Why "Inspect in IDEA" not working in Intellij 13 - intellij-idea

I am using InteliJ 13 and Live Edit for HTML works great, but, why when I right click somewhere in chrome browser on an HTML element and select from context menu "Inspect in IDEA" nothing happens?
it should open my HTML with that element in IntelliJ no? bug?
this is the menu I am talking about:

This isn't supposed to do what you think it does.
It gives you a way of entering the debugging mode for a page in IntelliJ idea.
To see what I mean, start debugging a page in Chrome the normal way via Run -> Debug mypage.html in IDEA. Then, in chrome, click this button on the top ribbon to cancel the debugging:
You may now resume the debugging, by using Inspect in IDEA on the same page. This is all it may be used for, and, unfortunately, it does not offer anything as comprehensive as Inspect Element in chrome, which is probably what you were expecting.


Robot Framework - Selenium2Library - Chrome & Edge open new tab instead of window

Sorry if this is a mundane question.
My issue is that the user can click on the "Help" button, which by default will open in a new tab, the help page.
When firing the test in Firefox, it creates a new window. Which is great as I can use the Select Window keyword and give it the URL. However, with Chrome and Edge, it just makes a new tab.
I read that Tabs aren't supported - But the weird part is, the test on Edge passes fine, it is just Chrome which is having the problem. Is there a reason behind that?
Is there a way to force it to be a Window and not a Tab? Or something?
I read that I can input a keyboard shortcut of CTRL + Tab. But that feels really dirty and would prefer a better way of doing it.
ValueError: Unable to locate window with URL 'http://...
OK - So instead of using the URL param, I tried the title instead. Just on a whim. And it worked (?) I have no idea how it worked and why using the URL didnt and the title did: Here are the lines I used:
Run Keyword If '${Browser}' == 'Chrome'
... Select Window 1.7.1 User Guide
... ELSE
... Select Window 1.7.1 User Guide - Welcome to the User Guide
Still though, both the "Gets" did not produce a link to the newly created tab / window though :/ - Many thanks to shicky and Helio!
Are tabs not handled largely the same as windows? You should be able to identify what is on the screen as #Helio says by using one of the following:
Get Window Identifiers
Get Window Names
Here are some similar questions that should help you get started, post back here with some further detail if you need more help.
How to get the current URL in Robot framework?
How to make chrome display on the top opened in selenium [Mac OS X]

Move target out of bounds exception

I am writing tests for a web application and all went well until I had to choose an option from a menu and that option displays a drop down list when hovered or clicked. When I click an option from the drop down list, I get the following error:
MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException: Element cannot be scrolled into view
Does anyone know what this error is about and what I should look for in my code?
Selenium version 2.25.0, java version 1.6.0_31
I've been checking some selenium and google groups regarding this issue in older versions https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/selenium-users/EuZ7a6_lB9Q
a more recent discussion
Is it a known issue for Selenium 2.25.0 or is there a way to fix it? I recently upgraded to Firefox 15.0 :|
Note: I found a temporary solution until someone magically fixes this...since I can't find where the problem is...
I run the code before that point where it crashes, I put it to sleep for 10 seconds, I manually click the menu and the option from the drop down list, the window I want is displayed and the code continues with actions from that point. It works for now...I hope this will be fixed since I can't believe that I can run a script in Selenium IDE but I can't run my java code in WebDriver ...this is crazy :|
I guess you are trying to click an element from a dropdown.
You should keep in mind, that Selenium helps you replicate exact human behavior. So if the code fails because the element is not visible, it is probably because the element is not visible.
To make it work, you might want to put a click command on the menu before the failing bit of code.
(to replicate the sleep 10 seconds manually click the menu button method you are using)
Once again, if you can show us your code and also the HTML snippet of the Menu section, we can provide an exact solution.
Maybe you're opening new popup window while opening select box.
This may help you:
WebDriver.SwitchTo().Window("newDisplayedWindowPopupName"); // continue to test

Selenium cannot click tab in magento module detail page

I'm trying to validate data using selenium version 1.0.9 in magento grid and its detail page.
First, I walked through Selenium IDE from login page to module detail page and click the tabs available there. Eventually, IDE generates PHP codes so I put the code into proper location.
Note: Here, I have clicked the two tabs so that the events get recorded into selenium IDE.
Then, I run the code from command prompt using following command:
phpunit --configuration /var/www/tests/phpunit_test.xml
I got the error (something like):
ERROR: Element //a[#id='test_tabs_form_section']/span not found.
I modified the code and tried to open the detail page before executing click to above link i.e. "test_tabs_form_section", I am getting same error.
Another strange this is if I verify any text of detail page and remove the code that calls click to module detail tabs, it is works, not sure why?
But I really want to open detail page and click to tab, get forms element values using xpath and validate the data.
Can somebody help me, please?
Any help or suggestion is highly appreciable!
Looking forward to hear from stackoverflow geeks!
In case this helps anybody:
I found out more things work if firebug is active. This actually makes sense cause firebug will show the final DOM tree in all it's debugging screens, so it's possible selenium is now able to reconstruct the element path because firebug altered the internal DOM.
If something doesn't work with the default element selection created by Selenium IDE, try switching it over to xpath:id-relative. You're already using that in your question, so maybe you there's an even better selector or you will need to resort to using clickAt instead of click.

Element link not found in Selenium

I am executing a simple recorded script in Selenium , in which i just search a page in Google and then click it , but when Run that recorded script it is giving me the "Error [error] Element link not found".
And following is the Script which i am running,any help would be very useful.
New Test
New Test
Bill Gates
link=Bill Gates: Chairman
link=Bill Gates: Chairman
I got the same error message while going through the tutorials online. I found out that the scripts were running too fast for FF to load the links. If you slow down the playback by moving the green button on the Fast-Slow bar to somewhere in the middle the scripts run without any errors.
I guess I know the answer. It might be bcz of any javascript error(you can see that on the status bar at the
Right corner(IE)) or that link element might not be placed correctly in the box(box model).
Here you can use
:selenium.keyPressNative("10") . It presses the enter key.but while selenium is executing this statement
Do not change the focus from your AUT (don't touch the mouse).
In IDE ,just paste the above statement on click().
Well, I don't think you have to slow the speed down. You know the problem is caused by clicking on the link before it is available, so you could add an extra command waitForVisible (e.g. link=Bill Gates: Chairman) before the clickAndWait command.
Im assuming you are using Google instant as there is no "click search button" command, the link is probably not preset because selenium is not waiting for Google instant to respond or the javascript to render the link. If you manually add in a click command to search it should solve it.
My solution is almost the same as Cuongs. Though I change the speed by using a command and change it back afterwards.
Before you click the link, you can set the speed to slow:
Command: setSpeed
Target: 3000
You can change the speed afterwards again to ~1000
I also had same problem. I did two things which fixed the problem. I changed the speed in Selenium IDE from fast to slow (located at top left of IDE), and I minimized the IDE after hitting play button. I guess for people using only one monitor, minimizing Selenium IDE would help the test find the thing it is looking for; for ppl with two screens, opening Selenium IDE in one screen, and opening browser in another screen would be best.
Info: Installing this plug-in (Selenium IDE: Flow Control) fixed lots of unexpected errors for me while playing with Selenium IDE:-

Unable to find popup window

I am having an issue with finding a popup window in some selenium test code. I am looking at the screen on the test runner and there are two IE windows, one of them is the popup and one of them the page which generated the popup. However selecting that window with
fails. Putting a break point in there and running some diagnostics shows that
returns only one window. Very odd. I have duplicated the problem in IE, chrome and firefox so I don't think it is browser specific. I am using C# to drive my tests. Any idea how I might solve this issue?
I looked a bit more at how this page actually creates its popup by reloading itself with window.open added to its code. It is rather an odd way to open a popup but I don't see any reason why it isn't valid.
Is there title or some other attribute in popup window's source code? You can locate that using any info you find there. Try to record open popup window in Se IDE and click on something in that popup window. Usually this trick works.
IIRC, there are some situations where SElenium fails to register the window. In this case you can register the window anyway by using the openWindow(ยดยด, ). I think this is described in the explanation of openWindow in Selenijum IDE...