Comparing AnyObject in Swift - objective-c

I'm having trouble porting this Objective-C code to Swift. The code must sort the contents of a directory by a given property.
NSArray *contents = [fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:directoryURL includingPropertiesForKeys:#[property] options:kNilOptions error:&error];
if (!contents) return nil;
contents = [contents sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(NSURL *url1, NSURL *url2) {
id value1;
if ([url1 getResourceValue:&value1 forKey:property error:nil]) return NSOrderedAscending;
id value2;
if ([url2 getResourceValue:&value2 forKey:property error:nil]) return NSOrderedDescending;
return [value1 compare:value2];
return contents
My Swift version so far:
if let contents = fileManager.contentsOfDirectoryAtURL(directoryURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: [property], options: NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions.allZeros, error: &error) as? [NSURL] {
let sortedContents = contents.sorted({(URL1 : NSURL, URL2 : NSURL) -> Bool in
var value1 : AnyObject?
if !URL1.getResourceValue(&value1, forKey: property, error: nil) { return true }
var value2 : AnyObject?
if !URL2.getResourceValue(&value2, forKey: property, error: nil) { return false }
// How do I compare AnyObject?
return false
return sortedContents
} else {
return nil
Particularly, I don't know how to compare two AnyObject objects. I can't downcast to the Comparable protocol because it's not marked as #objc and apparently I can't call compare with optional chaining syntax (error: Operand of postfix '?' should have optional type; type is 'NSComparisonResult').
Of course, there's always the brute-force approach of downcasting the values to String, NSDate and NSNumber:
if let string1 = value1 as? String {
if let string2 = value2 as? String {
return string1 < string2
if let date1 = value1 as? NSDate {
if let date2 = value2 as? NSDate {
return == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending
// And so on...
return false
Is there a better way?

Unless they really are AnyObject (ie., they can be swift things) declare them (or cast them) to NSObject instead.

The problem is not with the receiver type of AnyObject (that is fine; you can call any known objc method with AnyObject); but with the parameter type. There is no single signature of compare:. There's one that takes NSString; one that takes NSNumber; one that takes NSDate, etc., but none that is general, none that takes AnyObject.


Create Swift optionals from cast NSDictionary object

I'm trying to cast an Objective-C NSDictionary's values to 2 Swift optionals.
These values may be missing from the original NSDictionary, in which case the function can safely be called with nil arguments.
Is there a better way of doing this?
track(_ data: NSDictionary) {
// Cast NSDictionary to Swift dictionary
guard let dataDictionary = data as? [String: Any] else {
// Extract (optional) values
let value = dataDictionary["value"]
let name = dataDictionary["name"]
// Cast Objective-C optionals if possible, otherwise assign nil
let floatValue: Float? = (value as? CGFloat != nil) ? Float(value as! CGFloat) : nil
let stringName: String? = (name as? NSString != nil) ? name as! String : nil
// Function arguments:
// name: String? = nil
// value: Float? = nil
Tracker.track(name: stringName, value: floatValue)
let stringName: String? = (name as? NSString != nil) ? name as! String : nil
Can be simplified as
let stringName: String? = name as? String
But if we want to make the modification earlier, we can avoid the [String: Any] from the start:
let floatValue = (data["value"] as? NSNumber)?.floatValue
let nameValue = data["name"] as? String
If data["value"] doesn't exist, it will be nil. If it's not a NSNumber (since it's the Objective-C basic way to encapsulate Float into a Object) it will be nil. In the end, the floatValue will be nil or have the real value.
Same logic for the nameValue.

Cannot convert value of type to expected argument type

So I'm converting this line of code
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(TidyFeed * _Nonnull item, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable bindings) {
return ![item.feedEntryId isEqualToString:feedEntryId];
to swift code
var predicate = NSPredicate { (item: TidyFeed, bindings: NSDictionary) in
return !(item.feedEntryId == feedEntryId)
but I get this error
Cannot convert value of type '(TidyFeed, NSDictionary) -> Bool' to expected argument type '(AnyObject, [String : AnyObject]?) -> Bool'
has anyone encounter this error when using blocks?
Additional Info
Swift code
apiClient.dismissFeed(feedEntryId, completion: {(responseObject: AnyObject, error: NSError) -> Void in
Cannot convert value of type '(AnyObject, NSError) -> Void' to expected argument type 'AFAPIOperationCompletionBlock!'
and here's the completion block code of AFAPIOperationCompletionBlock
- (void) completion:(id)responseObject error:(NSError *)error
In Objective-C, the first parameter id evaluatedBlock of the closure
can be substituted by any object pointer, like TidyFeed *, and that
is a known method to avoid additional pointer conversion if you know for sure that the evaluated objects are in fact of that type.
Swift however does not allow this, and you have to cast the pointer
inside the block:
let predicate = NSPredicate { (item: AnyObject, _) -> Bool in
return (item as! TidyFeed).feedEntryId != feedEntryId
This will crash if the block is called with an object which is not
of the type TidyFeed. A safe version is
let predicate = NSPredicate { (item: AnyObject, _) -> Bool in
if let feed = item as? TidyFeed {
return feed.feedEntryId != feedEntryId
} else {
return false
with an optional cast. This can be written more compactly as:
let predicate = NSPredicate { (item: AnyObject, _) -> Bool in
return (item as? TidyFeed)?.feedEntryId != feedEntryId
Note also how you can use the wildcard pattern _ for the unused
bindings parameter.

property type or class using reflection

I was wondering if it's possible to determine the class or primitive type of an Objects properties. Getting all properties names and values is pretty easy. SO answer
So is there any way to get the properties class type while the property hast no value or nil value?
Example Code
#interface MyObject : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *aString;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate *aDate;
#property NSInteger aPrimitive;
#implementation MyObject
#synthesize aString;
#synthesize aDate;
#synthesize aPrimitive;
- (void)getTheTypesOfMyProperties {
unsigned int count;
objc_property_t* props = class_copyPropertyList([self class], &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
objc_property_t property = props[i];
// Here I can easy get the name or value
const char * name = property_getName(property);
// But is there any magic function that can tell me the type?
// the property can be nil at this time
Class cls = magicFunction(property);
After searching through Apples Documentation about objc Runtime and according to this SO answer I finally got it working. I just want to share my results.
unsigned int count;
objc_property_t* props = class_copyPropertyList([MyObject class], &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
objc_property_t property = props[i];
const char * name = property_getName(property);
NSString *propertyName = [NSString stringWithCString:name encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
const char * type = property_getAttributes(property);
NSString *attr = [NSString stringWithCString:type encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString * typeString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:type];
NSArray * attributes = [typeString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
NSString * typeAttribute = [attributes objectAtIndex:0];
NSString * propertyType = [typeAttribute substringFromIndex:1];
const char * rawPropertyType = [propertyType UTF8String];
if (strcmp(rawPropertyType, #encode(float)) == 0) {
//it's a float
} else if (strcmp(rawPropertyType, #encode(int)) == 0) {
//it's an int
} else if (strcmp(rawPropertyType, #encode(id)) == 0) {
//it's some sort of object
} else {
// According to Apples Documentation you can determine the corresponding encoding values
if ([typeAttribute hasPrefix:#"T#"]) {
NSString * typeClassName = [typeAttribute substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3, [typeAttribute length]-4)]; //turns #"NSDate" into NSDate
Class typeClass = NSClassFromString(typeClassName);
if (typeClass != nil) {
// Here is the corresponding class even for nil values
Inspired by the ObjC answer by #arndt-bieberstein I have written a solution in Swift 3 (probably very similar - if not same - in earlier versions of Swift). You can find it on Github I am trying to make a pod of it but I am having issues getting pob lib lintto work with the Swift 3 code (CLI xcodebuild or Xcode 8 related problem probably.) Anyhow, the class method func getTypesOfProperties(inClass clazz: NSObject.Type) -> Dictionary<String, Any>? can extract the name and types of any Swift class that inherits from NSObject.
The work horse of the project are these methods, but checkout the full code on Github:
func getTypesOfProperties(in clazz: NSObject.Type) -> Dictionary<String, Any>? {
var count = UInt32()
guard let properties = class_copyPropertyList(clazz, &count) else { return nil }
var types: Dictionary<String, Any> = [:]
for i in 0..<Int(count) {
guard let property: objc_property_t = properties[i], let name = getNameOf(property: property) else { continue }
let type = getTypeOf(property: property)
types[name] = type
return types
func getTypeOf(property: objc_property_t) -> Any {
guard let attributesAsNSString: NSString = NSString(utf8String: property_getAttributes(property)) else { return Any.self }
let attributes = attributesAsNSString as String
let slices = attributes.components(separatedBy: "\"")
guard slices.count > 1 else { return getPrimitiveDataType(withAttributes: attributes) }
let objectClassName = slices[1]
let objectClass = NSClassFromString(objectClassName) as! NSObject.Type
return objectClass
func getPrimitiveDataType(withAttributes attributes: String) -> Any {
guard let letter = attributes.substring(from: 1, to: 2), let type = primitiveDataTypes[letter] else { return Any.self }
return type
func getNameOf(property: objc_property_t) -> String? {
guard let name: NSString = NSString(utf8String: property_getName(property)) else { return nil }
return name as String
It can extract the NSObject.Type of all properties which class type inherits from NSObject such as NSDate (Swift3: Date), NSString(Swift3: String?) and NSNumber, however it is store in the type Any (as you can see as the type of the value of the Dictionary returned by the method). This is due to the limitations of value types such as Int, Int32, Bool. Since those types do not inherit from NSObject, calling .self on e.g. an Int - Int.self does not return NSObject.Type, but rather the type Any. Thus the method returns Dictionary<String, Any>? and not Dictionary<String, NSObject.Type>?.
You can use this method like this:
class Book: NSObject {
let title: String
let author: String?
let numberOfPages: Int
let released: Date
let isPocket: Bool
init(title: String, author: String?, numberOfPages: Int, released: Date, isPocket: Bool) {
self.title = title = author
self.numberOfPages = numberOfPages
self.released = released
self.isPocket = isPocket
guard let types = getTypesOfProperties(inClass: Book.self) else { return }
for (name, type) in types {
print("'\(name)' has type '\(type)'")
// Prints:
// 'title' has type 'NSString'
// 'numberOfPages' has type 'Int'
// 'author' has type 'NSString'
// 'released' has type 'NSDate'
// 'isPocket' has type 'Bool'
You can also try to cast the Any to NSObject.Type, which will succeed for all properties inheriting from NSObject, then you can check the type using standard == operator:
func checkPropertiesOfBook() {
guard let types = getTypesOfProperties(inClass: Book.self) else { return }
for (name, type) in types {
if let objectType = type as? NSObject.Type {
if objectType == NSDate.self {
print("Property named '\(name)' has type 'NSDate'")
} else if objectType == NSString.self {
print("Property named '\(name)' has type 'NSString'")
If you declare this custom == operator:
func ==(rhs: Any, lhs: Any) -> Bool {
let rhsType: String = "\(rhs)"
let lhsType: String = "\(lhs)"
let same = rhsType == lhsType
return same
You can then even check the type of value types like this:
func checkPropertiesOfBook() {
guard let types = getTypesOfProperties(inClass: Book.self) else { return }
for (name, type) in types {
if type == Int.self {
print("Property named '\(name)' has type 'Int'")
} else if type == Bool.self {
print("Property named '\(name)' has type 'Bool'")
I have not yet been able to give this project support for when the value types are optionals. If you have declared a property in you NSObject subclass like this: var myOptionalInt: Int? my solution will not work, because the method class_copyPropertyList can't find those properties.
Does anyone have a solution for this?

Converting NSArray Contents to a varargs (With ARC) For Use With NSString initWithFormat

We have some code today that takes an NSArray and passes it as a argument list to -[NSString initWithFormat:arguments] and we're trying to get this to work with ARC. Here's the code were using
NSString* format = #"Item %s and Item %s"; // Retrieved elsewhere
NSArray* args = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"1", #"2", nil]; // Retrieved elsewhere
char* argsList = (char*) malloc(sizeof(NSString*) * args.count);
[args getObjects:(id*) argsList];
NSString* message = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:argsList] autorelease];
Any recommendations on how to make this ARC compliant? Or we're even open to a better way of doing it.
This only works for arrays with a single element
The answer by chrisco was working well, until I went to compile with 64-bit architecture. This caused an error:
The solution was to use a slightly different approach for passing the argument list to the method:
+ (id)stringWithFormat:(NSString *)format array:(NSArray*) arguments;
__unsafe_unretained id * argList = (__unsafe_unretained id *) calloc(1UL, sizeof(id) * arguments.count);
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < arguments.count; i++) {
argList[i] = arguments[i];
NSString* result = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format, *argList] ;// arguments:(void *) argList];
free (argList);
return result;
Cannot find a way to do this obj-c but a swift helper class finally got this working (my whole project is obj-c except this class)
#objc class StringFormat: NSObject {
class func format(key: String, args: [AnyObject]) -> String {
let locArgs: [CVarArgType] ={ (arg: AnyObject) -> CVarArgType in
if let iArg = (arg is NSNumber ? arg.intValue : nil) {
return iArg
return arg as! CVarArgType
return String(format: key, arguments: locArgs)
There is some magic going on, to do with how [CVarArgType] doesn't behave like a normal array - but this works in the flexible cross architecture way you expect it to.
Expanding on #mcfedr's answer, this Swift 3 helper does the job:
import Foundation
#objc (FTStringFormat) public class StringFormat: NSObject {
#objc public class func format(key: String, args: [AnyObject]) -> String {
let locArgs: [CVarArg] = args.flatMap({ (arg: AnyObject) -> CVarArg? in
if let arg = arg as? NSNumber {
return arg.intValue
if let arg = arg as? CustomStringConvertible {
return arg.description
return nil
return String(format: key, arguments: locArgs)
Calling from Objective-C:
[FTStringFormat formatWithKey:#"name: %# age: %d" args:#[#"John", #(42)]]
For the %# format specifier we're using Swift's CustomStringConvertible protocol in order to call description on all of the array members.
Supporting all number format specifiers like %d and %f is not really possible because the NSNumber object doesn't reveal if it's an integer or float. So we could only support one or the other. Here we use intValue, so %d is supported but %f and %g are not.
The only thing you need to do is remove the autorelease.
You're malloc'ing and free'ing yourself - ARC doesn't care about that.
I write solution use NSInvocation and signatures.
Answer create in this.
Also I write detailed description how it work but only on Russian ((
Maybe it help for someone.
I tried mcfedr's code. Somehow, my Xcode 11 treated CVarArgType as undeclared type, so I investigated into this for a while.
I didn't not understand the closure part of his/her code. And, I just simplified to hard casted each element to CVarArg using as! operator.
func format(key: String, args: [Any]) -> String {
return String(format: key, arguments: { ($0 as! CVarArg) })
let doubleValue: Double = 1.25
let floatValue: Float = 2.75
let intValue: Int = 3
let numberValue: NSNumber = 4.5 as NSNumber
let hello: String = "Hello"
let world: NSString = "World" as NSString
print(format(key: "double: %f, float: %f, int: %d, number: %#, %#, %#", args: [doubleValue, floatValue, intValue, numberValue, hello, world]))
// double: 1.250000, float: 2.750000, int: 3, number: 4.5, Hello, World
It seems it's working fine under swift 5.1, but there may be some pitfalls.

get type of NSNumber

I want to get the type of NSNumber instance.
I found out on this:
NSNumber *myNum = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:TRUE];
if ([[myNum className] isEqualToString:#"NSCFNumber"]) {
// process NSNumber as integer
} else if ([[myNum className] isEqualToString:#"NSCFBoolean"]) {
// process NSNumber as boolean
Ok, but this doesn't work, the [myNum className] isn't recognized by the compiler.
I'm compiling for iPhone.
I recommend using the -[NSNumber objCType] method.
It allows you to do:
NSNumber * n = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];
if (strcmp([n objCType], #encode(BOOL)) == 0) {
NSLog(#"this is a bool");
} else if (strcmp([n objCType], #encode(int)) == 0) {
NSLog(#"this is an int");
For more information on type encodings, check out the Objective-C Runtime Reference.
You can get the type this way, no string comparisons needed:
CFNumberType numberType = CFNumberGetType((CFNumberRef)someNSNumber);
numberType will then be one of:
enum CFNumberType {
kCFNumberSInt8Type = 1,
kCFNumberSInt16Type = 2,
kCFNumberSInt32Type = 3,
kCFNumberSInt64Type = 4,
kCFNumberFloat32Type = 5,
kCFNumberFloat64Type = 6,
kCFNumberCharType = 7,
kCFNumberShortType = 8,
kCFNumberIntType = 9,
kCFNumberLongType = 10,
kCFNumberLongLongType = 11,
kCFNumberFloatType = 12,
kCFNumberDoubleType = 13,
kCFNumberCFIndexType = 14,
kCFNumberNSIntegerType = 15,
kCFNumberCGFloatType = 16,
kCFNumberMaxType = 16
typedef enum CFNumberType CFNumberType;
If all you want is to differentiate between booleans and anything else, you can make use of the fact that boolean NSNumbers always return a shared instance:
NSNumber *num = ...;
if (num == (void*)kCFBooleanFalse || num == (void*)kCFBooleanTrue) {
// num is boolean
} else {
// num is not boolean
NSNumber explicitly doesn't guarantee that the returned type will match the method used to create it, so doing this at all is probably a bad idea.
However, you could probably do something like this (you could also compare to objc_getClass("NSCFNumber") etc., but this is arguably more portable):
Class boolClass = [[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] class];
/* ... */
if([myNum isKindOfClass:boolClass]) {
/* ... */
In Swift:
let numberType = CFNumberGetType(answer)
switch numberType {
case .charType:
case .sInt8Type, .sInt16Type, .sInt32Type, .sInt64Type, .shortType, .intType, .longType, .longLongType, .cfIndexType, .nsIntegerType:
case .float32Type, .float64Type, .floatType, .doubleType, .cgFloatType:
Use the method -[NSNumber objCType] method to get the type.
If the type's equal to #encode(BOOL), or the number itself is kCFBooleanFalse, or kCFBooleanTrue, it's a boolean.
If it's anything else but 'c', it's a number.
If it's 'c', what appears to be the only way supported way, without checking against private class names, or comparing against undocumented singletons, is to turn make an array of one element, the number, and then use NSJSONSerialization to get the string representation. Finally, check if the string representation contains the string "true" or "false". Here is the full code for checking if an NSNumber is a BOOL:
if(!strcmp(self.objCType, #encode(BOOL)) ||
self == (void*)kCFBooleanFalse ||
self == (void*)kCFBooleanTrue)
return YES;
if(strcmp(self.objCType, "c"))
return NO;
NSString * asString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:#[self] options:kNilOptions error:nil] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return [asString containsString:#"true"] || [asString containsString:#"false"];
Note that using NSJSONSerialization is slow and if #NO/#YES ever stops always equalling kCFBooleanFalse/kCFBooleanTrue, then this method probably shouldn't be used in a tight loop.
The reason the compiler warns you and it doesn't work is because -[NSObject className] is declared in a category on NSObject on Mac OS X (in NSScriptClassDescription.h) and not declared on iPhone. (It doesn't support AppleScript, obviously.) NSStringFromClass([myNum class]) is what you should use to be safe across all platforms. Odds are that -className is declared as a simple wrapper around NSStringFromClass() anyway...
NSString *classString = NSStringFromClass([myNum class]);
That should ger the string you want.
To check that NSNumber contains a bool value Try this:
if (strcmp([myNumber objCType], [#(YES) objCType]) == 0)
NSLog(#"%#", [myNumber boolValue] ? #"true" : #"false");
objCType documentation states that The returned type does not necessarily match the method the number object was created with
Secondly, other methods of comparing the class of number to a given class type or assuming boolean number instances to be shared singletons are not documented behaviour.
A more(not completely though) reliable way is to depend on NSJSONSerialisation as it correctly recognises number instances created with bool and outputs true/false in json. This is something we can expect Apple to take care of while moving with new SDKs and on different architectures. Below is the code:
+(BOOL) isBoolType:(NSNumber*) number {
NSError* err;
NSData* jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:#{#"key":number}
NSString* jsonString = [[NSString alloc]
return [jsonString containsString:#"true"]
|| [jsonString containsString:#"false"];
Swift Version
NSNumber is a class-cluster so each underlying type can be figured from the instance. This code avoids hard-coding the different NSNumber types by creating an instance of the expected type, and then comparing it against the unknown type.
extension NSNumber {
var isBool: Bool {
return type(of: self) == type(of: NSNumber(booleanLiteral: true))
check object is of NSNumber type :
if([obj isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"__NSCFNumber")])