phpBB open link in new tab - phpbb

I have a phpBB board 3 with prosilver style.
When a user clicks on a link in a post the browser will open it in the same tab. Is it possible that I can change it, so that the browser opens the links in a new tab or window?

To complete Steve's answer, if you only want alter links in a post, you only have to edit the bbcode.html file.
Open phpBB/styles/prosilver/template/bbcode.html file,
Search (line 26 on last version) :
<!-- BEGIN url -->{DESCRIPTION}<!-- END url -->
Replace it with :
<!-- BEGIN url -->{DESCRIPTION}<!-- END url -->
I hope to be helpful,
(Sorry for my language, I'm not fluent in English)
Location file :

To make any HTML link open in a new tab, you can use the target attribute...
You may need to change your PHPBB templates to add this attribute.


Nuxt: How to open page in a new tab

I go through the documentation of Nuxt, but couldn't find information about how to open a page in a new tab. Is there a way to open a link in a new tab instead of opening it in the current tab? I tried the following code:
<nuxt-link to="/user" target="_blank">User</nuxt-link>
But it doesn't work.
The whole point of vue-router is navigating inside a single page application so it doesn't have a way to navigate to a blank new tab as far as I know. Fortunately there is an old fashioned thing called 'html' which has something called an anchor tag that you can use like this:
As #anthonygore pointed out in a comment to first post.
It's now working to open link in a new tab by , having all the features of router name/path link
do it with by adding target="_blank" to/inside NuxtLink to have
<NuxtLink :to="..." target="_blank">Nuxt link to external page</NuxtLink>
or just use default
A link to external page

How to handle new tab opening with Splash?

I'm scraping website which has a very annoying link (<a> HTML tag) - it opens the small pop-up form on click and after submitting it, opens new browser tab (and switches focus to it) with URL that I need, and also redirects old tab to another page.
Successful submitting of the pop-up form was easy, but I don't know how to get URL of this new tab.
And as the documentation says, Splash can work only with one tab, so is it impossible to do that?
As Splash's developer comments on this GitHub issue this feature is not implemented.
But I posted my solution to this problem on the same issue.
function main(splash, args)
assert(splash:go(args.url)) -- execute JS code below only after loading the page
splash:runjs("var newTabURL")
splash:runjs("newTabURL = null") -- sometimes JS can't find variable without this line
splash:runjs(" = function(url){newTabURL = url}")
-- actions which open the new tab
local new_tab_url = splash:evaljs("newTabURL")
-- other actions

intellij auto completes a tag without href

I know that when doing
a TAB it used to auto complete to this is no longer the case for me. It simply does this: <a></a> Is there a way to turn this back on? in html and php files
You can create create Live Template from Preferences > Editor > Live Templates to associate a TAB with .
Here's an example:
In this example the text has been associated with Abbreviation: a and has been configured to Expand with Tab.

How to create an empty html file in my shopify website?

is it possible to create an empty html file say ex : myname.html
I tried to create a layout and add it to a page, but it seems the layout cannot be empty.
I got an error while creating an empty layout file.
Is there anyway to achieve this?
Sorry i cannot post this under "Shopify" tag under webmaster or meta version or stackexchange,
because there is no such tag in it.
If it's okay for the URL of the page to be /pages/myname and not /myname.html, then here's another work-around:
Go To Blogs & Pages and create a page. Call it, say, 'My Page'. Give it the handle 'myname'.
Go to Themes > Template Editor, and create a new 'page' template under Templates. Call it say, 'special'. The name of the file will become page.special.liquid.
Delete the content of that file. At the top of the file, add this: {% layout none %}, then add your HTML. Save.
Go back to your 'My Page' under Blogs & Pages, and assign your page.special template to it. Save.
See this for more info:
Unfortunately, you can’t do this in Shopify.
However, if you can deal with redirects, what you could do is make an empty html file under /admin/files/list and redirect to that.
There's a good visual explanation on how to do this with redirects a little way down this thread:
(To verify for Pinterest for Business, but should work with others as well)
To sum up:
1. Upload the verification file to account > Show uploaded files
2. Grab the URL
3. Go to Navigation > URL Redirects
4. Add verification URL as 'old path' and actual position of file as 'new path'.
5. Verify

How to create MSDN like links in Sandcastle documentation website?

I've generated a website documentation of my project with Sandcastle. This website uses frames so when I click though sites my URL in browser does not change.
I would like to have URL changed in browser when I browse through website documentation generated with Sandcastle. Why? Because I would like to link to concrete subpages of documentation from other parts of my developer environment.
And further more I would like to have this links permanent. So when I generate once again documentation from new version of my project, links will not change so that I will not need to change all links to new.
Is this possible and how to acomplish this?
If you add the code below to the top of SplitScreen.js the browser will "inject" the TOC frame and focus on the content you linked directly to (using the trick Vitaly Shibaev showed).
if (window==top) {
window.location = "/?topic=" + (window.location.pathname.substring(1));
This code works it the documentation is placed at the root of your website - if you have it in a sub-folder you need to expand on "/?topic" and remove the sub-folder part from the pathname part.
With this change you can use the "direct links". I also expect people who find you via Google get a better experience (getting the content they searched for AND the TOC bar).
In order to create correct links to specific subpages of documentation you may use similar request: $DOCUMENTATION_ROOT$/Index.aspx?topic=html/$TOPIC_ID$.htm
instead of
Vitaliy and mawtex have solved the 'how to link to documentation subpages' part of your question.
The "making links permanent so they do not change when regenerating documentation" part of your questions is solved automatically, since the html file names created are based on a hash of the topic name by default. I.e. If you do not change the part of your code that you are documenting, then it will use the same file name.
You can change the way that html file names are generated, but all given methods are based on the member name or a hash of the topic ID, so links shouldn't break if the code hasn't changed.
See Sandcastle Help File Builder's NamingMethod documentation for more info.