What's the difference between parenthesis $() and curly bracket ${} syntax in Makefile? - variables

Is there any differences in invoking variables with syntax ${var} and $(var)? For instance, in the way the variable will be expanded or anything?

There's no difference – they mean exactly the same (in GNU Make and in POSIX make).
I think that $(round brackets) look tidier, but that's just personal preference.
(Other answers point to the relevant sections of the GNU Make documentation, and note that you shouldn't mix the syntaxes within a single expression)

The Basics of Variable References section from the GNU make documentation state no differences:
To substitute a variable's value, write a dollar sign followed by the
name of the variable in parentheses or braces: either $(foo) or
${foo} is a valid reference to the variable foo.

As already correctly pointed out, there is no difference but be be wary not to mix the two kind of delimiters as it can lead to cryptic errors like in the GNU make example by unomadh.
From the GNU make manual on the Function Call Syntax (emphasis mine):
[…] If the arguments themselves contain other function calls or variable references, it is wisest to use the same kind of delimiters for all the references; write $(subst a,b,$(x)), not $(subst a,b,${x}). This is because it is clearer, and because only one type of delimiter is matched to find the end of the reference.

The ${} style lets you test the make rules in the shell, if you have the corresponding environment variables set, since that is compatible with bash.

Actually, it seems to be fairly different:
, = ,
list = a,b,c
$(info $(subst $(,),-,$(list))_EOL)
$(info $(subst ${,},-,$(list))_EOL)
md/init-profile.md:4: *** unterminated variable reference. Stop.
But so far I only found this difference when the variable name into ${...} contains itself a comma. I first thought ${...} was expanding the comma not as part as the value, but it turns out i'm not able to hack it this way. I still don't understand this... If anyone had an explanation, I'd be happy to know !

It makes a difference if the expression contains unbalanced brackets:
${info ${subst ),(,:-)}}
$(info $(subst ),(,:-)))
*** insufficient number of arguments (1) to function 'subst'. Stop.
For variable references, this makes a difference for functions, or for variable names that contain brackets (bad idea)


Why is the order of evaluation of expressions used for concatenation undefined in Awk?

In GNU Awk User's Guide, I went through the section 6.2.2 String Concatenation and found interesting insights:
Because string concatenation does not have an explicit operator, it is often necessary to ensure that it happens at the right time by using parentheses to enclose the items to concatenate.
Then, I was quite surprised to read the following:
Parentheses should be used around concatenation in all but the most common contexts, such as on the righthand side of ‘=’. Be careful about the kinds of expressions used in string concatenation. In particular, the order of evaluation of expressions used for concatenation is undefined in the awk language. Consider this example:
a = "don't"
print (a " " (a = "panic"))
It is not defined whether the second assignment to a happens before or after the value of a is retrieved for producing the concatenated value. The result could be either ‘don't panic’, or ‘panic panic’.
In particular, in my GNU Awk 5.0.0 it performs like this, doing the replacement before printing the value:
$ gawk 'BEGIN {a = "dont"; print (a " " (a = "panic"))}'
dont panic
However, I wonder: why isn't the order of evaluation of expressions defined? What are the benefits of having "undefined" outputs that may vary depending on the version of Awk you are running?
This particular example is about expressions with side-effects. Traditionally, in C and awk syntax (closely inspired by C), assignments are allowed inside expressions. How those expressions are then evaluated is up to the implementation.
Leaving something unspecified would make sure that people don't use potentially confusing or ambiguous language constructs. But that assumes they are aware of the lack of specification.

CMake - How does the if() command treat a symbol? As string or as variable?

I am not sure the CMake if() command will treat a symbol in the condition clause as a variable or a string literal. So I did some experiments.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
set(XXX "YYY") #<========== HERE!!
message("condition 1 is true") # If reach here, XXX is treated as string
message("condition 2 is true") # If reach here, XXX is treated as variable
The output is:
condition 2 is true
So I come to below conclusion 1.
For a symbol in the condition clause:
If the symbol is defined as a variable before, CMake will treat it as variable and use its value for evaluation.
If the symbol is not defined as a variable before, CMake will treat it literally as a string.
Then I did another experiment.
set(ON "OFF")
message("condition 3 is true") # If reach here, ON is treated as a constant.
message("condition 4 is true") # If reach here. ON is treated as a variable.
The output is:
condition 3 is true
So, though ON is explicitly defined as a variable, the if command still treat it as a constant of TRUE value. This directly contradicts to my previous conclusion 1.
So how can I know for sure the CMake if() command will treat a symbol as string or variable??
ADD 1 - 11:04 AM 7/11/2019
It seems the if(constant) form precedes other forms of if() statement. (src)
True if the constant is 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a non-zero number.
False if the constant is 0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND, the
empty string, or ends in the suffix -NOTFOUND. Named boolean constants
are case-insensitive. If the argument is not one of these specific
constants, it is treated as a variable or string and the following
signature is used.
So for now, I have to refer to the above rule first before applying my conclusion 1.
(This may be an answer, but I am not sure enough yet.)
Welcome to the wilderness of CMake symbol interpretation.
If the symbol exists as a variable, then the expression is evaluated with the value of the variable. Otherwise, the name of the variable (or literal, as you said) is evaluated instead.
The behavior becomes a little more consistent if you add the ${ and } sequences. Then the value of the variable is used in the evaluation every single time. If the variable doesn't exist or has not been assigned a value, then CMake uses several placeholder values that evaluate to "false". These are the values you mentioned in the latter part to your post.
I believe this is done this way for backwards compatibility, which CMake is really good about. For most of the quirky things CMake does, it's usually in the name of backwards compatibility.
As for the inconsistent behavior you mentioned in the "ON" variable, this is probably due to the precedence in which CMake processes the command arguments. I would have to figure that the constants are parsed before the symbol lookup occurs.
So when it comes to knowing/predicting how an if statement will evaluate, my best answer is experience. The CMake source tree and logic is one magnificent, nasty beast.
There's been discussions on adding an alternative language (one with perhaps a functional paradigm), but it's a quite large undertaking.

How can I make Perl6 (MoarVM / Rakudo) warn about all missing semicolons?

In Perl 5, it's best to use
use strict;
use warnings;
to ask the compiler to complain about missing semicolons, undeclared variables, etc.
I have been informed by citizens of the Perl community here on SO that Perl 6 uses strict by default, and this seems after testing to be the case.
Semicolons aren't required for the last statement in a block, but if I extend the block later, I'll be chagrinned when my code doesn't work because it's the same block (and also I want semicolons everywhere because it's, like, consistent and stuff).
My assumption is that Perl 6 doesn't even look at semicolons for the last statement in a block, but I'm still curious: is there a way to make it stricter yet?
Rather than enforce the extra semi-colon, Rakudo does try to give you a good error/hint if you do add to your block and forget to separate statements.
Typically I get "Two terms in a row across lines (missing semicolon or comma?)" when this happens.

How to pass a regular expression to a function in AWK

I do not know how to pass an regular expression as an argument to a function.
If I pass a string, it is OK,
I have the following awk file,
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
function find(name){
for(i=0;i<NF;i++)if($(i+1)~name)print $(i+1)
I do something like
$ ./fct.awk <(echo "$str")
This works OK.
But when I call in the awk file,
This does not work.
What am I doing wrong?
Eric J.
you cannot (should not) pass regex constant to a user-defined function. you have to use dynamic regex in this case. like find("mysql")
if you do find(/mysql/), what does awk do is : find($0~/mysql/) so it pass a 0 or 1 to your find(..) function.
see this question for detail.
awk variable assignment statement explanation needed
section: 6.1.2 Using Regular Expression Constants
warning: regexp constant for parameter #1 yields boolean value
The regex gets evaluated (matching against $0) before it's passed to the function. You have to use strings.
Note: make sure you do proper escaping: http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html#Computed-Regexps
If you use GNU awk, you can use regular expression as user defined function parameter.
You have to define your regex as #/.../.
In your example, you would use it like this:
function find(regex){
if($i ~ regex)
print $i
It's called strongly type regexp constant and it's available since GNU awk version 4.2 (Oct 2017).
Example here.
use quotations, treat them as a string. this way it works for mawk, mawk2, and gnu-gawk. but you'll also need to double the backslashes since making them strings will eat away one of them right off the bat.
in your examplem just find("mysql") will suffice.
you can actually get it to pass arbitrary regex as you wish, and not be confined to just gnu-gawk, as long as you're willing to make them strings not the #/../ syntax others have mentioned. This is where the # of backslashes make a difference.
You can even make regex out of arbitrary bytes too, preferably via octal codes. if you do "\342\234\234" as a regex, the system will convert that into actual bytes in the regex before matching.
While there's nothing with that approach, if you wanna be 100% safe and prefer not having arbitrary bytes flying around , write it as
"[\\342][\\234][\\234]" ----> ✜
Once initially read by awk to create an internal representation, it'll look like this :
which will still match the identical objects you desire (in this case, some sort of cross-looking dingbat). This will spit out annoying warnings in unicode-aware mode of gawk due to attempting to enclose non-ASCII bytes directly into square brackets. For that use case,
"\\342\\234\\234" ------(eqv to )---> /\342\234\234/
will keep gawk happy and quiet. Lately I've been filling the gaps in my own codes and write regex that can mimic all the Unicode-script classes that perl enjoys.

Why does the DEBUGLOG syntax have 3 dots (...)?

I have seen DEBUGLOG(x,...) syntax. It supports DEBUGLOG(x,...) or DEBUGLOG(x...).
If we alter dots like DEBUGLOG(x,..), it gives an error. Can anyone explain this?
Thanks in advance..........
This is a "variadic" macro, meaning it takes multiple arguments. It's the macro equivalent of a C variadic function like printf. The ... means "and any other arguments beyond here are OK too".
When the macro is invoked, all the
tokens in its argument list after the
last named argument (this macro has
none), including any commas, become
the variable argument. This sequence
of tokens replaces the identifier
VA_ARGS in the macro body wherever it appears.
(I'm not certain why "x..." works without a comma. That's not a form you'd usually see.)