How to replace a value of an integer in an NSMutableDictionary? - objective-c

I have a time sensitive section of my code which stores, retrieves, and replaces values in an NSMutableDictionary. The problem is that I need to store objects, not primitives, and objects need to be allocated on the heap. However, once there exists an object in the dictionary and I want to replace the value, instead of allocating another number, can't I simply replace the current heap literal, wherever it may be, with the new int?
Problem is, I have been storing NSNumbers and I cannot change the value of an NSNumber because they are immutable.
Currently, I use the #() wrapper operator to create an NSNumber, which I believe must be copied to the heap to be stored in the dictionary.
-(void)setInt: (int)value For: (NSString *)key {
[self.dictionary setValue:#(value) forKey:key];
I would imagine that replacing an object's primitive in C would be easy:
-(void)setInt: (int)value For: (NSString *)key {
SomeMutableIntClass * oldValue;
oldValue = (SomeMutableIntClass *) [self.dictionary objectForKey:key]; = value; // Direct copy like a pointer since int is primitive
I am wondering if I should just make an Integer class with one int property. Even if I went about making my own class would this actually be faster and require less allocing that my current code?

I use the #() wrapper operator to create an NSNumber, which I believe must be copied to the heap to be stored in the dictionary.
This is correct.
I would imagine that replacing an object's primitive in C would be easy:
That is correct too. Unfortunately, since NSNumber is immutable, you need to write your own SomeMutableIntClass.
Even if I went about making my own class would this actually be faster and require less allocing that my current code?
Adding mutability may help, but the answer depends on the values that you store in your mutable dictionary. If you keep storing the same numbers over and over, you may be getting cached instances of your wrappers, without additional allocations.
Note: your current program assumes that all keys will be present in the dictionary. If this is not true, you would need to add nil checking of oldValue to your setInt: method.


NSMutableDictionary and mutableCopy

I'm confused by the code, below. Before I added the mutableCopy line, it didn't work. After I added the line, it did.
Why isn't aDict mutable to begin with? I declared aDict as an NSMutableDictionary.
- (void) myRoutine: (NSMutableDictionary *) dictOfDicts
NSMutableDictionary * aDict = dictOfDicts[dictOfDictsKey];
int data = [aDict[aDictKey] intValue];
aDict = [aDict mutableCopy];
aDict[aDictKey] = #(++data);
The declaration of dictOfDicts says it's a pointer to a mutable dictionary. However, it does not use Objective-C generics syntax to say what the types of the keys or values are. So, the most we (and the compiler) can assume is that the keys are id<NSCopying> and the values are id, completely generic object pointers.
You then initialize your aDict variable with a value obtained from dictOfDicts. You've declared that aDict is also a pointer to a mutable dictionary. That's its "static type", but the real type of the object it points to is determined at runtime by whatever object is held in dictOfDicts under that key. It might be a mutable dictionary or it might be something else. It compiles just find because the compiler can't know what type of object that value is.
However, the real type (a.k.a. "dynamic type") of the object governs what operations succeed or fail/crash/whatever. In your case, it sounds like it's an immutable dictionary. So, when you attempt to mutate it, "it didn't work" (you don't specify what actually happened).
You make a mutable copy and you're allowed to mutate that. However, that's now a separate object that the one in dictOfDicts. So, you're not modifying what you think you are.
The solution is to put mutable dictionaries into dictOfDicts in the first place. Or, even better, put objects of a custom class of your own design into it, and operate on real properties.

Return a key : value pair from a method for use in NSDictionary

I understand I can return an NSDictionary by doing
- (NSDictionary *)keyWithValue {
return #{#"key" : #"value"};
but how can I return that without the enclosing #{} dictionary?
There is no tuples in Objective C unlike in Swift, Python etc. So the common way to return 2 different objects is to return an array or a dictionary.
You also can try something like:
- (NSString *)keyWithValue:(NSString**)value {
*value = #"value";
return #"key";
It should be used following way:
NSString *v;
NSString *k = [self keyWithValue:&v];
// now v contains #"value"
Objective-C, like C before it, doesn't allow the return of multiple values from a method. (Essentially, although a method or function can accept any number of arguments as input, it can only have a single return value.) There are historical and implementation reasons for this design but it can be frustrating when you simply have a pair/tuple to return.
If you have a method that has two distinct "results" that you need to return to the caller, you have a few choices. The very simplest in your case is to do something like what you are doing here and "wrapping" the values in a dictionary. You could similarly wrap them in a two-value array (which is a little less good since it relies on an implicit contract between caller and callee that there will be exactly two items in the array).
However, a clean and fairly standard approach here would be to create a small class with only two properties on it, and create, fill in, and return that instance with your pair of values. This arguably uses less runtime overhead than a collection object, and has the nice benefit of being semantically explicit and easy to understand for anyone else looking at it.
(There is yet another way, which involves passing pointers as arguments that are "outparams", but that's only idiomatic in rare circumstances in ObjC and I wouldn't recommend it here.)
There is no way to return a key value pair without a dictionary because that is the definition of the dictionary data structure. From apple docs:
The NSDictionary class declares the programmatic interface to objects that manage immutable associations of keys and values
You access the value with
[myDictionary objectForKey:#"myKey"];
If you want to use the returned key-value pair in another dictionary
NSMutableDictionary *otherDict = [NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[otherDict setObject:[myDictionary objectForKey:#"myKey"] forKey:#"myKey"];

Best allocation for NSString when alternating between constant and non constant strings

I would like some help better understanding the memory characteristics of Strings in Cocoa.
The app I am working with uses one view controller and n tool objects. The View controller lives for the life of the program but the tool objects are allocated and released.
Suppose I have a string toolName_ and in my implementation I configure the incoming tool object: if the object does not have a tool name, I want to set the toolName_ string to #"not set". If the tool has a name I want to set the string to the name of the tool.
I would like to know the proper way to store the incoming value into the toolName_ given that sometimes this will be an allocated object and sometimes this will be a constant string.
-(BOOL)setToolObject: ToolObject: obj{
ToolObject someObj = nil;
someObj = [[ToolObject alloc]initWithObject obj];
if(someObj != nil){
if(! [someObj.toolName isEqualToString: #""]){
self->toolName_ = Which method should I use given the above question?
The last instance may have been a constant string but may not have.
[self->toolName_ release] (can I send a release message to a constant
string without causing a problem?)
self->toolName = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:someObj.toolName];
self->tool name = [NSString stringWithString: someObj.toolName];
This method is self releasing but I don't own it and I'm still not sure
what happens to the constant string if it existed. I think I read it's
not recommended to use this on member vars.
self->toolName_ = #"not set";
return YES;
return NO;
Advice appreciated.
I highly suggest to (possibly) use ARC, and if you can't use it (or maybe you just want to understand how memory management works?), to don't send retain and release messages from outside the class. Instead you should do this in the accessors.
So you should create a retain or copy property (usually with immutable strings is preferable to use copy, because they may be assigned to mutable strings, so making invalid the assumption that you are working with an immutable - thus thread safe - property).
So in your case I suggest a setter like this one:
- (void) setToolName: (NSString*) toolName
if(_toolName== toolName)
[_toolName release];
_toolName= [toolName copy];
This way you're doing it fine, you shouldn't be concerned about what is the retain count of the setter argument. In case it is a string literal which has an unknown retain count, the object does not even respond to a release message, so it will stay alive for all the program (unlike it seems it is efficient because it avoids the overhead of creating an object at runtime). If you copy an immutable object (unless it something like a cached NSNumber, or a string literal), the code just does a simple assignment and the retain count gets increased.
So if you just follow the rule of "I retain (or copy) what I need to use, I release what I don't need to use anymore", you're doing it fine and you shouldn't worry about what happens in particular case like with string literals.

Objective-C for Dummies: How do I get a value out of NSDictionary?

so I'm having the most difficult of time pulling values out of an NSDictionary. Right now I just have a dictionary that is populated from a JSON call and it only contains a key named 'Success' with a value of 0 or 1.
How do I do a conditional on that value to check if its 0 or 1? I've tried a bunch of things, but I'm not getting anywhere. Here's my current code:
[[jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"Success"] isEqualToNumber:1]
I'm getting passing argument 1 of 'isEqualToNumber:' makes pointer from integer without a cast' as a warning, and the app crashes when it hits that line anyway.
And a subquestion, what's the difference between objectForKey and valueForKey? Which one should I use by default?
Anyway, this noob in Objective-C would truly appreciate some help on this. Thanks in advance!
Since dictionaries contain Objective-C objects, an entry containing a number is an NSNumber instance. NSNumber provides a convenience method, -intValue, for extracting its underlying int value:
if ([[jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"Success"] intValue] == 1) { … }
Note that NSNumber has other convenience methods for extracting its underlying value as other C data types.
In most cases, you should use -objectForKey: instead of -valueForKey:. The former is the canonical method to obtain an entry in the dictionary and is declared in NSDictionary. The latter is declared in NSObject and is used in Key-Value Coding contexts, where the key must be a valid KVC key, and there’s additional processing — for instance, if you’re using -valueForKey: in a dictionary with a key that starts with #, that character is stripped from the key and [super valueForKey:key] is called.
The number 1 is not an object pointer. Use an NSNumber instance instead if you want to use a number in an NSDictionary.
[[jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"Success"]
isEqualToNumber:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:1]]
[[jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"Success"] isEqualToNumber: [NSNumber numberWithInt:1]]
Number and Value Programming Topics: Using Numbers
NSNumber: What is the point ?
You can get the value of dictionary in different ways like checking
the value first.
Solution 1: Using simple if statement.
int value = 0;
if ([[jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"Success"]intValue]==1){
value = [[jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"Success"]intValue];
Solution 2: Using ternary operator
value = ([[jsonDictionary objectForKey:#"Success"]intValue]==1) ? 1:0;

Is NSDictionary's objectForKey look up reference or value based?

I have a NSMutableDictionary instance and the keys I'm using are NSNumber* type.
In the scenario I have, I'm trying to use 'objectForKey' to retrieve an object in my dictionary that I know is present. But I keep getting nil for the result unless I make convert the key from NSNumber to NSString.
NSNumber *itemId = [NSNumber numberWithInt:5];
id *existingItem = [forRemovalLookup objectForKey:itemId];
if (existingItem == nil)
// expected: shouldn't be nil
NSLog(#"!!!!!Not expecting this to be nil");
Is there another operation I should use to test for the presence of a specific key in a dictionary?
It would work, but only if [itemID hash] was equal to the key's hash, and if [itemID isEqual:] returned true when compared against the key in question. I think an NSNumber's hash is simply the number it holds, but the hash of a string would be completely different even if it was just a string representation of the same number. From memory, the hash of a string is calculated by multiplying each character value by the value of an accumulator times by a certain amount.
There might be something else I'm missing, but there was a discussion on the Cocoa mailing list about class behaviour inside collection objects and the general consensus was that if a class was to hold well in a collection it should correctly return decent values for -hash and -isEqual:.
I know this answer doesn't really help you in this situation, but it may shed some light on how dictionary collections work in Cocoa.