How to access Calender in windows Phone 8.1 Universal app - xaml

I am looking for some example how to access windows phone calender in windows phone 8.1 universal app. I found an artical on how to read calender data but it is in windows phone 8.1 Silverlight.
Is there any way to read calendar in windows phone 8.1 Universal app?

You can use Appointments Concepts to work with Calendar events inside Windows Universal Application.
appointmentStore = await AppointmentManager.RequestStoreAsync(AppointmentStoreAccessType.AppCalendarsReadWrite);
For more information you can check here,


How to embed dailymotion player in windows phone

how can i embed dailymotion videos in windows phone ? Any SDK available for windows phone ? i'm searching on dailymotion website but nothing found.
There is not an not an sdk that works with windows phone but there are a web service you can call to get info from

Will Quickblox support Windows 10 (Mobile)

I am currently making an app on Android and planning to make it available on Windows 10 Mobile and “project astoria” is not available and will not any time soon. So my question.
Will Quickblox support Windows 10 (Mobile) anytime soon?
Yes, QuickBlox does support Windows 10
Here is a link to main .NET documentation page, with SDK and code samples

Will the Braintree JavaScript API work ok for Windows Phone?

I have been reviewing Braintree for an app I may be developing. I was wondering if I could use the JavaScript API to utilize Braintree on a Windows Phone 8.1 HTML / CSS / JS Runtime app(since there is no official Windows Phone API). Would I run into any issues?
I work at Braintree. We have had merchants report success with a Windows Phone 8.1 application based on our web libraries, however we don't have any specific guides to share with you. If you encounter issues we'd be glad to take a look (your best bet may be to contact our support team) and see if there is anything we can do to help.

Is it possible to launch custom application from Windows Phone 8.1 call log?

I have a use case for Windows Phone 8.1: user would like to search for records with phone number of a missed call in my custom WP app. There are URI associations in WP, but apparently no way to integrate into phone's call log. Are there any wor karounds to get information from phone call history (log)?
The call log history is not available to general purpose (as opposed to OEM and Mobile Operator) apps on Windows Phone.
You can request or vote on features such as this on the Windows Platform Dev Feedback site at .

Can a web browser control be embeded in a Metro XAML App with the full features of a Metro Web App?

Can you embed a IE web browser control in a C# XAML based Metro app on windows 8?
Also when doing so can the HTML/Javascript it it have the full featureset that a Windows 8 HTML app has,such as calling the WinRT apis?
There is a WebView control you can use to view websites or open html strings, but I believe to be able to communicate with the WinRT APIs you would need to relay the calls through the ScriptNotify events.