Horizontal scrollbar when a Rally cardboard is used inside an Ext Tab - rally

I have a Rally.ui.cardboard.CardBoard as an item in an Ext.tab.Panel. When there are enough cards to cause a vertical scrollbar to appear, eating 16px of width, instead of fitting the new width dynamically, a horizontal scrollbar appears too. This doesn't happen when the CardBoard is rendered to document.body.
I've been looking for the right set of config options to make the TabPanel and its child items[] resize automatically. After two days trying in vain, I'm about to give up and just force a width of 1902px for PCs and 2862px for Macs. If anyone has a better idea, I'm more than willing to try it... anything at this point.

We could find no way to do this through config options alone, so we ended up listening to the App's own resize event and updated the panel size. In the App config we have this, and it does the trick:
listeners: {
resize: function( app, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight, eOpts ) {
if (app.TabPanel) {
If anyone has a better solution that only uses config options and the framework does the resizing, I'd still like to see it, as the above is an ugly hack even if it works.


How to keep bootstrap carousel paused until it enters in the viewport?

EDIT: reason for this request. This edit has been added when the solution has been found for the sake of describing my needs. I had a Carousel that showed a logical sequence step 1, step 2, step 3.. That carousel is not a top of page, so I want it to stay stopped / paused until the user sees it and when it will see it, as first, I want the user to see the first slide, step 1. Nevertheless, some users (and they are not few, believe me) don't know about carousels and sliders, so I don't wanna miss their view on the subsequent slides. This is the reason for what follow.
I'm wondering about this
I have a bootstrap 3.1 carousel that is not at top of the home page.
Instead you "reach it" when scrolling down some "bootstrap' rows".
Well I'd like it to keep the carousel stopped / paused until the user will scroll the page down to where the carousel is placed (let's say the carousel height is 500 pixel, when at least the first top 150 pixels are entered in the viewable area)
when those 150 pixel have been scrolled in, the pause / stop should turn to "play" and so, if the pause between each slide is 5000 msec, after 5000 msec the next slide should turn.
According with this solution it is matter of javascript but it is not what I'm seeking for also excuse me but currently I'm not so strong with javascript and jquery, so thank you for any hint with some explanation.
This script looks to be the correct and also a great solution :-), especially reading the comments at bottom of that page, but as stated above, I miss the knowledge to properly take advantage of it, thank you for any hint.
Here's a method using Intersection Observer API; it will fail silently for IE and other unsupported browsers.
setTimeout(function() {
if (IntersectionObserver === undefined) return;
const carousels = $(".carousel");
if (carousels.length === 0) return;
const RATIO = 0;
// You can set a intersection percentage, such as 0.25 for 25% visible, but
// if you want pixels, I'm using `rootMargin` in the options below
var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries, observer) {
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
jQuery(entry.target).carousel(entry.intersectionRatio < RATIO ? 'pause' : 'cycle');
}, {
root: null,
rootMargin: '-150px 0px', // 150px visible on top or bottom of viewport
threshold: RATIO
carousels.each(function () {
I went for the long path, self answered myself.
I've tried several plugins, but they were not effective or either they were breaking the Carousel engine.
Researching so much, finally I've landed on this jQuery plugin
It works pretty fine, straight and as expected and there is a bonus included: the offset I was seeking for!!! (yeeeh!)
Pretty easy to implement
<script src="viewportchecker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.carousel').carousel('pause'); /** load page with carousel paused
offset: 200, /** wait for the first 200 pixel of the element
to enter in the viewport
callbackFunction: function(elem){
$('.carousel').carousel(''); /** remove pause
"thank you" to myself :-)
I suppose this would also help the problem when the viewport cuts the carousel in half. ie: With a carousel at the top of the page and you scroll down, forcing the top of browser window to show only the bottom half of carousel.
Currently, when the carousel cycles, the carousel images load to the top of the viewport, not the top of the carousel container.
When you scroll back up, the carousel only displays half the image and the top half is grey. This is very annoying. Will try this to see if it fixes.

Dojo grid inside titlePane not getting painted until the browser is resized

I have an dojo enhanced grid inside a title pane which inturn in Tabcontainer. I am creating a tab container dynamically and painting the title pane which contains grid. For the first time the grid is painted properly but if i close the tab and again try it to open a tabcontainer title pane is painted but grid inside the titlepane is not painted (or rather its not visible) until i do a browser resize.
So anybody have faced similar kind of issue? Please let me know the solution for this.
I tried resize(), update() & startup() methods on grid nothing worked out.
I am kind of stuck please share your thoughts on this.
I had the same problem and found a workaround by doing a dojo connect like:
So it should automatically be resized, when DataGrid finished loading data.
Hope I could help.
Greeting, Simon
Have you tried setting an absolute height on the Grid?
Which browsers did you try? (I experienced various problems with DataGrid in TabCointainer using IE)
You must call the TabContainer.layout() each time its container is changing size. For doing this, you could 1) monitor DOMEvents onunderflow and onoverflow on containing DOMNode or 2) when container becomes visible (once-n-forall).
Reason why a window.onresize event fixes it is, that the TabContainer hooks on said event and calls its own layout.
In your situation, where the TabController fiddles with TabContainer's panes, there may be missing a 'layoutChildren' somewhere. Optimally, you should place the grid as the first on only child to tab.
After the grid is deployed, it will take an absolute, calculated height - 'inherited' from the TabContainer. This is fired once the TabContainer chooses to resize or instructed to do so.
Manually, you should be able to implement these lines - after re-opening a tab. The script is taken from _Grid.js to illustrate
var grid = dijit.byId('MYGRIDID');
require(["dijit/layout/utils"], function(layerUtils) {
[grid.tablist, {
domNode: grid.tablistSpacer,
layoutAlign: titleAlign
}, {
domNode: grid.containerNode,
layoutAlign: "client"
grid._containerContentBox = layoutUtils.marginBox2contentBox(grid.containerNode,
domNode: grid.containerNode,
layoutAlign: "client"
// note this line in particular
My issue
I had a similar situation as yours:
Grid is in a titlepane (closed by default).
Grid can be destroyed and re-created on the fly.
Issue appears when user:
opens the pane.
closes the pane.
re-creates the grid.
re-opens the pane.
grid is not visible, until browser window is resized!
My solution
My approach was to force a resize() on my grid whenever the title pane was being opened.
I used code like this, in a place where I had access to both the grid and the panes:
var titlePane = registry.byId("title-pane-id");
var handle = aspect.after(titlePane, "toggle", function(deferred) {
if (titlePane.open) {
The dojo/aspect doc
Don't forget to remove the aspect from your grid if you destroy it.
I did this on dojo v1.8.1
My solution is too easy: define on declaration of grid the bold parameter write here:
grid = new EnhancedGrid({id: 'MyIDgrid',
store: dataStore = new ObjectStore({objectStore: myStore}),
structure: structureGrid,
plugins: pluginGrid,
style : 'width: 725px; height: 350px',
autoWidth : true,
**autoHeight : false,height:'200px',**
elasticView : '2'
}, document.createElement('div'));
this resolve all!
style="height: auto;" will fit the purpose.

Sencha Touch 2 image animation on touch

I have come to see that Sencha Touch framework is improving noticeably. Since I couldn't see something like what I want, I wanted to ask here and see if it's possible. I would like to hear your opinion on how to do some image change animation when the image is touched. When you touch the image, another image will animate growing from the middle.
Actually I also want to detect (if possible) the location of the touch on the image (Things I could do on iOS).
Is this possible? If so, any advice is appreciated.
Panel has some properties to find out location of the touch:
var Xscroll = somePanel.scroller.offset.x;
var Yscroll = somePanel.scroller.offset.y;
Also, for your animation, you can do something like this:
Have 1 image on your 1st panel (make that image fit to the panel and keep it to background) like this:
App.somePanel= new Ext.Panel({
cls: 'somePanel',
html: '<h1>Welcome to my app!</h1>',
//some other properties
.somePanel {
background-image: url(http://somesite.com/someimage.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
Have second panel like that.
On some event on the first panel do:
Hide that panel with animation
Show the second panel with animation
The list of animations is given in Sencha Touch API

Fullscreen Panel overlay in Sencha Touch 1

I am trying to slide a Panel from the bottom, so that it covers the entire viewport, like the Bookmarks panel in iOS Safari. This is similar to the ActionSheet, but fulscreen, and without the dark frame around it.
this.advSearch = Ext.ComponentMgr.create({xtype: 'advanced_search', itemId: 'pnlAdvancedSearch'});
this.advSearch.autoRender = true;
this.advSearch.show({type: 'slide', direction: 'up'});
This sort of works, but the new panel doesn't fill the whole screen, and parts of it appear behind the background panel. I've tried various layouts, including fit, vbox, with varying degrees of ugliness, but the root problem seems to be that the panel doesn't know how tall it needs to be. Maybe because it doesn't have a container?
Any suggestions? Is this even the right approach, or should I try to hack the ActionSheet to expand to fullscreen, and show without the border?
Because your panel is floating (or I presume it is), you will need to give the panel a fixed height in Sencha Touch 1. You are very restricted in that respect. This following code should work:
var sheet = new Ext.Sheet({
html: 'hello',
style: 'color:#fff',
height: window.innerHeight,
stretchX: true
// replace this show with your animation
As you can see, I give it a fixed height of the window and then stretch it on the X axis (y doesn't work).

Titanium: How to remove background of Search bar?

How can I remove the background of search bar ? I tried by changing background color but it also changes cancel button's color !!!
The best alternative to this is creating a custom search bar with Ti.UI.textField and Ti.UI.button. Add them both to a view and customize it as you please. Finally, just add an event listener to the button click, and voila!
Take a look at this Module: https://github.com/viezel/NappUI
It extends the properties for several UI Elements, including SearchBar, here is the list.
SearchField BackgroundImage
Custom Cancel button
barColor - background gradient of the button. (similar to navbar)
color - color of the button title
title - change the default Cancel text
font - set the font of the button
Appearance of the keyboard
Disable the search icon
To install it, I recommend you to use the new gitTio command line, this will automatically download the module, install it on the modules folder on Application Support folder and add the proper config line on tiapp.xml.
gittio install -g dk.napp.ui
And here is an example of a SearchBar using the new properties enabled by this Module
var searchBar = Ti.UI.createSearchBar({
scopeButtonTitles:["hello", "yes"],
title:"Hit me",
disableSearchIcon:true //disables the search icon in the left side
If you are talking about the gradient blue, I removed it on my app with:
var searchBox = Ti.UI.createSearchBar({
barColor: '#eee'
Hope this helps.
Unfortunately 'barColor' doesn't work. Ti seems to change the color by changing the opacity or hue or something. DannyM's workaround is the best.
I must have wasted a zillion hours making sense of Titanium's background colors, background images, bar colors and their active/inactive cousins.
Conclusion: "Free" software is costly if you count the time you waste on silly bugs and lack of useful documentation.