All requests goes against the same action in Piranha -

I've started using Piranha CMS and really enjoining it, but now I came into a bit of trouble.
One of my pages is a contact form where I want to post an extended page model with contact information to the controller.
I've created a page template Contact and in the manager gui and I've set the setting View to Contact
The correct view is loaded but the problem is that all the requests goes against the index action method and not the contact action method in PageController.
What am I doing wrong?

The view is used to signal the controller what view should be used to render the page, not which action should be called. This can be used when several pages has the same type of data and logic, but should be rendered differently.
The field route is used to rewrite a page to a controller/action. The default route for a page is Page which means that requests to that page is rewritten to ~/page, i.e the PageController and its Index action. If you wanted a certain type to be rewritten to the contact action of the PageController you set the route to Page/Contact which will rewrite the request to ~/page/contact.
If you have a complex structure you should add custom controllers, for examples a ProductController. The route could then be set to Product rewriting the request to ~/product.
I hope this clarifies things!


Net Core 6 - posting between razor pages

Is there a way to post between razor pages without disabling the Anti-forgery Token? I appreciate that sounds stupid, but what I'd like the user to be able to do is submit a mini version of the contact us form on one page and the submit action takes them to a different razor page where they can continue to fill in the rest of the form. It's essentially so we can include a mini contact us form in the footer of all pages as a view component. The view component can't handle the post because there is no endpoint for the view component. Whereas this could probably be achieved by carrying the form data on the query string, that then exposes their name/email data which is undesirable. Adding the [IgnoreAntiforgeryToken] attribute on the contact us page works, but is there a way to make it work without removing the validation/checks?

ASP.Net Core route template behaviour

I've seen in some sample code that a route template ("{id:int}") on top of razor page causes the links to that page to use another pattern:
instead of
My question is how manages to change all the links to that pattern, does it know about that page before rendering it?
Does it collaborate with other pages when processing a page?
When the application first starts, a collection of attribute routes are built. The routes are built for any Razor file with an #page directive in the root Pages folder, and for any other routes that have been defined via PageRouteConventions.
When you use the Url helper to generate links, or the anchor tag helper (which uses the Url helper behind the scenes), the link that gets generated is based on the attribute route that was built for the page that you pass to the helper.
In attribute routing, route parameters are added as segments in the URL, which is why the values are not appended as query string values. If you prefer query strings, don't declare route values as part of the #page directive.
Run the dotnet publish -c Release command and take a look inside the bin/Release folder.
You will not find your .cshtml files with html in them. What happaned where did all the html go? And how does this relate to the question?
You gotta remember that cshtml will endup being your regular ol' c# and all that fancy razor templating syntax end's up being c#. This process has many names and transpilation is one of them performed by transpilers.
Okey so now that we can safely assume that when you have a Index.cshtml file it will get populated in to some sort of an object, let's call it RazorPage.cs this will just store all the configuration for this page. Now let's say this index page is living in a folder called Home now we can have a dictionary Dictionary<string, RazorPage> and let's say that the key will be "/Home/Index". Following along based on transpiled #page "{id:int}" syntax, it might generate a template string for the route and store that in the RazorPage in a RouteTemplate parameter.
So when you use asp-page tag helper it will find the correct RazorPage and it can know the template for the url, populating it with the values you provided.
I haven't seen the actual implementation this is just my guess.
My question is how manages to change all the links to that pattern, does it know about that page before rendering it?
Yes it knows everything about the page at run time. Most likely the services.AddMvc() service takes care of loading in all the razor pages / views / controllers, at startup.
Does it collaborate with other pages when processing a page?
Highly likely no, unless you mean components/layouts/partials. It will however struggle to resolve a page if you have identical route for 2 pages.

Access ASP.NET 5 View Component via URL

With the replacement of partial views in ASP.NET 5 with view components, how does one access the view components via URL?
I know you call them like...
#Component.Invoke("SomeList", 1)
...but what if you need to have like ajax paging, where you need a callback url to request the next set to be displayed in a partial view? So, a user can click "Load More" and it loads more from a 'partial view'.
You cannot access a view component from a URL directly. A view component is just a component of a view and that view could be a regular or partial view.
Based on your question, I believe you are trying to show the first page by default when the view (having the view component) is rendered? I have tried to put some scenarios here.
Example scenario:
Show a snippet on layout page which shows list of available job positions.
Usage cases:
Render the html related to a job list at the server side :
Layout page would have something like #Html.Partial("JobsListPartial").
This "JobsListPartial" would have something like await #Component.InvokeAsync("JobsListViewComponent", pageNumber). This partial view also sends ajax script to the client for users to navigate through the pages.
At the client when user tries to navigate to a different page, the ajax script makes a call to a JobsController having an api like IActionResult GetJobs(int pageNumber) and this action returns a PartialViewResult by doing something like return PartialView("JobsListPartial", pageNumber).
Render all pages at the client side only :
Create a partial view (having your ajax scripts) and render to the client.
Create a controller exposing api for navigation through pages of available job positions.
Call this api(returns json) from the ajax script.
Use the json data to dynamically change the UI at the client.

Open graph: custom actions

I created a custom action and object.
The only problem I have is when publishing to FB, clicking on the icon or on the title redirect the user to a blank page instead of my application.
Where can I set the redirect link?
The only url I see is the one in the opengrap html but this one is suppose to be the adress of the og wright? (
This link might help.
Basically, when the opengraph action is executed by your app, it sets the url that represents the object (which provides all the metadata for the object) and is also the URL that a user is sent to when they click the action in facebook.
In this case, the cook action is being called, with a recipe object with the given OBJECT_URL. At that url, a page should exists (generated by you), with all the facebook metadata in the head tag so that the object can be correctly created, but also with actual web page data for the user to view.
Another link worth looking at for a working example is here

Can a Rails Template Determine Which Controller Called It?

In my Rails app, I want to update the contents of a header element in my application wide layout and have that content depend on which controller is handling the request. For example, if UserController is handling the request, then the header element content could be "User Page", but if the PhotoController is handling the request then the header element content could be "Photo Page". The solutions I've came up with (using content_for or setting instance variables) all seem to require code duplication and I'm looking for a DRY implementation. Is there a Rails variable that I can use in my view that reflects the current controller?
You can use the params[:controller] variable to determine this, or if you want something longer then controller.controller_name.