when / how often to use Chai-as-promised's .notify() - testing

We are using Chai-as-promised with protractor and cucumberjs. I have a question about the .notify(callback) method in the chai-as-promised library.
If we are running multiple scenarios with a few steps in each. Should notify() be called at the end of each step?
Scenario 1
Step 1 Expect(promise).to.eventually.to.equal(true).and.notify(callback);
Step 2 Expect(promise2).to.eventually.to.equal(true).and.notify(callback);
Scenario 2
Step 3 Expect(promise3).to.eventually.to.equal(true).and.notify(callback);
Step 4 Expect(promise4).to.eventually.to.equal(true).and.notify(callback);
I always though we should only have the 'and.notify(callback)' in the last step.
Scenario 1
Step 1 Expect(promise).to.eventually.to.equal(true);
Step 2 Expect(promise2).to.eventually.to.equal(true).and.notify(callback);
Scenario 2
Step 3 Expect(promise3).to.eventually.to.equal(true);
Step 4 Expect(promise4).to.eventually.to.equal(true).and.notify(callback);
I have a similar question over at the github page.

Prior to CucumberJS v0.5.0, all Step Definitions needed to be defined with a callback argument that needed to be called once the step was finished executing.
In v0.5.0, they updated the library so that the callback argument was no longer necessary. From their CHANGELOG:
New features
Support promises from step definitions (Will Farrell)
Support synchronous step definitions (Julien Biezemans)
While the return value from chai-as-promised assertions aren't real promises, their interface is similar enough for CucumberJS to treat them like promises. So, to answer your question:
Prior to CucumberJS v0.5.0, you have to call notify() at the end of each step.
After CucumberJS v0.5.0, you do not have to call notify() at the end of any step.


Karate - Multi threaded access requested - issue

I have 100+ tests being covered in 25+ feature files and I have the karate-config.js which has 3 "karate.callSingle" functions as below.
config.weatherParams = karate.callSingle(
config.routingParams = karate.callSingle(
config.vesselParams = karate.callSingle(
Same issue when I use classpath inside callSingle.
When I run all the tests at once with parallel (tried randomly 1-100 threads) enabled, I get the following error:
org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: Multi threaded access requested by thread Thread[pool-2-thread-8,5,main] but is not allowed for language(s) js.
- com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotEngineException.illegalState(PolyglotEngineException.java:132)
- com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotContextImpl.throwDeniedThreadAccess(PolyglotContextImpl.java:727)
- com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotContextImpl.checkAllThreadAccesses(PolyglotContextImpl.java:627)
- com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotContextImpl.enterThreadChanged(PolyglotContextImpl.java:526)
- com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotEngineImpl.enter(PolyglotEngineImpl.java:1857)
- com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.HostToGuestRootNode.execute(HostToGuestRootNode.java:104)
- com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotMap.entrySet(PolyglotMap.java:119)
After playing around with multiple combinations- surprisingly, when I have only 2 "callSingle" functions in karate.config (commenting VesselStatus.feature) then it works fine.
All these 3 "callSingle" things calling 3 different services and sets the variable for other tests to run, so these 3 are critical.
Is there a way, we can re-optimize / bring a different approach to avoid the above issue?
This is a known issue that should be fixed in 1.1.0.RC2
Details here: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/1558
Would be good if you can confirm.
I faced this issue in my karate implementation #peter-thomas. I just got an easy workaround for this issue since we know that graalVM js engine doesnt support multithreading of karate-config.js
work around is - we can wait for a certain milliseconds and that milliseconds has to be genrated randomly.
below code inside karate-config.js have a look please -
function fn(){
// karate-config essential coding
var random_millis = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000 - 1000 +1 )) + 1000;
return something;
with above piece of code i tried my 100+ feature files running with 20 parrellal threads with karate 1.2.0.RC1 and it worked fantastically fine.
How its working - all the 20 threads will jump altogether , reaching karate-config at the same time. but if we apply some delay that too random between 1 to 5 seconds (in millis) , all threads will wait for different time avoiding multithreading issue.
I also know that between 1 to 5000 millisends , still there are suppose 1% chances that we get same numbers but till we get concrete solution of this issue i guess we can use this workaround.

How to skip a testcase if a link is not present and go to next link in Robot framework

There are 5 Links in the Home page:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Each of the above links are separate test cases, so there are a total of 5 test cases.
All the links may not present in all the sites, according to the requirements.
So I need to write a Robot framework test case which works dynamically for all the sites, Like 1 site may have 3 links only some has all the 5 links. So its like SKIPPING a particular Test case if that lisk is not present.
*** Keywords ***
Go to Manage Client Reports
Click Link link:Manage Client Reports
Can anyone help.
In the upcoming Robot Framework Release 4.0 a new test status skipped will be introduced. Here is a brief status about the release:
Past due by 27 days 87% complete
Major release concentrating on adding the skip status (#3622), IF/ELSE
(#3074) and enhancing the listener API (#3296 and #3538). Last major
release to support Python 2.
So it can be ready any time soon now.
This is what you can have New SKIP status #3622. There will be a Skip If and a Skip keywords and more to be used.
How to skip tests
There are going to be multiple ways:
A special exception that library keywords can use to mark a single test to be skipped. See also #3685.
BuiltIn keyword Skip (or Skip Test and Skip Task) that utilizes the aforementioned exception.
BuiltIn keyowrd Skip If to skip based on condition.
When the skipping exception is used in a suite setup, all tests in the suite are skipped.
Command line option --skip to unconditionally skip tests based on tags. Similar to --exclude but skipped tests are shown in logs/reports
with a skip status and not dropped from execution altogether.
Command line option --skiponfailure to skip tests if they fail. Similar effect than with the current --noncritical.
What about criticality
As already discussed in #2087, the skip status is very similar feature
than Robot's current criticality concept. There are many people who
would like to have both, but I don't think that's a good idea and
believe it's better to remove criticality when skipping is added.
Separate issue #3624 covers removing criticality and explains this in
more detail. Colors
Skip status needs a specific color to match current pass (green) and
fail (red). Yellow feels like a good candidate with a traffic light
metaphor, but I'm open for other ideas and we could possibly change
other colors as well. Probably should make colors configurable too --
currently only report background colors support it.
Report background color mentioned above needs some thinking as well.
Currently it's either green or red, but with the added skip status we
could use also yellow or whatever skip color we decide to use.
Different scenarios where different colors could be used are listed
below (assuming green/yellow/red scheme):
All tests pass. This is naturally green.
Any test fails. This is naturally red.
Any test is skipped (no failures). This probably should be green but could also be yellow.
All tests skipped. This could be yellow. Could also be green but that's a bit odd if all tests are yellow.
Depending on your deadlines you might won't be able to wait this release, nevertheless it is a good to know thing.
There is an advanced solution where you can generate your test cases run-time. To do so you have to implement a small library that also acts as a listener. This way it can have a start_suite method that will be invoked and it will get the suite(s) as Python object(s), robot.running.model.TestSuite. Then you could use this object along with Robot Framework's API to create new test cases. The idea below was inspired by and it is based on this blog post: Dynamically create test cases with Robot Framework.
from robot.running.model import TestSuite
class DynamicTestLibrary(object):
def __init__(self):
self.top_suite = None
def _start_suite(self, suite, result):
self.top_suite = suite
self.top_suite.tests.clear() # remove placeholder test
def add_test_case(self, keyword, *args):
tc = self.top_suite.tests.create(name=keyword)
tc.keywords.create(name=keyword, args=args)
globals()[__name__] = DynamicTestLibrary
UPDATE for Robot Framework 4.0
Due to the backward incompatible changes (Running and result models have been changed) made in the 4.0 release the add_test_case function should be change as below if you are using version above 4.0.
def add_test_case(self, name, keyword, *args):
tc = self.top_suite.tests.create(name=name)
tc.body.create_keyword(name=keyword, args=args)
You can utilize this library in a suite setup, in which you check which links are present and add test cases for the ones that are available.
*** Settings ***
Library DynamicTestLibrary
Suite Setup Check Links And Generate Test Cases
*** Variables ***
##{LINKS} Manage Clients # test input 1
#{LINKS} Manage Clients Manage Client Hardware # test input 2
##{LINKS} Manage Clients Manage Client Hardware Manage Client Reports # test input 3
*** Test Cases ***
[Documentation] Placeholder test that will be removed during execution.
No Operation
*** Keywords ***
Check Links And Generate Test Cases
FOR ${link} IN #{LINKS}
DynamicTestLibrary.Add Test Case Go to ${link}
Go to Manage Client Reports
Log Many Click Link link:Manage Client Reports
Go to Manage Client Hardware
Log Many Click Link link:Manage Client Hardware
Go to Manage Clients
Log Many Click Link link:Manage Clients
Go to ${link} will give the appropriate keyword name that will be called in a test case with the same name. You can check with each example input list that the number of executed tests will be equal with the length of the list.
Here is the output:
# robot --pythonpath . test.robot
Go to Manage Clients | PASS |
Go to Manage Client Hardware | PASS |
Test | PASS |
2 critical tests, 2 passed, 0 failed
2 tests total, 2 passed, 0 failed

Karate -TestNG stop execution when any one of the step fail

Karate step execution stops when any one of the step fails.
Scenario : verify user details.
Given url "this is my webservice"
When method post
Then status 200
*assert 1==2
Then response
Then match XXXXXXX
The match XXXX
The steps fails Assert , remain steps does not execute. Is there any way even my assert fails remaining steps can continue the process
This is the expected behavior.
But you can use the karate.match() function to perform the assert manually. Then you can use conditional logic to decide if you want to continue next steps or not. But I totally don't recommend this.
For example:
* def temp = karate.match(actual, expected)
* print 'some step'
* assert temp.pass

jmeter stop current iteration

I am facing the following problem:
I have multiple HTTP Requests in my testplan.
I want every request to be repeated 4 times if they fail.
I realized that with a BeanShell Assertion, and its already working fine.
My problem is, that I don't want requests to be executed if a previous Request failed 5 times,
BUT I also dont want the thread to end.
I just want the current thread iteration to end,
so that the next iteration of the thread can start again with the 1st request (if the thread is meant to be repeated).
How do I realize that within the BeanShell Assertion?
Here is just a short extract of my code where i want the solution to have
badResponseCounter is being increased for every failed try of the request, this seems to work so far. Afterwards, the variable gets resetted.
if (badResponseCounter = 5) {
badResponseCounter = 0;
// Stop current iteration
I already checked the API, methods like setStopTest() or setStopThread() are given, but nothing for quitting the current iteration. I also need the preference "continue" in the thread group, as otherwise the entire test will stop after 1 single request failed.
Any ideas of how to do this?
In my opinion the easiest way is using following combination:
If Controller to check ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} and badResponseCounter variables
Test Action Sampler as a child of If Controller configured to "Go to next loop iteration"
Try this.
if the thread number is 2, i tried to skip. I get the below result as i expected (it does not call b-2). It does not kill the thread either.

Why would it not be good to have a test case step tell you to repeat a previous step again?

Let's say I have a test case with some steps in it. Now, let's say that step 3 needs to be repeated after you complete steps 4 and 5 ... so that when you do step 6 you are in the right place.
Is it good practice to tell the tester to repeat a step? Or would it be better copy-and-paste the repeated step into the step where you would need to repeat it?
I am hearing arguments that it is not industry standard to tell the tester to repeat steps and that one might not pass certain certifications if test cases are written in this manner.
*Step 1: Click the View Event Log button; Expected Results: Event Log window appears
Step 2: Close the event log window (X) or OK; Expected Results: The Event Log window disappears
Step 3: Repeat Step 1; Expected Results: Expected Results from Step 1
Step 4: Click the Cancel button; Expected Results: The Event Log window closes and any changes (such as clearing the log) are not applied
Step 5: Repeat Step 1; Expected Results: Expected Results from Step 1
Step 6: Click the Clear button and hit apply; Expected Results: The log is cleared
Some people think that I should be copying-and-pasting what is in Step 1 each time I need to repeat that step rather than just simply saying that the tester should repeat the step. Any input as to industry standards, potential downfalls, etc ... would be greatly appreciated.
Test case design does not really follow an industry standard, if you were trying to get certified, listing to repeat a step is a no-no. I personally think that's crap. I see no problem asking a tester to repeat a step. As a believer in agile methodology, I prefer much simpler test cases so a tester has more time to test scenarios rather than design test cases (or a developer more time to develop if you are in a cross functional team). If your looking for more input from a larger testing community try http://www.qaforums.com/
Test cases should be as independent as possible and not verifying two outcomes in a single test case. The test cases should not be designed in a way where the tester has to repeat any previous step. In this case, a new test case should be written because it is a new path. The prons for this approach is that at the end of execution you'll have a clear picture of the test coverage and the pass/fail % of the requirements because all the test cases are independent.