cannot see apache tomcat homepage - apache

I installed apache tomcat and started the service by double clicking on apache-tomcat-8.0.9\bin\startup.bat file, the survice started successfully in 547ms, later I tried opening the homepage of tomacat by entering
localhost:8080 in my cleint
,all I could see is
HTTP Status 500 - java.lang.IllegalStateException: No output folder
with a message java.lang.IllegalStateException: No output folder.
If i don't mention the output folder, am I not supposed to see the homepage of tomcat ?
also I did stop the service by double clicking on
apache-tomcat-8.0.9\bin\ file, then I started the service using eclipse then tried opening in my client, then I got a 404 error.
I have no clue where am I going wrong, please give me some suggestions so that i can solve this, also what is the root folder of tomcat in order to put my project folder ?

You need to give appropriate rights to the subfolders of the Tomcat directory. In your case 'temp' and 'work', so the servercan store temporary files and precompiled Jsp.


Backend Error after moving a PrestaShop website from one host to another

I'm moving this website built using PrestaShop in a new Hosting provider. This is the new URL And now when I try to access the admin back-end I get a FatalErrorException.
Compile Error: Symfony\Component\Debug\DebugClassLoader::loadClass(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/vendor/composer/../symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/SecurityBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterCsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandlerPass.php' (include_path='/var/www/html/vendor/pear/pear_exception:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/console_getopt:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/archive_tar:.:/usr/share/php')
in DebugClassLoader.php line 156
Also, the site is not functioning it shows Not Found.
The requested URL was not found on this server.
I'm trying to host in AWS in an EC2 instance I've installed xampp first but then it stopped suddenly functioning so I installed manually PHP MySQL apache...
The website files are in var/www/html folder Note that redirects me to so I've concluded that traduction is working.
I hope you can help me
Debug steps:
Check if that .php file does exist in that location, if not copy it (them) over from the original Prestashop archive.
Remove the var/cache completely, it'll get recreated.
Check the files and directories ownership/permissions. The owner should be the apache user and the permissions 0755 for directories and 0644 for the files.

The http://localhost:8080/axis2 link does not work

Hello fellow programmers,
I have to get axis2 (version 1.7.2) working in Tomcat (version 8.0.33) but here I encounter a annoying problem. I have followed the steps in the tutorial (from the axis.apache website) until the point of checking the link mentioned in the topic title.
I have downloaded the Axis2.war file and placed it in the webapps folder in the tomcat home directory (/opt/tomcat).
When I start tomcat using the file and visit the homepage it all seems to work. visiting the link http://localhost:8080/ will show me the text:
It works !
If you're seeing this page via a web browser, it means you've setup Tomcat successfully. Congratulations! etc etc
But then when I visit http://localhost:8080/axis2 I get:
HTTP Status 404 - /axis2
type Status report
message /axis2
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/8.0.28 (Ubuntu)
When I run the .startup file and at the same time look at my webapps folder I see that the .war folder is extracted and makes the axis2 folder appear, thus it works until there at least.
Does someone has an idea of what could be wrong here?
PS: I am using Ubuntu.
if your deploy axis2.war, port must be the same at the Apache Tomcat and Axis2 8080, check file tomcat_dir\conf\server.xml

Tomcat in first request does not load page contents

So i have renamed tomcat lib folder by accident and than it have 404 error looking like this:
Link to picture of error
Than i restarted tomcat using ./ stopand ./ start once i restarted i do not see anymore similar messages but it gives sometimes page not found message which basically means 404 and it fails to load page content from first time i need manually press F5 and than it loads the page contents like design and etc but if i again press F5 it again gives same thing and i need to reload page again to see contents.
I have tried to run tomcat 8 by ./
Also have tried to change ports from 8080 to 80
Tried to run tomcat as non root user but i found out that i'm not root user on that user which i'm using anyways.
What I'm doing wrong?
I'm using Centos and tomcat 8.
To solve the problem you need clean tomcat cache: delete work folder in tomcat folder.

Why does my work file work locally, but not on my webhosting server?

I developed a website and got a Tomcat account on Dailyrazor. My website runs fine when I start Tomcat from the command line and stick my war file in Apache's webapps folder. I access it by http://localhost:8080/dkashtanartportfolio/.
Now should it be as easy as dropping the war in my webapps folder on my DailyRazor Tomcat server? I expect to be able to access my website via http://www.<domain-name>.com/<war-file-name>/, which should look like
I get a 404 error and I do not know why? Can anybody help?
Some of the DailyRazor accounts don't allow automatic deploy. So after uploading war you need to restart Tomcat. I use shell to execute tomcat_manage stop, followed by tomcat_manage start.
You may also be able to request restart by opening a help ticket.
For some reason, my accounts expect war's to be in public_html and not webapps. I have an old account so they may have changed the way new accounts work.
You need to look carefully into tomcat/conf/server.xml and make sure that you've specified correct path to app folder. Also you need to keep in mind that if you have shared tomcat you need to unpack your war file before requesting tomcat restart - it won't unpack automatically.

deploying Axis2.war in tomcat 5.5 gets internal server error

I have downloaded the axis2.war file from the apache website.
I put it in the tomcat/webapps folder and it automatically creates a axis2 folder.
I open my web browser and navigate to and get the page that has services, validate and administration.
The problem is that if I click on any of the links a page with the apache logo is shown saying internal server error.
I have tried extracting the axis2.war my self and the file list is the same. the official apache website says that the axis2.war may not have unpacked correctly or it could be missing files. i have tries 1.6 and 1.5 of axis2 and still get the same error.
Can anyone explain what is causing this error and how to fix it ?
Please copy jstl-1.2.jar file in the %CATALINA_HOME%\lib folder. It will definitely solve the problem.
did you check weather tomcat is running.
please go through the following link to setup and test axis properly.
turns out that it was the security settings blocking AXIS2
copy jstl-1.2.jar file in the Tomcat-Home\lib Folder, then your Problem Will Solve.
I had the same problem although i was not able to login on the axis2 administration on the localhost (http://localhost:8080/axis2/axis2-admin/) where i also got the "internal server error". After removing the old axis2 (axis2.1.7.5) and deploying an older version (axis2.1.7.0) it was possible for me to login with the default username and password (admin, axis2). It could be that the newer axis2 file was corrupted but i have not reinstalled the newer version yet.