Adobe Omniture - make a test account - testing

I need to use the Adobe Oauth2 API to develop the functionality to query our clients Omniture traffic data (after they have given access to it using 3 legged OAuth : WebServer).
However for testing I require an Adobe ID and SiteCatalyst account, for which I have to pay. Naturally having no need for an analytics tool myself I have no interest in paying it. Is there no way to get a 'test' account with some data but not tracking any real site? Mentions to Adobe sandbox suggest that might no longer be in use.


Payment Request API: Getting the buyer's address

I am currently looking into the W3C Payment Request API as part of a project for a new e-commerce checkout flow (mostly for supporting faster check-out using Apple Pay and Google Pay).
From looking at the API specification's change history, it looks like this change instituted earlier this year removes support for requesting the buyer's address with a payment request. The documentation of our payment service provider still shows this option, and it seems to work for now. That being said, I don't want to rely on a feature that browsers might start dropping soon because it's no longer in the standard, breaking our checkout flow.
Does anyone know if there is a recommended new way to handle this via the API, or if it is advisable to move the collection of the buyer's billing and shipping addresses back to a form on our page even when using the payment request API?
As far as the Payment Request API is concerned, I think there three primary options:
Apple Pay
Google Pay
As you may have seen, basic-card is being deprecated ( so you probably want to avoid this option.
Both Apple Pay and Google Pay provide access to billing and shipping address, and can be accessed as payment methods in the Payment Request API, and both provide their own alternate APIs (Apple Pay JS API and Google Pay Online API).
I don't know about Apple Pay, but the advice for Google Pay is to use Google Pay Online API (which makes use of the Payment Request API when available). Google Pay provides a consistent API for browsers that do and don't support the Payment Request API.
Does anyone know if there is a recommended new way to handle this via the API, or if it is advisable to move the collection of the buyer's billing and shipping addresses back to a form on our page even when using the payment request API?
The guidance for Google Pay is to place the Google Pay button above manual entry fields and to collect shipping information from Google Pay so that users can users don't start filling in the form before realizing there was a faster checkout option available.
So prioritize the digital checkout options for users that choose to use it, and make use of billing/shipping information from the digital wallet APIs. Make manual form fields available (suggest that form fields also make correct use of autofill attributes) for users who don't have access to or choose not to use the other payment options.
Demo site available with this in action:
FYI, if you're looking to integrate Google Pay into your site and are using a JavaScript framework, consider using the framework specific components from Google Pay for easier integration:

How Third Party Apps are getting data without using Adwords Reporting API?

I was trying to develop an automated reporting tool for my company and its very difficult to get the Google API access, being a very large agency we are still not able to get that.
Having said that, when I tried using some other reporting tools, they retrieve all our account reports just by connecting them with one access permission (with google sign-in API).
Any idea how the third party apps are doing it so easily without any API access?
Here is a documentation to help you get started.
The Google Analytics Reporting API v4 is the most advanced
programmatic method to access report data in Google Analytics.
With the Google Analytics Reporting API, you can:
Build custom dashboards to display Google Analytics data.
Automate complex reporting tasks to save time.
Integrate your Google Analytics data with other business applications.
Currently, here are the languages supported, sample codes were also available.
Service application (Java, Python, PHP)
Installed application (Java, Python)
Web application (PHP, JavaScript)
You have also to take note these reason from the answer in SO post why we need to have access permission:
Security. If the end user has your credentials he can log into your google account and have access to all your data.
Latency. The API is not intended to be used on page load. If your page loads depend on it it may take a long time to load for your
Quota. The API has a limited quota that will extinguish fast if you query it every time a user enters your website.
Design. Ultimately, the API was designed to be used by yourself extracting data offline not in real time by others.

Instagram API app after june 1 2016

The Instagram new API policy have become super strict. They are not allowing fetching public content at all. We are literally following all Instagram policies and still cant get approval of public_content.
Is there any workaround or any possibility of fetching the data.
This is the response that I have recieved from instagram
General issues:
Policy Violation (Ad network, Influencer network, Other related): Your
app should not attempt to build an ad network on Instagram, nor
transfer any data that you receive from us (including anonymous,
aggregate, or derived data) to any ad network, data broker, influencer
network, or other advertising or monetization-related service. In
working to build a high quality platform, we ask that you comply with
our Platform Policy
Yeah, they now grant permissions only to applications with some specific usage cases.
According to Instagram official website, these are:
To help individuals share their own content with 3rd party apps
To help brands and advertisers understand and manage their audience and digital media rights
To help broadcasters and publishers discover content, get digital rights to media, and share media with proper attribution
Note that in order to get public_content permission, you need to fall under the 2nd or the 3rd use case. Otherwise, consider changing your application / service in such way that is now uses basic permission and acquires only your users' media.
There is no valid and legal possibility to fetch public data except for successful passing the Instagram permission review.
This official developer documentation page may be useful to you.
You need to enable scopes invividually for your client‌​ALLBACK&access_token=ACCESSTOKEN&response_type=code&scope=public_content in your browser, using your values for the uppercase words? This should enable your registered client to work with the public_content scope.
your comment
Read the error message, did you supply a valid client-id from your instagram developer account. Did you setup a redirect_uri for that client? Do you authenticate to instagram to get an access token?
This worked for me this weekend. Double check the values you set in the url and call it directly in your browser.

How do I get Google Analytics data into a CMS without asking the user to authenticate?

I have a web application backend for my clients web site. Authorised staff can log in to the backend and view data.
I want to pull some data from Google Analytics to be viewed in the backend, but GA seems to insist that the user is logged in to their Google account themselves using OAuth2
I want to be able to authenticate the server not the user. They already have permission and it seems unnecessary and possibly intrusive to ask them to link their Google accounts to the GA account and possibly even have to create one first.
The server already has to supply a client id, client secret and an api key, so it's not as if there isn't already an authenticated connection.
I'm guessing that there must be a way to pass the Google Analytics account credentials to OAuth2 somehow but I am not that familiar with OAuth2
Is this possible and how would it be done. A simple example or a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated
There are similar questions around but the ones I have found do not answer my question in the way I need.
Yes you need to store the authentication, but you may be able to use Google Analytics Super Proxy for your needs. At the very least you can see its code on how it stores the authentication.
You authenticate once, input the data you need scheduled from the GA Reporting API, then take the data feed and use it to build charts in your intranet. Any user can view those charts without needing to login to GA themselves.

Can the Yodlee API be used to retrieve the transactions on any credit card?

A client I work with wants to know if it's possible to use the Yodlee API to look up recent transactions on any credit card.
They'd like it to work without the user needing to be signed up with Yodlee, either directly at the site, or indirectly through a branded partner.
I assume this would be possible if the credit card company itself shared it's transaction data with Yodlee directly, and made it available to their API customers, but I haven't been able to figure this out from the docs available on their website, and haven't been able to reach anyone at Yodlee themselves to ask.
I work for Yodlee. Sorry to hear you're having a hard time getting a hold of us. To answer your question, yes the user has to explicitly authorize any application that leverages the Yodlee API and explicitly add access to their financial accounts for that application.
Yodlee screenscrapes websites to retrieve it's information.
Which means that they physically (but in an automated fashion) visit the website in a browser (IE8). Thus to pull any information down they have to visit the website, log in successfully, (optionally but more so on more banks; authenticate the computer) and then they can see all of the information that the user sees. Their API acts as a real time bridge between you (the end user using your website or app) and this browser.
So you have to either implement their very much so convoluted Yodlee API or use one of their generic hosted pages and direct the user to it where upon he/she enters the necessary information. You also have to have an agreement with them too. You also have to convince the user to do it :)