Search Activities => mention not showing up - google-plus

When I'm calling the API endpoint /activities with a query, some posts are not returned in the API.
This post:
Did not show up with query="movistar"
What should the query be to fetch this post?


How to collect the pull request information for specific reviewer from all GitHub repos?

Collect the specific information like comments, reviewers, title from pull request api
I've tried using this API link :{name}
I want to display the reviewers and comments as well but it's not showing all the pull request information I wanted.
Any other alternative way to call the pull request for specific reviewer?

How to get group posts and their comments from Workplace Graph API in a single request?

I know I can get all the posts in a group using the Graph API endpoint /group-id/feed. And I know I can get all the comments of a single post too. But I want to know if it's possible to get the comments of each posts in a group in a single request.
Ideally, I would want something like "get the latest 10 posts of a group with their comments" in a single request.
Couldn't find anything in the docs so it's probably not possible.
you can use the fields parameter
in this way you are able to retrieve the message of the post and all the comments related to it

Vimeo API filter results

Have to admit that I'm new to using the Vimeo API, but I've searched for an answer here and I can't find documentation on what I'm looking for.
I'm using the Api and familiarizing myself with the endpoints. There are two endpoints that I need to merge in my call. I can make the separate calls successfully, but I haven't found a way to get what I need.
I'm working with the tags endpoint:{tag}/videos
I'm also working with the users endpoint:{user_id}/videos
basically what I need to do is somehow (using parameters?) filter the videos returned by the user endpoint by tag, or vice versa.
The query parameter on user videos ({user_id}/videos) allows you to search based on title, description and tags.
Currently there is no way to filter video queries based on a list of tags, but it's planned for the future!

Youtube data API version 3 pagination

I understand that youtube response contains the next and previous page tokens and we can use those to go to previous and next pages.
eg :{key}&part=snippet&maxResults=20&order=viewCount&q=abc&type=video&videoDuration=long&videoType=movie&pageToken=Cd323A
My question is how can I navigate to nth page of particular search?
Please note that some people may see this is impossible. But I have seen some site implemented this.
Youtube API only provides NextPageToken and PreviousPageToken, that's it, sorry: see documentation here:
You can still make a pagination item but you will have to implement it by calling multiple times the URL, passing the NextPageToken as pageToken in your requestion every time, and caching results.
By the way, this question is already answered here (see the 1st point of the answer): youtube data api v3 php search pagination?
Quoting them:
In particular your case where you need 50 pages per page and you are
showing 3 pagination like (1,2,NEXT) then you need to fetch results
two times. Both the results you will keep in cache so for page 1 and 2
results will be retrieved from cache. For next you make it sure that
you are making query google again by sending nextPageToken.
Thus to show pagination 1-n and every page 50 results then you need to
make n-1 queries to google api. But if you are showing 10 results per
page then you cane make single query of 50 results using which you can
show first 5 pages (1-5) with the help of retrieved results and at
next you should again send next page token like above.
NOTE- Google youtube api provide 50 results max.
nextPageToken and prevPageToken comes with the api request.
Now you save the token in an array and then insert it as a nextPageToken in another api call and you will get the next page. The same way you will get a prevPageToken when u get the next page results.
Hope it helps.

YouTube API Return List of All Videos from Specific Category

I'm new to the YouTube Rest API v3 and I'm trying to see if there's a way to list every video in a specific category. The best I've been able to get is this:{MY API KEY}
category ID 17 is equal to 'Sports' (and of course there is pagination on the API response which is fine). The problem is that in order to use the parameter 'videoCategoryID', I also am required to use the parameter 'chart' and then only acceptable value for 'chart' is 'mostPopular' according to this page:
I'm wondering if there is a way to get a list of the videos in a specific category (all videos not just Most Popular)?
There was this Stack Overflow post but it's for YouTube API v2 (Getting a complete list of all YouTube videos in a given category).
Thanks for your help!
Try search and add type=video in order to list just videos{YOUR API KEY}