How to Read/Store many files using GrADS? - file-io

I would like to know if anyone can help me to find the issue about this code in GrADS language.
I'd like to read many files and compute and store them, but when I perform that in GraDS, I have the same answer for all imput file.
Could anyone help me in this problem, please?
****Modify here******
var = v10
ano = 1980
while(ano <= 2013)
*Desire point
local = IAG
**lat = -22.3
**lon = 314.62
latInitialP = -34.58
lonInitialP = 305.43
'sdfopen C:\Pesquisa_Michelle\dados_amandenha\V10m_'ano'.nc'
*Storing out
'set gxout print'
'set prnopts %10.2f 1 1'
in = 1
test = 1460
if ( math_fmod(ano,4) = 0 )
test = 1464
while(in <= test)
'set t 'in
in2 = in + 3
say in
say in2
'define m = ave('var',t='in',t='in2')'
'set lat 'latInitialP''
'set lon 'lonInitialP''
'd m'
valor = sublin(result,2)
lixo = write('C:\Pesquisa_Michelle\dados_amandenha\'var'_'ano'.txt',valor)
in = in + 4
lixo = close(''var'_'ano'.txt')
ano = ano + 1
I don't get an error (message) about that. That works fine, the problem is the result files. All result files have the first result, like a file replication. When I perform that not using a loop, but changing each value for "ano" by myself, I got different result.
The problem is, in my point of view, the command:
'sdfopen C:\Pesquisa_Michelle\dados_amandenha\V10m_'ano'.nc'
This command aren't replace the files for each "ano".

The problem is that you are never closing your input datafile or resetting grads during your main loop. Consider this example where I open a file:
% grads -l
ga-> open data/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl
Scanning description file: data/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl
Data file data/semicircle-qv14_00%y4_s.dat is open as file 1
LON set to -79.5 79.5
LAT set to -79.5 79.5
LEV set to 0.05 0.05
Time values set: 0:7:3:0 0:7:3:0
E set to 1 1
Notice that it says open as file 1. Now I'll narrow down my selection to a single grid point and display the pressure:
ga-> set lat 0
LAT set to 0.125 0.125
ga-> set lon 0
LON set to 0.125 0.125
ga-> set lev 5
LEV set to 4.92368 4.92368
ga-> d prs
Result value = 55198.4
The pressure is 551 hPa. Looks good. Now lets open another data file without closing this one:
ga-> open data-fine/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl
Scanning description file: data-fine/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl
Data file data-fine/semicircle-qv14_00%y4_s.dat is open as file 2
Notice this says open as file 2. Lets display pressure from this file:
ga-> d prs
Result value = 55198.4
Wait, this is the same value? Yes, because we are still displaying from file 1, here prs is the same as writing prs.1. If we want pressure from the second file, we need to use prs.2:
ga-> d prs.2
Result value = -9.99e+08
Different result (and this on is missing because there is no data at this time step in the second file.
There are two ways to fix this.
Where you are incrementing ano in your loop, add the command close 1. This will close the input data file so when the next one is loaded the display commands will properly display its content.
At the top of your loop, before sdfopen add reinit, which will reset lots of things, including closing all open files. You set your output up in each loop iteration so this shouldn't be a problem for you.


Reading, parsing and storing .txt files contents in Torch tensors efficiently

I have a huge number of .txt files (maybe around 10 millions) each having the same number of rows/colums. They actually are some single channel images and the pixel values are separated with an space. Here's the code I've written to do the work but it's very slow. I wonder if someone can suggest a more optimized/efficient way of doing this:
require 'torch'
f = assert(, 'r'))
local tempTensor = torch.Tensor(1, 64, 64):fill(0)
local i = 1
for line in f:lines() do
local l = line:split(' ')
for key, val in ipairs(l) do
tempTensor[{1, i, key}] = tonumber(val)
i = i + 1
In brief, change you source files if it is possible.
The only I can suggest is to use binary data instead of txt as a source.
You have got the long-term methods: f:lines(), line:split(' ') and tonumber(val). All of them are using strings as variables.
As I understood, you have got file like this:
0 10 20
11 18 22
so, change your source it into binary like this:
<0><18><20><11><18><22> ...
where <18> is a byte in hex form, that is 12 , <20> is 16 , etc.
to read
fid =, "rb")
while true do
local bytes = fid:read(1)
if bytes == nil then break end -- EOF
local st = bytes[0]
It would be dramatically faster.
May be using regular expressions (instead of :split() and lines()) can help to you but I do not think.

Update stimulus attribute every ... ms or frame in PsychoPy

I'm trying to update the orientation of a gratingStim every 100 ms or so in the psychopy coder. Currently, I'm updating the attribute (or trying to) with these lines :
orientationArray = orientation.split(',') #reading csv line as a list
selectOri = 0 #my tool to select the searched value in the list
gabor.ori = int(orientationArray[selectOri]) #select value as function of the "selectOri", in this case always the first one
continueroutine = True
while continueroutine:
if timer == 0.1: # This doesn't work but it shows you what is planned
selectOri = selectOri + 1 #update value
gabor.ori = int(orientationArray[selectOri]) #update value
I can't find a proper way to update in a desired time frame.
A neat way to do something every x frames is to use the modulo operation in combination with a loop containin win.flip(). So if you want to do something every 6 frames (100 ms on a 60 Hz monitor), just do this in every frame:
frame = 0 # the current frame number
while continueroutine:
if frame % 6 == 0: # % is modulo. Here every sixth frame
gabor.ori = int(orientationArray[selectOri + 1])
# Run this every iteration to synchronize the while-loop with the monitor's frames.
frame += 1

Load multiple Excel sheets using For loop with QlikView

I want to load data from two different Excel files, and use them in the same table in QlikView.
I have two files (DIVISION.xls and REGION.xls), and I'm using the following code:
let tt = 'DIVISION$' and 'REGION$';
FOR Each db_schema in 'DIVISION.xls','REGION.xls'
FOR Each v_db in $(tt)
FROM $(db_schema)
(biff, embedded labels, table is $(v_db));
This code works fine, and does not show any error, but I don't get any data, and I don't see my new table (div_reg_table).
Can you help me?
The main reason that your code does not load any data is due to the form of the tt variable.
When your inner loop executes, it evaluates tt (denoted by $(tt)), which then results in the evaluation of:
Which results in null, since these are just two strings.
If you change your statement slightly, from LET to SET and remove the AND, then the inner loop will work. For example:
However, this also now means that your inner loop will be executed for each value in tt for both workbooks. This means that unless you have a REGION sheet in your DIVISION workbook, then the load will fail.
To avoid this, you may wish to restructure your script slightly so that you have a control table which details the files and tables to load. An example I prepared is shown below:
FileName, TableName
FOR i = 0 TO NoOfRows('FileList') - 1
LET FileName = peek('FileName', i, 'FileList');
LET TableName = peek('TableName', i, 'FileList');
FROM '$(FileName)'
(biff, embedded labels, table is '$(TableName)');
If you have just two files DIVISION.XLS and REGION.XLS then it may be worth just using two separate loads one after the other, and removing the for loop entirely. For example:
(biff, embedded labels, table is DIVISION$)
WHERE DivisionName = 'AA';
(biff, embedded labels, table is REGION$)
WHERE RegionName = 'BB';
Don't you need to make the noofrows('Filelist') test be 1 less than the answer.
noofrows('filelist') will evaluate to 2 so you will get a loop step for 0,1 and 2. So 2 will return a null which will cause it to fail.
I did it like this:
FileName, TableName
let vNo= NoOfRows('FileList')-1;
FOR i = 0 TO $(vNo)
LET FileName = peek('FileName', i, 'FileList');
LET TableName = peek('TableName', i, 'FileList');
$(i) as I,
FileBaseName() as SOURCE
FROM '$(FileName)'
(biff, embedded labels, table is '$(TableName)');

Header and repeating time information removal from a GPS TEC rinex file

I have a rinex file and is shown image showing the first part of rinex file
The data (AOPR Rinex file) is downloaded from the site after entering a year and a day.
I want to open this file as a matrix in matlab for further processing..After the end of header at the 42nd line the time information is on 43 rd line. Then data starts. But time information is coming again after some rows say 64 the line, which should be discarded. Header should also be discarded. Also the last column is coming below the first column as a second row which should be transferred to the last column. Totally there are 55700 rows. Kindly help me with this.
I suspect the last column appearing on the line below it is just an artifact of how large the window of your text reader is...
For the rest, I think a trial-and-error loop is in place here:
fid = fopen('test.txt','r');
C = {};
while ~feof(fid)
% read lines with dictated format.
D = textscan(fid, '%d %d %d %d');
% this will fail on headerlines, empty lines, etc.
if isempty(D{1})
% in those cases, advance the file pointer by one line
% if that's not the case, save the lines thus read
C = [C;D]; %#ok
% Post-process: concatenate all sub-arrays into one
C = arrayfun(#(ii) cat(1, C{:,ii}), 1:size(C,2), 'UniformOutput', false);
This works, at least with my test.txt:
1 2 3 4
4 5 6 7
4 6 7 8
more random garbage
2 5 6 7
5 6 7 8
8 6 3 7
I suspect the last column appearing on the line below it is just an artifact of how large >the window of your text reader is...
For the rest, I think a trial-and-error loop is in place here
Dear Rody I don't have any matlab background and just a beginner. It is actually a Rinex file..with 2780 epochs and 6 observables with 30 satellite values..Decoding it in matlab is tough. That is the problem. You can read a sample code at
But the problem is that the observables are six and there only 5 in the m-file which also is not in the correct order. I need C1 P2 L1 L2 S1 S2...but the code at the link gives L1 L2 C1 P1 P2. :( Can you just correct that..Then it will be a great help..

gnuplot store one number from data file into variable

OSX v10.6.8 and Gnuplot v4.4
I have a data file with 8 columns. I would like to take the first value from the 6th column and make it the title. Here's what I have so far:
#m1 m2 q taua taue K avgPeriodRatio time
#1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
K = #read in data here
graph(n) = sprintf("K=%.2e",n)
set term aqua enhanced font "Times-Roman,18"
plot file using 1:3 title graph(K)
And here is what the first few rows of my data file looks like:
1.00e-07 1.00e-07 1.00e+00 1.00e+05 1.00e+04 1.00e+01 1.310 12070.00
1.11e-06 1.00e-07 9.02e-02 1.00e+05 1.00e+04 1.00e+01 1.310 12070.00
2.12e-06 1.00e-07 4.72e-02 1.00e+05 1.00e+04 1.00e+01 1.310 12070.00
3.13e-06 1.00e-07 3.20e-02 1.00e+05 1.00e+04 1.00e+01 1.310 12090.00
I don't know how to correctly read in the data or if this is even the right way to go about this.
Ok, thanks to mgilson I now have
#m1 m2 q taua taue K avgPeriodRatio time
#1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
set term aqua enhanced font "Times-Roman,18"
K = "`head -1 datafile | awk '{print $6}'`"
print K+0
graph(n) = sprintf("K=%.2e",n)
plot file using 1:3 title graph(K)
but I get the error: Non-numeric string found where a numeric expression was expected
file = "testPlot.txt"
K = "`head -1 file | awk '{print $6}'`"
K=K+0 #Cast K to a floating point number #this is line 9
graph(n) = sprintf("K=%.2e",n)
plot file using 1:3 title graph(K)
This gives the error--> head: file: No such file or directory
"testPlot.gnu", line 9: Non-numeric string found where a numeric expression was expected
You have a few options...
use columnheader
plot file using 1:3 title columnheader(6)
I haven't tested it, but this may prevent the first row from actually being plotted.
use an external utility to get the title:
TITLE="`head -1 datafile | awk '{print $6}'`"
plot 'datafile' using 1:3 title TITLE
If the variable is numeric, and you want to reformat it, in gnuplot, you can cast strings to a numeric type (integer/float) by adding 0 to them (e.g).
print "36.5"+0
Then you can format it with sprintf or gprintf as you're already doing.
It's weird that there is no float function. (int will work if you want to cast to an integer).
The script below worked for me (when I pasted your example data into a file called "datafile"):
K = "`head -1 datafile | awk '{print $6}'`"
K=K+0 #Cast K to a floating point number
graph(n) = sprintf("K=%.2e",n)
plot "datafile" using 1:3 title graph(K)
EDIT 2 (addresses comments below)
To expand a variable in backtics, you'll need macros:
set macro
cmd='"`head -1 ' . file . ' | awk ''{print $6}''`"'
# . is string concatenation. (this string has 3 pieces)
# to get a single quote inside a single quoted string
# you need to double. e.g. 'a''b' yields the string a'b
To address your question 2, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with shell utilities -- sed and awk can both do it. I'll show a combination of head/tail:
cmd='"`head -2 ' . file . ' | tail -1 | awk ''{print $6}''`"'
should work.
I recently learned that in gnuplot, system is a function as well as a command. To do the above without all the backtic gymnastics,
data=system("head -1 " . file . " | awk '{print $6}'")
Wow, much better.
This is a very old question, but here's a nice way to get access to a single value anywhere in your data file and save it as a gnuplot-accessible variable:
set term unknown #This terminal will not attempt to plot anything
plot 'myfile.dat' index 0 every 1:1:0:0:0:0 u (var=$1):1
The index number allows you to address a particular dataset (separated by two carriage returns), while every allows you to specify a particular line.
The colon-separated numbers after every should be of the form 1:1:<line_number>:<block_number>:<line_number>:<block_number>, where the line number is the line with the the block (starting from 0), and the block number is the number of the block (separated by a single carriage return, again starting from 0). The first and second numbers say plot every 1 lines and every one data block, and the third and fourth say start from line <line_number> and block <block_number>. The fifth and sixth say where to stop. This allows you to select a single line anywhere in your data file.
The last part of the plot command assigns the value in a particular column (in this case, column 1) to your variable (var). There needs to be two values to a plot command, so I chose column 1 to plot against my variable assignment statement.
Here is a less 'awk'-ward solution which assigns the value from the first row and 6th column of the file 'Data.txt' to the variable x16.
set table
# Syntax: u 0:($0==RowIndex?(VariableName=$ColumnIndex):$ColumnIndex)
# RowIndex starts with 0, ColumnIndex starts with 1
# 'u' is an abbreviation for the 'using' modifier
plot 'Data.txt' u 0:($0==0?(x16=$6):$6)
unset table
A more general example for storing several values is given below:
# Load data from file to variable
# Gnuplot can only access the data via the "plot" command
set table
# Syntax: u 0:($0==RowIndex?(VariableName=$ColumnIndex):$ColumnIndex)
# RowIndex starts with 0, ColumnIndex starts with 1
# 'u' is an abbreviation for the 'using' modifier
# Example: Assign all values according to: xij = Data33[i,j]; i,j = 1,2,3
plot 'Data33.txt' u 0:($0==0?(x11=$1):$1),\
'' u 0:($0==0?(x12=$2):$2),\
'' u 0:($0==0?(x13=$3):$3),\
'' u 0:($0==1?(x21=$1):$1),\
'' u 0:($0==1?(x22=$2):$2),\
'' u 0:($0==1?(x23=$3):$3),\
'' u 0:($0==2?(x31=$1):$1),\
'' u 0:($0==2?(x32=$2):$2),\
'' u 0:($0==2?(x33=$3):$3)
unset table
print x11, x12, x13 # Data from first row
print x21, x22, x23 # Data from second row
print x31, x32, x33 # Data from third row