Nonclustered indexes covering queries - sql

I'm having an issue or two with the following;
A nonclustered index can cover a query. Covering a query means that SQL Server can find
all data needed for the query in a nonclustered index and does not need to do any lookups in the base table.
Does this mean that the data is stored inside the clustered index leaf pages? I thought these contained pointers to the RIDs (heaps) and clustered index keys (clustered index) and the data was stored there?
Also the quote above mentions a 'base table' - is that the heap/clustered index? I'm learning to think of the word 'table' as being the form in which data is returned rather than the form in which it's stored, so to hear it referred to as a storage medium seems misleading.
Any advice/help appreciated.

Perhaps the best way to understand how this works would be an example.
Say you have a table foo with columns a, b, and c, and you run CREATE INDEX foo_a_b ON foo (a, b).
The table might look like this:
| a | b | c |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 4 | 10 | 42 |
| 2 | 4 | 42 |
| 5 | 16 | 1 |
| 3 | 8 | 1 |
If you now run the query SELECT a, b, c FROM foo WHERE a < 5 AND b < 10, the DBMS can use the index to find rows that meet the WHERE clause.
In order for that to be true, the index must have the values of a and b as accessible data. It might look something like this:
| a | b | row_address |
| 1 | 1 | 0xABDEFC |
| 2 | 4 | 0xAFBDEC |
| 3 | 8 | 0xFABDEC |
| 4 | 10 | 0xCAFEBA |
| 5 | 16 | 0xADDAFF |
If we instead write SELECT a, b FROM foo WHERE a < 5 AND b < 10, something special happens: to select the values of a and b, we don't actually need to follow the pointer to the full row, we can just scan down the index outputting the pairs that match the condition:
| a | b |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 4 |
| 3 | 8 |
This is true regardless of whether the pointer to a full row (which I've called row_address) points to an arbitrary heap address (in the case of a non-clustered table), or a location ordered based on some index key (in the case of a clustered table).


How to assign indexes to your datatable rows in sqlite in large databases?

I'm using sqlite with python. Suppose that I have a datatable that looks like this:
Table 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
A | B | B | C | D
B | D | B | D | C
A | D | C | C | A
B | D | B | D | C
D | B | B | C | D
D | B | B | C | D
Question: How can I create (very quickly/efficiently/viable for very large databases) an index column for each row where if row x and row y are identical they get assigned the same index? For the example database I would want something like this:
Table 1
Index| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
23 | A | B | B | C | D
32 | B | D | B | D | C
106| A | D | C | C | A
72 | B | D | B | D | C
80 | D | B | B | C | D
80 | D | B | B | C | D
I don't care what the actual indexes are, as long as duplicate rows (like the last two in the example) get the same index.
You COULD create an index made up of every field in the table.
create index on table1 (field1, field2, field3, field4, field5)
But that's probably not a good idea. It makes a huge index that will be slow to build and slow to process. Some database engines won't let you create an index where the combination of fields is over a certain length. I'm not sure if there's such a limit in sqllite or what it might be.
The normal thing to do is to pick some field or combination of a small number of fields that is likely to be short and well distributed.
By "short" I mean literally and simply, the data in the field only takes a few bytes. It's an int or a varchar with a small length, varchar(4) or some such. There's no absolute rule about how short "short" is, but you should pick the shortest otherwise suitable field. A varchar(4000) would be a bad choice.
By "well distributed" I mean that there are many different values. Ideally, each row has a unique value, that is, there is no value that is the same for any two rows. If there is no such field, then pick one that comes as close to this as possible. A field where sometimes 2 or 3 rows share a value but rarely more than that is good. A field where half the records all have the same value is not.
If there is no one field that is well distributed, you can create an index on a combination of two or three fields. But if you use too many fields, you start breaking the "short" condition.
If you can parse your file row by row why not use a dict with the row as a string or a tuple?
my_dico = {}
index_counter = 1
with open(my_db) as my_database, open(out_file) as out:
for row in my_database:
my_row_as_a_tuple = tuple(row.strip().split())
if my_row_as_a_tuple in my_dico:
out.write(my_dico[my_row_as_a_tuple] + '<your separator>' + row)
index_counter += 1
out.write(str(index_counter) + '<your separator>' + row)
my_dico[my_row_as_a_tuple] = str(index_counter)

1 to Many Query: Help Filtering Results

Problem: SQL Query that looks at the values in the "Many" relationship, and doesn't return values from the "1" relationship.
Tables Example: (this shows two different tables).
| Unique Number | <-- Table 1 -- Table 2 --> | Roles |
| 1 | | A |
| 2 | | B |
| 3 | | C |
| 4 | | D |
| 5 | | |
| 6 | | |
| 7 | | |
| 8 | | |
| 9 | | |
| 10 | | |
When I run my query, I get multiple, unique numbers that show all of the roles associated to each number like so.
| Unique Number | Roles |
| 1 | C |
| 1 | D |
| 2 | A |
| 2 | B |
| 3 | A |
| 3 | B |
| 4 | C |
| 4 | A |
| 5 | B |
| 5 | C |
| 5 | D |
| 6 | D |
| 6 | A |
I would like to be able to run my query and be able to say, "When the role of A is present, don't even show me the unique numbers that have the role of A".
Maybe if SQL could look at the roles and say, WHEN role A comes up, grab unique number and remove it from column 1.
Based on what I would "like" to happen (I put that in quotations as this might not even be possible) the following is what I would expect my query to return.
| Unique Number | Roles |
| 1 | C |
| 1 | D |
| 5 | B |
| 5 | C |
| 5 | D |
Query Example: I am querying 8 tables, but I condensed it to 4 for simplicity.
JOIN cp ON cp.uniqueVal = c.uniqueVal
JOIN p ON p.uniqueVal = cp.uniqueVal
LEFT OUTER JOIN a.uniqueVal = p.uniqueVal
--I do some basic filtering to get to the relevant clients data but nothing more than that.
Table sizes: these tables can have anywhere from 50,000 rows to 500,000+
Pretending the table name is t and the column names are alpha and numb:
SELECT t.numb, t.alpha
LEFT JOIN t AS s ON t.numb = s.numb
AND s.alpha = 'A'
You can also do a subselect:
SELECT numb, alpha
WHERE numb NOT IN (SELECT numb FROM t WHERE alpha = 'A');
Or one of the following if the subselect is materializing more than once (pick the one that is faster, ie, the one with the smaller subtable size):
SELECT t.numb, t.alpha
JOIN (SELECT numb FROM t GROUP BY numb HAVING SUM(alpha = 'A') = 0) AS s USING (numb);
SELECT t.numb, t.alpha
LEFT JOIN (SELECT numb FROM t GROUP BY numb HAVING SUM(alpha = 'A') > 0) AS s USING (numb)
But the first one is probably faster and better[1]. Any of these methods can be folded into a larger query with multiple additional tables being joined in.
[1] Straight joins tend to be easier to read and faster to execute than queries involving subselects and the common exceptions are exceptionally rare for self-referential joins as they require a large mismatch in the size of the tables. You might hit those exceptions though, if the number of rows that reference the 'A' alpha value is exceptionally small and it is indexed properly.
There are many ways to do it, and the trade-offs depend on factors such as the size of the tables involved and what indexes are available. On general principles, my first instinct is to avoid a correlated subquery such as another, now-deleted answer proposed, but if the relationship table is small then it probably doesn't matter.
This version instead uses an uncorrelated subquery in the where clause, in conjunction with the not in operator:
select num, role
from one_to_many
where num not in (select otm2.num from one_to_many otm2 where otm2.role = 'A')
That form might be particularly effective if there are many rows in one_to_many, but only a small proportion have role A. Of course you can add an order by clause if the order in which result rows are returned is important.
There are also alternatives involving joining inline views or CTEs, and some of those might have advantages under particular circumstances.

Primary key auto-increment manipulation

Is there any way to have a primary key with a feature that increments it but fills in gaps? Assuming I have the following table:
| ID | Value |
| 1 | A |
| 2 | B |
| 3 | C |
Notice that the value is only an example, the order has nothing to do with the question.
Once I remove the row with the ID of 2 (the table will look like this):
| ID | Value |
| 1 | A |
| 3 | C |
And I add another row, with regular auto-increment feature it will look like this:
| ID | Value |
| 1 | A |
| 3 | C |
| 4 | D |
As expected.
The output I'd want would be:
| ID | Value |
| 1 | A |
| 2 | D |
| 3 | C |
Where the gap is filled with the new row. Also note that maybe, in memory, it would look different. But the point is that the primary key would fill the gaps.
When having the primary keys (for instance) 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 4 should be first filled in, then 5, 8 and so on... When the table is empty (even if it had a million of rows before) it should start over from 1.
How do I accomplish that? Is there any built-in feature similar to that? Can I implement it?
EDIT: If it's not possible, why not?
No, you don't want to do that, as juergen-d said. It's unlikely to do what you think it is doing, and it will do it even less in a multi-user environment.
In a multiuser environment you are likely to get voids even when there are no deletes, just from aborted inserts.

Why does select statement influence query execution and performance in MySQL?

I'm encountering a strange behavior of MySQL.
Query execution (i.e. the usage of indexes as shown by explain [QUERY]) and time needed for execution are dependent on the elements of the where clause.
Here is a query where the problem occurs:
select distinct
e1.idx, el1.idx, r1.fk_cat, r2.fk_cat
from ent e1, ent_leng el1, rel_c r1, _tax_c t1, rel_c r2, _tax_c t2
where el1.fk_ent=e1.idx
and r1.fk_ent=e1.idx and ((r1.fk_cat=43) or (r1.fk_cat=t1.fk_cat1 and t1.fk_cat2=43))
and r2.fk_ent=e1.idx and ((r2.fk_cat=10) or (r2.fk_cat=t2.fk_cat1 and t2.fk_cat2=10))
The corresponding explain output is:
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra
| 1 | SIMPLE | el1 | index | fk_ent | fk_ent | 4 | NULL | 15002 | Using index; Using temporary
| 1 | SIMPLE | e1 | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | DB.el1.fk_ent | 1 | Using index
| 1 | SIMPLE | r1 | ref | fk_ent,fk_cat,fks | fks | 4 | DB.e1.idx | 1 | Using where; Using index
| 1 | SIMPLE | r2 | ref | fk_ent,fk_cat,fks | fks | 4 | DB.el1.fk_ent | 1 | Using index
| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | index | fk_cat1,fk_cat2,fk_cats | fk_cats | 8 | NULL | 69 | Using where; Using index; Distinct;
| | | | | | | | | | Using join buffer
| 1 | SIMPLE | t2 | index | fk_cat1,fk_cat2,fk_cats | fk_cats | 8 | NULL | 69 | Using where; Using index; Distinct;
| Using join buffer
As you can see a one-column index has the same name as the column it belongs to. I also added some useless indexes along with the used ones, just to see if they change the execution (which they don't).
The execution takes ~4.5 seconds.
When I add the column to the select part (nothing else changed), the index fk_ent in el1 cannot be used any more:
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra
| 1 | SIMPLE | el1 | ALL | fk_ent | NULL | NULL | NULL | 15002 | Using temporary
The execution now takes ~8.5 seconds.
I always thought that the select part of a query does not influence the usage of indexes by the engine and doesn't affect performance in such a way.
Leaving out the attribute isn't a solution, and there are even more attributes that i have to select.
Even worse, the query in the used form is even a bit more complex and that makes the performance issue a big problem.
So my questions are:
1) What is the reason for this strange behavior?
2) How can I solve the performance problem?
Thanks for your help!
It's the DISTINCT restriction. You can think of that as another WHERE restriction. When you change the select list, you are really changing the WHERE clause for the DISTINCT restriction, and now the optimizer decides that it has to do a table scan anyway, so it might as well not use your index.
Not sure if this helps, but if I am understanding your data correctly, I think you can get rid of the DISTINCT restriction like this:
e1.idx, el1.idx, r1.fk_cat, r2.fk_cat
from ent e1
Inner Join ent_leng el1 ON el1.fk_ent=e1.idx
Inner Join rel_c r1 ON r1.fk_ent=e1.idx
Inner Join rel_c r2 ON r2.fk_ent=e1.idx
((r1.fk_cat=43) or Exists(Select 1 From _tax_c t1 Where r1.fk_cat=t1.fk_cat1 and t1.fk_cat2=43))
((r2.fk_cat=10) or Exists(Select 1 From _tax_c t2 Where r2.fk_cat=t2.fk_cat1 and t2.fk_cat2=10))
MySQL will return data from an index if possible, saving the entire row from being loaded. In this way, the selected columns can influence the index selection.
With this in mind, it can much more efficient to add all required columns to an index, especially in the case of only selecting a small subset of columns.

Eliminate full table scan due to BETWEEN (and GROUP BY)

According to the explain command, there is a range that is causing a query to perform a full table scan (160k rows). How do I keep the range condition and reduce the scanning? I expect the culprit to be:
Here is the code that has the range condition (the STATION_DISTRICT is likely superfluous).
-- For a specific city ...
C.ID = 10663 AND
-- Find all the stations within a specific unit radius ...
6371.009 *
-- Get the station district identification for the matching station.
-- Gather all known years for that station ...
-- The data before 1900 is shaky; insufficient after 2009.
-- Filtered by all known months ...
-- Whittled down by category ...
-- Into the valid daily climate data.
The SQL is performing a full table scan, which results in MySQL performing a "copy to tmp table", as shown here:
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | C | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
| 1 | SIMPLE | Y | range | YEAR_IDX | YEAR_IDX | 4 | NULL | 160422 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | SD | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | climate.Y.STATION_DISTRICT_ID | 1 | Using index |
| 1 | SIMPLE | S | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | climate.SD.ID | 1 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | M | ref | PRIMARY,YEAR_REF_IDX,CATEGORY_IDX | YEAR_REF_IDX | 8 | climate.Y.ID | 54 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | D | ref | INDEX | INDEX | 8 | climate.M.ID | 11 | Using where |
After using the STRAIGHT_JOIN:
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | C | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
| 1 | SIMPLE | S | ALL | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | 7795 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | SD | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | climate.S.STATION_DISTRICT_ID | 1 | Using index |
| 1 | SIMPLE | Y | ref | PRIMARY,STAT_YEAR_IDX | STAT_YEAR_IDX | 4 | climate.S.STATION_DISTRICT_ID | 1650 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | M | ref | PRIMARY,YEAR_REF_IDX,CATEGORY_IDX | YEAR_REF_IDX | 8 | climate.Y.ID | 54 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | D | ref | INDEX | INDEX | 8 | climate.M.ID | 11 | Using where |
Optimize SQL that uses between clause
Thank you!
ONE Request... It looks like you KNOW your data. Add the keyword "STRAIGHT_JOIN" and see the results...
SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN ... the rest of your query...
Straight-join tells MySql to DO IT AS I HAVE LISTED. So, your CITY table is the first in the FROM list, thus indicating you expect that to be your primary... Additionally, your WHERE clause of the CITY is the immediate filter. With that being said, it will probably fly through the rest of the query...
Hope it helps... Its worked for me with gov't data of millions of records queried and joined to 10+ lookup tables where mySql was trying to think for me.
in order to do efficient between queries you are going to want a b tree index on your YEAR column. for example:
BTREE indexes allow for efficient range queries, if this is in fact the root problem then having an index like this should get rid of the full table scan and have it only scan the part of the table that is in the range. read more about btrees on wikipedia
However, as with any optimisation advice, you should measure to make sure that you don't do more harm than good.
Can you change from searching within a radius to search in a bounding box?
You know the city so you can calculate a bounding box in your application.
Perhaps this
S.LATITUDE_DECIMAL >= latitude_lower and
S.LATITUDE_DECIMAL <= latitude_upper and
S.LONGITUDE_DECIMAL >= longitude_lower and
S.LONGITUDE_DECIMAL <= longitude_upper
could be a little faster?