Google Service Account Limit - google-oauth

We built a system where we can access all our clients google analytics. I use Google service accounts to do server calls to google Analytics API and grant access to that service account as a user. Some how there is a limitation where each service account reaches a limit to be added in user accounts. (we have more than 2000 clients).
As of now, I am creating multiple service accounts when ever the previous reaches its limit. What is the solution for this?
Thank You,

The Core Reporting API has a quota limit of of 10,000 requests per view (profile) per day.
I suspect what you are doing is trying to display your Google Analytics data to all of your customers. Which isnt really going to work because of the quoat limit. I recomend that you use your service account to download your data into your own system and then display the stored data to your users.
There is no way to increase this quota limit.


Is it possible to restrict a service account to a specific Big Query dataset?

I've been able to create a Google service account that can access Big Query within my application, but I'm trying to limit that service account to only be able to read from a very specific dataset (among may possible datasets in the application).
I thought that this question might give me guidance, but the solution unfortunately didn't end up providing specifics:
How to create a Google BigQuery service account with access to a single dataset?
Does anyone know if it's possible to restrict a specific service account to a single dataset?
It's possible to restrict access to only certain datasets for service account. Instead of adding the email address of the service account at the IAM level in the GCP console, instead "share" the dataset in question and add the email address there. Then the service account will only have access to that dataset(s).

Another account access my Analytics API

I want to build a dashboard to my clients access your respective website analytics. But, after some research, I'm stuck.
Let's imagine the scenario:
My Analytics Account:
Client X -
Client Y -
In my dashboard, when the cliente Y log in, the data (pageviews) of is shown on graphics.
But, there's a way to do that? By the moment, the only thing i got is retrieve information for my logged account (my analytics ID), not the information about another account.
There's a way to use the Google API, or, I'll have a "separate database" to save data each website?
Sorry, I'm really lost at the moment.
You can only view Google Analytics Accounts that you are authorized to view. For some reason this is a source of major confusion (seeing that your are not the first to ask), although it should be fairly self-evident.
If you want to see data from your clients account you have to ask your client to add your Google email to the GA account. If an email address is added to multiple accounts you can, via the API, choose between the accounts. Clientside authorization (OAuth2) will only work as long as somebody is logged in via a client application (usually a browser). The practial effect is that everybody who is authenticated via OAuth against Google will see only his own GA accounts, not other peoples data.
If you want a serverside application to pull data from various GA accounts you need a service account. But even the service account needs to be added to the GA accounts.
You can use the core reporting API, but the API will not give you access to accounts that you are not authorized to look at; your client needs to authorize you (or your applications service account).

Bigquery: manage service accounts

In what scenario that we need multiple service accounts or multiple keys under one service accounts?
I mean, is there any constraints or considerations from the bigquery side?
Bigquery does not restrict the number of service account credentials you can use. I don't know what the limit is for the number of service accounts you are allowed to create in a Google Apis Console project, but if you can create service account credentials, you can use them with Bigquery.
You do need to give your service accounts access to your datasets and the project itself in order to run queries. The easiest way to do this is to add your service account to your project's Permissions page. How project "roles" map to Bigquery access is described here:

8.5 Connections Per User with Yodlee

I am working with a financial company. We recently did a test of integrating Yodlee's API and allowing connections to the mid tier SQL servers. We noticed their API had 1700 connections for 200 users. Is that normal to have an 8.5 connections for each user? Has anyone else seen this type of behavior?
Yodlee is a SAAS provider, so I am assuming you are referring to the calls made to Yodlee APIs and not DB connections.
It depends on how you integrate Yodlee APIs. The total number of calls made to Yodlee APIs may be 1700 for 200 users depending on the data set you are retrieving from Yodlee. not connected. retrying

I am trying to work out query access to the Google Analytics API. I am not a developer and so progressing via the developer route is currently not an option (notes -
I have been looking at setting up with BigQuery, but am struggling to check that I can query in the web interface because it will not load for me.
I am logged in with the account that I am using to access our company URL (I can access this perfectly well using the GA interface).
I can also query the interface successfully.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to go the whole hog and set up the bigquery billing (I am hesitant to do this since I want to prove the concept first).
If you cannot access, then I would work with your system administrator to verify that you have network connectivity to that web site.
If you can access the BigQuery UI, then you can follow the Sign Up for BigQuery instructions to enable the UI for you. You do not need to sign up for billing to run a few queries over the public sample tables, but you do need to sign up for billing if you want to load your own data into the system and to significantly increase your query quota limits.
As to BigQuery integration with Google Analytics Premium (see the blog post for background on this feature), you need to request this integration through Google Analytics Premium. Please contact your Google Analytics Premium customer support.