) What happens if all txs from one bank for all users fails?
1) How often does this refresh happen?
Yodlee does a refresh on a daily basis during a 19 hour window. This also depends upon the type of account and also the error state of that account.
Example - Bank / Credit card accounts are refreshed on a daily basis but loan and mortgage are refreshed on a weekly basis.
Also account in a 402(invalid credential) error is not refreshed at all.
2) What time does it happen?
Between 10 am to 5 am PST.
3) Does it happen at different times for different institutions?
No, it's dependent on the automatic refresh logic of Yodlee. It doesn't vary based on institutions.
4) IF a refresh fails for a particular account for one user, how is that handled?
Depending on the error code the next refresh is scheduled. If the refresh failed with UAR then account is never refreshed by Yodlee. If refresh failed by agent or site error , then the refresh is again scheduled for a later time.
For error codes please refer error_code document
5) What happens if all txs from one bank for all users fails?
If the refresh fails then no new transaction is scraped and old transactions will still be with Yodlee.

How does Yodlee handle an unsuccessful login

I'm wondering what happens with auto refreshes on Yodlee's end once an account fails to authenticate the user's credentials?
Does the daily refresh still take place, or is this process paused until the credentials are updated?
I guess what I want to know is if our user changes their bank credentials, and not the credentials stored in Yodlee, will they eventually be locked out from Yodlee continuing to attempt to login?
Let us say a consumer changed his/her bank credentials at the bank website while Yodlee system credentials are not updated. Yodlee will try to refresh the consumer's account at scheduled time and it will fail with LOGIN_EXCEPTION(error code- 402) which means credentials are not valid.
Once, Yodlee system gets this error code it will refrain from doing any more retries(which may result into Account Locked or some other issues) and will wait for consumer to update the credentials into Yodlee system.