I'm trying to write a barebones round-robin scheduler for the Cortex-M using the CodeSourcery GCC toolchain. My scheduler uses the SysTick to fire an interrupt after the expiry of a time slice and the context switching takes place inside the ISR. To keep things simple, I am using only the main stack pointer (MSP) for everything.
I am stuck in determining how to handle loading the new context on the Cortex-M3. According to the Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual (TRM) the process pushes the PC, LR and status registers onto the current stack on the entry to the ISR.
If I push the rest of the registers to save the context of the present task and load a new SP value from the next task's control block how would I go about restoring the rest of its context?
According to what I understand, I need to pop out the registers I push (say {r4-r11}) and the processor will push out the rest (including the return address of the new task (LR) and status registers) automatically when the ISR returns. So I'm assuming I just need to execute a BX after I'm done to switch tasks?
Here is what it says on the TRM:
Exception returns occur when one of the following instructions loads a value of 0xFFFFFFFX into the PC when 1) POP/LDM which includes loading the PC 2) LDR with PC as a destination 3) BX with any register.
How do I go about loading the EXC_RETURN value? Should I just push it on to the stack (as it supposedly does here)? Assuming I've popped out the registers I've pushed via software, how does the Cortex go about popping the registers it has saved? In general, how do I restore a task's context?
I've tried reading the TRM and other ARM references but they seem unclear.
It is indeed quite complicated. I am writing a book about the FreeRTOS operating system running on Cortex-M cores. I have written a chapter about this. From reading your question I believe this chapter will help you:
Reading a bit more and some help on the #ARM IRC channel later I was able to understand the exception return mechanism. Here is what I understand.
As mentioned in the CM3 TRM, the core pushes the registers r0-r3, r12 along with the status, LR and PC on to the current process stack when an exception is registered. Thus, upon exception entry the stack contains 8 words which includes the LR containing the address to return to. The hardware pop mechanism essentially reverses the same action i.e. it pops out the last 8 words during which it loads the LR into the PC to return to the interrupted function.
Thus, the context can be switched simply by moving the stack pointer to an appropriate location such that the current stack frame resembles the stack frame of a task which has just been interrupted i.e. contains the exact words in the same order.
Upon exception entry and after saving the registers on to the stack, the LR is loaded with the EXC_RETURN value. This value contains special status flags to indicate return conditions. This is also used to indicate the end of the interrupt. That is, if the ISR needs to return to a task and switch the stack pointer from the current (MSP) to the PSP it can load the LR with the appropriate EXC_VALUE (indicated in TRM) and simply do a BX LR to switch states.
Here is a code fragment that does exactly what you need - https://github.com/DISTORTEC/distortos/blob/master/source/architecture/ARM/ARMv7-M/ARMv7-M-PendSV_Handler.cpp - it works as you described:
exception entry automatically stacks some registers,
you manually stack remaining registers,
you switch SP,
you unstack "remaining" registers,
exception return unstacks the rest of registers.
Assume there are two boards with stm32 micro-controllers which are connected to each other with rs-485 (each board has a uart-to-rs485 transceiver). This is the connection diagram and the accessible ports:
I want to be able to re-program each board separately using rs-485 wires that are available. Using st system bootloader and boot0 pin is not an option because it requires changing the PCB and re-wiring the system.
So I need to write my own custom bootloader. What I intend to do is to separate the flash memory of the B-1 MCU into three parts:
20KB for bootloader
120KB for B-2 application (as kind of a buffer)
360KB for B-1 application (bootloader jumps to this part after finishing boot mode)
and for B-2, two partitions:
20KB for bootloader
100KB for main application
and using the UART interface of B-1, I can load the .hex files to the specified flash area and tell the MCU what to do with it (either use it as it's own main app or send it to B-2).
Here is a brief algorithm for the bootloader:
// B1: starts from bootloader
for (5 seconds) {
// check for the boot command from UART
if (command received) {
// send boot and reset command to B-2 and receive ack
// start the boot mode
while (boot mode not aborted) {
// receive command packet containing address
if (command == header && address == B1) {
// prompt for the main .hex file and store it in B-1 partition
} else if (command == header && address == B2) {
// prompt for the main .hex file and store it in B-2 partition
// send header and the app to B-2 using rs-485 port
} else if (command == abort) {
break from while loop
} else {
// do nothing
// jump to main application
Now I have 2 concerns:
Since there is no gpio connection between B-1 and B-2 to activate boot mode for B-2, is it possible for B-2 board to set a flag in flash memory outside of it's main application area to check for it and use it as a boot mode activation flag?
Is it possible to write the stream of data directly from uart input to the flash memory area of each application? like this:
// Obviously this address is outside the flash area of the current bootloader running
for (i from 0 to size_of_app) {
hal_uart_receive(&uartPort, appAddress + i, 1, timeout);
Since there is no gpio connection between B-1 and B-2 to activate boot mode for B-2, is it possible for B-2 board to set a flag in flash memory outside of it's main application area to check for it and use it as a boot mode activation flag?
I am not sure that you are suggesting, or how your suggestion will solve the problem. Ideally you would have a means form B1 of directly resetting B2 via its /RESET line, but failing that if it is loaded with an application that accepts a reset command or signal over the RS-485, then you can then have it issue a soft-reset to start the bootloader. On Cortex-M devices you can do that through the NVIC.
If you need to communicate information to the B2 bootloader - perhaps to either invoke an update or to bypass that and boot the application, you need not program flash memory for that, you can simply write a boot command or signature via a reserved area of SRAM (best right at the top) that is not initialised by the runtime start-up (or the content of which you capture before such initialisation). Content in SRAM will survive a reset so long as power is maintained, so it can be used to communicate between the application and the bootloader - both ways.
This is of course a bootstrap issue - what if there is no application loaded to accept a reset command, or the application is not valid/complete (programming interruption). Well the relocated application area will have its vector table including its initial-SP and reset vector right at the start. In your bootloader when the first 8 bytes of the image are received, you hold them back and do not program that area until the rest of the image is written. By programming the reset vector last, if the programming is interrupted, that location will not be a valid address. The bootloader can validate it (or check if it is in the erase state) and if not valid/written, it can wait indefinitely for an update or simply reset to repeat the update polling. Be aware of a bit of an STM32 gotcha here though - most parts erase flash to "all-ones" (0xFF) state, some however (STM32Lxx parts) erase to "all-zeroes". Of course you couls simply check for 0x00000000 or 0xffffffff since neither would be a valid start address, or explicitly check the range.
Is it possible to write the stream of data directly from uart input to the flash memory area of each application? like this:
Yes, but remember that on STM32, normally the code is executing from the same flash memory you are trying to program and that the bus stalls during flash write and erase, such that if you are executing from flash, execution halts. For page erase, that can be several milliseconds - for parts with large pages, several hundred milliseconds even. That may mean that you fail to read characters on the UART if you are using polling or interrupt.
You can overcome this issue by protocol design. For example if you use a packet protocol where the last packet must be acknowledged before the next one is sent, you can use that as a flow control. Once you have collated a block of data to be written, you simply delay the acknowledgement of the last packet until after you have erased and/or written the data to flash. XMODEM-1K is a suitable protocol for that and despite its flaws its simplicity and support in common terminal emulator applications make it a good choice for this application.
Now all that said, you can increase the flash available to B1 by not buffering the image for B2 on B1 at all and simply implement a bi-directional pass-through such that the input on the UART of B1 is passed directly to the B1 RS-485 output, (surely also a UART so your port naming is ambiguous), and B1 RS-485 input passed directly to the UART output. That way B1 becomes "transparent" and the update tool will appear to be communicating directly with B2. That is perhaps far simpler and faster, and if the bootloader is "fail-safe" as described above, will still allow retries following interruption.
The pass-through function might be part of B1's application or a "mode" of the bootloader. The pass-through mode might be invoked by a particular boot command or you might have the application pass a "boot mode" command via the SRAM mechanism described earlier.
In either case ideally you would have identical bootloader code on both B1 and B2 for simplicity and flexibility. There is no reason why that should not be the case; they are both receiving the updates over UART.
I have an existing embedded system with an existing developed C code.
Sometimes the microSD card can lock down giving responses outside of the scope of the existing system.
I'm currently unsure why but suspect the handler in the existing system allows subsequent calls to be made too quickly.
The card is being used in Spi mode to have direct I/O.
The circuit diagram does not show any control over the power to and from the card so I cannot just reset and re-connect to the fresh Spi.
My only option seems to be finding a way to get it to reset through an Spi call, or look at creating a function to recover the sd back to its' expected state from whatever lock it is in.
With that in mind, is there a command or set of commands I can use to cause the equivalent of a reset, or to cancel whatever the microSD controller is expecting?
Looking at the SD associations' specs, the only reset reference is the CMD0 and that isn't applicable once into Spi mode.
Any thoughts are welcome, and thank you in advance.
I'm using GPUImageFilter in a chain, and most of the time it works OK. I've recently come across a few random crashes that match the symptoms in this github issue (albeit I'm using GPUImageFilter not live capture or video). I'm trying to find a suitable method that can ensure I've cleared the frame buffer and any other GPUImage-related activities in willResignActive.
Currently I have:
[[GPUImageContext sharedFramebufferCache] purgeAllUnassignedFramebuffers];
Is this sufficient? Should I use something else instead/in addition to?
As indicated there, seeing gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient in a stack trace almost always is due to OpenGL ES operations being performed while your application is in the background or is just about to go to the background.
To deal with this, you need to guarantee that all GPUImage-related work is finished before your application heads to the background. You'll want to listen for delegate notifications that your application is heading to the background, and make sure all processing is complete before that delegate callback exits. The suggestion there by henryl is one way to ensure this. Add the following near the end of your delegate callback:
// Do some operation
What that will do is inject a synchronous block into the video processing pipeline (which runs on a background queue). Your delegate callback will block the main thread at that point until this block has a chance to execute, guaranteeing that all processing blocks before it have finished. That will make sure all pending operations are done (assuming you don't add new ones) before your application heads to the background.
There is a slight chance of this introducing a deadlock in your application, but I don't think any of my code in the processing pipeline calls back into the main queue. You might want to watch out for that, because if I do still have something in there that does that, this will lock your application. That internal code would need to be fixed if so.
I am studying an Operating System course and we have this chapter about Processes. In this chapter we define the Process Control Block, which keeps the information about a process such as the program counter, content of registers, state, priority and so on. In this chapter it says that when the processor switches to another process (by interrupt), information will be saved in this process control block (PC, registers,...). In another chapter (1.4 Interrupts) it says when a process gets interrupted the PSW, PC and registers get put on the stack and when processor retakes control of this process it takes it from the stack.
It seems to be there are 2 different explanations here for what happens when an interrupt occurs. Do they both happen simultaneously or what? Can anyone explain this to me?
Thanks in advance
Think of an interrupt as a function call with the difference that it stores more information on the stack and occurs at any time breaking into the normal flow of the program instructions. So, if interrupt handler function decides just to return from the interrupt call, the state is restored from the stack.
Otherwise, if inside the interrupt call, OS decides to preempt the current user process, it saves all the process state to PCB and switch the stack to another process.
BTW, switching to another process can happen not only by interrupt but during any normal call to OS kernel API (syscall).
it seems that as soon as data is ready for the host (such as when I use WriteFile to send a command to the HID in which I tell the HID to give back some data such as the port value) and the in packet ready bit is set, the host reads it (as confirmed by another USB interrupt) before ReadFile ever is called. ReadFile is later used to put this data into a buffer on the host. Is this the way it should happen? I would have expected the ReadFile call to cause the in interrupt.
So here is my problem: I have a GUI and HID that work well together. The HID can do I2C to another IC, and the GUI can tell the HID to do I2C just fine. Upon startup, the GUI reads data from the HID and gets a correct value (say, 0x49). Opening a second GUI to the same HID does the same initial data read from the HID and gets the correct value (say, 0x49; it should be the same as the first GUI's read). Now, if I go to the first GUI, and do an I2C read, the readback value is 0x49, which was the value that the 2nd GUI had requested from the HID. It seems that the HID puts this value on the in endpoint for all devices attached to it. Thus the 1st GUI incorrectly thinks that this is the correct value.
Per Jan Axelson's HID FAQ, "every open handle to the HID has its own report queue. Every report a device sends goes into all of the queues so multiple applications can read the same report." I believe this is my problem. How do I purge this and clear the endpoint before the 1st GUI does its request so that the correct value (which the HID does send per the debugger) gets through? I tried HidD_FlushQueue, but it keeps returning False (not working; keep getting "handle is invalid" errors, although the handle is valid per WriteFile/ReadFile success with the same handles). Any ideas?
You might not like this suggestion, but one option would be to only allow one GUI at a time to have an open handle. Use your favorite resource allocation lock mechanism and make the GUIs ask for the HID resource before opening the handle and using it.