Is possible to get sound duration without waiting onload? - actionscript-2

Need to get sounds duration into memory.
var sound = new Sound(this);
function getSoundDuration(soundName:String):Number
var dur = 0;
sound.onLoad = function (success:Boolean) {
if (success) {
dur = this.duration;
sound.loadSound(soundName, false);
return dur;
var DoS1 = getSoundDuration("sound1.mp3");
var DoS2 = getSoundDuration("sound2.mp3");
is that possible without wait onLoad to finish ?

It is not, the sound needs to be loaded in order to read the metadata. If you are using static sound files, you could hard code those values.


Task.whenAllSuccess function always gives me the same task

I have a small problem with the processing of my task. I have a list (listImg) which contains bitmaps. Now I try to upload each image to Firebase Storage through a forEach loop and then pack it in an UploadTask. In the addOnSuccessListener, however, the same image is called every time. For example, I have 3 images in the listImg. All 3 show up correctly in the loop. I pack these into the task array. However, in the Task.whenAllSuccess function, each URL of the 3 tasks leads to the same image
What is it?
downloadUrls = mutableListOf<String>()
val tasks = mutableListOf<UploadTask>()
listImg.forEach {
if(bitmap!!.byteCount != it.byteCount) {
var spaceRef = storageRef.child("objektImages/"+UUID.randomUUID().toString()+".jpg")
val bitmap = it
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 80, baos)
val data = baos.toByteArray()
var uploadTask = spaceRef.putBytes(data)
//Here log gives me different images, which is also intended
Tasks.whenAllSuccess<UploadTask.TaskSnapshot>(tasks).addOnSuccessListener { taskSnapshot ->
taskSnapshot!!.forEach {
it.metadata!!.reference!!.downloadUrl.addOnSuccessListener { url->
//But here every downloadUrl leads to the same image.
} How to Get an whole sentence in an entity

I would like to store an entire sentence an user said and store it.
This his how I did but I can't get the sentence from A to Z an an whole entity, just few parts knows as "number", "location", ....
merge(request) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var entities = request.entities;
var context = request.context;
var message = request.message;
var sessionId = request.sessionId;
var intent = firstEntityValue(entities, 'intent');
if (intent == "write_free_text") {
context.free_text = request["text"];
if (intent == "choose_city") {
var city = firstEntityValue(entities, 'location'); = city;
return resolve(context);
How can I do that and store the whole sentence with merge function ? Thank you
If you want the whole sentence, maybe you don't needs a entity, just get the message sent:
// Merge action
function merge(request) {
context.freetext = request["text"];
return context;
Fiddle with code:
if you want to get the whole phrase, use the wit/phrase_to_translate built-in entity
a snapshot of the uunderstanding tab
you just have to train the bot, once or twice.
It will pick up all the free text later.

How to simulate large number of clients using UCMA, for load testing?

I have created application using Lync client side SDK 2013 and UCMA 4.0 . Now I test my application with large number of users. How can I simulate large number of client using UCMA or Lync client side SDK?
It depends on what exactly what you want to "simulate".
If you just want call traffic there is sipp, but that is just simple sip calls and doesn't really reflect an actual Microsoft Lync Client.
As far as I know, Microsoft doesn't provide any load testing tools in Lync. You will have to generate them yourself base on what exactly you want to "simulate".
With a UCMA trusted application, you should be able to startup and use a large number of user endpoints to "simulate" common lync services (like randomly changing presence, making calls, send IM's, etc). You would have to create such an app yourself.
I created a tool in UCMA to do my stress test for all my applications than I have made.
It is simple to make, and it is composed of two parts.
This example is a stress tester for calls. Of course, you can easily make a different one by using this example.
We create our platform, follow our Set-CsTrustedApplication.
var platformSettings = new ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings("InnixiTester", "urn:application:innixitester");
var collabPlatform = new CollaborationPlatform(platformSettings);
collabPlatform.EndStartup(collabPlatform.BeginStartup(null, null));
Ok, I know what I am doing here is a wrong chaining together, the Begin and the End into one line of code. However, this is just a code exemple. I invite you to read the article of Tom Morgan, he explains why it is not good to do it like me.
We use here a Parallel loop to create all our users-endpoint. In that way, it goes faster.
* Proprieties of the class
private AutoResetEvent _waitForStressTestToFinish = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private List<UserEndpoint> _listUserEndpoints = new List<UserEndpoint>();
private int _maxUsers = 200;
private int _tickTotal;
private int _tickCount;
private int _nbrCallsByIntervall;
* End
_maxUsers = 200; // Nbr max of users
const var callsTotal = 200; // Nbr of total call
const var timeToTest = 30; // Total time to test
const var intervalOfCalls = 5; // We want to make our calls between specific intervals
Parallel.For(0, _maxUsers, i =>
CreateUserEndpoint(collabPlatform, i.ToString());
You simply create your UserEndpoint here. The scenario is that my users in the active directory are stressuser0 to stressuser200. With extension starting from +14250 to +1425200
private void CreateUserEndpoint(CollaborationPlatform cp, string iteration)
UserEndpointSettings settingsUser = new UserEndpointSettings($"sip:stressuser{iteration}", "", 5061);
settingsUser = InitializePublishAlwaysOnlineSettings(settingsUser);
var userEndpoint = new UserEndpoint(cp, settingsUser);
userEndpoint.EndEstablish(userEndpoint.BeginEstablish(null, null));
Console.WriteLine($"The User Endpoint owned by URI: {userEndpoint.OwnerUri} was created\n");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine($"failed to create for --> sip:stressuser{iteration}");
private UserEndpointSettings InitializePublishAlwaysOnlineSettings(UserEndpointSettings settings)
settings.AutomaticPresencePublicationEnabled = true;
settings.Presence.PreferredServiceCapabilities.AudioSupport = CapabilitySupport.Supported;
return (settings);
Now time to place the calls! We are going to code a simple algorithm with a timer. Is going to calculate how many calls it needs to make for X time and for Y Calls and for Z intervals.
Console.WriteLine("Tape a key to place calls...");
PlaceCalls(callsTotal, timeToTest, intervalOfCalls);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Shutting down platform due to error {ex}");
private void PlaceCalls(int callsMax, int timeMax, int timeIntervall)
_tickTotal = timeMax / timeIntervall;
_nbrCallsByIntervall= callsMax / _tickTotal;
Console.WriteLine($"_nbrCallsByIntervall --> {_nbrCallsByIntervall}");
var timeIntervalTimespan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeIntervall);
_timer = new Timer(timeIntervalTimespan.TotalMilliseconds);
_timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(_timer_Elapsed);
_timer.Enabled = true;
void _timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
if (_tickCount < _tickTotal)
Console.WriteLine($"\n Pause Timer | On {_tickCount} to {_tickTotal}\n");
_timer.Enabled = false;
for (var i = 0; i <= _nbrCallsByIntervall - 1; ++i)
ConversationSettings convSettings = new ConversationSettings();
Conversation conversation = new Conversation(_listUserEndpoints[generateNumber(0, _listUserEndpoints.Count)], convSettings);
var audioVideoCall = new AudioVideoCall(conversation);
CallEstablishOptions options = new CallEstablishOptions();
var gNbr = generateNumber(0, _listUserEndpoints.Count);
// Here I'm calling a single phone number. You can use GenerateNumber to call stressusers each others. But you have to extend your code to accept the calls coming.
audioVideoCall.BeginEstablish($"3322", options, null, audioVideoCall);
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Fail to Call the remote user...");
Console.WriteLine($"Call--> +1425{gNbr}.Counter--> {_tickCount} Ticket--> {_tickTotal} and thread id {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
_timer.Enabled = true;
Console.WriteLine("\n reStart Timer \n");
Console.WriteLine("\n!!! END Stress test !!!\n");
_timer.Enabled = false;
private int generateNumber(int min, int max)
var r = new Random();
return (r.Next(min, max));

StackExchange.Redis - LockTake / LockRelease Usage

I am using Redis with StackExchange.Redis. I have multiple threads that will at some point access and edit the value of the same key, so I need to synchronize the manipulation of the data.
Looking at the available functions, I see that there are two functions, TakeLock and ReleaseLock. However, these functions take both a key and a value parameter rather than the expected single key to be locked. The intellisene documentation and source on GitHub don't explain how to use the LockTake and LockRelease functions or what to pass in for the key and value parameters.
Q: What is the correct usage of LockTake and LockRelease in StackExchange.Redis?
Pseudocode example of what I'm aiming to do:
//Add Items Before Parallel Execution
redis.StringSet("myJSONKey", myJSON);
//Parallel Execution
Parallel.For(0, 100, i =>
//Some work here
var myJSONObject = redis.StringGet("myJSONKey");
redis.StringSet("myJSONKey", myNewJSON);
//More work here
There are 3 parts to a lock:
the key (the unique name of the lock in the database)
the value (a caller-defined token which can be used both to indicate who "owns" the lock, and to check that releasing and extending the lock is being done correctly)
the duration (a lock intentionally is a finite duration thing)
If no other value comes to mind, a guid might make a suitable "value". We tend to use the machine-name (or a munged version of the machine name if multiple processes could be competing on the same machine).
Also, note that taking a lock is speculative, not blocking. It is entirely possible that you fail to obtain the lock, and hence you may need to test for this and perhaps add some retry logic.
A typical example might be:
RedisValue token = Environment.MachineName;
if(db.LockTake(key, token, duration)) {
try {
// you have the lock do work
} finally {
db.LockRelease(key, token);
Note that if the work is lengthy (a loop, in particular), you may want to add some occasional LockExtend calls in the middle - again remembering to check for success (in case it timed out).
Note also that all individual redis commands are atomic, so you don't need to worry about two discreet operations competing. For more complexing multi-operation units, transactions and scripting are options.
There is my part of code for lock->get->modify(if required)->unlock actions with comments.
public static T GetCachedAndModifyWithLock<T>(string key, Func<T> retrieveDataFunc, TimeSpan timeExpiration, Func<T, bool> modifyEntityFunc,
TimeSpan? lockTimeout = null, bool isSlidingExpiration=false) where T : class
int lockCounter = 0;//for logging in case when too many locks per key
Exception logException = null;
var cache = Connection.GetDatabase();
var lockToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //unique token for current part of code
var lockName = key + "_lock"; //unique lock name. key-relative.
T tResult = null;
while ( lockCounter < 20)
//check for access to cache object, trying to lock it
if (!cache.LockTake(lockName, lockToken, lockTimeout ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
Thread.Sleep(100); //sleep for 100 milliseconds for next lock try. you can play with that
RedisValue result = RedisValue.Null;
if (isSlidingExpiration)
//in case of sliding expiration - get object with expiry time
var exp = cache.StringGetWithExpiry(key);
//check ttl.
if (exp.Expiry.HasValue && exp.Expiry.Value.TotalSeconds >= 0)
//get only if not expired
result = exp.Value;
else //in absolute expiration case simply get
result = cache.StringGet(key);
//"REDIS_NULL" is for cases when our retrieveDataFunc function returning null (we cannot store null in redis, but can store pre-defined string :) )
if (result.HasValue && result == "REDIS_NULL") return null;
//in case when cache is epmty
if (!result.HasValue)
//retrieving data from caller function (from db from example)
tResult = retrieveDataFunc();
if (tResult != null)
//trying to modify that entity. if caller modifyEntityFunc returns true, it means that caller wants to resave modified entity.
if (modifyEntityFunc(tResult))
//json serialization
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tResult);
cache.StringSet(key, json, timeExpiration);
//save pre-defined string in case if source-value is null.
cache.StringSet(key, "REDIS_NULL", timeExpiration);
//retrieve from cache and serialize to required object
tResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(result);
//trying to modify
if (modifyEntityFunc(tResult))
//and save if required
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tResult);
cache.StringSet(key, json, timeExpiration);
//refresh exiration in case of sliding expiration flag
cache.KeyExpire(key, timeExpiration);
catch (Exception ex)
logException = ex;
cache.LockRelease(lockName, lockToken);
if (lockCounter >= 20 || logException!=null)
//log it
return tResult;
and usage :
public class User
public int ViewCount { get; set; }
var cachedAndModifiedItem = GetCachedAndModifyWithLock<User>(
"MyAwesomeKey", //your redis key
() => // callback to get data from source in case if redis's store is empty
//return from db or kind of that
return new User() { ViewCount = 0 };
TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), //object expiration time to pass in Redis
user=> //modify object callback. return true if you need to save it back to redis
if (user.ViewCount< 3)
return true; //save it to cache
return false; //do not update it in cache
TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), //lock redis timeout. if you will have race condition situation - it will be locked for 10 seconds and wait "get_from_db"/redis read/modify operations done.
true //is expiration should be sliding.
That code can be improved (for example, you can add transactions for less count call to cache and etc), but i glad it will be helpfull for you.

JavaScript - run once without booleans

Is there a way to run a piece of JavaScript code only ONCE, without using boolean flag variables to remember whether it has already been ran or not?
Specifically not something like:
var alreadyRan = false;
function runOnce() {
if (alreadyRan) {
alreadyRan = true;
/* do stuff here */
I'm going to have a lot of these types of functions and keeping all booleans would be messy...
An alternative way that overwrites a function when executed so it will be executed only once.
function useThisFunctionOnce(){
// overwrite this function, so it will be executed only once
useThisFunctionOnce = Function("");
// real code below
// displays "Hi!"
// does nothing
'Useful' example:
var preferences = {};
function read_preferences(){
// read preferences once
read_preferences = Function("");
// load preferences from storage and save it in 'preferences'
function readPreference(pref_name){
return preferences.hasOwnProperty(pref_name) ? preferences[pref_name] : '';
if(readPreference('like_javascript') != 'yes'){
alert("What's wrong wth you?!");
alert(readPreference('is_stupid') ? "Stupid!" : ":)");
Edit: as CMS pointed out, just overwriting the old function with function(){} will create a closure in which old variables still exist. To work around that problem, function(){} is replaced by Function(""). This will create an empty function in the global scope, avoiding a closure.
I like Lekensteyn's implementation, but you could also just have one variable to store what functions have run. The code below should run "runOnce", and "runAgain" both one time. It's still booleans, but it sounds like you just don't want lots of variables.
var runFunctions = {};
function runOnce() {
if(!hasRun(arguments.callee)) {
/* do stuff here */
function runAgain() {
if(!hasRun(arguments.callee)) {
/* do stuff here */
function hasRun(functionName) {
functionName = functionName.toString();
functionName = functionName.substr('function '.length);
functionName = functionName.substr(0, functionName.indexOf('('));
if(runFunctions[functionName]) {
return true;
} else {
runFunctions[functionName] = true;
return false;
A problem with quite a few of these approaches is that they depend on function names to work: Mike's approach will fail if you create a function with "x = function() ..." and Lekensteyn's approach will fail if you set x = useThisFunctionOnce before useThisFunctionOnce is called.
I would recommend using Russ's closure approach if you want it run right away or the approach taken by Underscore.js if you want to delay execution:
function once(func) {
var ran = false, memo;
return function() {
if (ran) return memo;
ran = true;
return memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
var myFunction = once(function() {
return new Date().toString();
setInterval(function() {console.log(myFunction());}, 1000);
On the first execution, the inner function is executed and the results are returned. On subsequent runs, the original result object is returned.
What about an immediately invoked anonymous function?
(function () {
// code in here to run once
the code will execute immediately and leave no trace in the global namespace.
If this code is going to need to be called from elsewhere, then a closure can be used to ensure that the contents of a function are run only once. Personally, I prefer this to a function that rewrites itself as I feel doing so can cause confusion, but to each their own :) This particular implementation takes advantage of the fact that 0 is a falsy value.
var once = (function() {
var hasRun = 0;
return function () {
if (!hasRun) {
// body to run only once
// log to the console for a test
console.log("only ran once");
// test that the body of the function executes only once
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Elegant solution from Douglas Crockford, spent some time to understand how it works and stumbled upon this thread.
So the wrapper once return function which is just invokes parameter's function you passed. And taking advantage of closures this construction replaced passed function to empty function, or null in original source, after the first call, so all the next calls will be useless.
This is something very close to all other answers, but it is kinda self containing code and you could use it independently, which is good. I am still trying to grasp all the entire mechanism of replacement, but practically it just works perfectly.
function once (func) {
return function () {
var f = func;
func = null;
return f.apply(this, arguments);
function hi(name) {
console.log("Hi %s", name);
sayonce = once(hi);
for those who are curious here is jsbin transformations
(function (){
var run = (function (){
var func, blank = function () {};
func = function () {
func = blank;
// following code executes only once
console.log('run once !');
return function(){;
I just ran into this problem, and ended up doing something like the following:
function runOnce () {
if (!this.alreadyRan) {
// put all your functionality here
console.log('running my function!');
// set a property on the function itself to prevent it being run again
this.alreadyRan = true;
This takes advantage of the fact that Javascript properties are undefined by default.
In addition, the nature of what happens in the "/* do stuff here */" may leave something around that, when present, must mean that the function has run e.g.
var counter = null;
function initCounter() {
if (counter === null) {
counter = 0;
If not bound to an event, code is usually ran once