Xcode: NSCollectionViewItem does not have an outlet named imageView or textField - objective-c

I would like to link an imageView and a textField in my xib grafical user interface to the belonging Outlets from the NSCollectionViewItem (which is an element from the application kit). But while linking the bindings following message pops up:
"Xcode cannont find a Key Value Coding compliant property named #property (assign) IBOutlet NSImageView *imageView NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_7); in the class NSCollectionViewItem."
So, for me it is not possible to connect these objects. Therefore I don't get any Referencing Outlets for the Text Field or the Image View.
In an another xib the same bindings exist already. But they are marked with a white exclamation point and also show up a strange message: "NSCollectionViewItem does not have an outlet named imageView."
Does anyone knows how to solve the problem? Would be great.

I just tested this and can confirm, regardless of the NIB's deployment target. It seems like an Xcode bug.
I created a custom subclass of NSCollectionViewItem with no actual customizations. I set the class of the collection view item in the NIB to my custom subclass and the outlets were suddenly available. I then set the class back and they were still available. I connected one and built and got no warnings or errors.


Change a button's background image programmatically in cocoa

All of the topics that I have searched are outdated or not complete in Obj-c.
I need to learn how to change a button's background image programmatically, when having the actual button in the InterfaceBuilder. (This sounds odd, but I need it for NSCollectionView as I have many similar button with different background images).
In the interface builder I drag a button onto my view window, what should I do after?
I understand that:
I need to create a NSButton Class
Connect the button from the interface builder to the code
Set the image
I have been struggling with this.
So did you connect the button to an IBOutlet property? If so then all you need to do is use [button setImage:]
If you haven't already done so, make sure the object instance that you want to change the image from is in interface builder, I.e has been dropped in as one of those blue boxes. Then if you set the object's class and have an IBOutlet property in the header file you can just drag the button outlet in the outlets tab (looks like an arrow) to the actual button itself to link the two
Edit: So it appears you're having trouble with the actual connecting part of the button? Chances are your IB file looks a bit like this:
Look for the objects section in the left hand list. These are the actual objects in your code that you can connect your button to. You might see an app delegate object there, which is included in the default IB file generated when you first create a project. If you want to handle the image changing in your app delegate, then simply add this property to your AppDelegate.h file to create an outlet:
#property IBOutlet NSButton *button;
If you go back to interface builder and select the app delegate object, you can see the outlet that you just created under the outlet tab:
Drag the little circle thing to the button to connect it, that should be the easiest bit.
But I'm going to just presume that you want to call it from somewhere else other than your app delegate, and for that we'll need to do some more explaining. If the class you want to call it from is a subclass of NSView and is already in your interface builder, you can just add that line to your view's header file and it will appear under the view's outlet tab.
If you want to call this from another object that isn't a view or such, you'll need to do either two options:
Create the object instance in interface builder. This means that instead of creating in normally with alloc] init]; etc. you'll have to actually drag in an object into interface builder. This can change the structure of your object quite a bit as you'll no longer be able to create it at will, since it will automatically be instantiated whenever you load your .nib file. Also important to note is that your init function will not be called anymore and you'll need to use awakeFromNib instead. If you do choose to go down this route, just drag over an object:
Add your outlet property to the header file:
Set the object's class:
And connect the outlet:
If making objects XIB loaded just isn't your thing, you can always just connect the property outlet to your app delegate/view controller and access it from that instead. Hopefully this clears things up, if this was the problem you were having.
For iOS:
Don't need to create a NSButton subclass.
You only need to add button on Storyboard, set the IBOutlet property for your button (ctr+drag from your button to your view controller), and set the background image with:
[myButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageName"] forState:UIControlStateNormal]
For MacOS:
You can use
as describe on Apple Doc, and changes its size/position
(Sorry for my bad English)
ofcourse as Duukee Said,i think no need to create any NSButton Or UIButton Instances Manually When We have an object in Interface Builder,We can just use it's outlet as follows,
UIImage* Desired_Image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"yourimage.png"];
[My_Button setimage:Desired_Image forState:UIcontrolstateNormal];
HTH!Happy Coding :)

How to properly set up NSPopover with separate viewController

I have created an extremely simple test program. It has one button. Clicking the button brings up an NSPopover with a label. That label is on a separate xib file with its own NSViewController.
The Goal is to, when on the main screen, when I click the button, a popover will show the xib file of the viewcontroller. And the label of the xib file should have it's text set to "It works".
Well.. It works, but only on after the second loading of the popover. On the first click of the button, the label still has its old default value. But from the 2nd click and onwards, "It works". Does any one have an idea what can be causing this issue? Its only about 5 lines of code The code can be seen on this repository --> https://github.com/patchthecode/testtest
Call [mainScreenPopoverViewController view]; in - (void)windowDidLoad method. This will load your view into memory.
Before call [mainScreenPopoverViewController view]; (textfield address is 0x0)
You should not use strong property for all IBOutlet.
#property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet NSTextField *textField;
Take a look at Resource Programming Guide
From a practical perspective, in iOS and OS X outlets should be
defined as declared properties. Outlets should generally be weak,
except for those from File’s Owner to top-level objects in a nib file
(or, in iOS, a storyboard scene) which should be strong. Outlets that
you create should therefore typically be weak, because:
Outlets that you create to subviews of a view controller’s view or a
window controller’s window, for example, are arbitrary references
between objects that do not imply ownership.
The strong outlets are frequently specified by framework classes (for example,
UIViewController’s view outlet, or NSWindowController’s window

iOS: UIView directly implementing a Nib

Sorry if this has an obvious answer, I can't seem to find anything describing this situation. How can I set up a nib file which directly implements a custom UIView? In other words, the top-level view in the nib file becomes an instance of my custom UIView class? The closest I've been able to find so far is to create a custom UIView which loads the nib and sets it's top-level view to a UIView* property (and all it's subviews to the appropriate outlets by loading with owner:self). This works, but as I understand the top-level View does nothing except act as a container for all the other views - which is what my custom UIView is supposed to do. Any suggestions?
Edit: I got this in the end: the issue is my custom view class was set as the File's Owner class, when it should have been set as the top-level View's class. I didn't know it was possible to set outlets on elements in the IB as well as the Owner. Setting the Owner to the class of the ViewController that will hold it and the top-level view to my custom view has it all working.
If you create a project using the single view template, you will get an empty view. If you add a class that is a subclass of UIView, you can change the class of that view in IB to your class (in the identity inspector).
If I have understood your question correctly, then this should help -
In the IB, on the right-pane. select the "custom class" dropdown & fill in your custom UIView class. The image shows UITableViewCell instead of that put your custom UIView class name.
Correct me if I have not understood your question correctly.

Xcode: how to reset. No longer able to create outlet for newly added control in XIB

I have several XIBs following this pattern: a View Controller subclass containing a View subclass. I put my controls on that view.
Just now, I tried to add a new control to the view. I can do this, but I'm unable to connect the new control to an outlet. The assistant editor won't display the view subclass header either, though it will for a short while if I restart Xcode. Some other XIBs I have don't have the view controller object but instead have File's Owner set to a view controller subclass. They show the same problem.
Here is the Objects bar in IB:
"Matrix Editor View Controller" is a UIViewController subclass. This shows up fine in the Assistant Editor's "Counterparts" menu and I can drag from UIControls to it to create outlets & actions.
"Popup Cell View" is a UIView subclass. This is where the majority of my outlets and actions live. Previously this would show up in the Assistant Editor "Counterparts" menu and I could drag between it and my controls and the code quite happily. Now, whenever I add a new control in to this view, I can't drag from the Popup Cell View object to the new control, nor can I drag from the new control to the Assistant Editor window if it's showing the Popup Cell View header.
I recently had to upgrade to Lion (and hence Xcode 4.2.1 build 4D502); the last time I added controls to my XIBs was under Snow Leopard with the latest Xcode on that OS.
I believe that Xcode's caches or some internal state are out of whack. I have tried:
Restarting Xcode
A clean
Removing and re-adding the view subclass from the project
Deleting the DerivedData folder's contents from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode
And various combinations thereof. What else can I do to force Xcode to re-scan everything and allow me to connect up my controls to outlets?
Edit: I have noticed that I can create outlets in the View Controller for my new controls; I'm just not able to do this on the View subclass itself which is where I want them. I already have many on there. Could my new version of Xcode really be telling me that I'm not allowed to do this? Surely not. The Assistant Editor's Automatic mode changes every minute or so between two counterparts (the VC .h and .m) and four (the VC .h/.m and the View .h/.m).
Edit: I was able to connect an outlet, but only via this convoluted method:
Force the assistant editor to open my View subclass
Manually typing in an outlet for my new control
Dragging from the outlet in the assistant editor to the control itself
So something is very clearly broken. How can I fix it?
Very frustrating!
When I have this problem, it is usually due to a mismatch in the class type somewhere. Verify that the class name of the object in you xib matched the class name in the interface and the implemetation files.
I'm a newb - I recognize this is a kludge, but hope this helps somebody. Sounds kinda sorta like the problem described above.
Suddenly, xcode refused to "insert new action outlets" into my AppDelegate.m (using control+drag, from a newly added xib element, into the class #implementation). Also, Xcode does not display that little-dark-circle next to each IBAction method in the .m file, like it used to.
Xcode allows drag of the blue-line from the 'source xib element' -- but would not show the "Insert Outlet or Action" & blue-circle-line with destination-highlight at the 'target line of insertion', in the .m file.
However, I can insert new outlet into my AppDelegate.h, using that above-described blue-line drag-method. That file is adorned with the cute little-black-circles, properly.
The kludge-around I came to was this
add 'bogus #implementation code' to the AppDelegate.h, as per:
#if 1
#implementation AppDelegate
control+drag from the new xib element into/inside that #if 1 #implementation region in the .h
viola! xcode now displays the desired "Insert Action" & blue-circle-line target at the position for insertion. I can assign the method name and express whatever semantics I wish. Xcode source-editor shows a cute little-dark-circle to the left of the 'autogenerated' -(IBAction) line. For example, I added imanewxibobject as per:
#if 1
#implementation AppDelegate
- (IBAction)imanewxibobject:(id)sender {
printf("%s: hi there!\n",\_\_FUNCTION\_\_);
(1+2)=3. Copy & paste that -(IBAction)imanewxibobject:... function into my actual AppDelegate.m (where it really belongs).
(2+2)=4. Turn that #if 1 (in the AppDelegate.h) to #if 0
(3+2)=5. recompile. Kablammo, the new UI element is alive with semantics!
I tried all: cleaning the project, deleting the files from the project, etc.
I peered into that .xib file and found it contained lots of what appears to be cross-referenced identifier indices, kinda what you may expect to see, in a file of this sort.
So I still don't have those little-dark-circles beside my -(IBAction)s -- but at least the code compiles, and I see the correct method-label string, for the Xcode Utilities->"Show Connections Inspector", with respect to the new UI element.
Anybody know how I can restore those cute little-dark-circles beside my "-(IBAction)"s? I find them very cute, and wish to have them back. I don't see any "Display cute-little-dark-circles" menu options. Bummer. Maybe in the next Xcode?

Using a custom UITableViewController class in Storyboard

In my storyboard, I have created a new UITableViewController object for which I would like to specify some custom code. I created a new controller with the following header:
#interface CustomController : UITableViewController
When I select the UITableViewController in the Storyboard view and navigate to the Identity Inspector, I can see my CustomController in the Custom Class drop-down. However, when I select it, I hear an error sound, which is referred to as "Morse" in the system preferences.
When I deselect the UITableViewController and re-select it, it has cleared my CustomController selection and replaced it with UITableViewController. I do not understand why XCode does not accept this, as from my understanding, this is all that is required to add your own code to a UITableViewController. I am not sure if I have encountered an XCode bug or if I have configured my class incorrectly.
It is possible to use a UIViewController as a UITableViewController, but you have to do some work. If you "convert" a UIViewController to a UITableViewController, you'll need to implement the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDatasource protocols. You may also need to provide an outlet for a UITableView. You'll also need to handle keyboard events. Basically a bunch of effort for not much return.
Probably best in your case to start fresh with a new UIViewController class inheritted from UITableViewController.