IIS Application Recycle drops static classes - wcf

I'm using Simple Injector in my WCF service. While running it from VS2010 everything is fine. However, when I publish it to my server using IIS 7, after some time (20 min, counted) my WCF loses all registered assemblies, modules, classes in container.
I guess IIS recycles the WCF Service Application Pool and drops my container registrations.
Can anyone help me on this?

While there exists many legitimate cases of using self-hosting WCF services, however, approaching self-hosting just because of IIS recycling may be counter productive.
Hosting in IIS gives you a lot benefit during development and daily operations, and I am not going to repeat what benefits which you could easily find out in google search.
So when IIS receive the first request to your application, it will launch a worker process named "w3wp.exe" according the settings in the application pool associated with your web app. And by default IIS will shutdown in 20 minutes of idle time. Check the Advanced Settings of the application pool, you will find a lot settings for the life cycle. You won't get such flexibility and robustness through self-hosting out of the box.
So basically you could have a few options provided you decide to stay with IIS hosting.
Change the Idle Time-out to 24-hours or even a month.
Write a small program or use cUrl to ping your application every 10 minute.
Leave it as it is
If you want to keep states during operations, save them in disk, then load them during next launch triggered by a request.


web service messages consumed by other service

I Have a .NET 4.5 WCF web service that consumes messages from a local private MSMQ queue running on Windows Server 2008 R2 with AppFabric installed.
This service reads the messages of the queue and processes the files referenced in the message, i have used AppFabric to throttle the service to process 16 concurrent messages, 8 on each AppPool worker process.
The AppPool is uses a domain account that has full privileges on the network share where the files to be processed are stored.
This service has been working fine for years, except in the last week the ~90% of the files its been asked to process have failed with either a UnauthorizedAccessException.
This behavior was exhibited across all of the services on that application server, no matter which file server the service was asked to process files from. Even files that had previously processed file were now failing.
After a long a fruitless weekend searching and hacking of various different things including:
Shared Folder Permissions and Quotas
Windows Licencing (CALs etc)
Various software patches to the Web app
I eventually discovered the actual issue by accident, whilst redeploying the Web app i noticed something odd. When i stopped the web app via the WCF menu in IIS, the messages continued to be consumed so i stopped the stopped the app pool running the web service, but the messages continue to be consumed, I though this might be due to the large latency added to MQMQ message state by the Distributed transaction service when lots of messages are rolled back to the poison message queue, so i went to lunch. When i came back the messages were still being consumed and process explorer confirmed the apppool running my server was no longer executing.
Something was clearly up but it was uncertain weather this was the cause, a symptom or a coincidence. The clincher was when i throttled my service back to only process one message at a time to see if the access, to the share was reaching some sort of limit, I noticed that failure rate went up to ~98%. This suggested that something else was processing the messages and failing, but also reporting those failures into my reporting system in a way only my application could.
I little further investigation revealed that the default application pool used to serve the default web site, was also executing my WCF web service but failing to access the files on the file server as the identity used to run the default application pool had no privileges the failures took less time the than the successful file processes therefor the slower i made my service go the more messages were failed by the default app pool.
The Cause
Whilst i was adjusting the throttling on my web app, i inadvertently set the throttling or the default web site that was the parent to the web application, i noticed this strait away and reset them back to the default value. What i hadn't realized at the time was that this had added a <system.servicemodel> tag to the web config of the default website. The outcome of which was that my default web site started to behave like a web application and for reasons i am yet to understand, it started to execute the functionality of its child web application, it may be related to the WAS activation, all i know is that i was most certainly not the desired behavior.
The Fix
I removed the <system.servicemodel> tag and its contents from the web.conf of the default website and removed net.msmq from its list of enabled protocols and everything is back to normal.

Is WAS activation over MSMQ a legend or what?

I'm working on my fourth or fifth implementation of a WCF service over MSQM with IIS/WAS activation. And I was never able to make it work properly. It's always the same story: my services are activated only if the IIS web site was interacted some other way (like servicing the service metadata page at /somewhere/myService.svc). Suddenly, if the only thing happening is sending messages into the queue, my services stop to process messages, and restart as soon as I visit the .svc page...
It's a so common pattern for me, that I also came to a common solution: scheduling a job (every few minutes) that runs a powershell script that access that page. Quite simple, but not very elegant. And, further more, unnecessary in theory.
This happened over different IIS versions (7.0 and 7.5), over various Win 2008 service packs and releases and with server in AD domains or workgroups. I think I've read every bits on the web about this, especially MSDN and microsofties blog, so binding configuration, MSMQ permissions, and all the other small details you can discover here and there are set up.
So the question: does anybody was successful with WAS over MSMQ?

WCF Web Service with a Singleton COBOL VM

I have a WCF Web Service that has no concurrency configuration in the web.config, so I believe it is running as the default as persession. In the service, it uses a COBOL Virtual Machine to execute code that pulls data from COBOL Vision files. Per the developer of the COBOL VM, it is a singleton.
When more than one person accesses the service at a time, I'll get periodic crashes of the web service. What I believe is happening is that as one process is executing another separate process comes in at about the same time. The first process ends and closes the VM down through normal closing procedures. The second process is still executing and attempting to read/write data, but the VM was shutdown and it crashes. In the constructor for the web service, an instance of the VM is created and when a series of methods complete, the service is cleaned up and the VM closed out.
I have been reading up on Singleton concurrency in WCF web services and thinking I might need to switch to this instead. This way I can open the COBOL VM and keep it alive forever and eliminate my code shutting down the VM in my methods. The only data I need to share between requests is the status of the COBOL VM.
My alternative I'm thinking of is creating a server process that manages opening the VM and keeping it alive and allowing the web service to make read/write requests through that process instead.
Does this sound like the right path? I'm basically looking for a way to keep the Virtual Machine alive in a WCF web service situation and just keep executing code against it. The COBOL VM system sends me back locking information on the read/writes which I can use to handle retries or waits against.
The web service is now marked as:
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single)]
From what I understand, this only allows a single thread to run through the web service at a time. Other requests are queued until the first completes. This was a quick fix that works in my situation because my web service doesn't require high concurrency. There are never more than a handful of requests coming in at a time.

IIS 7 Restarts Automatically

I have a WCF Service Deployed on IIS. (BasicHTTPBinding with [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)])
I have built custom in-memory session management and Now I am facing a strange problem that is IIS 7 Restarts Automatically without even throwing any kind of warning or error not even in EventLog. This problem leads to destroy the all available sessions.
I discovered this issue after logging the Application_Start and Application_End methods using log for net and also i put the break point in application_start and it paused there in between test execution.
This happens rarely but i need to know why it happens and if it is normal and acceptable or not. if not then what may be the possible reasons of this.
Mubashar Ahmad
Could it be the app pool being re-cycled? IIS 6 has this set on by default to 1740 minutes. As for IIS 7 I guess you would have the same kind of setting? I know in IIS 6 this "event" is not logged as 'n error.
IIS recycles worker processes either when it detects an "unhealthy" process, or after certain operator-configurable limits are reached.
Among the limits are:
memory threshold
after a configured number of requests
elapsed time
time of day
more info
The Session timeout (which is separate to the app pool recycling) is set to 90 minutes by default, this is set at the application level. This also means anything being held in Session will be blown away at that time. You can set it via the properties of the virtual directory/application in IIS6, and via SessionState->Open Feature in IIS7 (when you have the application selected).
Also note that session timeout can be set via the web.config of an ASP.Net application, should your web services be hosted in one of those.

Moving WCF service from IIS to a Windows service

We have an existing WCF service that makes use of wsDualHttpBinding to enable callbacks to the client. I am considering moving it to netTcpBinding for better performance, but I'm quite wary of moving away from the IIS-hosted service (a "comfort zone" we currently enjoy) into having our own Windows service to host it. I was hoping we could still host this on IIS 7 but Win2K8 won't be reality for us for some time.
What things should I watch out for when creating our own Windows service to host our WCF service? Things like lifetime management and request throttling are features that come free with IIS hosting so I'd also like to know how we can effectively host our service on our own without the convenience of having IIS do the hard work for us. Thanks! :)
So as you cannot host using WAS there are a couple of things to realise.
If the service crashes it doesn't restart by default (although you can change this in service properties)
IIS will recycle the application pool if it hangs or grows too big; you must do this yourself if you want the same sort of reliability.
You must create an account for the service to run under, or use one of the default services. Resit the temptation to run the service as SYSTEM or under an administrator account; if you want to use a built in account use NETWORK SERVICE.
It becomes harder to debug in situ.
Consider using a error logger such as log4net
Having said that I deployed a WCF/Windows service combination for a customer 9 months ago; it's heavily used and hasn't died once.
You can request throttle in a Windows service, it's part of the WCF configuration. Note the defaults are very low, it is likely you will have to increase these.
Hosting in a Windows Service Application (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms734781.aspx) is a good start.
If you can host your service on Vista, you can also benefit from Windows Process Activation Service (WAS). WAS is a generalization of the IIS process activation, which can be used to activate processes over non-HTTP endpoints (TCP, Named Pipe, MSMQ). To learn more about WCF hosted in WAS, read http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms733109.aspx. To learn how to install and configure WAS, read http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731053.aspx.