Another instance of symfony2 for API - api

I'm developing medium/large project and currently I will have to write API for it.
Project is currently on 2.2.11 because it don't need to be on the newest version and because of many installed modules it's hard to not crash something or module integrity can be broken.
I have found symfony rest edition which looks pretty nice. The question is, installing another instance of symfony2 (with DB from my project) only for API is good practise? Or doing it in my current symfony instance is better option?

It's not bad, many instances can be plugged to the same DB.
As you will share entities between those 2 instances, you should isolate them in a bundle that is embedded by the 2 instances, and versioned apart each instance. So that entities and repositories are shared and synchronized between the 2 projects.

You should check out dependencies of the symfony-rest-edition and try requiring them in your project. It's quite possible that you can get most of the components in one project, without having to duplicate code or adding deployment stages.
For example, the master branch of FOSRestBundle supports Symfony ~2.2, see composer.json.
And globally, having duplicate code is not good. It's better to have everything in one project rather than dividing it. What if you'd have to change an entity or introduce new business logic? You'd have to make the change in two projects instead of one, or subdividing the codebase.


using components and modules from another projects angular5

I am working on 2 different angular cli(angular5) projects and project1 is almost done and just starting project2. I was wondering if it is possible to use some of components and services can be share to project2 from project1? Can this be done in a simple way so I don't need to publish but taking care internally without coppying files. I don't want to grab a whole projects but only those necessary components and services.(Not sure how I can handle if the name of the service is the same like translateService)?
Basically you want to create a local package and reuse it other projects by doing something npm commands, I would suggest you to use ng-packagr.
It's setup is pretty straightforward. You can find tutorials such as this on over medium.
I have been using it for quiet sometime in our project to reuse some of the services etc and we have named that project as client-infrastructure.
Let me know if you need more clarification on this.
As it can only be achieve if you architect the project in correct way means distribute your Presentation and Container Component in proper way.
Here is a best article that can understand help you to understand the process

How to migrate existing application to aurelia-cli?

We have working aurelia based application.
How do we migrate it to use aurelia-cli?
I can speak to this after doing it myself and being involved actively in another project. The project I converted was stamp-web The best way is to take your project
Copy it to a backup folder
Run "au new" and go through the process of creating your target application and setup the values (ES6, Jasmine etc.)
Copy over your src/templates/css piece by piece. I recommend starting with stuff like helpers, utilities etc. (stuff that has very little dependencies). As you go bring in the OSS dependencies into package.json as well as modify the Aurelia.json to reference them correctly in the vendor (or other bundle)
i18n needs some special configuration (so beware of that) - look to their website or my app stamp-web as an example (I have a bunch of configs that work for various OSS libraries)
Keep going as you build up and test your app.
If you look at what I did in stamp-web on the July 16, 2016 commit it will show many of the changes. I also decided to follow the resource convention for generated objects (like elements, value-converters). This is not needed, and I converted VERY early in the process - as you can see by the date.
Having said all that, I am involved in a much larger project (a corporate affair where we have been working on a large web-app for 10+ months with a team) and porting it over has been painful. It is likely 3x bigger than stamp-web, but the troubles we have had there is because we have a central "library" of widgets, services etc. as well as build tooling that was used to build apps. The app conversion was simple, but getting the apps to use the library itself has been a very large challenge. This is largely because while the CLI seems powerful, we have run into some odd behaviors (we have filed bugs as appropriate) as well as general lack of documentation in regards to the Aurelia.json and require JS syntax.
However, when you get it converted your app will load WAY faster than the SystemJS loaded apps..... it is almost.... impressive how quick is loads.
Initial tracing can be a pain on a large app, however updates and watches are seamless.....
Good luck!

How to publish own OpenERP modules in Launchpad?

I developed a couple of modules for OpenERP and want to make them available to others.
The obvious VCS choice is Launchpad (even if I feel tempted to use GitHub).
I have a development environment with all these modules, but people should be able to download/branch only the ones they want. As you may know, each a module is a separate folder inside de addons project folder.
Should I:
...create a branch of lp:openobject-addons for each module? That seems to generate a lot of duplicate files in my dev machine. And will people be able to extract only my module from the full branch?
... create an empty "host" Project and then a branch for each module? Does this follow best practices? Will this make it difficult for people to download a few, or all, of the modules?
.. or do something else I'm not considering?
Creating a separate project and branch for each of the modules is probably the most sensible thing to do.
This allows people to check out just those projects they care about, and submit changes for just the projects they care about. The overhead of creating a new projects is pretty low.
If you want to publish your modules to the OpenERP Apps site, you don't want to create a branch of lp:openobject-addons. The page for registering a branch specifically says not to do that.
Other than that, your choice seems to be between one branch per module, or several modules within a single project, each in its own subfolder. Personally, I would lean towards the second option because you don't have to create and register a new branch every time. Customers can download each module independently as a zip file from the apps site, or download the whole branch directly from Launchpad.
Note that this just covers your own modules. If you want to submit bug fixes to the core modules, see this question on merge proposals.

Using Sculpture with NHibernate or Entity Framework

I recently ran across this open-source project:
Sculpture is a code-generator which allows you to design your domain model and then use persistence 'molds' such as NHibernate/EF and probably more to generate repositories. It takes care of all the mapping and Data access generation. It looks like it does a heck of a lot more, but i'm pretty much sold at this point. However, i would like to know if anyone here used this for real-world solutions. If so, how well does it scale? How did the generated DAL work for you?
We have taken this out for a spin on a new project we had. Always wanted to try out nHibernate but the XML hell of the config files always put me off. Tried a number of these type "helpers" this is the easiest to use so we decided to use it.
I like the facts that you can just point at databse and it will create object based on what it sees and will resync on demand. It was also good that you could add custom methods to these objects and has a very well written syntax for the generated code all using LINQ-To-NHibernate.
It also generated a respository project over the top to allow you to use this design pattern which we did (again another personal goal).
It all worked out very well, created a social (facebook like) site for people with a medical condition, got everything fully working in 3 weeks with onlt 3 people.
On the whole very happy with this - in fact bought a licence for Sculpture 2.1 Nhibernate mold. (note open source but not for nhibernate mold :-) )
There is room for improvement
Windows 7 64 bit had to run visual studio in admin mode (my pc only) - not sure why
TeamCity continuous integration had some issues with paths to dll files - the two generated project (ORm and Repository) use different paths to base dll's - so needed to work out position of source in filestore to automate the build but worked fine.
Would like to heard any views on this or other product which people think are better ..
Looking to do a project where we will create all the objects in sculture and get it to produce/update the database for us - will be odd as we are db type developers but will be good to see how this works..
I would say that most ORMs are generated in some way at this point. I'm using Linq-to-SQL for a current project, you setup your model and generate code (with attributes from the model).
In short, it's nothing new and there's no reason to rebuff it just because it's generated.
Most ORMs can or do work this way, and they do so well.

Best practice for a Sitecore project

I am rather new to Sitecore and would like to know a bit more about the regular approach to a new project. I'm therefore willing to listen and try out some of the experienced Sitecore developers solutions. I have alot of questions, i won't ask them all. I am just very curious to the approach other people have.
What would be the best approach to start a Sitecore project?
How would you set your project up?
What will be your approach looking at the recycling of code in future projects?
In short: What experiences do YOU have (if you have worked with or are working on Sitecore projects) and how would you recommend other people to work with Sitecore.
Right now we are busy on building Sitecore blocks that we can just recycle in other projects but i know for sure there are 1001 handy tips and tricks out there. I hope we have some Sitecore pro's # stackoverflow that could help a bit.
Here is some general setup info, based on how we do things.
This is not Sitecore specific but we set up our repository like this
branches - This is used for working on big updates to the site that may take a while. Say for example I wanted to update how all of the sidebars on the site worked, and this was going to take a few weeks to complete. What we do is create a new branch, and set up another sitecore instance for this dev branch and do what we need to do. When it is complete we merge it back into the trunk for testing and deployment.
tags - This is used for keeping a copy of code that will never be merged back into the trunk (that is the difference between this and branches), so for example when we deploy an update to a site we can create a tag of said code so we can go back to it if necessary.
trunk - The active code, anything checked in here should always be deployable.
The Trunk
This is where we are actively developing/fixing bugs, depending on which part of the project that we are on. We set it up something like this (as an example the project is called TheProject)
We keep our solution file at the root of this folder, this will reference the various libraries in the src folder as well as the web project in the website folder.
docs - A place to put documentation about the site. I strongly suggest that as you complete features/sections you write up a little guide about any special knowledge needed for it to work. So say I am working on a featured content box on a landing page. This box will automatically pull some content unless it is explicitly overridden. What I do when I complete something like this is I write a guide for the customer, using a lot of screenshots. I send the guide to the customer as well as put it in the docs folder. This both helps the customer train their staff, as well as helps new developers come up to speed with how things are done.
lib - This is where we keep any DLLs we are going to need to reference in our projects.
test - A place to put unit tests.
src - This is where we keep our project specific library code. So in here we would have a folder called TheProject.Library, and in there would be the visual studio project for said
web/Website - This is where we have Sitecore installed and is the root of the site. In here we have a project called something along the lines of TheProject.Web. In the project we add all of the general stuff like the web.config/layouts folder and so on.
General Sitecore Code Library
One the best things you can do is from the start setup a general Sitecore library that can be added onto over time. Then when you write any code for a project that is not only applicable to the project, you can add it there. It may seem obvious, but this will really help in the long term. You will end up with much more solid code, see link text .
So when we are done with all this we have something like this as a solution/project structure
TheProject (The solution)
MyCompany.SitecoreLibrary (our general sitecore library)
This is another general thing, but I find it can really help speed up Sitecore development. If you find yourself doing something over and over in Sitecore, using API write a tool to do it for you. This not only helps with solving whatever problem you are tackling, but also helps to get you more familiar with the API.
This is more of a general .NET development suggestion, use Resharper( I am sort of a a Resharper fan boy, it makes so many things with development easier and quicker. In my mind the biggest advantage though is how easy it makes refactoring code, which is really important to do over time to keep things clean and understandable.
I hope some of this helps.
This is, as you said, quite a big question. Here are some of my thoughts:
Developing Environment
First of all when I start a new project I install Sitecore on my developing environment and I make sure everything works. Either during installation or after I place the databases on a separate SQL-server and change the connectionstring accordingly.
I open up Visual Studio and create a solution and include the files needed. I create some kind of HelloWorld rendering and try building the solution so that I can verify that everything is working as it should.
When everything is up and running I create a zip-file of the whole solution, including the data-folder. Now it is time to add this to some kind of version control system, in my case Subversion.
I add the zip-file to subversion and also add all files that I think will be changed during the project, usually I tell subversion to ignore the sitecore folder, this speeds up performance drastically when checking in files.
After I perform a commit-action the other team members of my project can check out the code and start developing (after unzipping the zip-file, off-course)
We all work towards the same database although this goes against Sitecore recommendations, we havent had any problems with this approach however items in GUI created/changed by one developer take some time before it is created/changed for all the others.
We could off-course develop several different projects using the same Sitecore installation but since almost all customers use different versions of Sitecore we have found this approach a bit cumbersome.
Often we set up an automated build-server but this is a whole other issue.
Reusable code and renderings
I would like to say that we create neat packages based on the same codebase that gets reused between projects but unfortunately we are not there yet. Today it is a lot of cut and pasting between solutions.
Uploading code to customer
This is done via sitecore packages, normally with some kind of dynamic selection for what files to include, say all ascx-files in a specific folder changed the last 5 days.
There you have it.
Take a look at this series.
Especially the component architecture part have increased our level of reusability.
When you create your Visual Studio's project in Sitecore's web root folder and you will keep all Sitecore's dlls files inside bin directory, don't forget to add to project's references all these files:
Because when you CLEAN your project and you will have reference only Sitecore.Kernel.dll (in most of cases), you will lost most of dlls from bin directory!!